Lin Mo looked confused: "Wind iron meteorite, what is that?" He frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head. In Lin Mo's more than ten years of gaming experience, he has never heard of this material called wind iron meteorite.

Ta Ling said: "It's normal that the master has never heard of it. Because the wind iron meteorite is a specialty of this seat."

Lin Mo nodded and said, "From your tone, it seems that you are somewhat familiar with the outside world?" If you didn't know the outside world better, you wouldn't have said such a sentence.

Taling replied after a short silence: "I come from other planes, and I have been to many other places..."

"To make a long story short, what is the function of this item?" Lin Mo asked.

Ta Ling said: "It can make the equipment advanced, about as long as a piece of washbasin, can make the full set of equipment on your body advanced to the legendary level."

Lin Mo let out an "um" and didn't speak again, but his heart was also a little fiery. He sat down where he was, while Costa stood by. Lin Mo raised his head and looked at the clear sky in the distance, and then he chose to control a storm puppet to go to the extreme east to find the storm crystals needed to make the Storm General and the wind iron meteorites for upgrading equipment.

Under the control of Lin Mo, a storm puppet in full state came to Tiya. Lin Mo said, "I'm Chief Lin Mo, can you teleport me to the Far East?"

Tia reacted for a while and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Lord Chief. I haven't been to the Far East, so..." Her tone was a little embarrassed.

"So you can't perform fixed-point teleportation?" Lin Mo finished speaking for her.

Tia slightly opened her cherry mouth, then nodded. Then Tia said in a deliberate tone: "Well, I will leave a magic mark on this storm puppet. As long as the puppet reaches the extreme east, I can build a teleportation array there."

Lin Mo's eyes lit up, and he said, "That's it." Then Tiya nodded, and stretched out a jade-like finger to touch the storm puppet lightly.

Immediately afterwards, a small magic circle spun around her fingertips. The speed of the magic circle's movement was not fast, and it was slowly imprinted on the left shoulder of the storm puppet.

Lin Mo nodded and then manipulated the storm puppet to turn around and walk away. Tiya watched the storm puppet leave...

He switched his field of vision and returned to the deity, and the deity opened his eyes. I heard Ta Ling's words: "Master, I didn't tell you just now that there are very important strategic materials in the extreme south."

"What important supplies?" Lin Mo asked. He yawned and squinted his eyes. The tower spirit of the Tower of Storms said in a serious tone: "A main raw material for producing storm golems, it is called white-blue magic iron."

Lin Mo was stunned and said: "So it's like this..." He thought for a while and then said: "Then how much blue and white magic iron is needed to make a storm golem?"

"A piece the size of a thumb would be fine," Talling replied.

"Such a huge storm puppet can be made from such a small piece?" Lin Mo's tone revealed his surprise. Based on common sense, Lin Mo believes that at least one meal of iron ore is needed to make a Storm Golem...

Ta Ling said: "That's why this substance is called magic iron!" There was some emotion in its tone.

Lin Mo didn't care about Ta Ling's emotion, but asked calmly: "Is the white and blue magic iron also a specialty here?"

"That's not true." Ta Ling explained, "This kind of substance can only be produced on a plane that meets certain conditions, and even if many people get this kind of ore, they don't know how to use it..."

Lin Mo said: "I see, now there are enough puppet reserves in the City of Storms, so the exploration mission of the Extreme South Land can be temporarily slowed down."

"You mean, do you want to send the storm puppet to the extreme east now?" Taring asked.

"That's right, you can use this storm puppet to go to the extreme east." Lin Mo nodded with a smile. Then his eyes fell on the puppet floating in the distance, which was the unit controlled by Lin Mo before.

Ta Ling said: "Okay, I will follow your wishes!" Then the puppet was taken care of by Ta Ling.

Lin Mo said: "I'll take a rest here, and call me when this storm puppet reaches the extreme east... By the way, how long will it take for the puppet to reach the extreme east?" He turned his head and took a look Tower of Storms.

After a simple calculation, Taring replied: "It will take about three hours."

Lin Mo was silent for a moment and sighed: "Although it is said to be in the extreme east, the three-hour journey is too exaggerated. After all, this is just a small plane."

Ta Ling didn't speak, and manipulated the storm puppet to walk towards the city gate. The city gate, which was tightly closed, opened slowly with a "rumbling" sound, letting the puppet leave.

Lin Mo also watched the storm puppet leave, and then looked away. He glanced at the sky and said: "It's getting late, I'll go offline now."

But he was a little worried. Because in this game, once you go offline, the copy progress will be reset. Because of this rule, Lin Mo did not dare to withdraw immediately.

He said softly, "Catharina." After a while there was no response. He then called: "Catherina." Still nothing.

Lin Mo did not give up. After waiting for a longer time, Lin Mo's third call finally got a response from Katharina.

"What's the matter, little one?" Katharina's gentle voice sounded. Then Katharina waited quietly for Lin Mo's answer.

"It's like this, I have something to leave now." Lin Mo said respectfully, "I'm just afraid that when I come back, I will go to the outside world..."

Katharina said, "I thought it was something." She smiled and said, "Don't worry, you will still be here when you come back, but..."

Lin Mo asked, "But what?" His voice was a little nervous, for fear that Katharina would say something bad.

When Katharina heard his suddenly nervous tone, she couldn't help feeling a little funny. She said, "I won't tease you. Just call me Lord Demon King next time you call me."

Why do you feel a little arrogant in your tone of voice? Lin Mo said, "I see, Lord Demon King."

"Is there anything else?" Katharina said.

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