The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 539 Chapter 538 Pursuit

At the foot of Langwo Mountain, the Ming army and the Mongolian cavalry were fighting together.

This situation only fulfilled Ma Fang's wishes, but it couldn't make Lai Sun happy.

The number of Tatars is small, and the combat power of the Ming army is not weaker than that of the Tatars.

Losing the impact of the cavalry and fighting like infantry, Sun's previous strategy of fighting if he won and running if he couldn't was ineffective.

At this time, he felt very difficult.

The Ming army was so closely aligned that even when facing the charge of their elite cavalry, both sides would rather bump into each other than pull their horses to avoid it.

In a normal charge between cavalry, after the two sides start to clash, the weaker side will be impacted by the other side's dense formation and be separated to the left and right, and the formation will be directly penetrated.

It's actually rare to see each other fight with life-threatening tactics like this.

Sun was nervously thinking about this strategy, while Ma Fang, who was behind the scenes, was very satisfied with the current situation.

Three thousand people versus two thousand people, the two sides are in a melee. The advantage of the side with more people will only increase with time, as long as no Tatar reinforcements appear at the critical moment.

At this time, around the huge battlefield, the scouts of the Ming and Mongolian armies were also engaged in fierce battles.

The Ming army's sentries were worried that the Mongols would run away to report the news and bring in reinforcements. However, some of the Ming army's sentries wanted to rush back to the battlefield to help Pao Ze. Some of them were smart enough to know that, with just a few of them, going back would not help the cause, so just as the Ming army did The Chinese army was worried and they were going to the Chinese army for help.

Their battle situation is the standard cavalry tactics, either the two sides are hedging, going back and forth, or chasing each other back and forth.

The atmosphere of the war soon stimulated the remaining Ming troops.

Dong Yikui couldn't bear the loneliness and kept wandering in front of Ma Fang, hoping to attract the attention of the commander-in-chief and let him lead his troops to join the war to annihilate the Tatars as soon as possible and end the war here.

Feeling annoyed, Ma Fang waved his riding crop angrily and cursed: "Just stay there and don't affect the labor force."

Feeling that he had not made it clear, he immediately added: "Take your own troops, perhaps the Tatar reinforcements will arrive soon."

Before arriving here, Ma Fang had noticed the dense horse hoof prints and ruts on the road ahead, which made him call out that he was in danger and almost let the Tatars run away.

Behind the formation in the distance, he had seen and recognized the general Da Laisun surrounded by more than a hundred people.

But now that the Ming army had the upper hand, he was still unwilling to send out his reserve team to launch a general attack for the sake of stability. He was worried that reinforcements from surrounding Tatars would arrive after the troops were dispatched, and he would have no men to resist.

It can be said that Ma Fang would rather suffer a certain loss than make a wrong command in the overall situation.

At this time, the first messenger sent by Sun had already seen Huang Taiji and reported that they had encountered a large group of Ming army cavalry blocking the way.

"How many people are there in the Ming army?"

Huang Taiji looked at the panting messenger and asked directly.

"There were four or five thousand people."

replied the messenger.

"Badu'er, do you think we can defeat these Ming armies if we come to Sun?"

Huang Taiji knew that the number of soldiers under Sun's command was only 2,000. The opponent's force was at least twice as strong as his own. As long as the opponent's general was not stupid, it would cause them a lot of trouble.

"If the opponent's general is powerful, even if they win, I'm afraid it will be a miserable victory and the losses will not be small."

General Du'er is also considering this matter. There is too little information and he doesn't even know who is leading the troops on the other side. It is difficult to make a judgment on the combat power of the Ming army.

But if the opponent is a scumbag, he would not have the guts to come here and block the road, so whether it is Huang Taiji or Bao Duer, they should first consider raising the opponent a little higher.

"You go and gather two thousand people right away. We will go back to pick them up, and the rest will continue to Modaoyu with their things."

Huang Taiji didn't want to make mistakes at the last moment when he was done. He wanted to avoid any small losses.

"Yes, Taiji."

Gao Duer clasped his fists on his horse, then rode away, quickly gathering his troops.

Although the Mongolian cavalry was retreating, they were not nervous about being pursued by the Ming army. Instead, they retreated calmly. The speed was actually not very fast, in order to ensure that the horses had enough power to meet any threat.

After all, they were going deep into the Ming Dynasty's Gyeonggi region, so they needed to be extremely cautious.

When the army moves forward, not only is it not fast, but it also has to dismount and rest after running for a while.

At this moment, many Tatar horsemen were resting on the roadside to train their horses.

Walking all the way from Du'er, it was easy to gather a large number of cavalry, and then estimated that there were two thousand people. He immediately led the team to rush back, and together with Huang Taiji, who was waiting here, led the troops back along the original road to receive Sun Yat-sen's call. department.

Not far away, the messenger sent by Sun Ting appeared in front. By this time, Huang Taiji also knew the truth and falsehood of the other party.

The ones blocking the road were the Xuanfu cavalry led by Ma Fang, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu in the Ming Dynasty.

Knowing the news, Huang Taiji and Ba Du'er became nervous.

Opposite is an old enemy on the battlefield, and they have an absolute advantage in men and horses.

"Speed ​​up the march and bring reinforcements to Sun's army."

Of course, Huang Taiji would not run away in fear just because the opponent was Ma Fang, but decisively ordered to speed up.

At this time, the results of the melee between the Ming and Mongolian armies gradually became clear. The Mongolian army suffered significantly more losses than the Ming army. It gradually became unable to resist. Many people were injured and could only keep retreating.

When Sun was hit, he looked to the north, but he didn't wait until the reinforcements arrived.

In fact, at this tense moment, even he lost his normal judgment because of the battlefield atmosphere.

Only half an hour has passed, but from the feeling of Lai Sun, it seems that they have experienced more than an hour.

He did not believe that Huang Taiji would not lead his troops to come for reinforcements, especially when it was determined that his opponent was Ma Fang, the commander-in-chief of the Xuanfu.

But before the reinforcements from the north arrived, his team could no longer resist.

In desperation, Da Lai Sun had no choice but to choose the last strategy, which was to lead his troops to retreat to the north.

Although this would expose the grassland man's fragile back to the Ming army's arrows and sabers, he had no choice but to retreat.

As the retreating bugle sounded, the struggling Tatar cavalry reacted instantly and knew that they could not take advantage.

Although they didn’t know who the opponent was at the beginning, but now that the battle has been going on, Ma Fang’s banner with the character “horse” in the Xuan Mansion was fluttering in the wind in the distance. It was rare for them to see the opponent showing strong combat power, so they naturally thought He killed the cavalry of Xuanfu.

Looking at the rear team, Da Lai Sun had already begun to retreat northward under the protection of his personal guards. The defeated Mongolian soldiers behind him swung their swords several times, forced back the Ming army in front of them, reined in their horses and ran north.

If the Tatars want to escape, the Ming army will certainly not let them go easily.

When many captives turned around and wanted to run away, they were fatally attacked by the Ming army and fell off their horses one after another.

In fact, at this moment, the losses of the Mongolian cavalry quickly amplified.

However, in terms of the ability to control war horses, the Ming army was still unable to compete with the Tatar elite.

When the Ming army gathered together to start the pursuit, more than a thousand remaining Tatars had gathered together, and the stragglers had become the dead souls of the Ming army.

By this time, the Mongols seemed to suddenly have revived the skills inherited in their blood.

The Tatar cavalry in the back clung to the horse. From time to time, they got up, turned around and shot an arrow backwards. Then they clung to the horse and continued to flee north.

The Tatar cavalry in front also acted in the same way, but their arrows were shot towards the west, where Dong Yikui of the Ming Army was charging in formation.

When Da Lai Sun decisively blew the retreat horn, Ma Fang decisively ordered Dong Yikui to lead his troops to attack the Tatars from the side. At this time, the Ming Xuanfu cavalry led by him had already blocked Da Lai Sun's retreat path.

According to the direction and speed of both parties, they will eventually collide.

At this time, Sun's eyes were splitting when he hit him. He knew that the elite cavalry of the tribe he led was in danger. The current situation was that the elite cavalry of the Ming army were attacking from both front and rear, and it was impossible to escape.

He couldn't help but regret a little. When he found out that a Ming army group was coming from the west, he did not lead his troops to rush decisively and rush through the Ming army's interception. Instead, he arrogantly planned to eat this Ming army.

If he had been more cautious at the time, this situation would not have occurred.

Three groups of men and horses galloped on the plain, getting closer and closer.

At this time, Ma Fang was leading Dong Yikui's troops to intercept and kill the Tatar cavalry. As long as he got closer, he could use firearms and arrows to carry out a round of indiscriminate strikes. Even if the Tatars in front of him could not be completely annihilated, only a handful of them might survive. countable.

This is done.

He was still sighing in his heart when he suddenly saw the dust flying in the north in the distance, and it was obvious that a group of troops was approaching quickly.

On horseback, he naturally couldn't feel the shock when a large group of cavalry rushed towards him, but based on his experience, he could tell that there were at least a thousand cavalry coming.

If this continues, it will be detrimental to the Ming cavalry he leads.

At that time, if he is not good enough, he will be surrounded and killed by the fleeing Tatars and the rescuing Tatars.

Although he felt dissatisfied in his heart, he also knew that this was a battlefield and he couldn't afford to lose the big for the small.

It already has an advantage. The most important thing at this time is to maintain it instead of blindly giving up the advantage in hand.

He pulled the horse's head slightly, changed the path forward, and rushed to one side.

It seemed that he had given up intercepting the fleeing Sun army, but in fact, he quickly moved to one side, preparing to flank the enemy troops who were coming to rescue him.

The reinforcements led by Huang Taiji were coming from the opposite side. From a distance, they saw a Ming army on one side about to insert and intercept the fleeing Sun troops.

Although he didn't know who was leading the opponent's team, but faced with a double attack between himself and Sun's troops, Huang Taiji felt that there was still hope of defeating the opponent quickly.

However, before he could get happy, the Ming army on the opposite side, led by the general, ran out of a parabola and ran to one side.

Are you trying to surround your own team?

The general of the Ming army opposite had a really big appetite.

As the distance between the two sides approached, the situation of Sun's attack gradually entered Huang Taiji's eyes.

Sun's troops were defeated. Behind him, the Ming cavalry was chasing after him, but they could only keep firing arrows backward to delay the opponent's pursuit.

The Ming army that had intercepted them earlier had already moved to one side and rushed toward him again, obviously trying to wrap them up in it.

For a brief moment, the current situation did not allow Huang Taiji to make any major adjustments.

As the leader, he decisively pulled the reins of the horse and led the cavalry to draw a smaller arc in order to adjust the direction.

He didn't plan to rush straight over, but instead drew an arc to block the Ming army on one side, allowing Sun's troops to escape smoothly.

As for his part, he is naturally the last one.

The tactics used by the Mongol Empire back then have not been lost on the current troops. When facing powerful opponents, kite flying tactics are their most commonly used tactics.

They don't believe that there is anyone in the world who can surpass them in riding skills.

Just as he thought, the cavalry led by Ma Fang and the captive cavalry led by Huang Taiji gradually approached, and both sides began to carry out long-range attacks on each other. As the two teams of cavalry approached, the approaching cavalry also started hand-to-hand combat, waving their weapons at each other. attack.

The cavalry led by Huang Taiji chose just the right speed and direction. When the battle situation became clear, the Ming army's advantage had been reduced a lot.

In addition to still chasing the Ming army who attacked Sun's tribe, Ma Fang and Huang Taiji were fighting equally, and the two sides could not tell the difference for the time being.

However, at this time, the remnants of Sun's troops were called and had already rushed in front of the Tatars. Huang Taiji just wanted to cut off the rear for him, so he had no intention of entangled with the Ming army.

Fight and retreat at the same time, this is the Tatar idea.

However, failing to intercept Sun Bu's call was a major mistake in Ma Fang's opinion.

Unexpectedly, the Tatars arrived at such a coincidence. Just as they were about to complete the interception, reinforcements from the opposite side arrived.

Thinking of the rut marks I saw before, although the Ming army's horses were severely depleted after a big battle, the same could not be said for the Tatars.

The two sides are actually in a very evenly matched situation, and it depends on who can persist to the end.

Ma Fang was going to fight hard. As long as he could suppress the horsemen on the opposite side, catch up to the cart, and grab some property, the soldiers accompanying him on the expedition would be able to get a lot of money, as well as the fallen soldiers behind him whose lives were uncertain. 's subordinates.

The imperial court will give him money for burial and a little compensation, but the money is really not enough, let alone not knowing when the money will be distributed.

If you push through, crush the opposing Tatars, and grab some large vehicles, your subordinates' lives will be much easier, and your prestige in the team will be higher.

Ma Fang's strategy of continuing the pursuit now was undoubtedly very bold.

As the saying goes: Don't chase after a poor enemy.

But at this moment, he chose to go in the opposite direction and continue the pursuit.

The Ming army generals behind Ma Fang were a little confused as to what had happened to their former shrewd commander.

The heavy breathing of the horses under their crotches already showed that they did not have much strength left.

However, the horse-shaped flag was right in front, and they had to catch up and move forward with the flag.

After a chase, they soon rushed into the relatively gentle mountainous area. This was when they re-entered the Yanshan Mountains.

Not long after the pursuit, a series of large cars appeared in front of them, crossing the road.

The terrain was not steep at this time, and there were cavalry from both sides galloping on both sides of the road.

"Catch up, seize these big cars, and we'll fix them."

At this moment, Ma Fang saw victory in sight and finally shouted out his inner plan.

"Catch up and seize the cart."

The soldiers around him and Dong Yikui and other generals heard his words and knew what Ma Fang meant, and they immediately raised their arms and shouted.

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