The Prosperous Era of Longwan

Chapter 370 369 Big Hole

Liu Han and Yu Dayou studied the map on the side and soon had a general strategy. They returned to Li Wenjin and began to report to him the plan for the battle.

"Master Li can lead his personal entourage first and go directly to Fort Hu to summon the border troops to come for support. We will rush to Anyin Fort at noon tomorrow. Although this place has long been abandoned, I saw that the fort wall is still there when I came over. Relying on this fort, with more than 10,000 Tatars on the opposite side, we may not have no chance of winning."

Liu Handao.

Before Li Wenjin could speak, Yu Dayou also spoke: "The battlefield at Anyin Castle is mainly for safety. If the battle goes unfavorably, our army can retreat to the castle for defense and wait for your lord to lead the army for reinforcements. This does not mean that we cannot win."

Hearing this, Li Wenjin nodded, "Consider defeat before thinking about victory, that's how it should be."

He had already understood from Yu Dayou's explanation that it was not because they lacked confidence in defeating the Tatars by relying on the castle that had long been abandoned by the Ming army, but they were just deploying a back-up plan to prevent the entire army from collapsing after the defeat.

With a military fort behind them, even if the battle is unfavorable and the army breaks up, they will choose to flee into Anyin Fort instead of playing horse racing with the Tatars on the grassland.

Although he said this, Li Wenjin was very concerned and asked: "Our army has eight thousand people and the Tatars have more than ten thousand. What is the victory or defeat?"

If you ask this question, if everyone is in Datong Town, Liu Han will probably pat his chest and say Bao Ying to him, but this is outside the customs.

Liu Han just frowned but said nothing.

To be honest, this was the first time he had commanded the Ming army to fight the Tatars without the support of a city wall. His confidence was indeed lacking.

Liu Han said nothing and looked at Yu Dayou.

The previous study of tactics was actually to find the most advantageous battlefield. Of course, this must take into account the actual situation, that is, time and distance.

The most ideal battlefield is, of course, the battle with the Tatars in Shahu Fort, but time and distance do not allow for it.

Anyin Castle was the battlefield that he and Yu Dayou chose unanimously after looking at the map. Naturally, they were right.

It was Yu Dayou's idea to choose to have a field battle with Anyinbao and the Tatars behind him. If he won, he would continue to return to Datong, and if he lost, he would retreat to the military fort.

It seems that he has already given Yu Dayou the responsibility for important matters such as commanding on the battlefield. If the battle of Anyinbao is transferred to the defensive battle, then he will naturally take back the command authority.

He is an expert in defensive warfare.

"It's hard to say victory or defeat. We have to first see how the generals on the opposite side arrange their troops."

Yu Dayou naturally saw Liu Han's eyes at this time, and answered with understanding, "Water has no shape, and soldiers have no shape. Before meeting with the Tatar generals, everything is just talk on paper."

Yu Dayou said seriously: "However, judging from the last battle with the Tatars at Niuxinbao, I think the victory or defeat is 50-50. If I have to speak from my heart, the winning rate is slightly higher than 10%. Mr. Li You should know from me that Yu doesn’t lie.”

After Yu Dayou finished speaking, he looked at Li Wenjin. At this time, Li Wenjin's expression was as usual, but nothing could be seen.

In fact, Li Wenjin was still happy at this time. Who wanted to stay outside the Great Wall at this time? The place Liu Han and Yu Dayou arranged for him was just what he wanted.

After all, Li Wenjin is the governor of Datong and a civil servant. He should not be involved in such things as killing.

Now Yu Dayou bluntly said that the number of victory or defeat is 50 to 50. Well, the winning rate is slightly higher than 10%, but the result will not be known until after meeting with the Tatars, so naturally it is still slightly risky.

Since there is a bit of risk, he needs to rush back to kill Fort Hu immediately and summon the army from the forts on the right guard of Datong.

Anyway, Anyin Fort is only a day and a half away from killing Hu Fort, and the army has been gathered.

Even if Datong can no longer mobilize cavalry troops and relies on infantry to advance in formation, it is impossible to fight out the distance of more than a day and rescue the besieged Ming army.

"Okay, I'll take my personal guards back to kill Fort Hu first."

If he had agreed to it before, there was no guarantee that he would not be accused of running away from the battlefield in the future. Now that Liu Han and Yu Dayou had given them the opportunity, Li Wenjin did not show any pretense and agreed directly.

"I'll leave Biaoying to you, and those people are familiar with you."

Li Wenjin said to Yu Dayou that the thousand people led by Yu Dayou were his governor Biaoying and were considered his guards. Yu Dayou and other generals in Biaoying were no strangers, so it was naturally good to leave the troops to him.

Moreover, the unicycle chariot built by Yu Dayou before was now in contact with the Datong army. Liu Han was not willing to dedicate a team of troops to Yu Dayou, and only Li Wenjin would do such a thing.

In Li Wenjin's impression, Yu Dayou was really an honest man, honest and reliable. Since he said he had a chance to win and left his own camp, it was naturally equivalent to his own participation in the war and his contribution would be considerable.

Li Wenjin took pictures of his own soldiers and called his generals, telling them to obey Yu Dayou's command. He gave Yu Dayou Shangfang's sword, and then left the group under the protection of a group of personal soldiers, and rushed towards Kill Hu Fort.

After watching Li Wenjin leave, Yu Dayou looked back at Liu Han and said, "General Liu, we'd better rush to Anyinbao first to take a look at the terrain, so we can think about how to fight this battle next."

Liu Han nodded when he heard this, "Let's go there first. Then I'll call Ma Lu and the others over to explain."

If Yu Dayou and Liu Han also leave the team at this time, there is no guarantee that various rumors will not spread in the team, so they must say hello before leaving, let a few generals know the situation, and restrain their subordinates.

Although Liu Han passed by Anyin Castle when he came, he only took a glance at it from a distance and did not observe the terrain too carefully. Who would have thought that he would need to go to that place at this time to meet Anda's troops.

When Yu Dayou and Liu Han rushed to Anyinbao to observe the terrain and lock the battlefield, the lobby of the Ministry of War in the capital was crowded at this time. All the main officials from the minister, the minister to the yuanwailang, and the principal were gathered here, and they came here The reason was because of a military newspaper from Datong.

"Judging from the documents sent by Datong and Xuanfu, Liu Han led his men out of the fortress to attack Bansheng City this time. It seems that he did not report to the governor's office. It should have been done after the fact."

"Don't analyze the sequence now, look at the time. I'm afraid that the battle over Bansheng City has already been completed. Whether the battle is won or not, and whether the Xuan Mansion An'anshan Department has withdrawn its troops, this is the key."

"We just asked Yansui Ningxia to send troops to sweep the Hetao, and Datong went out without permission. Not only did they disobey Ge Jin's order to reinforce Xuanfu, but they also sent thousands of troops to attack Anbansheng City, which was more than 300 miles away. Who gave it to them? Right, I’m afraid this matter will need to be investigated strictly.”

"It's fine if we lose the battle and strictly investigate, but if we really win and capture Bansheng City, is this considered a credit or a fault?"

"The Wu Xuan Department went to investigate Liu Han? There is also the matter of Li Wenjin, the governor of Datong. Shouldn't the officials be relieved?"

"It seems that they only copied the official documents and sent them to the cabinet, and the officials didn't know about it at all."

"It's so messy, but there's no purpose. What kind of trouble are they in Datong?"

In the lobby of the Ministry of War, a group of officials from the Ministry of War were muttering to each other, asking for anything.

Yang Bo, Minister of the Ministry of War, just sat quietly in the lobby, but his ears were carefully listening to the conversations of the people below to understand the opinions of most of his subordinates on this matter.

Well, I invite them here just to see what they think about this.

I will definitely summon him back to Xiyuan and ask myself what I think of this?

How should he respond? The opinions of his subordinates are still very important. This is public opinion. What he is doing now is public opinion polling.

The two servants were sitting obediently on one side, seeming to be listening to the discussions of the people below, or seeming to be dozing off.

After listening for a long time, Yang Bo roughly estimated it, half to half.

It is not that those who support and oppose it are equally divided, but those who are opposed. Half of them think that Datong officials should be blamed, and the other half have no attitude, that is, they are neutral, and few supportive voices are heard.

Also, the imperial court has already made arrangements for this battle. The idea is actually similar to that of Datong, except that the plan is larger. Two towns of soldiers and horses are directly used to sweep the Hetao, instead of sending out a town of soldiers and horses to sneak attack Bansheng.

The most troublesome thing is the conclusion of merits and demerits. Is what Datong did right or wrong?

Yang Bo had a headache. It was said that both Li Wenjin, the governor of Datong, and Liu Han, the commander-in-chief, were his subordinates. However, when the whole thing was put together, Yang Bo still felt a little weird.

Li Wenjin was an expert in managing local government affairs, but he was a layman when it came to mobilizing troops for war.

In the previous Datong War, he basically left it to Liu Han to fight. He was the boss himself and was only responsible for providing logistical support.

Liu Han, as a general, is more than successful but not enterprising enough. He is a bit ambitious but timid. It is hard to imagine that such a person would plan such a big thing.

To say that this sneak attack on Bansheng City was Li Wenjin's idea, Yang Bo dared to vouch for it with his head, he couldn't think of it.

But it can be said that it was Liu Han's idea. Liu Han had the brains but not the courage.

After all, the whole thing is to kill first and then tell the story later. If you win the battle, it will be easy to say, and you will not be punished, but most of the credit will be offset, but once you lose the battle

What Yang Bo was thinking about at the moment was that he seemed to have misjudged those two old subordinates, and he couldn't figure out who came up with the plan to sneak attack on Bansheng City.

Forget it, let's wait for Xiyuan's call. The official document has been copied and sent to the cabinet. Presumably the two cabinet ministers should have rushed to Xiyuan by now.

At this time, at the gate of Yongshou Palace in Xiyuan, Yan Song and Xu Jie were standing quietly on one side, waiting for the emperor's summons.

It was almost noon when the Ministry of War suddenly sent an official document to Xu Jie. Although it was a bit strange, Xu Jie didn't take it seriously, but after reading it casually, he became distraught after just two glances.

He was fully involved in the imperial court's strategy for this battle against the Anda tribe, but the report sent by Datong Commander-in-Chief Liu Han from the Ministry of War was somewhat similar to the strategy Wei Guangde had thought of before.

But this matter is not trivial. Datong sent troops without permission. Whether they can win the battle or not, the most important thing is whether it will affect the court's combat deployment.

Attached to the official document was a note from Yang Bo. At this time, Yang Bo, the Minister of War, was worried about this matter.

The Datong Army's sneak attack on Bansheng City would be a good thing in normal times, but it might not be possible at this time.

Bansheng was attacked by the Ming army, and the result was that the Anda troops would move westward earlier. If they happened to confront the large armies sweeping the Hetao from Yansui and Ningxia towns, they would be unprepared. The Ming army in the second town will suffer a big loss.

It is naturally impossible to stop Yansui and Ningxia. The military order should have reached the army at this time, and it is impossible to say that all the troops have left the station.


Xu Jie felt like he had a real headache.

He quickly got up, took his things and went to find Yan Song.

Naturally, Yan Song was not easy to deal with such a major military matter. He could only say to Xu Jie: "Go to Xiyuan. Such a major matter is not something we can decide."

"Mr. Yan Ge, Mr. Xu Ge, the emperor wants you two to go in."

At this time, a chamberlain came out of the palace gate and conveyed Emperor Jiajing's will.

The two of them followed the chamberlain into the Yongshou Palace, and soon arrived in front of the palace gate.


The chamberlain stepped aside and made a gesture of invitation to them. Yan Song and Xu Jie stepped into the hall one after the other.

When I entered the main hall, I saw Emperor Jiajing sitting on it, probably looking through the Taoist classics in his hands.

The Four Books and Five Classics have long been thrown away by the current emperor. Now the only books that he can sit down and read are probably Taoist books.

"See Your Majesty."

Yan Song and Xu Jie stepped forward to salute. Emperor Jiajing put down the books in his hands, looked up at the two men and asked, "Come here at this time, what can I do?"

When he was reading a book earlier, a chamberlain came to report that Yan Song and Xu Jie were asking for a meeting. Emperor Jiajing knew that something big must have happened again.

The normal thing is just to send a note to the Supervisor of Ceremonies when handling the memorial. Only the very important ones will go directly to the palace.

At this time, what else can be considered a major event? The only major event that cannot be delayed seems to be the Xuanfu.

Could it be

Emperor Jiajing just nodded, indicating to bring people in, and he would read the last bit of the chapter in the classic.

Things have already happened, and there is no need to rush.

Qi Shen asked that over the years, I have not developed Taoist skills, but I have developed the Taoist detached mind.

"This is a document sent by the Ministry of War. Under the command of Liu Han, the Datong Army left the Great Wall ten days ago and attacked Bansheng City."

As Yan Song spoke, he handed over the document sent by the Ministry of War from his sleeve. Huang Jin also stepped up at this time, took the official document from his hand, and then handed it to Emperor Jiajing respectfully.

"Datong? Liu Han?"

Emperor Jiajing's eyes twitched when he heard Yan Song's words, and then he reached out to take the official document handed over by Huang Jin and quickly browsed it.

In the past, it would have been a great achievement for the Datong Army to dare to leave the Great Wall to sneak attack Anda's troops. However, the attention of the emperor and the court is now focused on Xuanfu. If there is anything worthy of attention, it is naturally the Second Town of Yansui Ningxia. The situation of military horses.

Emperor Jiajing read the official document and then the note attached by Yang Bo, and immediately frowned.

Emperor Jiajing carefully consulted Yang Bo about Wei Guangde's original plan.

It will take more than ten days for the soldiers and horses of the second town to sort out the Hetao, and this time is exactly the time when the news is delivered to the Xuan Mansion An Da Khan and the An Da troops move westward, so it can be guaranteed that the soldiers and horses of the second town can both eliminate the people on the grassland. The Mongolian tribes will not fight against the reinforcements of the Anta tribe.

But it’s different now. The actions of the Datong Army will definitely advance the time for Anta’s troops to move westward. If they intercept and defeat the Datong Army, and then receive news of the attack on Hetao, and continue to move westward, they will intercept Yansui Ningxia halfway. The soldiers and horses of the second town.


Seeing this, Emperor Jiajing couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

If the mobile men and horses of three towns are defeated at once, a big hole will appear on these nine sides.

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