It is true that Yang Rui didn't have an overnight revenge, and if he had a revenge, he usually reported it on the spot.

He had never met Achill Strachan, and he remembered him as a thin man with freckles, a knotted nose, obvious baldness, and a hairline slightly better than that of a Qing Dynasty man.

For him, being at this coaching party is all about having fun. Since Achill didn't know that he was the Knicks coach, he wanted to take this opportunity to surprise those who had laughed at Jerry.

Hanging up on Achill, he immediately called Ernie Grunfeld.

"Manager, I have a question. If I am interviewed by a reporter tomorrow, talk about the incident of racial discrimination, and show evidence, is that okay?"

"What?" Ernie was taken aback. "Do you have evidence?"

"A coach from the same period called me just now, saying that there will be a party tomorrow, and that Briton will definitely take this opportunity to humiliate me. This is not the first time. I am afraid that this will change from a sports interview to a social incident, which will have an impact It's too big, so I'll ask your opinion first." Yang Rui said lightly.

If the management does not support it, Yang Rui will give up this idea immediately. His main purpose is to increase his personal exposure.

He doesn't care about racism at all, Archer hates him, why doesn't he think this freckled guy is a scumbag? It's just that they didn't say it, the discrimination is mutual.

Ernie thought for a while, and replied seriously: "As long as you don't sue them and make things too complicated, I think it's fine. You have to focus on your work, not your personal grievances."

"I'm not the kind of person who doesn't understand the general situation, but they are too much. I want many people to see their ugly faces, and I urge everyone not to look at people with colored glasses. This will greatly increase my exposure rate, right?"

"Of course." Ernie is a master of hype, and he couldn't think of a more fascinating interview than this.

On the surface, it seems that Yang Rui is being discriminated against, but he is the one who actually benefits. If the news becomes popular, he will follow it.

Yang Rui has this goal in mind, instead of playing tricks and fighting people to death. To file a lawsuit, you need to hire a lawyer, and it is troublesome to appear in court. The litigation period is very long. Even if someone wants to help him with the lawsuit for free, he will refuse, and he will not be able to pay much.

Ernie didn't persuade Yang Rui to be patient and kept silent. They signed talents, not ninjas. After chatting for a while, he believed that Yang Rui was a smart person who would not mess around.

As long as the explanation is proper, the Chinese will not make a fuss. On the contrary, after watching the show and knowing that Jerry is a coach in the NBA, this is an improvement in the status of the Chinese, and the Chinese in New York may be happy.

Early the next morning, the people from the radio station called Yang Rui and communicated with him about the content of the interview.

Yang Rui's plan is to bring a pinhole camera and go to the party to film some conversations, which will then be edited by the TV station. After asking, the radio station really has this kind of equipment, and the technology is currently at the top level in the United States.

In the United States, the ability of super paparazzi to take sneak shots is not inferior to that of the FBI, and it is impossible to guard against them. The excellent paparazzi are closely related to the radio station, and some equipment is provided by the radio station.

In the afternoon, Yang Rui met with the female reporter Haili and had a simple interview in the commercial vehicle of the radio station. Yang Rui talked about his previous life and how difficult it was to become a coach.

"Have you ever felt discriminated against in this industry?" Hailey asked.

"Yes, before I joined the Knicks, I was discriminated against almost everywhere I went. Many teams drove me away without giving me an interview opportunity. People who graduated from five-star clubs at the same time as me also treated me. Cynical."


Yang Rui smiled wryly: "Of course it's true. Tonight, our coaches at the same time will have a party. If you don't believe me, you can follow me to the party."

The interview came to an end at this point, and the staff began to equip Yang Rui.

"Okay, the button camera is in place, and the image is very clear." Haili looked at the computer screen and said, "We can hear the voice inside,

But you can't hear us. "

"It's good." Yang Rui got out of the radio nanny car without any psychological burden, and strode towards the clubhouse across the street.

"Stop, today is a private party, you are not allowed to enter without an invitation." Two big white security guards stopped Yang Rui.

After Yang Rui thought about it for a while, he guessed that this was arranged. He should be the only Chinese attending the party. It is really easy to stop the target.

Yang Rui said calmly, "Achille Strachan called me here. He didn't say anything about the invitation. You can go in and ask personally."

He enunciated clearly, for fear that the audience would not hear his name.

"We don't ask, why don't you yell twice at the door to see if anyone knows you, and maybe take you in." A guard laughed.

Little did he know that Yang Rui deliberately distanced himself and asked the camera to take a close-up of him. Once the show aired, it would be strange if he wasn't fired.

"All right, I was driven away. When Achill asks, explain to him slowly." Yang Rui put down these words, turned around and left.

Just five steps away, a security guard ran up and stopped him. "Sorry, don't be angry, he went in to ask, as long as what you said is true, he will definitely let him in."

Yang Rui had no expression on his face. Since he came, he didn't want to simply leave. He wanted to see how cheap these people are, and whether they can still be coaches after being exposed.

His only worry is that he doesn't know how much the Los Angeles media has reported on his news. If someone at the party knows that he has become a Knicks assistant coach and can't let go, it will be boring.

It was not long before Achill came to meet him.

"Hey, little mouse, why didn't you bring an invitation?"

"Have I said it many times? I'm not called Little Mouse, and I don't even like this insulting title." Yang Rui said indifferently.

"Your name is Little Mouse, and you are still a weak person like a mouse. If I don't call you what is your name?" Achille did not hide his disdain, with his head held high. If he hadn't a hooked nose, his nostrils would be It went up to the sky.

Through the camera, Hai Li and her assistant Taylor, who were recording in the car not far away, saw this arrogant face, and they all wanted to go out and slap him twice.

There is a saying in the United States that the British wear a gentleman's coat, do dirty things, and have a robber's heart. Achill is a typical example.

Hai Li was a little excited again, and said with a smile, "This episode of our show is definitely going to be popular."

Taylor agrees. "I think exclusive interviews can be used not only on sports stations, but also on news stations, but I'm afraid it will arouse some people's emotions. Will there be any adverse effects?"

"Ask the boss at that time, I think he will let it air, because Jerry Young is not an ordinary person, he is an assistant coach of the Knicks, and he is a 23-year-old talented coach."

Dolan is a face-saving person, whoever targets Jerry now is equal to targeting the Knicks. The Knicks' assistant coach was looked down upon by a group of low-level new coaches. What can they do?

Tyler waited to see the play. "Anyone who wants to say racist words to Jerry today is dead."

Yang Rui pretended to be angry on the surface, but shouted in his heart - let the storm come more violently!


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