The wedding banquet held in Yanjing looked more lively than when it was held in his hometown. After all, many famous people came, especially some big stars. It was almost like walking on the red carpet in the movie industry. a lot.

But in terms of internal etiquette, they are not as grand and exquisite as those in my hometown. Yang Dongxu and Zhou Ya didn't even wear wedding dresses or dragon and phoenix jackets. Zhou Ya wore a noble and generous cheongsam, while Yang Dongxu took off his perennial casual clothes and put on a suit.

Then he stood on the stage and said a few words, toasted with Zhou Ya to all present, and the banquet began like this. During the period, Yang Dongxu and Zhou Ya also went to toast one by one, but they didn't toast one by one, but toasted one by one as a representative.

It's not that the two of them are too big to save face. Someone came to cheer on their wedding banquet, how could it be possible for the bride and groom to show face to the guests?

Most of the people in the acting this time were from the company, and even the stars came here to curry favor with them. So be polite when you should be polite, and keep your distance when you should keep your distance.

Except for a few people at the main table, the others are not even considered friends, and they are not qualified to let Yang Dongxu and Zhou Ya to toast one by one.

Therefore, the wedding banquet here in Yanjing seems to be more crowded and lively, but it is actually much more relaxed than in my hometown. Yang Dongxu didn't drink much at all. After the wedding banquet, Hua Zai and his brother were called, plus the senior management of the company under him. The group sang K until midnight before returning home.

Such etiquette can be considered thoughtful and no one can pick out the thorns. Those who come to the wedding banquet like they are rubbing the red carpet, it is really Yang Dongxu's favor to sit at the wedding banquet and have a meal. This is the reality of the real society. Although he is easy-going at ordinary times, he should pay attention to the occasion and be very careful.

Although the wedding banquet didn't drink much, a group of friends drank a lot during the K singing. Everyone is familiar with it, so they can relax and drink more happily. It doesn't feel like the wedding banquet is a bit of a formal announcement.

"What do you think about the investment in Anhui Province?" Cui Mama and the others were laughing from ear to ear while eating in the dining room in the morning. The atmosphere is a little thicker than outside.

"Then it depends on whether Uncle Wang has courage." Yang Dongxu said.

He said this not because he was a big fan, but because he had a plan when he said he wanted to invest in Anhui Province, and he had been thinking about it a long time ago. It's just that it is very difficult to implement, and it even goes against the current development environment where the economy is in command.

"What's your plan?" Zhou Ya peeled off the egg shell and put it on the plate in front of Yang Dongxu. She likes to see her husband's air cap who has an excellent vision and scolds Fang Qiu.

"Uncle Wang, if you listen to me, then put aside heavy industry, focus on light industry and the tertiary industry, focus on supporting agriculture to protect the environment, take agricultural tourism and the export of organic agricultural products, and then add the happy industry to lead the charge. If it is really done well, it will definitely be An economic development model that blinds everyone."

"This proposal is estimated to be opposed by many people." Zhou Ya said.

It is not wrong for a province with a large agricultural province to give up heavy industry and focus on agriculture and high-tech industries. But it is very troublesome to implement. The current officials are transferred every three to five years, so no one can ignore the brilliant performance of a heavy industry investment that directly boosts the whole body by several percentage points.

And the economic policy proposed by Yang Dongxu will be more promising as it goes forward. First, let’s stick to it for five years. Within five years, the mediocre political performance will not only put pressure on Wang Jianguo, but also all officials in the province. That's why Yang Dongxu said that you must have courage, not just Wang Jianguo's courage, but also his soldiers.

"You don't plan to do it like this, do you?" Zhou Ya obviously knew about Yang Dongxu.

Now that the guarantee was made in front of Wang Jianguo, it is obvious that the economic policy mentioned just now is just an outline, and the outline cannot be pushed all at once, so Yang Dongxu, who really wants to invest in his hometown, obviously has an easier entry point to implement.

"It's my wife who understands me." Yang Dongxu gave Zhou Ya a thumbs up, looking like the smartest and happy daughter-in-law of his own, receiving Zhou Ya's white eyes and a slight blush on his cheeks.

"We can start with education, hospitals and light industry, and advance steadily in agriculture," Yang Dongxu said.

Zhou Ya didn't speak and waited for the following.

"There is a saying that goes like this, no matter how poor you are, you can't afford poor education, and no matter how hard you are, you can't suffer children. Therefore, education is the foundation of a century-old plan, and the top three market consumer groups are women, children and the elderly.

When education captures children, it is equivalent to capturing a family. This is a proper labor force and talent training base. At this time, as long as hospitals and light industry factories keep up with each other, even the elderly can pack together.

There is nothing wrong with saying that the most important resource in the 21st century is talent. Which province or city can attract more talents in the future will have greater development potential. "

"Then you say that having Tsinghua University, Peking University, and even Chinese opera and other top-ranked Yanjing in the country is not invincible? Moreover, your method seems to be delayed for a long time, and you need to stick to it just like the previous general outline."

"No, no, this is different." Yang Dongxu shook his head: "Yanjing's status cannot be replaced by any city in China, and this is the only attribute.

But although education is said to be based on a century-old plan, it is based on the quality of the entire people. For pure schools, we don’t have to start with babies. For example, we can start with colleges and universities.

There is a University of Science and Technology in Anhui Province, which is the top school in the country. The biggest difficulty in education now is that what you learn is useful, and there is no high degree of education, but there is no conversion of finished products that match the degree. This is a failure of education.

And this failure will become more and more obvious as the national college students begin to expand. And what we have to do is to grasp the key point of the transformation of the finished product. "

"Then how to transform?" Zhou Ya asked.

"It's very simple, let students make money." Yang Dongxu said.

This method is indeed simple and crude, but it is absolutely effective, and the feeling is very direct. For example, Tunghsu Technology and the University of Science and Technology of China cooperate in software research and development.

Let the students in the school participate, so that they have more opportunities to practice the knowledge they learn. Even more directly, Tunghsu Technology released some small-cost software development and placed orders directly with students from universities of science and technology.

State the requirements for the software and let these students develop it themselves, and Tunghsu Technology will directly convert the finished products into profits. In this way, when I was a freshman, I learned about mutations and had a job. Even in my sophomore and junior years, I made my own products, earning tens of millions of dollars.

After graduating, there was a team that was polished out of the previous software, and the company was established directly. Not to mention making all students successful, as long as a few small companies with a capital of over one million can be established and operated within two or three years. Then this is a very good postcard.

In a word, Tunghsu Technology has given full support to science and technology, and truly implemented the matter of incubating bases for college students, rather than just a decoration. Then do some publicity for the successful case, and the reputation will rise in an instant.

Then, just like Peking University and Tsinghua University, once the reputation of the university is established, there will be a supporting high school for the injured, and then a supporting elementary school for the high school, so that the one-stop education chain can be directly settled. The development of one link after another. The first link promotes the second link and so on. In a short period of time, the first link has achieved good results, and the whole chain has developed together to achieve a qualitative leap in the long run.

Some people say that building a university industry is a hooligan, or even a liar. I haven't learned anything practical, just touch my upper lip to my lower lip, and then throw a graduation certificate and it's over.

But if the cultural industry is really created in the world, the material wealth that can be created will surprise everyone.

Later generations built an industrial chain around colleges and universities, and it was indeed a mess that made people complain. But the policy is good, but it was misrepresented by the monks below.

Colleges and universities are places where talents are gathered. As long as talents are trained in place and the economic environment keeps up with it, many college students are willing to stay in the place where they go to college to start a business.

Because for poor and white college students, if they change places, they can only go to work honestly. If they want to start a business, they need to start from scratch.

But staying in the city where you go to university is different. This city has its own teachers and seniors, and these are natural resources.

For example, if you only have 100,000 yuan in your pocket and want to start a business, opening a small restaurant with this little money in the face of the society has nothing to do with your major.

But if you rely on the school, apply for a certain amount of support from the school, and then go to the society, or even directly recruit some juniors from the school, a small company can easily be established.

You must know that the principals of colleges and universities also have official positions, and their network of relationships is richer than that of some leaders with real power. It is definitely more meaningful to use such resources to assist students to start their own businesses, and to feed back the school after the students start their own businesses. As long as a virtuous circle is formed, it is definitely more meaningful than introducing a heavy industry.

Why is Yale University in the United States so awesome? Academic excellence is just one of them. How many presidents, entrepreneurs, various congressmen and executives have come out of other schools? This is the real confidence of others.

Why do so many people donate to Yale every year? Doing charity just because of its fame? Or do you want to give back to the school after you have succeeded in starting your own business?

After donating, you can learn about the various resources available at Yale University. Those successful seniors and sisters, after you donated money, you know a junior like you, let’s understand the benefits contained in this stepping stone.

In short, it is not enough for a college to say that it is academically good, and it must come up with a good product. The success of graduate students is undoubtedly the best work, which is much more realistic and weighty than how many academic papers you have published and then reprinted by that magazine.

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