The Perfect Hidden Marriage

708, Unexpected Marriage 31 Have a long conversation and shorten the distance between hearts


She came back to her senses and walked over, stroking her hands gently. She didn't know how to express her feelings at the moment.

"Well, my aunt just told me: The Gao family's scandal happened..."


He nodded and raised his eyebrows:

"so what……"

This guy is a bit bad, how could you ask that?

"I...I just heard what you said...I didn't mean to eavesdrop...I just happened to hear it..."

She explained, her palms were sweating, but she saw him blow out a cloud of smoke, slightly curled the corners of his lips, and bit out three more words:

"Then what……"

When their eyes met, this man always seemed so enigmatic, but she seemed to be able to see through him at a glance.

Yes, she was actually very simple, so simple that she could hardly hide any thoughts in front of him.

Obviously, he had seen through that this was what she came for, but he still wanted to ask questions knowingly.


This guy is trying to force her inner thoughts out!


Thousands of words finally turned into the simplest word.

It's not fun to be seen naked.

However, during the low period of her life, because of his help, her life took on a different state. She should and must say thank you.


His eyebrows curved slightly, and his reaction was very dull.

Although this man sometimes seems very cool, more often than not, he behaves like a gentleman. Absolutely low-key when doing things.

For example, regarding the Gao Mei incident, he didn't say how to deal with them before. He only said: Don't worry about it, I will take care of it. In the meantime, he didn't mention how to do it. It's like forgetting, ignoring it. It wasn't until today, when the incident broke out, that she realized that when he did things, he either didn't take action, but once he did, he would hit someone with one hit, and he would hit someone's weak point.

Although he looks a bit cold, he is quite amiable when dealing with him, but when he goes toe-to-toe with someone, he is absolutely thorny.

How should I put it? This is a person with a somewhat complicated personality. It is a blessing to be friends, but a great misfortune to be enemies.

"No need to thank me. You are Xiaoyin's mother. You have suffered so much for Xiaoyin these years, but I don't know you exist. I feel sorry for you. But in the future, as long as you have me Now, I won’t allow anyone to bully you..."

I thought he didn't want to talk, but after waiting for a while, he said this calmly.

This sentence once again made Kuang Meiyun sure of one thing: the reason why she could escape this disaster was all because of her son. She was taking advantage of her son.

She smiled unconsciously.

This weird smile made Peng Boran a little puzzled:

"why are you laughing?"

That smile, the graceful eyebrows raised, gave off a strange beauty, which attracted him.

"I just suddenly thought of something."

"What's up?"

His interest was piqued.

"When I was pregnant with Xiaoyin, I once went to a temple to burn incense and go sightseeing, and at the instigation of my aunt, I did a divination..."

"Do you believe this kind of thing?"

He frowned.

"In China, many people believe it. I don't believe it, but only if I can't defeat my aunt..."

"How does it count?"

"The hexagram says: Misfortunes and blessings all come from one person. I didn't think so at the time, but now that I think about it carefully, it's quite intriguing. It seems that my son is really my lucky star... However, I still want to say thank you..."

She smiled softly again, and a soft light spread under her eyes.

Today she is wearing a white painted T-shirt with light-colored denim. It is a very ordinary daily dress. But because of her bright smile, she no longer has the serious face as before, and her whole person shows a trace of rare youth. breath. The simple facial features were also brightened and made more beautiful.

Peng Boran feels that a woman in her thirties can have such a pure and fresh face without makeup, which is quite attractive - at least much better-looking than those women who wear heavy makeup.

"If you really want to thank me, why don't you tell me about your son's childhood?"

Sometimes, Peng Boran feels that it is a pity that he did not participate in the first few years of his son's birth and did not watch him grow from a fluffy head into the handsome little guy he is now.

"Want to see photos?"

Kuang Meiyun asked gently:

"I collected photos of Xiaoyin from childhood to adulthood online."


"I'll get my notebook. You wait for me in the living room!"


He nodded, and the two of them filed in, one after the other.

Then, as he watched her go back to the room, he suddenly felt that their conversation had the flavor of an old couple.

Thinking of this, he smiled strangely: What happened to him?


Kuang Meiyun took out her notebook and when she came out, she saw the father and son talking.

I don’t know what the man said, which aroused his son’s exclamation.

She sat over and logged in, and the photos of Kuang Yin from childhood to adulthood were displayed at a glance.

"Oh, they are all my photos..."

When Kuang Yin saw it, he immediately jumped over and sat between them. He held his cute chin and looked at it with interest.

Kuang Meiyun smiled, hugged her son and explained to Peng Boran:

"This was taken when Xiaoyin was just born. His hair was thick and thick, and his face was round, unlike now. He was a bit oval-shaped. At that time, he was very hungry, crying when he was hungry, and couldn't wait for a moment until he was full. Just grin... Look at this, he is sleeping and after eating, his little mouth is so beautifully curved..."

"This is when he just started walking, he was holding on to the wall and wanted to run to me. But he was afraid of falling and was thinking about what to do to catch me. Later, he took two more steps and made sure to walk It was more dangerous to come over, so he crawled over. Look, when he crawled in front of me, he smiled happily, hugged my calf and refused to let go..."

"This was taken when Xiaoyin was one year old, how big his eyes were... When he was catching Zhou, he caught a tablet and a detective novel... He grabbed it in his hand and refused to let it go... Now that I think about it, it's really cool magical……"

"When he was two years old, he became very friendly with children. When he got along with other children, he took good care of them. He would never bully them on purpose..."

"This is the serious look on his face when he was reading. At that time, he had a strong interest in writing... his memory is particularly strong. After being taught three times, he basically memorized everything..."

"He was diagnosed with the disease when he was four years old. He was in and out of the hospital all the time. His short black hair fell out. He told me that it looked so ugly. He wanted to get better and let his hair grow back..."

"When he was five years old, he entered kindergarten for the first time. When he came back, he said: Mom, the children in kindergarten are a bit stupid and don't understand multiplication. Can I change the kindergarten? Playing every day is boring."

"When he was six years old and in the first grade, he was among the first batch of Young Pioneers. This is the photo I took of him on the first day he wore a red scarf and went to school..."

"This was taken when he won the award. The teacher at the school said: The child can actually skip a grade, but I didn't let him. I wanted him to complete the studies at all stages of his life according to the normal schooling process. There is no need for crash courses. What kind of What you do at each stage of life is normal life. I am just an ordinary person, and my son is also an ordinary person. This is how ordinary people should go through life..."

One by one, she pointed to the photos and told the memorable things her son had experienced over the years, with a gentle smile on her face, which was the glory of motherhood shining...

Peng Boran listened quietly. Next to him, his son held his chin, occasionally inserting a few words to add explanation, and his tone was quite excited.

"Dad, my biggest regret is that you have not been by my side these years. If you were here, my life would definitely be more interesting."

This is Kuang Yin’s conclusion after reading the photos.

Peng Boran listened and immediately touched his son's face: "Dad will never leave you in the future."

"Keep your word!"


"Pull the hook!"

"Pull the hook!"

Kuang Meiyun looked at the affectionate look of the father and son, and inexplicably felt an unspeakable happiness for her son - for a child, being cherished by his parents is the greatest wealth at the beginning of his life.

"Oops, I'm going to pee. I'm going to pee first. Dad, we'll fight for another 300 rounds later..."

Kuang Yin held her butt and ran to the toilet while throwing down the challenge.

"Waiting for you, who is afraid of whom!"

Peng Boran's eyebrows were raised, and he looked extremely happy.

"Lao Peng, thank you for loving Xiaoyin so much."

These words come from the heart.

She gave birth to the child privately, and she was really touched that he could show his father's love so warmly - after all, there are too many irresponsible fathers in the world. Therefore, the sense of responsibility in loving and caring for children that emerged from him made her look at him differently: He was really a good man.

"Except for him, I have no family in this world. If I don't love him, who else can I love and protect?"

Peng Boran smiled faintly:

"Actually, it's me who should thank you for raising your child so well. I'm very happy to have such a son..."

This sentence inexplicably made her heart warm: it was really a heart-felt happy thing for her son to be recognized.

"Since I brought him into this world, it is my responsibility to take care of him and raise him well during his childhood. The meaning of life is to create together. Xiaoyin has made my life more colorful. …”

She smiled slightly and spoke quite emotionally.

Peng Boran took a deep look and agreed with her words. The meaning of life is to participate in each other and enrich each other's lives.

Just talking quietly like this, the distance in our hearts is getting closer and closer, and the psychological defense is crumbling...

When my aunt came out of the room and saw them chatting happily, she smiled and quietly retreated.

It looks like the prospects are very good!

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