The Perfect Hidden Marriage

696. Unexpected marriage 19. Do you think you can settle those messes?

696, Unexpected Marriage 19, do you think you can settle those messes? "What living chess?"

She stared at him, wondering what he meant.

"I can give you a high-paying job and help you settle down in Gaomei. The condition is that you must take your son and aunt with me to Shanghai. In the following days, you must live in my sight, You can't come back until I release you. The time will be at least one year. If I say after one year that the time needs to be extended, then you must cooperate. The longest time will not exceed three years."

He slowly spoke out his request.

Kuang Meiyun was stunned when she heard this, and then asked after a while:


Peng Boran immediately retorted and asked:

"Do you still need to ask why? Or do you think that with your current ability, you can settle those messes?"

She opened her mouth, feeling very depressed, but she couldn't help but admit:


"Since you can't settle it, you can't guarantee that your son will not be affected next time. So, accepting my suggestion will be of no harm to you, right?"

This explanation made Kuang Meiyun understand one thing:

The ultimate goal of people doing this is for their sons.

This person cares about Xiaoyin very much now.

To put it bluntly, she was taking advantage of her son.

"I believe you have the ability to deal with Gao Mei, but I don't understand why you want to take me to Shanghai?"

In this matter, she felt that this person had ulterior motives.

"I remember that many years ago, you abused military resources and was plotted by others in order to find out the cause of your parents' death!"

When he said this, Peng Boran suddenly mentioned this matter and changed direction quickly.

Kuang Meiyun didn't want to be surprised at all that he knew this so clearly.

As he said: This is what he does. It is not particularly difficult to know a person's details.

Therefore, if you want him to get a certain yellow-haired girl in a second-tier city, although this girl has a certain background, it is really the easiest thing to do with him.

"so what?"

She asked back, thinking to herself: What on earth does he want to do?

The next moment, he made his intention clear:

"It's like this. Ji Beixun and I met not long ago, and we made an appointment to find out the person who is always playing tricks on us behind the scenes.

"After passing the Jin family incident, I think you also know a little bit about the ancient tomb, and I am convinced that your parents were most likely harmed by the person behind the scenes.

"Now there is a great opportunity in front of you: follow me to Shanghai, and listen to my instructions from now on. I will let you participate in this matter, so that you can fulfill your unfinished wish back then.

"Of course, you can also choose to refuse..."

Before he could finish his words, she couldn't wait to agree:

"Okay, I agree."

Without him, this matter is really beneficial and harmless to her. If she doesn't agree, she will really be in trouble with herself.

After all, it has been her long-cherished wish to find out who the enemy was who killed her parents.

It was only in these years that she was unable to do anything to raise Xiaoyin, so she shelved the matter.

Now that fate has pushed her to face this matter again, she has to regret missing this opportunity.

However, because of this incident, she had to get entangled with Peng Boran again, which felt a bit uncomfortable.

But the burning desire to find out the truth far outweighed that worry.

Therefore, she agreed without any hesitation.

"Okay, I'll have someone send you a work contract tomorrow. After you sign the contract, you have to bring Xiaoyin and your aunt with you... By the way, tomorrow, you'd better sort out your things. , move to my place first..."

Seeing that the matter was done, Peng Boran clapped his hands, stopped talking nonsense, stood up and planned to leave.

Kuang Meiyun was stunned:

"Living together? Why? Why do we want to live with you?"

Peng Boran turned to look at her, and he couldn't help but see that she didn't want to go, so he immediately explained his reasoning:

"One, just in case that woman comes to your door. If that woman really makes a scene in the community and gossips, you can imagine how bad the impact will be.

"Two, since you want to separate from Guan Yijun, then separate thoroughly and don't let him find you again.

"Because in the next few days, you can't think about marriage. You have to work for me wholeheartedly."

His two reasons were reasonable, but she was a little confused: why couldn't she consider marriage while working for him?

She just works for him, not selling herself.

However, she did not ask in detail.

Anyway, she never thought about getting married again.

After what happened with Guan Yijun, she suddenly became afraid of so-called love.

"But why do my aunt and Xiaoyin have to go with us?"

She finally asked emphatically.

This was what puzzled her the most and puzzled her the most.

Peng Boran suddenly glanced sideways, and his expression suddenly became a little impatient:

"Why do you have so many questions? This is my condition. If you can agree, then agree. If you can't agree, don't agree..."

"Okay, okay... I will definitely convince my aunt to go together..."

In order to participate in this case, she could endure anything she couldn't endure.

"Very good. Then I'll go back..."

Peng Boran picked up his mobile phone and wallet and went outside.

Kuang Meiyun sent him off.

When she closed the door, she felt strange in her heart. She had promised to stay away from such dangerous people, but why did she end up getting entangled with them again?


Things are indeed unpredictable.

When she turned around, she saw her aunt standing behind her, looking at her quietly with a worried look on her face:

"Yunyun, are you really going to investigate this matter again?"


My aunt has always been against her investigation.

She always felt that there was something evil about that incident, and it was all caused by the jade and the map. The few people in the family who knew about the jade and the map were all dead. Many years later, Meiyun also died because of investigating this incident. Accident.

"For my aunt's sake, can I not check it?"

Auntie begged softly, her tone full of worry.


Kuang Meiyun walked over and hugged her aunt. The breath of silence filled the air quietly. After a long time, she said:

"I'm sorry, aunt... I want to know the truth. Please help me and let me find out clearly...

“This is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"As you can see, if I didn't agree, the situation we are facing now would be very bad...

"I don't think the situation can get worse. Let's just take it one step at a time...the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it..."

Auntie said nothing more and could only sigh.

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