The Perfect Hidden Marriage

694, unexpected marriage 17, one wave of trouble after another

694, Unexpected Marriage 17, One Wave After Another On the third day of work, a female student named Cai Ya, in her twenties, with fair skin, was introduced and became a student of Kuang Meiyun.

This is a very sunny girl, her family is well off, she drives a million dollar luxury car, she is covered in famous brands, she has a very cheerful personality, she has learned some self-defense skills, so when she learns her new boxing, then He is quite methodical, and in short, he is very capable of learning.

Kuang Meiyun likes her very much.

On the morning of the sixth day of work, after class, all the students took a shower and came out one after another to wave and leave.

She waved back.

At the exit of the passage, Cai Ya caught up with her and asked her for advice with a smile:

"Coach Kuang, to be honest, I had another coach, but he doesn't teach me now. I was just thinking about what the result would be if I used what he taught me to fight against you? How about we compare notes, you Say yes?"

Kuang Meiyun smiled and did not refuse, but just made a condition:

"Okay, tomorrow, at the same time, we will have a competition together in the practice room. Then, you will show all your skills. I also really want to see how much you weigh."

The coach only has the responsibility of teaching in the classroom. As for confrontation, it is always a friendly fight between classmates. It is rare for coaches and students to confront each other. Unless students ask for it: verify what they have learned. This is the rule of this club.

"No, I have to go traveling in the next few days."

"Then choose a day."

Kuang Meiyun carried her bag and went out.

Behind him, Cai Ya laughed and shouted:

"It's better to choose another day than to hit it. Today is the day. Coach, I'm here."

Accompanied by a strong wind, Kuang Meiyun was startled and hurriedly defended herself, dodged away, and shouted:

"Cai Ya, this is against the rules."

"Hey, don't be so rigid, please. Let's finish the order."

This girl is very clingy.

As he spoke, the second punch came again.

Kuang Meiyun dodged again and accidentally scratched her skin on the corner of the wall, but she still endured it and shouted again seriously:

"Bibi, go back to the practice room..."

"No. I like to play something exciting."

The third punch was struck again, finally irritating her.

She squeezed her fist, then came forward and punched the opponent's fist, but found that the opponent's strength was too light and he didn't use his full strength at all.

She was startled and tried to stop her strength, but the opponent was already knocked away. He flew out right in front of her eyes, let out a scream, and hit his pretty face somewhere on the wall.

Other students in the same group rushed to help each other, and then someone exclaimed:

"It's not good, it's not good, Cai Ya is disfigured. His face was cut off by a rusty nail. It's full of blood... What should I do? What should I do?"

Kuang Meiyun was startled and hurriedly stepped forward to check. She was really injured. The bloody gash was so deep and reflected on the fair face, it was so hideous and terrifying.

The most terrifying thing was that when Cai Ya touched his hands, his hands were covered with blood, and he screamed:

"Kuang Meiyun, didn't you say you have to go to the practice room to compete? I was just joking. How could you hit me so hard and hurt me like this? I haven't even talked about my boyfriend yet, and you just My face was completely ruined, I’m done, I’m done…”

Why did he bite back and say that she had acted harshly?

Oh my God, it was clearly her who deliberately lured her into fighting with all her strength!

Besides, if she hadn't fought back just now, there would have been no way to avoid it.

"I want to complain, I want to complain..."

Before she could plead her case, the woman actually acted like a villain and yelled out in anger.

Things got so big that all the managers and other people were recruited.

The manager saw Cai Ya's face covered in blood and personally escorted her to the nearest hospital.

The diagnosis given by the doctor is: the facial wound is more than 12 centimeters long, and the scar on the facial line after the injury is expected to reach 10 centimeters. It can be identified as a level 10 disability and requires plastic surgery.

Because of this incident, the other party hired a lawyer to defend their rights.

The next day, the other party issued a compensation bill with a large amount. The two parties could not reach an agreement, and finally had a three-hour negotiation.

The final result is: the club not only has to compensate the female student for plastic surgery, mental damage, lost work, car fare, and refund of tuition fees; it also has to fire the coach, Kuang Meiyun...

The club quickly informed Kuang Meiyun of the outcome of the matter:

"We will pay all the expenses, but you can't stay here to work anymore."

She hurriedly explained: "I didn't use any force at all. She bumped into me on purpose. She was trying to trick me and the club. We can't be so submissive. This will encourage her arrogance."

"It's common for people to bump into each other on the street. How can someone in the club pay a huge sum of money to injure themselves like this? This is obviously caused by your improper use of force. Now that it has happened, you can't be there. Do you admit your mistake? Well, based on the fact that you have done something for the club before, the compensation will be borne by the club. You go..."

The general manager was very helpless and asked someone to pay her the wages for the past few days and let her go.

So, after barely working for a week, she was unemployed again, and she hadn't received her wages yet.

When she came out of the club with her belongings, her heart was as empty as the July sky that was filled with dark clouds and threatened to storm. It was stuffy, noisy, and dark, and she could hardly breathe.

She was very angry and wanted to find Cai Ya for comment. Why did he treat her like this?

She valued her martial arts talent so much, yet she was stabbing others in the back?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Finally, she got on the bus to the hospital.

Sitting in the car, she looked out the window at the world of people coming and going, and various thoughts passed through her mind. Finally, she thought that she had just lost her job, and suddenly felt: Although the world is big, there is no place for her to live and settle down. Where, think about it, has she failed too much?

On the wide road, there is a jungle of tall steel bars. On the road, there are vehicles whizzing by. Everyone is busy, running for houses, cars, money, and a better life. .

Many of these people have jobs that they rely on for a living, and there are also some people, like her, who work so hard but can't settle down and are constantly hitting walls.

Life is so unfair.

But she just couldn't change this injustice.

Alas, when will her life cease to be so arduous and hard, and she will be able to put down all her worries and enjoy herself...

Sometimes, she would feel that such a life is simply an endless wait.

It's just wishful thinking.

Soon, she arrived at the hospital and was about to enter the gate. A Porsche sports car stopped in front of her. A young and beautiful woman stuck her head out of the driver's window and gave her a cold smile. .

It was none other than Gao Mei, who showed her ambiguous photos at the banquet.

When she saw this person, she shivered coldly, and she felt an unpleasant feeling in her heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, this woman said this:

"Kuang Meiyun, I won't let you have a good life. Because of you, I lost my sister, so I will make you pay the due price for this little by little."

After listening, Kuang Meiyun's mind suddenly recalled the comforting words the proprietress had said to her on the phone just after she left the club:

"Xiao Kuang, have you offended anyone recently?

"That woman insisted on letting me drive you away, and threatened me. If I didn't do it, something would happen in the club every day.

“I feel that the other party has a good background.

"So, I'm really sorry, I really can't protect you.

"You know this, don't you? When you open your door for business, your biggest fear is that someone will come and ruin the place, and you will be wronged..."

Now it seems that someone is really having trouble with her.

This Gao Mei is the one behind this.

This time, I don’t even have to go to the hospital.

She breathed a sigh of relief, her head hurt.


"Auntie, I'm unemployed again."

That night, after dinner and coaxing the children to sleep, Kuang Meiyun walked into her aunt's room and told her everything that had happened today.

"That surnamed Gao, how can I put all this responsibility on you? This is too much."

After hearing this, my aunt screamed angrily.

Kuang Meiyun sighed helplessly, blew the tea in her hand, and watched the tea leaves unfold leisurely on the water. After a while, she said:

"If someone is rich and has the ability to cause trouble for me, what can I do?

"But I'm not sure what method she will come up with to deal with me next?

"Auntie, I just thought about it. After a few days, I want to look for another job.

“If I can find it, I’ll do it here; if I can’t find it, I’ll try to contact my former employer.

"If they don't need bodyguards anymore, I'll ask them to help find another similar job. It shouldn't be difficult, but if that happens, I may have to leave here..."

She didn't want to leave here. No matter how good the salary was, it was not pleasant to be without her children.

"Let's talk about this matter again! I don't believe that the Gao family is so powerful that they can cover the sky with one hand..."

My aunt also doesn't want her to be too far away from home, missing one person, and the house is too deserted to take care of each other. These days, life is always a bit uncomfortable. No matter how much money you earn from working outside, you are still away from home.

"How about talking to Xiaoguan? Let him take care of it?"

My aunt felt that this matter ultimately originated from Guan Yijun, so it might be feasible for him to come forward to resolve it.

But Kuang Meiyun shook her head and firmly expressed her objection:

"Don't bother him. My sister lost her life because of him. Telling him that he might not be of much use would only make him blame himself and worry more."

If he had been able to control that Gao Mei, the embarrassing scene at the banquet would not have happened - her intuition told her that Gao Mei was not a person willing to give up, and letting Guan Yijun go would only anger this troubled woman even more.

Another half month.

Kuang Meiyun looked for some jobs one after another, but she didn't get the job, or she was fired after only working for one day. There were various reasons. It felt like someone was deliberately dealing with her in secret. I don't know if it was hers. illusion.

On the sixteenth day, she finally found another job, working as a security guard in a luxury car club. The salary was moderate, so it was okay to deal with it temporarily. It's summer vacation, and she really doesn't want to be too far away from her son to work. She wants to work for a few days first and talk about future developments later.

On her fourth day at work, she was wearing a security guard's overalls and standing at the gate. A luxury car stopped at the gate. A handsome and rich man got out of the car. He threw the car keys away and said:

"Take good care of my baby."

By coincidence, the key fell into Kuang Meiyun's hands.

She is a security guard. This matter is not her responsibility. She is about to hand back the key.

At this time, the manager came out and ushered the God of Wealth in, while winking at her: "Go quickly. Xiao Wang is having diarrhea and won't be able to come back for a while..."

She had no choice but to take the key and get into the luxury car. She lamented how arrogant and luxurious the life of the rich was. She started the car and wanted to drive the car to the beauty salon for a full set of treatments. However, the brakes failed and the car crashed. To two luxury cars worth two to three million.


Two loud noises shook the earth and the earth.

When Kuang Meiyun got out of the car that was involved in the accident and saw the cars that had been smashed into pieces, she was completely confused.

Although she does not own a car, she has been driving for more than ten years, but she has never had such an accident.

"Hey, hey, what the hell happened to you?"

Several car owners gathered around with fire in their eyes, and the manager turned pale with fright and shouted:

"Something big happened, something is really going to happen this time..."

Kuang Meiyun was still quite calm and pointed out seriously: "There is something wrong with your car..."

But the car owner retorted angrily:

"The car was fine when I came to the club, so I asked you to help me drive over and wash it, but the car was damaged like this. You actually have the nerve to shirk responsibility and say it's my car's fault. My car is really going to be broken. If this is the case, I already told you that I was on the way when I came here..."

These words made her speechless.

But she really thought it was the car's problem.

Soon the mechanic came over and took a photo while shouting: "It's private:"

It would be too embarrassing for a luxury car club to have something like this happen.

What is the most troublesome thing?

It was the vehicle that caused the accident, but it actually escaped. The resulting repair costs naturally fell on the club.

There were three cars in total, and the repair costs for the front and back were at least two million and a half. How could the club lose so much money for no reason?

What was the final result of the negotiation?

The club will bear half of the repair costs, and the other half will be borne by Kuang Meiyun...

In the evening, when Kuang Meiyun left the club with a gloomy look, she was in a very bad mood.

At this time, the familiar Porsche appeared in front of her again, and a beautiful head poked out of it, and it was the haunting Gao Mei again, smiling so unpleasantly, with a face that looked like he was watching a good show:

"Kuang Meiyun, I said, you will not have a good life. The days when you can't live but can't die are about to begin for you...

"I've only been on the job for four days, and I've already owed such a huge debt. I wonder how you can pay it back... Haha, how interesting...

"Or, you can resume your old career... dress yourself up and use your own capital to make money. Maybe it will be easier..."

This woman, after laughing and scolding her for a while, walked away.

In July, the sky changes its face at any time, and the heavy rain falls without any warning.

Kuang Meiyun didn't have time and was soaked. She ran awkwardly in the rain, and finally hid in front of a bus stop, looking at the thick rain curtain. She clutched her bag tightly, feeling tears pouring down...

Obviously, Gao Mei was behind this accident.

Haha, they spent all their money playing with her!

She didn't understand. She had already made it clear enough. She and Guan Yijun broke up. Why was this guy still so entangled?

At the right time, a Land Rover slowly passed by. Everyone in the car saw her in a state of embarrassment, leaning there with her back straight and a look of forbearance on her face.

The person sitting on the left side of the back seat glanced lightly.

The person sitting on the right asked in a low voice: "Do you want to stop..."


Because the bus had stopped, she regained consciousness and stood up, walking stiffly to the bus.

Soon, the bus drove away, and the rain continued to fall, making the sound deafening.

"Where do we go now?"

Ask the people around you again.

The man glanced at his watch:

"We agreed that we would accompany Xiaoyin to have dinner together. Let's go. It's a good time to go over now."

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