The Perfect Hidden Marriage

690, unexpected marriage 13 surprise, humiliation in public

690, unexpected changes in marriage 13, humiliation in public

In the past few months, he and she often walked together on campus, and went to work and off work together amid the frequent glances of students.

In fact, she was quite awkward, walking so openly with a man, and he was such a dignified man, so she was quite afraid that there would be gossip.

But Guan Yijun said with a smile: "Just get used to it. In fact, you are my girlfriend, right? The school does not stipulate that male and female teachers cannot interact with each other."

Well, let her get used to it!

Kuang Meiyun is not a person who is good at dressing up, but Guan Yijun has good taste. He has taken her shopping a few times and the clothes he bought are not very expensive, but they can show her heroic side.

In terms of temperament: he is gentle and amiable, and she is heroic. People who have met them all say that they look good together.

One student said to Kuang Meiyun:

"Teacher Kuang, actually when you smile, you show your little tiger teeth, which is quite feminine... You just like to keep a straight face and are too serious. You really should smile more. Smiling will make you look more attractive." young……"

Guan Yijun also said to her:

"The students are right. When you are at home, you look best when you are facing your children. Your whole face is shining. But at school, in crowded places, your face always looks cold. People don’t dare to get close to you. If I hadn’t known your temper, I would have been intimidated.”

In fact, she was not born to be stern. It was her living environment that made her have to be on guard at all times: talk less, laugh less, observe more, and do more. Over time, that habit was formed like this, and she couldn't change it even if she wanted to.

Simply speaking, in the past few months, her living environment has gradually become normalized.

On campus, the sunny and youthful faces of students can give people positive energy, relax their mood, and let go of their heaviness. The whole person gradually becomes relaxed, and the faint smile is naturally in the corner of the eye, unknowingly. Lift up slightly.

In the spring season, she felt a faint taste of happiness.

This smell is filled with an intoxicating tranquility.


In mid-May, Kuang Meiyun took her son to Guan Yijun's house for a dinner. After the meal, Guan Yijun sent them back.

When the car arrived at the community, her aunt took Kuang Yin upstairs. Guan Yijun suggested going for a walk. As they walked, the man stretched out his hand and gently held her hand.

This was the first time that Guan Yijun held her hand after they had been dating for several months. The feeling of warmth was just like the person he was, and it was irresistible.

She was a little embarrassed.

It always feels weird to have such a big person being held by someone.

She has long passed the age of being coquettish and clingy.

However, he couldn't get rid of it!

Then don't dump it.

It feels like this man is very close to my own life. It would be nice for the two of them to hold hands like this for a lifetime.

When they parted, he hugged her.

At that time, she was completely stiff.

He was so happy that he smiled and said to her:

"Finally one step further..."

"Now I feel more and more like I'm in love."

Her daughter's heart, which had always been calm, jumped a few times because of his closeness.


At the end of May, Kuang Meiyun suddenly suffered from stomach pain. When she was confused by the pain, she heard someone calling her and asking if she was okay.

She opened her eyes and saw Guan Yijun beside her.

Later, he carried her to the hospital. After examination, the doctor concluded that she had acute appendicitis.

That day, it was Guan Yijun who signed in the family column.

Then, he was hospitalized for seven days.

In those days, this man was always there to greet her and take good care of her.

The nurse in the hospital said: "Such a considerate boyfriend is really rare."

She felt: She had really found a treasure.


June 15th is her birthday.

She never remembered this day.

This year is different, there is a man who helps her remember it firmly.

Guan Yijun specially booked a hotel box in advance.

In the evening, he, she, the two children, and the aunt had dinner together.

After the meal, he proposed to her very suddenly.

The aunt naturally agreed with both hands, and the two children also clapped their hands and made her agree.

She thought for a while and realized that it was quite exciting to spend a lifetime with such a man, so she agreed with a smile.

He was so happy that he hugged her tightly in public and kissed her gently on the lips.

At that moment, she felt that her life should be settled like this.

This is considered happy, isn't it?

Although she is married to a second-married man.

On the same day, she received a call from Peng Boran.

He said: He will be busy for a while and will return to China at the end of July at the latest. He wants to take his son to travel abroad. He deliberately greeted her in advance and hoped that she would agree.

She didn't object.


One day at the end of June, Kuang Meiyun came out of school and received a phone call:

"Do you want Guan Yijun to live or die? If you want him to live, come to the place I said immediately. Immediately."

It was a young woman's voice, so sultry that it made hairs stand on your back.

Standing at a busy bus stop, Kuang Meiyun's heart skipped a beat and she asked attentively:

"Who are you?"

"When you come, don't you know who I am? I will send you the address. If you don't come, don't regret it then."

After the woman said these words in a sinister tone, she hung up the phone.

It was late in the evening, and the scorching sun had already set, but the sky was still sweltering. Because of this phone call, Kuang Meiyun's heart became more and more agitated, and the sweat on her back came out like liquid.

Soon, a text message came in on the phone. It was the name of a hotel and a private room.

What does this woman mean?

Could it be that Guan Yijun is really over there?

However, speaking of it, she had indeed not seen him for a whole day today.

I called him this morning and he said he was outside. I called her in the afternoon, but he didn't answer. Then he called me back and said that she had just been in class and was rushing to go on a date. He couldn't make it in time to send her home in the evening. He asked her to take the bus back by herself and made an appointment to go together tomorrow. Go shopping, buy clothes for the kids - tomorrow is the weekend.

She felt a little uneasy, so she called Guan Yijun again, but the result was that her phone was turned off.

The feeling of uneasiness is getting stronger and stronger.

Obviously, these two things are related to each other.

She thought about it for a while. Guan Yijun was a man who didn't like to cause trouble. He rarely had any grudges with others and was kind to everyone he met. However, this did not mean that he had never had any problems with anyone. She is usually too busy with work, so her understanding of this man is still very shallow.

Just in case, she called her aunt, saying that she might have to go home late because she had something to do. After hanging up, she hailed a taxi on the side of the road and drove to the hotel.

When I got there, I paid more than a hundred dollars, which was really painful.

She has always been a diligent and thrifty person who usually takes the bus to and from get off work. When Guan Yijun wanted to see her off, she mostly refused to let him go. Except for a few times when she came back from dinner at his house, there was no bus. Normally, she spends money so frugally.

In their small family, my aunt retired early many years ago in order to take care of Xiaoyin. She stayed at home and took care of Xiaoyin while making a living by writing manuscripts for others. As for her, she worked many jobs, including martial arts coach and bodyguard. , physical education teacher, etc., in order to treat Xiaoyin's illness, he once held several jobs...

Over the years, she has learned to live in the most economical way:

Wear the simplest clothes, use the most common skin care products, buy the healthiest and greenest food, and use the most environmentally friendly travel tools...

So, usually, she rarely takes a taxi.

As for this kind of hotel, when I followed Xiao Jinghuan in the lead, it was quite common to go in and out.

After she arrived at the lobby, she asked for the direction of the box and walked over.

The name of that box is Qilin Hall.

When she got there, she knocked on the door, and someone opened the door for her. It was a waiter.

The hall was very lively, as if some kind of buffet banquet was being held. Everyone was dressed resplendently and richly, with fragrant clothes and shadows on the temples, and there were people drinking and laughing. Looking around, it was a scene of singing and dancing.

She looked around, and it was obvious that the scene played here was the epitome of upper class society, wasn't it?

Following Xiao Jinghuan, she had seen such scenes several times, but the place where they attended was on a higher level...

She was thinking about leaving when suddenly a sexy woman in fashionable clothes rushed over, grabbed her, and pulled her forward while she was still confused.

The next moment, a malicious woman's voice echoed over the entire banquet hall through the loudspeaker:

“Everyone, today, I am here to let everyone get to know a shameless woman.

"That's her, her name is Kuang Meiyun.

"According to reliable information, this woman was once a special soldier of a certain detachment of the national special forces. She was once very valued by her direct superior, but was later expelled from the military. Because of what, do you know?

"There are two reasons.

“First, she took advantage of her position to privately borrow state resources to pursue her own personal interests.

"Second, because of her indecent private life, she had sex with a married man outside and got pregnant.

"If she still knew what etiquette and shame were and beat that bastard, the world would be peaceful. But she wants to use the child in her belly to force people to divorce. It's a pity that people don't look down on her and won't dump her at all. she.

"She was lucky enough to resolutely give birth to that shameful illegitimate child.

“The result, of course, was tragic abandonment.

“I have to say that this is all the result of her own fault.

"Originally, this was someone else's private matter, and I had nothing to do with digging up dirt on someone else's family. However, what is unexpected is that many years later, this woman actually returned to her old ways and became a third party again.

"Everyone, come and recognize me. This is the woman who made my sister so heartbroken and finally passed away in a car accident... My sister was killed by her...

"If you take a closer look, you will find that this woman, who is not very elegant, not only asked Brother Guan San to get her a job as a role model in the university, but also encouraged Brother Guan San to break up with my eldest sister...

"You tell me, what qualifications does such a woman have to be a teacher, and what qualifications does she have to be the daughter-in-law of the Guan family?

"Grandma Guan, you really need to look carefully. Do you think such a woman is worthy of Third Brother Guan?

"I feel that such a dirty woman is not worthy even to carry Brother Guan San's shoes..."

Those insulting words were fired at Kuang Meiyun like a machine gun, sharp and fast. At the end of the sentence, a slap came down without any warning.

Kuang Meiyun was just confused for a moment and didn't understand her situation. This didn't mean that she was an economical person.

When he realized that he had been inexplicably humiliated by this woman, his face sank and he grabbed the woman's hand with his backhand. With a lift and a push, he was thrown away three or four meters away, and he shouted in a cold voice. :

"Hey, who are you? How have I offended you? You want to insult me ​​in public like this..."

Because this woman was yelling and screaming, everyone's eyes fell on her in unison, and the disdain shown by the pairs of colored eyes that glanced at her was really uncomfortable to watch.

"Who am I? I am Gao Mei, Kuang Meiyun, Gao Yan's sister. Today, I just want all the relatives and friends of the Guan family to see clearly your ugly face. You are a vicious and morally corrupt woman... Everyone, Please look at the big screen..."

The woman screamed again and raised her jade arms, but she saw ambiguous photos appearing on the big screen in the banquet hall.

Kuang Meiyun's face paled as she saw that all the pictures on the screen were of her and a middle-aged man having sex.

The guests who saw these photos were in an uproar.

"Gao Mei, what are you doing?"

At this moment, a sharp shout came from the crowd, and the voice sounded so familiar.

Kuang Meiyun saw it, it was Guan Yijun, dressed very formally, and walked out quickly. After seeing the photo, he was stunned for a moment, and then rushed forward to cut off the picture.

Gao Mei let out a low, mocking laugh:

"What are you doing? Of course you are kind-hearted, helping Brother Guan San to expose this woman's true face in Lushan...

"Brother Guan San, do you understand? The woman you fall in love with is so unsightly.

"I don't understand how such a dirty woman can compare to my sister. How can such a noble person like you be able to eat..."


When Guan Yijun came back, he slapped Gao Mei in anger, and he was extremely angry:

"Gao Mei, are you crazy? Are you crazy?"

The woman who was beaten did not show weakness at all:

"I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy. If it weren't for this woman, would you have broken up with my sister? Would my sister have died in a car accident?"

"Your sister and I have never dated..."

"You're lying, you're lying... My sister told me that you have been corresponding with each other, and you have been waiting for her to return from her studies..."

A man and a woman stood there and faced off, one as cold as ice and the other with an angry face.

Kuang Meiyun didn't want to listen to their arguments, nor did she want to make any excuses for her actions. She suppressed her anger, glanced hastily at the messy scene, turned around and left quickly.


It's really, really embarrassing.

She has never been so embarrassed since she was a child.

But she couldn't defend herself.

"Xiao Kuang..."

Guan Yijun chased her out impatiently. She got into the elevator in panic, and the door closed. He couldn't catch up, so he had to take another elevator and chase after her, completely ignoring the screams of someone behind him:

"Yi Juan, come back here..."

That was grandma calling.

But he couldn't care less, so he got in directly and pressed the down button.

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