The Perfect Hidden Marriage

622, unrequited love 162, I don’t know the other person, she is messy; mysteries all arise from the

"Uncle, are you okay?"

The little girl asked delicately and crisply.

Xiao Jinghuan saw the man wearing a long black down jacket, a crimson cashmere hat on his head, and a thick cashmere scarf around his neck. He was bending over and rubbing his sore thighs. , seemed to be hurt by being hit, and did not make a sound.

The tricycle owner fell to the ground and cursed: "Are you looking for death?"

The man in black down jacket still ignored him.

"Sir, thank you. If you hadn't blocked me like this, I would have been hit. Are you... okay... or I'll call a car and take you to the hospital..."

Xiao Jinghuan looked over to see what he looked like?

The man turned his head, wearing a big white mask on his face, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. There was a light color on the lenses. In other words, what do those eyes look like? You can't even see it.

What a strange person.

After looking at her for a few times, he turned around and limped away.


Why does this man have such a weird temper?

Is this because you want to be a good person and not leave your name behind?

Normally, she would have ignored him, but today, as if possessed by an evil spirit, she chased after him.

"Um, thank you for your kindness...I'll give you a roasted sweet potato..."

She ran up and handed over the warm roasted sweet potato in a paper bag.

I thought he would definitely not answer the call, but who would have thought, this man hesitated for a moment and actually answered the call.

"So you also like to eat roasted sweet potatoes..."

She smiled widely.

"Well...thank you..."

His voice was hoarse and dark, not like Shao Feng's clear and calm voice. He sounded like a man with some age. However, judging from his clothes, he shouldn't be particularly old. He was quite old. Younger.

She felt a little disappointed for no reason.

"You really don't need to go to the hospital?"

She asked for confirmation again.


He stood there as straight as a pine, looking very tall and thin...

"Oh, then I'll go take care of other people's business...Thank you..."

With a bright smile, she waved to him and went to buy sweet potatoes again.

The man stood there and watched quietly.

"Grandma, here are two more big ones."

"Girl, you are so small, can you eat two big people like you?"

"I'll eat one, and I'll give the other to my friends..."

Xiao Jinghuan paid the money and when she turned around to look, the man was gone.

She glanced at the two hot sweet potatoes in her hands, let out a long breath, and was about to leave when someone stopped her:

"Miss, you dropped something..."


She looked down and saw a sandalwood bracelet at her feet.

The beads are very small, each one is smooth and round, and they are pure black. There is a jade bead embedded in the string of black beads, with the word "Huan" carved on it. It is twice as big as the others, and the handwriting is very familiar. …

It's as if Shao Feng wrote it and then carved it himself...

Shao Feng...

Was that person just now Shao Feng?

When this idea flashed through her mind, she couldn't help but shudder, and then laughed at herself, a voice reminded herself:

Fool, Shao Feng is dead, and has been dead for several years, how can he still be alive?

But if he died, how to explain this bead?

Another voice asked.

Fool, you are not the only person in this world who has the word "Huan" in his name.

It must be like this, it must be like this, there is no such thing as resurrection from the dead in this world...

So hypothetically, what if there is?

Dear Xiao Jinghuan, you are Chang Ning’s wife now. If Shao Feng is still alive, what can you do?

Oh, damn it, this assumption is so insulting

Tang is in chaos.

She refused to think deeply, patted her face gently with her hand, walked into the teahouse, and went straight to the private room. In her mind, she tried very hard to put this accident behind her.

There is no such thing as this in the world.


"Lao Peng, I just bought sweet potatoes. I am so loyal that I bought one for you."

As soon as she entered the box, Xiao Jinghuan showed off her friendship nakedly.

Peng Boran crossed his chest and looked at her:

"Don't you like eating? Why do you still buy it every time you see me even though you don't like it? What's wrong with you? Is it obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

This ungratefulness made her stiff for a moment, and then she continued after a long while:

"How can I not like eating it? I just choke easily after eating it."

Pulling out a few napkins and spreading them on the table, she broke the yellow sweet potato into two pieces, and the air was suddenly filled with a strong smell.

"Every time you eat sweet potatoes, you will think of Shao Feng. A Xiao, after all, you are still thinking about him..."

These words hit the nail on the head.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Jinghuan glanced sideways and ate in small bites:

"No one can completely forget the people who have passed through their lives, but this is no different from my current life, okay..."

Peng Boran opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but finally closed his mouth.

"I have nothing to say..."

Xiao Jinghuan blew and said vaguely:

"Stop talking nonsense. Let's get to the point... Why did you ask me to come here?"

"I made some very interesting discoveries about Xue Xiaoyu's death."

He got the computer and loaded the files.


Xiao Jinghuan pulled out a wet wipe from her bag and wiped her hands and mouth, then leaned over to take a look.

"The Xue family has an antique map that was passed down from generation to generation. Before the accident, Xue Xiaoyu took the map from the family and died unexpectedly.

"I recently learned about this from her sister Bai Congcong. Her sister heard about it from her mother.

"So, Xue Xiaoyu's accident may have happened because of this antique map...

"This is a picture of that map...

"It looks very old...

"A Xiao...what's wrong with you? Have you discovered anything new?"

Peng Boran's eyes widened when he saw Xiao Jinghuan.

"This...this is something from the Western Han Dynasty..."

She snatched the notebook away, looked at it carefully, and her tone was extremely certain:

"Yes, it's from the Western Han Dynasty."

"How do you know? And you're so sure?"

Peng Boran stared:

"Have you ever seen a map like this?"

"It should be said that our family has three yuan..."

She had seen those maps before when she went to her brother's house. They were absolutely antiques. Unexpectedly, Xue Xiaoyu also had them. What did this mean?

"Actually, we have one at home too."

Peng Boran suddenly said this, making Xiao Jinghuan's eyes widen.

"Could it be that... your ancestors... were also..."

"The descendants of the eight great guards of Chu Chaoyang, the hidden rich man of the Western Han Dynasty..."


What's going on?

"Does your family also have such an inherited mission, the mission of guarding a map?"

Xiao Jinghuan blinked her eyes with wonder in her heart.

"Yes. There is one... and it is passed down from male to female. It is guarded for generations. No matter how poor you are, you cannot sell it. No matter how useless it is, you must keep it. Put it in a special box..."

When Peng Boran said this, his tone changed:

"That thing is now extremely valuable. Three years ago, I participated in an auction in the United States, and there was a similar map among it. It was sold by a man named Ye for eight figures. And it's not sure yet. Is it genuine or fake..."

Eight digits?

This news

Wow, it's really shocking.

"I heard that this map consists of 11 pieces in total. Now, our family has three pieces. You have one piece. You said one piece was taken away. If you say that the Xue family also has one piece, that means: there is another piece outside. The whereabouts of the five pieces are unknown. Lao Peng, do you know whose family the other five pieces belong to?"

Peng Boran shook his head: "I don't know. But I know someone has always wanted to get these maps?"

"Who is it?"

Xiao Jinghuan was extremely curious. This matter was getting more and more mysterious now.

"I don't know. I've been checking. But the other party's background is very, very powerful..."

"How do you know that the other person is very, very powerful?"

Xiao Jinghuan asked.

Peng Boran was silent for a moment: "Do you know why I took this path? It's not because I like this career, but because I want to find the truth."

"What truth?"

"The truth about my father's death."

This is the first time Xiao Jinghuan heard about this reason today - a digression - there is another update.

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