The Perfect Hidden Marriage

374. When one is prosperous, both are prosperous, and when one is harmed, both are harmed. Family fi

Su Jin took a careful look at the man named Yi Ye and saw that he was truly a person that no one could like.

Then, she stared at her man again: looking at her with one hand in her pocket, Xiao Jinghuan did not stop. She was squinting her eyes, shrinking her sharp eyes into needles, and the sun shone on them, sparkling as she watched. Extremely mysterious, I don’t know what I’m thinking about?

By chance, Jin Yuan came out, dressed in a festive cheongsam, covered with flowers, very charming.

Naturally, she heard her daughter's unkind scolding, her stretched eyebrows couldn't help but frown, her smiling lips tightened, and she stood still and scolded: "Huanhuan, why are you talking? No matter what, Yi Ye Uncle is the elder..."


Xiao Jinghuan's tone was extremely contemptuous, and her eyes showed such disdain:

"Do you still want me to respectfully call you Uncle Yi?

"Excuse me, does this man look like an uncle?

"A man who has been keeping famous women outside for more than ten or twenty years. To put it mildly, people would say that Mr. Yi Da is a romantic by nature and loves to lie drunk on peonies. To put it more bluntly, he is a debauched pervert. As long as he As long as he falls in love with any pretty woman, nothing will end well for her...

"In my eyes, how can it be appropriate to use the word 'uncle' to refer to the past...Using the four words 'gentle scum' to express it, I think, should be more in line with its essence... That is Mr. Yi Da's Nature."

Every word comes with a gun and a stick.

Xiao Jinghuan's mouth turned sarcastic, as vicious as Jin Hengyuan's.

"Xiao Jinghuan...have you been presumptuous enough?"

Jin Yuan drank sharply: Such an attitude is really rare.

"not enough!"

There was a thick layer of cold air on her pretty face. When Xiao Jinghuan's temper became fierce, it was really fierce. With a slender finger, she started shouting:

"This person, he played tricks on my good friend, and even came here last month to send money and humiliate people. Why should I respect such a person?"

Hearing this, Su Jin finally understood. It turned out that Xiao Jinghuan's gaffe was caused by old hatred and new hatred. Looking at Jin Hengyuan's situation, he seemed to know the inside story, so he allowed the girl to make trouble there. .

"Really? Is this really true?"

After hearing this, Yi Fan turned around and asked, "Are you really going to provoke classmate Huanhuan?"

Yi Ye's expression was deep, but he wasn't angry at all. He flicked dust on his sleeves. He didn't look at his brothers, but only stared at the rebellious little girl. His tone was lazy:

"Xiao Huan, you are a big girl now, right? You should understand that things between men and women are always consensual.

"What does it mean for me to play with her?

“If I chase her and she ignores me, will it work?

“I chased her and she responded to me, it was the most normal thing to have sex with.

"As for the question of whether to dump me or not, it's not like she doesn't know that I've been single for so many years. My love for philandering has always been there. I didn't hide this from her, right?

"If you can have fun, if you can't afford it, you should have self-awareness. Who should blame her if she doesn't have self-awareness?

"Who stipulates that men and women have to go to the auditorium when they have sex?

"If you say it more harshly, Xiao Huanhuan, you were actually playing, and you lost, and you almost lost your life while playing, didn't you?

"Please don't call your play love, my play is debauchery.

"I, Yi Ye, have never touched a married woman or broken up a couple in my life. Even if I have evil intentions, little girl, it's not your turn to discipline me!"

These words are really not like what an elder should say. In the end, he actually dug into someone's pain points.

Xiao Jinghuan's face suddenly turned pale with anger.

Su Jin couldn't help but sigh deeply as he listened.

This person is indeed difficult to deal with, because although his tone is harsh, he still understands the truth.

In this world, there are some people who are bright and shining on the outside and are known as gentlemen, but secretly they are villains; some people are villains on the surface, but they don’t hide that they are villains in their bones. Such people are better than those Hypocrites seem to be more open-minded.

At least, at this moment, Yi Ye didn't hide his true temperament at all.

Call him a scumbag, everything he says makes sense. In the relationship between men and women, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

Do you think he is not a scumbag? Would a serious man have sex with his junior classmates?

In short, this person is really complicated.

"Yi Ye, how can you compare with a junior?"

Next to him, Yi Fan saw Jin Yuan's expression change and immediately shouted.

Yi Ye smiled coldly and asked back:

"Yi Fan, you have been married to Jin Yuan for so many years. When did this little girl treat us as elders? In her eyes, she has always regarded us as enemies. No matter how nice you treat her, she will only treat you When she was the bad guy who stole her father's wife...she never gave Zhongtian a good look, and that was the best proof...

The man pierced the layer of paper with one word, and put his hands on his hips, as if he wanted to turn the whole thing upside down:

"As soon as I found out that that girl was this damn girl's classmate, I immediately broke up with her. What do you think of me? I'm not a married man. I can do whatever I want out there. , that is my freedom. As for her classmate, I stopped at the brink and gave her money instead of sleeping with her, so I ended it. Is this also called toying with her? Nonsense..."

This man is also full of dissatisfaction and injustice.

"Are you done? Have you yelled enough?"

Jin Hengyuan, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke up and shouted with a cold face, which made Yi Ye curl his lips and close his mouth:

"When we get to Jin's house, please, Mr. Yi Da, please don't bring me all the bad things you did outside as fun things to tell me. We can't control how you behave outside. Since you're here as a guest at Jin's house, please take some of it with you. As an elder. And you, Jing Huan, please control your emotions for me. Today is mom’s birthday. Do you have to make the whole family tense up before you can be happy... If you make a special trip If you come here to cause trouble for me, then don't come. What I want today is blessings, not resentment!"

After both parties drank like this, the matter calmed down.

Yi Fan took Yi Ye to the study on the second floor, while Xiao Jinghuan walked into the garden without saying anything. She must have been angry.

Jin Yuan saw her daughter's angry look and wanted to catch up and say something nice: Although this Yi Ye is not a very good character, he is still Yi Fan's brother... It is really not good for the elders and the younger ones to make such a fuss. There should always be some courtesy in the scene. The main thing is that Yi Ye is a master who is not easy to offend.

"Mom, please go in and sit down... Xiaosu and I will walk in the garden with my sister..."

Jin Hengyuan wanted to send his mother away because he knew that his mother and Huanhuan could never get along.

Jin Yuan looked at her son and finally returned to the house.

As for Jin Hengyuan, he glanced back, chased after her in a few steps, and drank this willful girl:


On the path, Xiao Jinghuan really stopped.

Jin Hengyuan walked around in front of her and looked at his sister who was groaning angrily. Instead of lecturing her, he just said a few meaningful words:

"Huanhuan, you are almost twenty-one. Don't be so impulsive when doing things in the future. Yi Ye is not a good person, I know. You'd better not mess with this kind of person. He doesn't have the same experience as you. That's because of his mother. For his own sake. When you really make him angry, he will be able to disown all his relatives. This man has lived for so many years, and no one can control him. If you can't avoid falling out, don't fall out. You are Girls are easy to suffer..."

"Brother...he is one..."

Xiao Jinghuan was anxious to explain something.

Jin Hengyuan waved his hand: "I'm not interested in hearing your reasons. Here, I just want to remind you that it's best to withdraw all the people you sent to investigate Yi Ye..."

"No, I won't withdraw,"

Xiao Jinghuan shouted stubbornly, not intending to explain:

"I will find out. I will definitely not withdraw, I will never withdraw..."

Say the next word, shake your head and leave.

The conversation between the brother and sister fell apart.

"Is there anything wrong with Yi Ye?"

Su Jin followed up slowly and asked softly, finding that the man's expression was serious.

"It's a huge problem."

Jin Hengyuan turned around, supported his wife, and adjusted her scarf:

"There is someone behind him. People like Huan Huancha will find out what happened. Then they will get into a lot of trouble.

"In this world, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. Others think that we are glorious on the surface, but in fact we are just a drop in the ocean. If we offend people who cannot be offended, the family will be affected.

"Huanhuan, because of the little thoughts in his heart, he is secretly having trouble with Yi Ye. It's okay if he doesn't find out anything. If he really wants to find out something that is life-threatening, that person will definitely do anything to protect himself. It can be done..."

Su Jin was a little confused when he heard this, and his eyes became misty.

Jin Hengyuan had to explain again:

"Let's put it this way! There is a saying that you should have heard: if you gain, you will both prosper, and if you lose, you will suffer.

"The people behind Yi Ye are opposed to the Xiao family, do you understand?

"Just like between countries, if you don't offend me and I won't offend you, it will be the result of co-prosperity. Make use of each other and make progress.

“One side is provocative and the other side refuses to let it go, so we have to fight.

"If you think about it carefully, who suffers when there is a war? The common people, right?

“When this happens between families, family interests will be seriously harmed.

"How should I put it? This is not just a simple Xiao family, but also all the in-laws related to the Xiao family, and all people with interests, may be affected...

"Every family has an intricate network of relationships. We are all standing in the same boat. If the boat capsizes, the person who falls into the water will not be the only one who stirred up trouble.

"Every family has its own interests and positions, and this really means a fight. No one can predict what the consequences will be... What we have to do is to try not to touch the family's interests with our personal behavior."

Su Jin opened his eyes and thought for a long time before saying, "It's so complicated."

"It's indeed a bit complicated. However, you don't have to think too much. Take good care of your baby and take good care of yourself. I will worry about those complicated things..."

Under the sun, he held her in his arms and stopped asking such complicated questions.


In the study room, Mr. Jin was playing chess with Jin Changning.

When Jin Hengyuan and Su Jin came in, Jin Changning immediately stepped aside as if he were receiving an amnesty:

"Brother Jin, come on! I really lost miserably on Grandpa's side."

The game is chess.

In the past six months, if she had time, Su Jin and Jin Hengyuan would also play, but she would lose every time.

Today, she discovered that Jin Hengyuan played very slowly when playing chess with her grandfather, probably because he had encountered an opponent.

Su Jin watched for a while, Xiao Xiao came over and asked her to go out to play, and she went with a smile.

"Wear the scarf when you go out, it's cold outside."

"I know, I know, play your chess well."

As if he was telling a child, Jin Hengyuan raised his head from the chessboard, watched the mother and daughter leave hand in hand, and then focused entirely on the chessboard. After a few steps, with full concentration, he defeated his grandfather's army with a smile.

Grandpa missed a move, picked up the chess piece and shouted: "Do it again. I don't believe I can't beat you."

"Okay. I'm waiting for grandpa to win..."

Jin Hengyuan responded happily, playing chess and drinking tea, enjoying a happy family life.

He thought Su Jin was just going out for a walk and would come back to eat after that, but what happened...

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