The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 393: The purpose of the masked girl?

I hurriedly glanced at the third woman's room, and saw nothing moving, so I felt relieved, let out a sigh of relief, and let out a dry cough.

About twenty minutes later, the masked girl slowly raised her head and said with a smile: "Ah, I was a little sleepy just now. I slept on your shoulder for a while, you wouldn't mind~"

"I don't mind, I don't mind at all." I chuckled twice, and said: "It's simply my honor to be able to rely on beautiful women."

"Really~" The masked girl raised her tone and suddenly asked, "Then why did you stiffen all over just now? Are you not used to it, don't like it, or... nervous?"

I was a little embarrassed to ask this question. I was really nervous for a while, but if I just answered nervously, it must be a shame.

So, I kept silent, and fooled the question with silence.

She laughed again, suddenly jumped off the wall, waved at me, and said, "I'm leaving."

I felt a little disappointed in my heart, and when I moved, I jumped down: "I will send you off."

"Yeah~" The masked girl's eyes suddenly became ambiguous, her eyes flowed like water waves, she paused, and said, "Can't you bear me leaving?"

"Cough cough" I coughed repeatedly, and said with a slight embarrassment: "No, it's just that it's late in the night. It's not safe for you to be a girl at night."

"Oh~" She chuckled and said: "It turns out to be like this~"

I was silent again.

Not far away, she suddenly said to me: "A few days ago, people in a guild were killed. Do you know about this?"

I was startled, and said, "Oh, oh, I heard it a little bit."

"I heard that all the members of the guild were killed by a single knife, and all the treasures in the guild were looted." She glanced at me inadvertently and said: "Guess, this is Who did it?"

"Ahem, what?" I touched my nose, and said, "Which hero might do it, you know, there are still many heroes who punish evil and promote good in Ai Rui City."

"Hey, I didn't say that they are evil people. How did you know that?" The masked girl said, putting her hand on my shoulder. This was an exciting move because of the current atmosphere. It's a bit awkward.

"I, I guessed, haha, haha."

"Behind that guild is the support of the young master." She blinked at me and said: "Now that this happens, the relationship between the young master and the second young master is even more similar. This is fun."

"What's so fun about this?" I curled my lips: "The prince fights, and it is us civilians who suffer."

"This is true." She nodded and said, "But this is also a very good opportunity."

"what chance?"

"An opportunity to support the successor you want to support."

"Oh?" I smiled: "Do you know which young master I want to support?"

The masked girl shook her head.

I don't know if she knows but refuses to say, or she doesn't know and doesn't want to say.

After walking for about a hundred meters with me, she motioned me not to give it away, and the street lights afterwards were quite sufficient, so there was no need to worry.

I waved at her and watched her leave.

Her speed was very fast, about a few flashes, and she disappeared into the night.

On the way back, I recalled what the sister said to me. Obviously, she already knew about my slaughter guild, but did she analyze the news or did someone reveal it?

Since she said that the eldest master believed it was done by the second master, there are only two possibilities: first, the eldest master knew that I did it, but he mistakenly thought that I was the second master’s person, so he was in the same situation as the second master. Second, the eldest master didn’t know that I did it, and the second master didn’t know that, and the daring to move the eldest master’s subordinates is generally only possible, so the eldest master determined that this was the second master’s work So the two are more in the same situation.

Both scenarios are possible, but in my opinion, the second scenario is more likely.

Since the young master knows that I did it, and if I am the second young master's subordinate, he will definitely send someone to test me, and until now, even a figure to test me has not appeared. The young master did not know who the culprit of the Slaughter Guild was.

If the eldest master doesn’t know that I did it, and the second master knows that I did it, in this case, the second master will definitely take action as appropriate, and if he knows that my strength is good, he will definitely find a way to win me over. He was willing to pull the pot, but from this period of time, he either did not know that I did it, or he felt that I did not need to pull it in.

Since he felt that there was no need to woo him, he would definitely find a way to throw the pot back to me, or try to get rid of me, and show his favor to the young master with this, but he did not do so either. In other words, The second young master actually didn't know that this matter was what I called.

It seems that the second situation has been established.

But if you think about it carefully, how did the masked girl know something that the eldest master and the second master don’t know?

If we rely solely on reasoning and judgment and women's intuition, I would never believe it.

From this point of view, the masked girl must have gathered a group of her own forces in secret, and observed the environment of Eri City.

If all this is for the second young master, it is still understandable, but it is obvious that she and the second young master are not of the same mind, is she a Rodney?

I frowned: it's not impossible. If she really is Rodney's person, then she and I will not be biased in their positions, and they will be able to sit down and discuss as equals.

But at the same time, an idea that made me a little scrupulous came out: if she is really Rodney's person, when did Rodney insert her into the second master?

From the perspective of this trust, it must have been a while...

In other words, Rodney looks stupid, but in fact, he is the one who has the most city.

Of course, this is just an assumption.

Similarly, the masked girl may not belong to Rodney, or even have nothing to do with Rodney, which is actually the most terrifying.

She is not a human race, but an elves. Eri City is a town mainly constructed by human races. Of course, since this is the capital city where I live, a certain percentage of foreigners live in it, and there are hundreds of small and large attached towns. , Foreigners are even negligible.

An elven tribe is willing to become the heir of a city lord. The most important thing is that she and the master on the surface are not one mind, and she has her own power distribution. What is she going to do?

Could it be that she intends to personally support a puppet regime, a puppet regime exclusively for their elves?

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