The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 383: Do you want to be an adventurer

Holding a pile of clothes, I took the lead back home, the outer courtyard gate, still firmly locked, touched my pocket: Damn, I forgot to bring the key again!

Fortunately, no old lady with an armband patrolled, so she continued to climb the wall and enter.

After I was admitted to the hospital, I entered the room and piled up the outer armor. I changed my clothes and took a shower in the bathroom.

Halfway through the wash, I heard a slight noise from the outer door, eh? Is it a thief?

With my eyes rolled, I gently crawled out of the bath, and then tiptoed to the door, through the crack of the door, I looked out: Oh, it was Lizi.

After sighing, I let go, and walked slowly back to the bath, enjoying the warm water bath again.

However, I have forgotten one thing, which is to say hello to Lizi and explain my current situation.


She broke in with a broom and a mop.

After we looked at each other for a few seconds, she let out a deafening scream, covered her eyes, bare feet, and snapped out.


I looked dumbfounded, and for a while, I reached out to wipe off the water droplets flowing through my eyelashes, and there were tens of thousands of grass and mud horses running by in my heart.

After washing in a hurry, he walked out of the bathroom and looked around: no one in the outer one in the inner courtyard...

Then, I came to the door of her room and listened. Sure enough, there was a series of whispers like broken thoughts in the room, which were inaudible, but I could perceive them. The frequency of these whispers was very high.

I stretched out my hand and wanted to knock on the door, but after thinking about it, I stopped, but in my heart, I was always urging me to knock on the door.

After hesitating, I knocked on the door.


With three soft sounds, the broken thoughts in the room disappeared. After a while, Lizi's timid voice came out: "Yes, who is it?"

"It's me" I said.

"Yes, it's Xiaoyi, brother Xiaoyi..."

The words became softer and lighter, until the end, the voice almost disappeared.

I knocked on the door again and said, "Open the door, I have something to tell you."

"Ah, you, wait a minute, me, I'm fast."

Then, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the room, and when the door was approaching, there was another muffled plop. It is estimated that she did not pay attention and one fell to the ground accidentally.

I sighed helplessly.

The door opened and Lizi walked out neatly, but her cheeks were already red into tomatoes.

Seeing me, she quickly lowered her head and said in an unsearchable voice: "Xiao, Brother Xiaoyi."

"What?" I scratched my head embarrassedly, and said, "I have to apologize to you. When I came back suddenly, I didn't say hello. It surprised you, huh, huh."

Lizi's head lowered lower, and it almost fell to her undeveloped breast.

After a long time, she whispered: "No, it's okay."

"Oh, by the way, there's another thing." I looked up at the clock. It was not a short time before the others came back, and said, "Do you have time? I want to talk to you for a while."

"Good, good" Lizi stammered.

"Then let's go to the courtyard to chat." As I said, I walked towards the kitchen: "You can wait for me there first."

After serving two glasses of watermelon juice, I walked into the courtyard, came to Lizi, sat down, handed one of them, and said, "Is you thirsty?"

Lizi nodded, took the watermelon juice, took a small sip, and then continued to lower her head, as if she was confessing her guilt.

"Uh..." I was a little speechless by her nervous emotions. After a while, I said, "Well, don't you be too formal. We are all a family. If you are formal, I will get nervous too. , You know, I'm a shy man."

Lizi always listened to me dumbly, until the last sentence, she chuckled and laughed.

This laugh was much better, and the awkward atmosphere instantly disappeared.

I saw that she finally raised her head and looked at me, smiled slightly, and said, "Liz, I ask you, did you have any experience of being a thief because of helplessness for your brother?"

As soon as I said this, I wanted to scold myself as an asshole. It was so unclear that I wanted to break the good atmosphere instantly!

Sure enough, after Lizi listened to my words, her small face instantly turned pale, her lips kept shaking, and her whole body seemed to have lost her strength.

"Hey, what? Don't be afraid. I don't mean anything else, just ask casually." I hurriedly explained, "Actually, I look at your back and look like the thief who stole my money..."

After the bird, the more I talk, the more I can’t go on the road, I can’t wait to slap myself.

Seeing Lizi's face getting paler, I sighed helplessly, and said, "Don't be nervous, I actually want to thank that thief. Without her, I wouldn't have met my fiancee, and there would be no such thing. A series of happy lives, now, you should understand what I mean, right?"

Until then, Lizi finally nodded, her small face was not as pale as before, but her hands and feet were still trembling slightly.

"Well, I just want to know if you are the thief." I smiled and continued: "If you are, I must thank you very much. If not, it doesn't matter. Don't worry, I won't take you Didn’t I have already said about those who were driven out, you are already my family, and I will not be driven out, do you understand?”

Lizi was relieved, nodded, and said timidly: "I, I have stolen bread before..."

"Bread?" I thought about it, and then said: "Then have you stolen money?"

She shook her head: "No, no."

Phew, it doesn't seem to be her.

I stretched out my hand and touched Lizi’s little head. I smiled and said, “Okay, then it’s okay. You can rest. You don’t need to clean up so clean every day. Sometimes there is a bit of fallen leaves and grass. Sentiment."

Lizi nodded seemingly.

"By the way, where is Taylor?" I asked.

"Master, grandpa, he and the others, one, went to the dungeon together."

"That's interesting." I chuckled, and said in my heart: "I just went back too early, and I didn't really look at who was in the team. It must be the old man who was too inconspicuous, so he just hid in the crowd."

I hope he doesn't make any mistakes, you know, the monsters in the dungeon don't know how to respect the old and love the young.

As I was thinking, I suddenly asked Lizi: "Lizi, don't you feel lonely at home every day?"

She shook her head: "No, don't think, every, every day, there are so many things to clean."

"Oh, that's it" I nodded and said again: "Then do you miss Lily?"

She was taken aback and nodded.

"Well, that's it." I thought, "Tell me, do you want to be an adventurer, an adventurer like us, so that you can always be with Lily."

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