This voice, full of air and domineering leaks, really stunned me, forced it for a while, and then slowed down: "You, where did you learn these words?"

Kagali pouted nonchalantly, "I learned from you."

"Me?" I pointed to myself, looking blankly: "When did I say this?"

"It's in Dasai City, you and me..."

Before Kagali could finish speaking, I coughed violently, and buried the last half of her words.

Everyone in the room looked at me with that kind of ambiguous and playful eyes, and Billy even gave out a weird smile.

"What's the matter?" Barbara's voice followed: "Anything fun?"

"Xiaoyi is back~" Phoenix walked dazedly, drifting all the way to my side, and then, pattering, two huge soft **** lay on my back, making me feel dark and cool.

"Hehe, hehe," I couldn't help making a wretched voice.

Kagali stepped forward mercilessly, picked up the phoenix from my back, and hummed: "Since you are so sleepy, sister, I will reluctantly and personally send you back to the room to rest! "

Phoenix held my clothes tightly with a pair of small hands, and his facial expression remained in a daze and confusion.

She deserves to be called a **** girl by Kagali, so powerful, it almost burst Kagali several streets.

As long as she doesn't let go, Kagali has absolutely no ability to tear her off my back.

Fortunately, my clothes are made of exquisite cowhide, and the quality is too good. Otherwise, under this pull, they will not be pulled into garlands, and they must be seen lightly.

I wanted to speak to stop it, but when I saw Phoenix's sweet and confused expression and Kagali's slightly jealous wrinkled nose, I suddenly didn't want to stop it.

Let them make a fuss, as long as they don't add any more people to mix up.

Just thinking of this, a delicate figure rushed over, and then there was a scream: "I'll help you, Cowgirl, I can't let the giant milk monster succeed!"

While she was talking, she stretched her finger and tapped acupuncture points under Phoenix's ribs, close to the location of the creaking nest, which is really a pair of deadly acupuncture points.

Before a few clicks, Phoenix had to let go of his hands and let out a milky smile.

Standing on the sidelines and watching the battle, Lily saw Kagali and Barbara pulling Phoenix's arm and the other squeaking the Phoenix's nest. At that time, she was unhappy, jumping over like a little squirrel, and said suddenly: "You are crowded, so you are not allowed to bully Sister Phoenix!"

Seeing that Lily had also joined the melee, Rocky was immediately stunned. He stomped and gritted his teeth and rushed in. His purpose was to rescue Lily, but if he wanted to rescue Lily, he had to. Open the hand of Kagali who is holding Lily's head, but if you want to open her hand, you must first let Lily release her mouth.

In a hurry, he also thought of a similar trick, which is to squeak Lily's creak.

As a result, this scene was seen by Xiao Zhi on the side. How could it be possible that it watched Rocky'bullying' Lily when it had been acquainted with Lily. At that time, it opened a pair of big ao and rushed towards Rocky, while rushing, There was a creaking threatening sound.

Xiao Zhi patronized and charged, without looking at the surroundings. Like a small armored car, Godot, who was watching the excitement while gnawing at the apple, also rammed into chaos.

So, Godot, the apple-eaters who didn't know the truth, lay down their guns.

At the same time Godot was smashed into the chaos, I saw Billy's face twitching, with a bitter smile in my heart: "This guy is finally bent."

The bend, Billy still maintains his previous hot personality. Seeing that his good friend has been knocked into chaos, he wants to get something else there, so he jumps straight and rushes towards Xiao Zhi, wanting to hang it in front of the big Ao Godot was rescued.

However, at the moment he jumped forward, he kicked over the cup that Zac put aside. The cup was filled with slow juice, and the thick juice clattered to a photo of the villain. Face.

The photo belongs to the proprietress, and the owner of the photo is Jackson.

Jackson usually regarded this photo as a treasure, and he couldn't bear to lick it. He had to check again and again when he was asleep before he could fall asleep safely. It was just in this chaotic morning that a few large drops of juice were smeared with the treasured photo. The place where the juice is contaminated is precisely the bold smiling face of the proprietress.

"I'm fighting with you!" Jackson, like a tiger, rushed towards Billy.

What if you think this farce is over?

You are so wrong!

Jackson threw towards Billy, forgetting to look at the greasy juice under his feet, so one accidentally fell heavily to the ground, where he fell exactly in a small pit that had not yet been treated. , Was thrown by his heavy body, and in an instant, the dirty water flew all over the sky.

There were some dirty water in it, like popping marbles, splashing into the Macky cup who was holding a glass of watermelon juice.

Seeing her beloved watermelon juice tarnished, her pretty face instantly sank, yelled, turned and entered the house, took the magic wand, and pointed to Jackson as a magic missile.

This magic missile was specially improved by her, specifically to teach her own people in the guild who don't know good or bad, hitting the body will never cause harm, but it will be painful.

Soon, a scream like a pig came out of Jackson's mouth, and it was still the kind of life and death.

I covered my face, completely helpless.

This is simply a "blood case" caused by acting like a baby!

In order to show my majesty as the guild leader and no longer be retaliated by an unknown guy, I immediately picked up my strength and yelled, "Stop it!"

This voice was like a lion roar, everyone was really startled, but it was just a start, and then they started to make noise again.

I just lie down in a big trough, this is not my guild leader at all!

It's tolerable or unbearable, and aunty will not bear it!

As soon as my eye circles turned, I thought about it, and I was sure that this was definitely the most perfect way to stop the fight. I couldn't help but slap my forehead severely and cursed inwardly: "How did I think about it, oops, Damn."

Immediately, I waved the clothes bag in my hand and snarled, "Stop it for me! I bought you gifts!"

This voice is simply wonderful!

In an instant, everyone stopped their hands, especially the sturdy women, staring at me intently, with surprises in their eyes and... "If you dare to deceive us, you are dead." Threatened.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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