The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 342: Goblin who cares about personal reputation

"Withered wood rejuvenating?" Kagali asked in surprise.

"Resurrected?" Barbara asked in surprise.

"It's amazing~" Phoenix grabbed my arm, dangled it, and said, "Xiaoyi, you also show your hand, and it's over!"

Me: (⊙﹏⊙)b

"Don't mess with the girl of the strange force" Kagali pulled a handful of the phoenix, but didn't pull it away: "This is a priest's advanced skill, Xiao Yi is a warrior, he doesn't."

"Oh..." Phoenix stuck out his small tongue and continued to hang it on my arm.

"Hello, this is Kagali, and you are welcome to join the Fearless Guild."

Tyler stared at me and said, "Isn't this your guild?"

I spread my hands and said, "This is the fate of the husband's sluggishness. In my bones, it is flowing, but the turbulent wife controls the will. Outside, I have the final say, and the three of them have the final say on family matters."

After listening, Taylor sighed deeply, full of melancholy and feelings.

"Yeah, listening to you, are you a person here too?"

I looked at him teasingly.

"That was many years ago, hey, don't mention it," he said, sinking into a deeper melancholy.

In fact, I am familiar with this behavior. This is a precursor to hope that we begged him to continue talking. Unfortunately, the three girls did not take the bait and were completely unmoved. Kagali said to me: "Then let's go ahead. Today the house will continue to be renovated, there are many things that have not been done yet."

I nodded: "Thank you."

After the three daughters left, Taylor looked up again, and I smiled and said, "Old man, your trick is useless."

He scratched his head and sighed, "Why don't children like to inquire about other people's privacy anymore? I remember when I just talked to you, you pestered me to ask questions every day."

"That's because the flow of people in your hospital is sparse, and you don't even have anyone talking. There is nothing you can do except listen to your story."

Tyler covered his forehead and said sadly: "Fun boy, do you always speak so straightforwardly?"

"That's not," I said: "tell the truth to the real person, tell the lie to the dummy, you are too real, I am embarrassed to tell lies."

Soon, the meal was ready, and a group of people sat together, preparing to start the meal.

Before moving the chopsticks, I first introduce Taylor to everyone, and everyone warmly welcomes Taylor to join.

Only Godot had a strange brilliance in his eyes.

Seeing the complex brilliance in his eyes, I am a little bit square, isn't he going to bend Taylor too?

Not even an old man would let it go, it's too beast...

After eating, Taylor moved a chair and lay down in the yard with a magnificent look like an old man.

Phoenix and others have no time to pay attention to the behavior of the old man. In their opinion, Taylor is an old man. It is normal for him to lie down in the yard and doze off after eating.

After Taylor came, the others didn't change their lives, but Lily was very happy.

From after eating to the time I was about to go to the dungeon, Lily always pestered Tyler to tell her stories.

Although Taylor has a roaring attitude towards us, the big lords, but to Lily, this little loli, he rarely shows his gentle side.

In that way, he is the grandfather who spoils his granddaughter.

Loki hid on the side and kept looking at Lily. I curiously asked, "What's the matter with you, like a voyeur?"

"No," Loki looked worried and said anxiously: "I see that old man smiles at Lily all the time, afraid that he will do anything bad and damage Lily. I have to monitor him at all times and be ready to stop him at any time. he."


Just then, Kagali's voice came: "Rocky, don't be lazy, come and help!"

"Good big sister!"

Loki turned directly into a flattering expression.

I fall!

As soon as he was about to go out, Godot's voice came from behind: "Captain, wait for me."

Oh, I need to tell everyone here that Godot only calls me Xiaoyi when he is alone with me. At other times, he calls me the captain and occasionally the boss.

"Huh?" I stopped and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Captain, can I go to the dungeon with you?"

I thought for a while and said, "No, you have to stay and protect everyone."

Godot’s expression was a bit disappointed. He screamed and was about to turn back. I said again: "However, if you have any questions and need to consult me, you can always find me. I am at night, but I am used to watching the moon for a while. Oh~"

Godot's eyes lit up: "Okay, Captain!"

After going out, I didn't go directly to the dungeon, but went to the old Pachi's weapon shop.

Pushing the door open, Old Paige was humming and fiddling with his abacus. Seeing that I was coming, he said with a relaxed expression: "Isn't this Xiaoyi, what brought you here?"

I smiled and said, "A wind from the north!"

Old Paqi said: "It will take a few days before the Foreign A is ready. You won't be in a hurry, come here to urge you?"

"How can it~" I said hehe: "You are an expert, I naturally trust you 100%, you can grasp the time, and just notify me when it is done."

"Huh?" Old Paqi raised his head and took a deep look at me: "No, An Xiaoyi, your state today is not right, honestly, is there something to hide from me?"

"This... how could it happen, hahaha!"

I scratched my head, I didn't even believe this.

"Hey" Old Paqi sighed: "If you have anything, just tell me, if I can help you, I will definitely help you, not to mention, you are my wife's lifesaver."

"Look at what you are saying, you know more about it, and you are a savior~" I lowered my voice and moved my head: "How is your wife's situation now?"

Old Paggy fiddled with the abacus with a smile on his face: "It's much better, I'm conscious. Although I can't go to the ground yet, I can feel that she has recognized me!"

At the end, Old Paige was extremely excited, as if he heard the child's first call to father.

"That's really congratulations." I hurriedly said congratulations, and then a question came to my mind: "I said, old expert, why is your wife poisoned by this kind of poison? Have you ever offended the goblin royal family?"

Old Paige squeezed his bare chin and said, "No, do you think I can offend the royal family?"

"Like" I beat him mercilessly and said, "I guess, you sold fakes to the royal family 80% of the time, or else, how could people treat you this way?"

"No, this must not be" Old Paggy retorted: "Although I sometimes squander some money, but I still don't sell fakes, you shouldn't know it, I am a goblin who cares about my reputation!"

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