As soon as the emperor's voice fell, the imperial study was silent.

The emperor looked at Nalan Jinnian: "This time, the king of Lanling Kingdom has written a letter for the longevity festival. He will come to celebrate his birthday in person and marry Xiaoba by the way. Xiaoba should get married too!"

When the emperor said the end, he sighed, not knowing whether to worry or be happy.

Nalan Jin replied youngly, "Yes."

Wen Nuan held the tea bowl and didn't know what to think. Hearing this, his hands trembled, and the tea was spilled.

Nalan Jinnian hurriedly took the tea bowl from her hand, took out the handkerchief to help her dry her hands, flipped through it carefully, and frowned lightly: "Did it get hot?"

Warm shook his head: "No. The tea is not so hot anymore."

She touched her scalded hand, feeling a little hot, but she felt that the feeling in her heart was even more uncomfortable!

Nalan Jinnian saw that the warm skin on the back of her hand was a little red, and called out, "Eunuch Lin, ice skin cream!"

Wen Nuan shook his head and pulled his hand back: "It's okay, no need!"

The emperor glanced at it: "It's better to use some medicine! This scald is fine at first, but it may cause blisters later!"

Eunuch Lin quickly brought the ice cream and Nalan Jinnian took it and carefully rubbed it on his warm hands.

Warm intuition The place that was just hot is cold.

The emperor also knew that Nuan had a good relationship with the eighth princess: "County Hui'an, after Xiaoba gets married, I'm afraid I'll never see her again. If you have time, find her to play with her more!"

Nodding warmly: "The servant girl knows."

And the pro-princess, fate is mostly

Warm did not think about it.

"Okay, you all retire!" The emperor lost interest in speaking for a while.

Nuan and Nalan Jinnian retire.

The three walked out of the imperial study.

Nuan couldn't help but ask: "Is there no room for turning this matter?"

Nalan Kingdom doesn't need to use a princess to kiss her!

Lanling Country is far away in the Western Regions, where there are deserts all around, what is there to marry!

Nalan Jinnian took her hand quietly, wrapping her small hand in his warm big palm: "No, the marriage was decided by the late emperor. Among the royal princesses, she is the only one who is suitable for her age."

"Why is there a marriage? Does every princess of the dynasty have to have a marriage?"


His daughter is not going to have a kiss anyway.

"The marriage was proposed by the father to Lanling back then. The previous king of Lanling once saved the life of the late emperor. At that time, he was only three years old! The former king of Lanling took his five-year-old grandson on an envoy to Nalan. The five-year-old little prince of Lanling likes to play with Xiaoba very much. When his father saw it, he proposed a marriage proposal. The king of Lanling agreed immediately. Later,”

Nalan Jinnian took her warm hand and walked forward slowly, explaining to her the origin of the kiss as she walked.

The former lord of Lanling Kingdom once saved the life of the late emperor, and in order to repay the life-saving grace, the late emperor proposed to marry a relative.

The country of Nalan has opened trading ports over the years, and the country of Lanling has given them a lot of convenience.

Of course, the Nalan Kingdom also sent a lot of materials from the Central Plains to the Lanling Kingdom.

The two countries are friendly and friendly. If Nalan Kingdom repents of their marriage, it will be a bad relationship!

It's also ungrateful.

Besides, Nalan country is a big country, a country of etiquette, you have no joke!

How could it be possible to do something perfidious.

Nuan: "Baby kisses are the most annoying! A person will change in the process of growing up, who knows what King Lanling looks like now?! What if he is not good and bullies the eighth princess? We just think about it. Helping her is beyond my reach."

Hearing the words, Wen Hou said, "Don't even dare to hang him with the king of Lanling Kingdom!"

Our Nalan Kingdom is as big as several Lanling Kingdoms, with strong soldiers. If they dare to bully the Eighth Princess and lead the army over, they will be wiped out in one fell swoop!

Nalan Jinnian smiled: "Don't worry, King Lanling, he looks pretty good, and this person is not bad."

The reason why Amber only came to marry Xiaoba this year is also because King Lanling passed away two years ago. He has just ascended the throne and has many things to deal with. Now that he has stabilized, he will marry immediately!

Nalan Jinnian said it was good, so it should be a good person.

But the warmth is also not happy!

Married far away in a foreign country, without relatives, the person entrusted for life is not of their own race, if anything happens, they can't even help her!

Lanling is thousands of miles away from Nalan!

"Don't worry, Xiaoba is a queen when she married, and her status is noble, and no one can embarrass her!"

"Well." Wen Nuan didn't say anything, there were some things that their men didn't understand.

Is there no one who can make things difficult for her, does being a queen mean happiness?

But it's no use talking!

If the king of Lanling Kingdom was a foolish tyrant, he might consider withdrawing from the marriage.

But listen to what Nalan Jinnian said, no!

Then there is no room for turning around, unless the lord of Lanling Kingdom voluntarily withdraws from his relatives.

Now, this marriage is absolutely impossible to change.

Warm also sees the emperor's reluctance, but it is related to the relationship between the two countries, and the promise of the two countries' lords cannot be reneged on.

Born in the royal family, there is also the helplessness of the royal family.

With a distinguished status and status, you have to pay something for your status and status.

Otherwise, virtue is not matched, and there will be disaster.

Fortunately, the late emperor did not say that every generation of princesses would be in harmony with Lanling Kingdom, otherwise it would be miserable!

"The eighth princess doesn't know about this, right?!"

"I don't know! Brother Huang hasn't told her yet."

Warm: "That's okay, I'll know later, and I can be happy for a few more days!"

Nalan Jinnian didn't say anything. It was estimated that when they walked out of the imperial study, the emperor would summon the eighth princess to tell the story.

Escape is not the way!

The wedding of the princess is a big event. This marriage needs to be prepared. Now the time is a little tight!

Nalan Jinnian thought well, the emperor did indeed summon the eighth princess at this moment.

The eighth princess came to the imperial study happily: "Father, is Nuan Nuan here? Do you have any good things she brought here?"

The eighth princess saw the food box on the table at a glance.

Inside are Mid-Autumn Mooncakes!

She also received a box in her palace.

It just happened that the 12th emperor's younger brother and the 13th emperor's sister went to her, and they were all eaten up by two little bastards.

She only ate a few pieces!

The emperor glanced at it and thought that his daughter would not be able to eat the cakes sent by Hui'an County Master in a year, and said, "Yes, you can take it back to eat later!"

The Eighth Princess originally wanted to take a piece, but I didn't expect the royal father to be so generous!

This is strange!

When things go wrong, there must be demons!

The eighth princess stretched out her hand to get the moon cake and said, "Father, what are you doing with me?"

The emperor gave her a pitying look.

Eight Princesses: ""

Seeing her like this, her heart can't bear it!

The emperor did not speak, but handed the book sent by Lanling Kingdom to the eighth princess.

When the eighth princess saw the pattern on the fold, her face turned pale!

She waited a long time before reaching out to take the book.

The fingertips holding the folds turned white and trembled slightly.

The eighth princess slowly opened the book, and that action made the book weigh a thousand jins!

She looked at the contents, and her mind was blank for a year.

The father's loving and helpless voice came from his ears: "Yue'er, the father is sorry for you. But, this is the princess' mission."

Loose tone.

People live in this world, who can do whatever they want, do whatever they want?

He can't be a king either.

Because the things on my shoulders are too heavy!

Without warning, a tear swept across the pale face of the Eighth Princess and fell on the shiny ground.

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