The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 165 Where is this devil coming from!

In ancient times, many places were not developed, there were not many, but many mountains.

Moreover, the ancients paid attention to relying on the mountains and eating the mountains, and they all found some places near the mountains and the water to settle down.

So many villages or near villages have mountains.

Da Hui ran all the way up the mountain with warmth on his back.

Wen Jiarui and Ye Shi were chasing after him.

On the way, I also met Old Man Wu, Mrs. Zhang and others who had searched from the mountain and couldn't find anyone.

Several people heard that they were going into the mountain to find someone, and they followed into the mountain again.

Ye Shi didn't control his two children and didn't let them enter the mountain.

Both of them are grown up, one is fourteen and one is thirteen. It's time to go through some things with you, learn and watch, and when you grow up, you won't panic when you encounter things, and you will know how to deal with them.

Look at Sister Nuan, she is only eleven years old, how calm!

In the sky, Xiao Hei circled constantly in a certain sky.

Da Hui ran out for a while, then turned around and waited for the person behind him. He was very sensible, and he was not impatient at all.

Warmly touched its head: "Go back and cook something delicious for you!"

Da Hui flicked his tail happily!

Keep running.

It didn't take long for Da Hui's speed to slow down.

It stood on the hillside, looking down at the mouth of a cave.

There were a few people around a fire roasting chicken.

"Xiaodong, when the time comes, will you really divide each of us ten taels of silver?"

"Really, pearls are not so real!"

"Your sister-in-law's family really has as many as three hundred taels?"

"My sister's husband doesn't have one, but my sister's sister-in-law has it! I heard from my sister that her sister-in-law's family doesn't know how to make a fortune! A big house was built. And when he was living in a warm house, many nobles gave him gifts. I got a priceless gift. What kind of gold and silver jewelry, coral agate, silk and satin, mountain delicacies, everything, I heard that there is even a bed made of jade!"

Several people's eyes lit up when they heard it!

"A bed made of jade! How much money does that cost?"

"It should be hundreds of thousands of taels anyway!"


"It's like sleeping on silver!"

Everyone looked at him enviously: "Xiaodong, your sister loves you so much, and she has such a wealthy relative, you will post it later!"

"Shut up! My brother-in-law's family is stingy! Sister-in-law's family is even more stingy!" Lei Xiaodong cracked and spoke ill of the Wu family and the Wen family.

"Xiaodong, do you think you have a chance to get something from that family?"

"I can't! You want to find your own way!"

Wen Jiarui and the others arrived at this time. They were out of breath. They just heard the words of Lei Xiaodong and the others.

Old Man Wu looked at Lei Xiaodong, his chest heaving violently, he never imagined that the brother-in-law kidnapped his nephew and extorted money from his brother-in-law's house!

"Come on!" Old Man Wu shouted angrily, then rushed down the hillside.

This time everything is off!

Jing Huan Jingzhi would be better off not having such a mother!

The others followed.

Da Hui flashed by with warmth on his back.

The following people found that someone rushed down the hillside and were shocked!

Lei Xiaodong saw that it was Mr. Wu and the others, and his expression went blank: "Quick, take people away!"

If Mr. Wu took away Jing Huan and Jing Zhi, the three hundred taels would be gone!

After all, he hurried forward to stop it!

The others hurried into the cave, wrapped the unconscious two with sacks, and carried them out to escape.

The people who came here are all relatives of Lei Xiaodong. Could it be possible to beat him to death? Everyone is not afraid at all!

Wen Nuan saw that Lei Xiaodong was still thinking about running with people at this time, and still wanted to get the money.

She flew out directly from the wolf's back and kicked him away with one kick!

Several other people saw this and picked up the guy!

Pounce on the warmth.

Big gray moved.

The figure of one wolf and one person is as fast as lightning!

Occasionally there is a flash of gold.

The others were kicked away afterward.

They lay on the ground clutching a hand, screaming in pain!

"Ah! My hand!"

"My hand, why can't my hand move!"


Some people actually bit off a few fingers from their hands.

Some people inexplicably can't move their entire arm!

Wen Nuan stepped on Lei Xiaodong's chest and glanced around at the people on the ground: "Dare to grab my aunt's old watch? Dare to remember anything from my aunt's house? Good! Very good! I'll go back and open the door, you guys can move My jade bed! Those who don't move are evil ones!"

She promises not to chop off their legs!

"Pain...woman, woman, spare your life!" Lei Xiaodong felt his chest shattered again!

The others ran away just then.

Warm up the feet.

The old man Wu raised his fist and hit Lei Xiaodong who fell to the ground!

Wen Nuan came to someone and kicked him in the foot: "You wanted to get something from my house just now? Go! Someday? I'll open the door for you!"

The man felt that his bones were broken: "No... No! I don't have it, the heroine spare your life! I don't dare to give me ten courage!"

He looked at others with warm eyes.

Those people were so frightened that they immediately begged for mercy:

"I didn't! The heroine spared her life!"

"Woman, spare your life! I don't care about your family's things! How dare I!"


Where did the devil come from!

Ye Shi and Zhang Shi had already run to untie the people in the sack.

Seeing the unconscious two grandsons, Mrs Zhang almost fainted!

Wen Jiarui pulled a few vines back and tied up several people on the ground.

Wen Nuan walked over to give Jing Zhi and the two a pulse, but they were knocked out by the sweat medicine: "Don't be afraid, grandmother, she was just fainted by the sweat medicine! Jing Huan was young and took a lot of sweat medicine, which is not good for the body. Great, take them back first!"


I have the heart to use Mongolian sweat medicine for such two children!

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhang immediately said to Mr. Wu, "Old man, don't fight, take Jing Huan and Jing Zhi home first!"

Mr. Wu has Jing Huan on his back, and Wen Jiarui has Jing Zhi on his back.

Nuan Nuan broke a few branches and gave them to Zhang Shi, Ye Shi, Jing Chen, and Jing Mei each: "Take this branch to drive these people down the mountain!"

Old Man Wu looked at the few people and said bitterly, "Take them all down the mountain and hand them over to the government!

These people are all hooligans in several nearby villages, and they do a lot of stealing!

When I heard that Mr. Wu was going to hand them over to the government, I was shocked!

One by one, begging for mercy.

"Master, it's none of my business. Lei Xiaodong asked us to help tie people up. If you are wronged, you have a debt, and if you want to send someone to the government, you will also send Lei Xiaodong!"

"Yes! We just collect money to help people with errands! Uncle, this is none of our business!"

Lei Xiaodong died of pain, and he smiled apologetically: "My lord, I was just joking with Jing Huan Jingzhi! Don't take it seriously! If you don't believe it, you'll know when they wake up! It's a joke!"

With a warm sneer, he slapped him on the leg with a rude stick: "Come on! Tell the county magistrate these words!"

Lei Xiaodong kneeled in pain!

Wu Jingmei hit a certain villain's leg with a stick like warmth, and scolded: "Hurry up!"

One hit after another!

Zhang Shi and the others were also angry in their hearts!

There is a copycat, holding the end of the vine in one hand, and holding a stick in the other hand to beat down!

"Let's go! Have something to say to Master Qingtian!"



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