The Paper Fruit Among the Pirates

Concluding remarks —— and the new book

Well, in the blink of an eye, Ben Pujie's first novel is over.

This is the first book I have finished seriously, and I am really moved by it. Although I scribbled a bunch of beginnings before, I couldn't even sign the contract (tears). Here, I must thank the editor Penglai, after all, he picked me up from the trash. Otherwise, I guess there is no book...

Then there are all the book friends who have been accompanying Ben Pujie all the time. Without your complaints, encouragement, tidying up, rewards, and subscriptions, I might not be able to write what I am now. It’s really easy to write a book when you feel ups and downs and don’t want to code words, but with everyone’s support, I still persevere.

Thanks again~~~! ! !

Finally, there is the book itself, because it is the first time I write a long novel, and there must be many problems. And I don't know how to water... Actually, I don't know how to write daily essays, so the Straw Hats are either fighting or on their way to fight. As a result, the rhythm is a bit 'rushed', and there are other problems. In the final analysis, it is my own level that is not enough. forgive me, forgive me~~

Because Oda procrastinated, I tried to make up the ending on a reasonable basis. It is definitely incomparable with One Piece itself, so-thanks to the 400 friends who accompanied me in the end, this book is 4000 for the first time... This shows my true level. but:

I will not give up!

I'm opening a new book tomorrow, I can't believe my level of storytelling is really that bad! It is you who gave me the confidence to write down, so——

Please also come to support the new book, vote, and follow up to help you through the novice period. At least let me sign the contract~~~ (hammered tears)

Ahem, let’s get down to business, the new book is a western fantasy.

The title of the book is "The Substitute Messenger in Another World", this time it is the adventure trip of the substitute messenger Roman. Gather partners and exercise to become stronger. Witness the undead natural disasters, the glory of the empire, the magic academy, the waves of the ocean, the invasion of demons, etc., and save the world by the way (?) Stories of joy.

The stand-in is 'Paisley Park', an auxiliary stand-in for the heroine of the eighth part of JOJO. It doesn't matter to people who don't know, just treat her as wicked... Ahem, just use AutoNavi.

That's right, the function of this stand-in is to 'guide the target in the right direction'. It is the first assistant in the eight JOJO. As for the story, I will make it up tomorrow~~

So, please support us a lot!

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