The Original Vampire

Two hundred and sixty-six siege

Time passed quietly, and before you knew it, it had entered June.

The short spring in the north is coming to an end, and the breath of summer is approaching.

But before summer came, the city of Winter was the first to welcome an army of dwarves.

The Maynum family and the Dawson family joined forces, a total of 150,000 troops, and had arrived at the Winter City at this time.

The army came rushing in, with flamboyant flags, swords and guns, orderly front and rear, and full of morale. At first glance, it was indeed a strong army.

The elites of the dwarves have basically gathered here.

As soon as the army arrived, they surrounded Winter Winter City, and then began to set up camp, as if they were ready for a long-term attack.

In the temporary command post of the dwarf army, the atmosphere was quiet and solemn, and the Marquis of Maynum was praying devoutly.

This dwarf marquis is a devout follower of the Lord of Radiance, at least on the surface, he is indeed very devout.

As a vassal race of the human race, the dwarves have long abandoned their beliefs and chose to serve the Lord of Glory.

But unfortunately, because they are not sincere enough, or because the racial gap cannot be bridged, the dwarves have never been able to accept baptism and become knights.

From this point of view, there has always been an inescapable estrangement between them and the human race.

Even in the dark, it is said that there are believers of the gods that the dwarves once served, the mother of the earth, quietly spreading their beliefs.

Of course, as dwarf nobles, they must convert to the Lord of Radiance, otherwise, the Radiance Empire will not have a place for them.

It was not until the prayer was finished that the Marquis of Maynum raised his head and his eyes slowly swept across the command post.

Although the former dwarf royal family, the last princess of the Thorrinki family, married the Dawson family, in fact, in terms of military strength and prestige among the dwarves, the Maynum family is the worthy leader of the dwarves .

However, not all dwarf nobles recognize the leadership of the Maynum family, at least the Dawson family certainly does not.

They have always considered themselves to be the heirs of the Thorrinki family, with the blood of the Dwarf King flowing in their bodies.

Therefore, the Marquis of Dawson looked at the Marquis of Maynum, and always felt that the appearance of the other party's prayer was too contrived.

"Winter City is right in front of you. How do you conquer this central city in the North? What do you think?" Marquis Maynum said, with a strong voice and the majesty of a superior.

At this time, he also pretended to be the commander-in-chief of this dwarf coalition.

Although Marquis Dawson was very unconvinced, he had just lost a big defeat in the River Run, his reputation was severely damaged, and his troops were far less powerful than Marquis Maynum, so he could not snatch the command of this coalition from the opponent. .

A dwarf general with well-developed limbs and thick hands and feet said: "Lord Marquis of Maynum, I don't think there is a fortified city in the world that our dwarf army cannot conquer! Even Winter City is the same!

Therefore, when the engineering team has built the siege equipment, we can launch an offensive to see how many days this so-called first strong city in the north can last! "

The dwarf general's voice was rough and mad, and his tone seemed to have a strong taste of blood, and his words were also somewhat disapproving of Winter City.

In fact, the dwarves do have a lot of experience in siege warfare.

Their craftsmen are very good at forging siege equipment,

Moreover, their short stature is an advantage in siege warfare, because it is not easy to be hit by arrows from the city head.

Therefore, compared to positional warfare in the wild, the dwarves are actually better at fighting city siege warfare.

Of course, not all the dwarf generals present were so frivolous. Another dwarf general stood up and cautiously expressed his opinion:

"I don't think it can be taken lightly. I have been in Winterfell and know how strong its walls are and how cleverly designed it is.

If they attacked violently, I am afraid they would have to pay a very heavy price. "

"I think so too." Marquis Dawson, who had been silent until now, suddenly said.

Marquis of Maynum frowned slightly, his eyes fixed on Marquis Dawson, as if waiting for further explanation from the other party.

Marquis Dawson looked indifferent and continued: "As a noble in the north, of course I have a special understanding of the city defense system of Winter City.

First of all, this is a city built on a high mountain. If we want to attack the city, we must attack it upwards. The enemy is condescending and occupies all the land.

Secondly, the city wall of Winter City is built with the hardest turquoise rock, which is carefully cut and stacked. It is up to five meters thick.

Moreover, the city wall of Winter City is a double-layer structure. There is an inner wall behind the outer wall. The two walls are more than 20 meters apart, and there are 96 city towers in between.

Even if we do break through these two city walls, don't forget that there is a Lion's Roar Castle on top of the mountain!

If you want to attack, hehe, I am afraid that it is enough to fill in all the elite warriors of the dwarves. "

As soon as Marquis Dawson finished speaking, a general of the Maynum family shouted loudly: "Lord Marquis Dawson, the battle hasn't started yet. You are just boasting on behalf of the enemy. Are you guilty and scared?"

"Humph! I just don't want some people to die in vain."

"Okay. Stop arguing." Marquis Maynum waved his hand and discouraged.

When everyone was quiet, Marquis Maynum said to Marquis Dawson: "Marquis Dawson, since you don't agree with the attack, what better advice do you have?"

Marquis Dawson touched his beard and said lightly, "I think the best way is to besiege without attacking."

"Oh? Why?" asked the Marquis of Maynum again.

"The famine that broke out in the north is so fierce that even the Saint Hilde family has no time to hoard enough food, and I have already checked that there is a shortage of food in Winter City for a long time.

Therefore, as long as we surround the city and cut off internal and external communication, it will not be long before unrest will break out in the city due to lack of food.

That's our best chance! "

Marquis Maynum's eyes flickered and seemed to be moved.

But just as he was thinking carefully about Marquis Dawson's suggestion, he saw a tall and thin figure walking into the command post.

Marquis Maynum's eyes narrowed, as if he recognized the person.

"Mr. Ho, is that you?"

The person who came was shrouded in a large mage robe, and his entire face was also hidden in the hood, and he did not know how he walked into the temporary command post of the dwarf army without anyone else.

"it's me."

Mr. Ho replied succinctly.

His voice was gloomy and hoarse, like a dying old man half-footed into the grave.

Moreover, the Marquis of Maynum also smelled a strong rancid smell, like the smell of a corpse that had been left for a long time.

"Are you... okay?" Marquis Maynum asked cautiously.

Mr. Ho did not answer this question, but said lightly:

"Two things.

First, the Black Cavalry and Silvermoon Guards of Ice Rock City have already set off and are heading towards Winter City, so you have to be careful behind your back.

Second, the army of the Uman family is also in Winter City at this time, Earl Uman and Viscount Angele have a grudge, you can use this to sow discord between them and weaken the people in Winter City..."

Saying this, Mr. Gou suddenly stopped.

The dwarves looked at each other, wondering what was going on.

In the end, it was the Marquis of Maynum who asked aloud, "Mr. Ho? Mr. Ho?"

However, Mr. Wang still didn't speak, as if he suddenly got stuck, and the whole person was like a wooden sculpture, stunned and stuck in place, motionless.

With a puzzled face, Marquis Maynum took a few steps forward and tried to check the other party's situation.

But just after taking a few steps, Marquis Maynum stopped immediately, his eyes full of horror.

When Marquis Dawson saw this, he suddenly felt a holy and grand power shrouded the world. He seemed to be an insect in amber, completely locked by this irresistible force, unable to resist. Move every minute.


After an unknown amount of time, Mr. Ho suddenly sighed and regained his mobility.

Then, I saw him slowly turn around and walk out of the temporary command post step by step.

The dwarf soldiers outside were also standing still, as if their time had been completely frozen.

And in front of Mr. Ho, stood a arrogant back.

It is just a back view, but it seems to exude the dazzling light of the sun panel, which can make everything in the world overshadowed.

Mr. Ho slowly took off his hood, revealing a terrifying face.

The left half of the face has been completely rotted, and you can even see the black skull inside.

The right half of his face also seemed to be infected, and the blue veins bulged like squirming maggots, as if they were about to burst in the next moment.

But Mr. Ho seemed to be unaware of the terrifying changes in himself, and greeted the man with a normal expression:

"His Royal Highness Prince Lehi, I didn't expect to see you here."

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