The Original Seeker

Chapter 200: Shock

   The body seems to be constantly expanding, the thinking is diverging without limit, and the speed of thinking is increasing at a geometric speed.

   With the help of Lingzi's information flow, Bai Mo feels like he is looking at it from a higher dimension, overlooking the whole world.

Other original abilities also seem to be magnified countless times. The power of mind becomes able to catch stars and moons, and tear atoms down; energy absorption can instantly extinguish fires and flatten earthquakes; the number of clones is endless, and one person forms a family; Skynet shows the long history of history, knowing everything in the past... At this moment, he is no more than an omnipotent god.

   Bai Mo intends to try, whether this feeling is an illusion or is it real. So he gently used a trace of energy absorption ability.

Then immediately, with myself as the center, the temperature in a radius of ten kilometers dropped by nearly fifty degrees. All the people who were patrolling in the test field and the animals outside the field suddenly came to a standstill. At this moment, their kinetic energy All deprived.

   "Enemy attack!" Even though the well-trained guards shuddered in a low temperature of tens of degrees below zero, after reacting, they immediately sounded the alarm and made sufficient preparations for the challenge.

   "This kind of enemy that can cause changes in the astronomical phenomenon can really be handled by ordinary soldiers like us?" Many people were muttering in their hearts.

   The heat of the surrounding air began to quickly replenish this missing piece, and the intense convection of the hot and cold air set off a gust of wind on the interface.

   It was time for a meal in a vampire culture base, and all the blood quickly condensed into blood ice, making them look like ice dregs.

   But everything is not as important as the loss of the right hand in front of Bai Mo.

   "My hand..." Endless energy rushed towards him frantically, but as a price, the right hand of this body completely disappeared.

   "At the cost of life, to meddle with power that does not belong to him." After losing a hand, Bai Mo calmed down completely, and did not actively use this infinitely elevated ability.

   "The passive abilities such as powerful thinking and subtle perception can't be turned off. They keep burning my existence. In other words, I am now racing with my life."

Every second at this time seemed precious. Every moment he turned thousands of thoughts, constantly using what he knew, and the new information he had sensed at this time, to deduce stepping. Give the specific method for the next step.

  Between life and death, he rarely fought his life and exploded his potential.

  Using the feeling of being taken over by the ghost king whose life level was above it, combined with his other thinking, he found a truly feasible path.

   Bai Mo wanted to shout excitedly, but just half a second ago, even the organ that made the sound was burned out.

   "Ning!" After a silent utterance, the rest of his body gradually glowed more dazzlingly, and began a microscopic reorganization.

   For no reason, Bai Mo knew a special substance that represented "he". In the strong light, it was continuously generated in the ruptured field from the fragments of the life field.

"This is'I'?" He suddenly felt like this. The remaining material is the real self, and the long-haired body next to it is actually just an external clone, not what he originally thought. Ontology.

   Just when he gradually adapted to this idea and planned to sublimate his original body in the same way, the mutation suddenly occurred!

   is more terrifying than the so-called five decays of heaven and man in the novel, he found that his remaining body genes actually collapsed in an instant!

   In all cell nuclei, the double-helix DNA is automatically dissociated into single strands, and then as if lining up off a cliff, the bases on it fall off one by one.

   After the DNA strand is lost, the RNA that relied on DNA transcription no longer exists. The protein production line is immediately shut down, and almost all life-sustaining reactions cannot continue.

   "Unexpectedly... Falling into such an accident, this body's activity can only be maintained for a few minutes at most, and the rest of the breakthrough is still too late."

  As for this, he could only helplessly terminate the breakthrough test of burning himself. The feeling of seemingly omnipotent and omniscience brought him a huge sense of emptiness after the ebb.

   But just when Bai Mo was about to give up the immortal body and live in the form of a small group of unknown matter, he suddenly flashed a thought.

   Of course, at this time, he hadn't thought about why, after losing the brain structure like a ghost, he could do all kinds of thinking.

"DNA is specific to me, and this group of things also has the specificity of the concept of'I'. Can'I' be used to replace DNA to complete the regulation of various activities of the body and maintain the activity of this body? "

  If he had to be a last resort, even if there was only a glimmer of hope, he didn't want to give up this body. Countless novels have told him that rashly giving up the original body is not much different from quitting cultivation in the future.

   Time is very tight. With this idea, Bai Mo immediately controlled his "self" to disperse into each cell, trying to take over the work of the previous gene.

   It turns out that it can be done by the instinct of the body, and everything does not need to be thought. The extremely complicated work and precise scheduling in these countless cells will not be noticed at all. Everyone is accustomed to this.

  Only when everything needs to be done by himself, did he realize that the amount of calculation required is too terrifying. There are nearly 40 trillion cells in the body, and each one needs to be taken into account.

   At the beginning, he didn't think that he was really possible to complete this task, he just had the mind to grab the last straw when he was drowning to give it a try.

   "There is no way to control the protein and CD, and dare you to say the subtle control of the body?" Bai Mo discovered that before he thought he had high-precision control of the body, it was just a joke in front of this.

   Because the number of forty trillion is too desperate, currently only supercomputers can handle this level of calculation.

But I didn't expect that the substance that constitutes "self" seems to be a natural substitute for genes, and it actually succeeded in taking on its posts and responsibilities, and automatically continuing to carry out various activities for survival without occupying Baimo. Thinking of itself.

   "'I' became the gene itself?" After everything stabilized, he began to summarize this breakthrough experiment.

   "The experiment itself should be regarded as a success. The essence of my life has changed. Even if the appearance of white ink and the body with the ability of white ink are completely destroyed, I as the core will not die."

   "But the sublimation of the original body is still unsuccessful, and it is actually in a suspended state now."

   "Does this count as after cultivating the soul, the physical existence is no longer a necessary condition for survival?" He suddenly thought of this.

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