The Original Seeker

Chapter 123: Broken Spirit Flower

"On average, five plants can survive one plant. The alien psychic repellency in the spiritual fluid is indeed too strong. It is too expensive to experiment with living people, but if it only consumes things like these weeds, how much will it cost? How many are not at a loss in general."

For many days, Bai Mo continued his research on artificial cultivation of spiritual grass in the laboratory on the second floor of the basement. He tested more than 300 kinds of herbaceous plants, and only now has selected more than ten kinds of spiritual fluids with a relatively high rate of catalysis. Of plants for further experiments.

   In order to support large-scale testing and experimentation, more than half of the reactors on the second floor are already in operation at this stage, and nearly 80 single-person reactors are continuously supplying spiritual solutions.

   Every time a new kind of spiritual grass is created, he will first personally explore its properties below, and determine that there is no possibility of pitting himself, and then hand it to the Chinese herbal medicine expert arranged above to study it.

"This thing is called a broken spirit flower. The petals can greatly reduce the activity of psionic energy. It should be good for controlling abilities. I didn't expect that the wild chrysanthemums everywhere on the roadside would have such a miraculous effect after psychicization ." Bai Mo entered a new plant in the institute’s Lingzhi record database.

   In order to test its effect on high-level abilities, he even tasted it himself, but it was instantly digested by the surging psychic energy in his body.

"It seems that it's just the relationship between water and fire. A drop of water can't extinguish the fire. But maybe this thing can evolve a second time. It's hard to say whether it will work or not. You have to do further experiments later." I put another emphasis on this kind of thing in my experiment records.

   "Help me make an appointment with those busy people." After completing the experiment, Bai Mo picked up the phone of the proving ground and called Chen Xi.

"Roger that!"

   "More than a month has passed, what new discoveries have been made this time?" After several contacts, Liu Zhen also knew that Bai Mo didn't like polite words, so he went straight to the subject.

   "You are alone this time?"

   "You didn't say any reason. Suddenly there was something to meet. The schedule of each of us was arranged by the secretary. It was difficult to change, so I was the only one who happened to have time."

   "I am abrupt, come and see this flower." Bai Mo handed Liu Zhen a broken spirit flower.

   "It's a bit like a wild chrysanthemum, is there anything special about this flower?"

   "If you eat this one, you will probably be weak for a week, and at the same time you will lose power during this time. Would you like to try it?"


   "With the huge base of ordinary wild chrysanthemums, even if one plant in a thousand mutates into this, it is still a terrifying number."

"what do you want to say in the end."

   "It's nothing, people who feel that the country's ability to manage crime is also very troublesome, why don't you leave it to me?" Bai Mo suddenly changed the topic.

"Although the management of them is indeed a problem, the crimes committed are far less than the death penalty, and the prison managers are not easy to manage these people with extraordinary powers, but they are not death row prisoners. Too many deaths rashly will also cause concern. "

   "After being anesthetized, I will send it to my side for treatment for a week, and then send it back. Add this chrysanthemum powder to the daily meals, and it will be easy to manage in the future."

   "I can understand how to add food to the food, but why do you have to send it to the proving ground first? Is there any use for you?"

   "Temporarily keep it confidential, wait for the results to be announced later."

   "Don't kill it, it's still a bit troublesome to deal with."

   "Don't worry, I have a great deal of attention. Also, the surveillance cameras on the second floor of the test site have all been removed by me. I don't like being spied on when I work."

"I know."

   "I know you know, but I want to remind you."

   "What is the power of his eyes? Except for the difference in the visible spectrum, there must be other things hidden, otherwise such a hidden spy camera cannot be discovered." Liu Zhen thought silently in his heart.

   Seeing Liu Zhen's silence, Bai Mo continued: "Don't guess what my abilities are. It's better to practice more if you have the skill."

   "How do you know what I'm thinking!"

   "Don't guess, my ability is not mind-reading, even if it's mind-reading, I won't let you guess it." Bai Mo read the panic inside him from the blue light emitted from his body.

"It seems that the fusion of the psionic organization was completely successful, and finally obtained a complete version of the ability. It is worthwhile to send out a drop of blood." Looking at the light blue that represents a slight panic on Liu Zhen's body, he was secretly secreted. Thinking about it.

While Bai Mo was doing various human experiments in Tianqing at the rear, the Sea Clan also sent several waves of suicide shocks to declare their sense of existence, but in front of the armed forces of various countries that were fully prepared. It's useless except for consuming ammunition, but the constant deaths have also begun to paralyze the nerves of all countries...

   The re-landing of the Sea Clan made the US government need to draw some troops from the front lines of the Civil War for defense. The pressure on the Independence Army was reduced, and it was given a chance to breathe in the anti-siege.

   Deep under the sea.

   "Elder, how are you preparing for the plan?"

   "It will probably take two or three years."

   "Hurry up!"

   "Hmm..." The mutant whale replied slowly.

"This group of guys who don't have a sense of time are all about their work efficiency! They are not at the same level as the bugs they had back then. Arranging such a plan will actually take two or three years!" The brainworm suddenly thought of a name called " The idiom is better for me to supervise myself. "

"Although there has never been a high-intensity war, but without the support of maritime trade, the original economic system has been seriously affected. The astronomical unemployment alone is enough for the old men to toss them. After all, they have always insisted on stability and overwhelming. Everything." He watched the news on the computer, stretched bored bored, and the huge force bursting out when his muscles were moving made the surrounding air tremble constantly.

   Ever since he got used to staying in this basement, Bai Mo simply let people pull a special line from the Tianqing contribution point center to this side, and then reconnected dozens of computers to continue reviewing the materials.

  The performance of this kind of experimental house that does not interfere with power has naturally been unanimously praised by the upper level. It is not a problem to pull a few more optical fibers and consume more money and things. Give whatever you need, as long as he really agrees with his words and deeds. They were very worried about the sword of Damocles on their heads, but they had to rely on him for the time being.

   After all, they only need the big tiger skin of Bai Mo to frighten the capable people below, instead of having a real tiger step on the head.

   For their impeccable cooperative attitude, at least on the surface, Bai Mo is also happy.

Every day, he was busy operating on the capable prisoners sent in from outside to take away a part of the psionic organization, only keeping the weight of survival, and then in the next week, doing various tossing tests and experiments to obtain the relevant According to the data, under the supply of super-dose anesthetics, these prisoners will be in a coma for a whole week until they are sent back to the prison.

   Although they are all physically stronger than ordinary people, after such a toss, basically everyone is equivalent to a serious illness. Gradually, when there were more examples like this, there were more rumors in the prison...

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