The Opening Sign To the Seven Fairy Sisters

Chapter 504 5 lines of yin and yang!

Senior Sister Six is ​​dressed in pink, and her appearance is dignified, revealing an indescribable seductive feeling. The blue silk is draped, and she is only tied with a pink hairband. The pink color of Sister Six's skin reveals a light The pink color is truly beautiful, and the phoenix eyes are glittering, which can capture the soul, captivate the mind, and the lips are like cherry blossoms, which attracts infinite reverie.

The sound is like a yellow warbler, numb to the bone. Eyes roll, fascinated.

Black hair like a waterfall. The skin is as fat, the eyebrows are like smoke, fresh and elegant, the apricot eyes are flowing, the water color is glistening, the pink cherry lips are under the very upturned nose, and there is a little simplicity and honesty in the sexy. It is comfortable, and even looks better.

Good looks. The star eyes flickered a little bit of starlight, with a bit of coldness, and there was an indifference that rejected people and thousands of miles away. The evildoer is like this, carrying the unparalleled elegance, the black hair pouring down like a cloud, scattered around the waist, with a few scattered, elegant temperament, as warm as jade, pure like a fairy in the sky.

Ye Chen hugged his sixth senior sister, leaned over gently, and kissed sixth senior sister.

Sister Six kept responding to Ye Chen.

The two were in the hotel, leaning against each other.

Ye Chen looked at his sixth senior sister and said softly, "Senior sister, let's practice together!"

Senior Sister Six nodded, looked at Ye Chen, and smiled.

Ye Chen began to pass on the exercises to the sixth sister.

Yin-yang double cultivation Dafa, pays attention to the coordination of yin and yang, and nourishes yin and yang.

Yin and yang collide with each other to transform all things, and all things in the world have the way of yin and yang. You can comprehend a trace of yin and yang from all things. Because all things exist in the way of yin and yang.

Yin and yang include the five elements, and the five elements contain yin and yang. Everything in the universe can be divided into two categories according to their properties, yin and yang. "Yang type" has the characteristics of robustness, upward, hair growth, display, extroversion, stretching, bright, active, active, etc. "Yin type" has the characteristics of weakness, downward, convergent, concealed, introverted, shrinking, saving, negative, quiet, etc. feature. Any specific thing has the duality of yin and yang. That is, there is yang in yin, and yin in yang.

No huge thing can escape the category of yin and yang, and any small thing has both sides of yin and yang. Under certain conditions, yin and yang can be transformed into each other.

All things in the universe, according to their characteristics, can be systematically divided into five categories: "gold", "wood", "water", "fire" and "earth". These five types of things are collectively called the Five Elements. Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth do not refer to specific five single things, but an abstract generalization of the five different attributes of everything in the universe, and one should fully understand the true connotation of the five elements.

There is a relationship of mutual growth and mutual restraint between the five elements, and the two aspects of contradiction are the two aspects of yin and yang. Mutual generation and mutual restraint are the universal law of things and two inseparable aspects of things. Life and gram are relative, without gram, there is no gram; without gram, there is no gram. If there is life without restraint, things will develop endlessly and go to extremes, causing things to reverse, from good to bad;

The two continue to practice with the nourishing way of yin and yang.

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly realized that he had come to his own realm unknowingly.

At this time, a giant sword was inserted above Ye Chen's domain, and around the giant sword, a huge yin and yang gossip diagram appeared around the giant sword.

The five elements of yin and yang, mutually reinforcing each other, constantly nourish Ye Chen's domain.

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