After Qiao Nanyan went down the broadcast with mixed emotions.

Instead of paying attention to the situation in the live broadcast room, he continued to communicate with the high-tech communicator device, hoping to obtain more information from it.

But the result made her a little disappointed.

Except for the information obtained before, no new logs appeared on the communicator device.

It made her mope all day.

However, what she didn't know was.

The content of her two-day live broadcast on the Internet has quietly started to ferment. Many netizens recorded short videos in the live broadcast room and posted them on the Internet.

These videos have gradually become popular on major short video platforms because of their huge plots, tear-jerking plots, and the suspected appearance of black technology 3D holographic stereoscopic projection.

As the video became popular, it gradually attracted the attention of some people, including some influential figures.

Jiang Cheng Economic Zone.

In an office in a certain building.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes with a thin face and a righteous look between his brows was swiping his phone.

On his mobile phone, the videos edited by fans from Qiao Nanyan's live broadcast room in the past two days are playing.

"...I would like to emphasize again to everyone that these log data are all true deeds..."

"I hope you will... maintain due respect for these heroes..."

It fell with Qiao Nanyan's voice.

Zhang Zhaocong frowned slightly.

He is a relatively well-known entrepreneur in the current society. The "Red Star" he runs has great influence in the entire domestic brand, and is even called the "light of domestic products" by netizens in Huaguo's manufacturing industry.

Zhang Zhaocong's current fame has a lot to do with his personality and the corporate culture of 'Red Star'.

In the past, whenever there was a major disaster in Huaguo, "Red Star" would inevitably appear on the donation list, and each time it was a huge donation of millions or even tens of millions. Even if the company itself was facing difficulties, this tradition is never changed.

Because of this, he and his 'Red Star' have an excellent reputation in the industry, and even in the entire Huaguo.

Zhang Zhaocong has a gentle personality, but the most common saying is that "there is a country where there is a family", and he especially respects those heroes who fought for the country and silently guarded the country.

After seeing the video on his mobile phone, his brows were furrowed, and he felt a little frustrated.

He admitted that the story in this video is very touching and passionate, and even made him feel a little sore in his nose and heavy in his heart while watching it.

But because of this, he couldn't agree with Qiao Nanyan's last words, and even felt angry.

"Heroes need to be respected, but they are definitely not used to consume feelings and take the opportunity to hype to gain fame and fortune!"

No one would believe that the content of Qiao Nanyan's live broadcast was a real heroic deed, and Zhang Zhaocong also did not believe it, because everything was too bizarre.

But in the several videos he saw, Qiao Nanyan emphasized again and again that the content of the live broadcast was definitely real heroic deeds, which made him very disgusted.

Isn't this blatantly using netizens to worship heroes and respect heroes' feelings to increase their popularity?

Such behavior made him very shameless...

Zhang Zhaocong's current popularity is not only because he is the boss of 'Red Star', but also because he is often active on major online platforms.

Especially in the Weibo circle, there are many artists who want to use disgraceful means to hype, they have been mercilessly attacked by him, so they are known and liked by so many netizens.

At this point, after turning off the video.

Zhang Zhaocong opened Weibo without hesitation, and updated a new piece of news.

"The reason why heroes are respected and can become role models for countless people to admire and learn from is because of their selfless dedication and sacrifice, which makes the world a better place and our motherland stronger!

Heroes should not be exploited by people with high intentions, and netizens’ feelings of hero worship and respect should not be consumed at will. This is the most basic quality for us as a responsible Chinese. @Qiao Nanyan”

Zhang Zhaocong has quite a few fans. As soon as this Weibo post was posted, it caused quite a stir on the Internet.

Discussions about the content of Qiao Nanyan's live broadcast also began to intensify. After seeing Zhang Zhaocong's news, people who didn't know the truth on the Internet poured into Qiao Nanyan's Weibo account, and the comment area was full of curses.

"Qiao Nanyan? Female anchor? I also watched the live broadcast video on the Internet. If you play the script, you can play the script. It's okay to write a plot about a hero guarding the blue star...but you keep fooling your fans, that's real heroic deeds. It's really disgusting, don't you want any face?"

"Heroes are for reverence, not for some people to consume their feelings. The current live broadcast industry is really getting more and more chaotic. No wonder even @张赵钟 can’t stand it anymore. @Qiao Nanyan wants to point to Bilian.. ...!"

"I've always felt that the live broadcasting industry is very chaotic, especially some anchors, who show their heads and poses, and there is no lower limit. I didn't expect that even the popular anchor @Qiao Nanyan on a certain platform has no lower limit. It consumes heroic feelings. Do you deserve it?"

"Take me away from Mr. Zhang @张赵cong is not angry, the world is getting worse, are there still fewer disgusting things now? @Qiao Nanyan, you have to show some face, heroes are not something you can use to hype and ridicule at will, understand?"

With the hacking of Qiao Nanyan's Weibo, many fans in the live broadcast room also noticed something was wrong.

Seeing so many ugly words in the comment area, the fans couldn't bear it anymore, and they entered the battlefield one after another, and started to face off with those people who didn't know the truth.

"What's wrong with the goddess, she was suddenly besieged? Damn, what the hell, where did these 'jealous dogs' come from?"

"When did my sister Nan lose her heroic feelings? Is it because the plot of my watchman who holds the sword is not good, or is my sister Nan eating your rice? Is it necessary to go online? @张赵钟"

"Where is the dog barking here? Watching a video shows you a sense of superiority? My sister Nan wrote the script and thought of the plot, and it has half a cent to do with you?"

"Where is the watchman at home? It's time for us to show up... The sharp sword hanging high in the darkness has been unsheathed, and we will fight with the sword and kill all the jealous dogs in the world..."

"This Great Wall of Starry Sky will be guarded by us... Let's go up together, cover Sister Nan, and let these 'jealous dogs' get rid of me..."

There is a scolding war on Weibo, and there is a tendency to intensify, things are constantly fermenting...

At this time, Qiao Nanyan didn't know what happened on Weibo at all, and was only immersed in finding information about the watchman.

If she can't let the world know, she will be a son of man in vain! !

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