The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 431 New Knowledge

"Count Drake!" In the mark of the Web Weaver, the owner of this box of wizard battle chess is the famous pirate Earl Francis Drake.

This set of wizard battle chess in Leo's hands is also very famous among wizards. Francis Drake used this set of wizard battle chess to conquer those desert island natives. There is an exclusive one in novels and plays about Drake. The name is called Ghost Knights.

In the novel and play, however, the Ghost Riders are real, not a wizarding wonder.

When he saw this set of wizard fighting chess in the black market just now, Leo immediately recognized the origin of this set of fighting chess, but he was not entirely curious about the fighting chess, but more because of the fact that the stall owner got this set of fighting chess. Curious about the process of chess.

From some details on the stall owner and the traces that have not been cleaned up on the fighting chess, it is not difficult to see that the stall owner should be a tomb robber. This set of fighting chess was just stolen from the tomb not long ago.

At first, Leo thought that the stall owner stole this set of battle chess from the tomb of Earl Drake, but after thinking about it carefully, he found it impossible. He already knew that Francis Drake was a tower wizard, and the tomb of a tower wizard, not to mention ordinary tomb robbers, even if a fifth-level psychic like Leo entered it, it would be difficult to escape unscathed .

Later, Leo bought this set of chess pieces because he wanted to find out some witchcraft mysteries belonging to Drake from this set of chess pieces. After all, it is not difficult to infer from the legend that Drake often used this set of combat chess pieces, so the There will be more or less some of Drake's witchcraft power left in it. As long as this trace of witchcraft power is captured, Leo will have a way to analyze some of the power mysteries of the tower wizard Francis Drake.

So before he infiltrated the battle chess through the spirit net just now, he had already anticipated some accidents and was prepared to deal with them.

However, what Leo didn't expect was that the remaining power in the battle chess was so powerful that it directly dispersed the spiritual net of the fifth-level psyker, leaving him no time to react.

According to Leo's estimation, the sorcery power that broke through his spiritual net just now was at least as strong as a seventh-level psyker, and that power also destroyed the inside of the battle chess after it dispersed the spiritual net. Although the battle chess still exudes spiritual energy, its interior has been completely damaged. Even if you know how to use the battle chess, you may not be able to use this set of battle chess.

Fortunately, the Turing radical pattern hidden under the surface of the battle chess has not been damaged, but it has become mottled and hard to recognize. It may be difficult to sort it out.

Leo didn't put the battle chess aside for later processing, but picked up the rune stone, put it in front of his eyes, and carefully compared the arrangement of Turing's radicals on it.

Although there are differences in some places, on the whole, the arrangement of the Turing radicals on the two wizard wonders should be changed from the same method.

"Did Drake leave a wizarding inheritance in the Kingdom of England?" After analyzing the results, Leo recalled the Turing radicals he saw on the black market, with a puzzled look on his face, and said to himself road.

Although Leo was not sure whether the wizard in the black market had obtained Drake's wizarding inheritance, but he felt that the wizard had at least some connection with Drake, which also made Leo more interested in the black market wizard.

However, Leo was not in a hurry to find the black market wizard, he still had a lot of things to do, so he picked up two things, walked to the newly made storage compartment on the side wall of the room, and put the Put the two items in your hand into the empty grid, then pick up the label paper next to it, write on the label, and stuff it into the card slot under the grid for easy identification.

Back at the desk, Leo opened the box containing the ancient sacrificial scrolls, and was about to open it. He carefully inspected the strange thing inside that was said to have the power of curse, but before he opened the box, his mind appeared. Got a very faint feeling.

"This is? Joey." Leo was stunned for a moment. According to the vague feeling conveyed from the depths of his mind, he quickly recognized the general direction, walked to the window in that direction, pushed the window open, and looked into the distance. And the end of that direction is the sea, and across the sea is the Mozambique continent.

After coming out of Yam Island, Leo has been busy with the things in his hands, and completely forgot about the undead Joey he saw in Wangcheng, and forgot that he still left a spiritual imprint on the undead Joey. The reason for forgetting this is because if there is a response from the mental imprint, it will be automatically fed back to Leo. If there is no response, it means that his guess is wrong. in a world.

However, now the mental imprint suddenly gave him a reaction. Although it was so weak that it could almost be regarded as an illusion, Leo knew very well that the spiritual signal fed back by the imprint was real. It is really the same world, but they are separated by dense fog, mountains and wasteland.

"Why did it happen so late?" Leo stared at the deep ocean in the distance, and couldn't help but wonder.

Through analysis, there are only two situations that will eventually cause the phenomenon of induction delay. One is that the distance is too far, so far that it has reached the induction limit of the fifth-level psyker, and the second is that there is interference from other forces, so that the spiritual imprint Sensing is delayed.

For the time being, Leo still doesn't know what kind of situation caused the error in the sensing time of the mental imprint, but no matter what kind of situation, it is not a good thing for him.

Because if the distance is long, then based on the sensing limit distance of the spiritual imprint of a fifth-level psyker he knows, it is almost equivalent to the distance of half the solar system. According to the speed of the existing technological products, it may take hundreds of years. It is possible to reach the location where the spiritual imprint is located.

And if the power interferes, then this interference force is probably already powerful enough to affect the subspace, because the induction transmission of the spiritual imprint of the psyker is completed through the subspace, which means that this power has at least reached the Omega level .

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help frowning, and put this matter on hold for the time being, planning to go to the wasteland of the Mosang Continent to take a look at it later when he has enough ability.

Leo returned to the desk and picked up the box on the table again. He didn't open the box in a hurry, but carefully looked at the root of Turing on the surface of the box.

The Turing radical on this box also has very obvious Drake characteristics. The engraving and layout techniques are the same as those of fighting chess and rune stones, but compared to the other two damaged Turing radical patterns. , the symbols on this box are obviously much clearer, and it is not known whether the seal carver was careless or full of confidence. He did not cover up the Turing root on the box at all, and it was so brightly placed in front of his eyes that Leo It's easy to get a glimpse of the whole picture.

Although Leo has not received orthodox wizard knowledge training, the amount of mystic knowledge he has mastered is definitely not much worse than any official tower wizard, even though the wizard circle formed by the root of Turing and Lei The rune magic array that Ou learned from Hushang Town is very different, but the methods of channeling psionic energy or magic power are very similar. It can be seen that the source of the wizard organization in Yinyue Lake may also be the tower wizard.

By using these similarities as analysis points, Leo quickly analyzed some mysteries in the arrangement of the two, and quickly mastered the arrangement of the Turing radicals.

In the next few days, except that Leo was still familiar with the city of Port of Sete under the leadership of Jason, he spent all the rest of the time familiarizing himself with and mastering the special technique of this Turing word root.

In fact, the root of Turing does not have any fixed methods at all. As long as the basic roots of the Gamore language can be combined to form an energy track, then this root is the root of Turing, and it can produce special power . Just because of some subtle differences in the combination, even with the same basic radical and the same combination method, the final power produced is different, which is extremely unstable.

At least in the past, after Leo mastered all the basic roots of the Gamore language, he kept trying to form Turing roots, but he was still unable to find a satisfactory and fixed combination.

However, the Turing root combination method he is studying now is not to modify the Turing root itself, but to add some runes with special powers to form a channel of stable energy, so that each Turing character Even though the power produced by the root is different, it can eventually be stabilized through this energy channel, and then produce effects with other Turing roots.

After Leo has fully mastered this method, he has to lament that the person who created this method is very good. At least the use of Gamore language has reached a level that he can't touch for the time being. In a hundred years, he may not be able to sort out such a mature and complete Turing radical arrangement method, so he also suspects that this method was not done by one person, it may be a collective of tower wizards wisdom.

However, although this arrangement method can perfectly link Turing radicals, it is not without flaws. The biggest flaw is that the Turing radicals used as energy supply nodes cannot be too complicated. Three Turing radicals are the limit where.

Moreover, it is estimated according to the increasing sequence of the power of Turing radicals, the more the number of basic radicals, the stronger the power of Turing radicals, but this arrangement method cannot produce this incremental effect, the three Turing radicals The utility of is the limit of this arrangement method, no matter how many Turing radicals are added, it will not affect its effectiveness. Therefore, this arrangement method cannot be used for a large-scale wizard array arrangement, and can only be used in a small area.

Places like the black market may have reached the limit of the use of this arrangement method, and rune stones, combat chess pieces, and boxes for sealing and sacrificial ancient scrolls are the correct places to use this arrangement method.

So Leo also thought that the stone ball used to seal the Eye of Reality on the outskirts of Miria City probably used another Turing radical arrangement method, and that method is obviously more advanced than the one he has now mastered. Gao Ming, at least there will be no defect that the power of Turing radicals cannot be superimposed.

Although this arrangement method is much worse than he expected, but this method is also of great help to him, he can even integrate the wizard circle generated by this arrangement method into his previous rune magic In the array, increase the power of the magic array and make his spiritual trap stronger.

And this kind of wizard circle also gave him a place to use the bones of some gods and psychic creatures on hand. While he was familiar with this kind of wizard circle, he also made different magic circles through this wizard circle. There are few wizard wonders that have special effects, but are not very powerful.

For example, hidden rings that can make people less conspicuous, and anti-talismans that can protect life when necessary, etc. These wizard wonders do not require the user to have any extraordinary power, they can be used as long as they are worn, and because The particularity of the root of Turing allows these wizard wonders to be used for a long time before reaching the limit of energy output or being destroyed.

Leo gave part of the produced wizard wonders to Jason and Nelson, and the other part was sold on the black market.

He doesn't care how much the wizard's wonders can be sold for. The reason why the wizard's wonders are sold on the black market is mainly to attract the wizard on the black market. He believes that some of the wizard's wonders he sold should have already entered the hands of the black market wizard. It won't be long before the wizard will take the initiative to contact him.

In addition, after mastering the arrangement of Turing's radicals, Leo opened the box and took out the three ancient sacrificial scrolls stored in the box.

What surprised him was that the moment he took out the three ancient sacrificial scrolls, the eyeballs of the abyss snake, which had been completely silent since arriving in Velen, suddenly reacted, but this reaction was not very strong, and it quickly disappeared. The depression went down, replaced by the hunger of the chaotic stomach.

The products of the abyss hardly need to be further inspected. Leo can already judge that the power of the abyss must be contained in the three ancient sacrificial scrolls, but the black market wizard does not know the existence of the abyss, thinking that it is just a general curse power.

Leo was not in a hurry to let the chaos stomach swallow up the power of the abyss in the three sacrificial ancient scrolls, but opened the three ancient scrolls according to the normal method, and looked at the contents inside.

I saw that these three ancient scrolls all recorded a large number of sacrificial methods, as well as some disgusting praises, and the object of these sacrifices and praises was an existence called the God of Beauty and Inspiration.

After seeing the name of this so-called god, Leo immediately thought of some of the content he read in Wangcheng's book. Before the people of Wangcheng fell, there were some new god beliefs, and there was a new god name It is called the god of beauty and pleasure, and these new gods are all without exception the power of the abyss, and obviously this god of beauty and inspiration is no exception.

After Leo couldn't find more useful things from the ancient scroll, he would let the power of devouring eat up the power of the abyss in the ancient scroll, and the ancient scroll was also turned into ashes in his hands, and he also planned to find It's time to go to the black market to track down the source of these ancient scrolls, so as to estimate how far the power of the abyss has developed in the world of Velen.

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