In addition to the name of the Ember Butterfly, Leo also had some knowledge about the origin of the Ember Butterfly in his mind.

It has to be said that Leo did not expect that there are creatures in the land where everything ends. Of course, it is not certain whether the ashen butterfly is a creature, but it is a kind of life unique to the land where everything ends.

The Ash Butterfly is a kind of life that emerges from the ashes. It has a certain amount of intelligence, but it is not high, and it is not even as good as some small animals in the ordinary world. However, its role is very important, that is, to bury all the last remnants of the end of civilization.

Every time you flap your wings, ashes will be generated from the wings of the ash butterfly, and the falling ashes will cover the ruins below like snow, and the remaining life in the ruins will turn into embers of life when they are stained with ashes , gradually towards the final end.

However, even if he knew the origin and function of the Ash Butterfly, Leo still didn't know what the bone in his hand was used for, and he didn't feel any energy fluctuations from this finger bone.

I don't know whether it was influenced by the memories related to Ash Butterfly's origin, or a subconscious action, Leo took the phalanx of Ash Butterfly in his hand, and inadvertently touched the corpse of the giant Guha beside him.

The moment he took away the phalanx, the corpse, which still contained a burst of vitality and remained relatively alive, immediately burned like a ignited toilet paper, and then turned into a pile of ashes.

This scene made Leo feel extremely shocked, and he never expected such a scene to appear.

At the same time, Leo saw the surrounding gray mist begin to roll, as if there was an extra stream of air, and there were bursts of roaring sounds. Looking towards the direction of the city wall, he could see a huge object The dark shadow is collapsing.

After losing the shackles of the city wall, the gray fog of Baicheng also began to spread outside. There were bursts of panic noises from the area where the Yam people lived in the distance. Obviously, the collapse of the city wall had a great impact on that area. Influence.

Although the Yam people used various methods to isolate themselves from the chaos of the White City, there was a fatal loophole in their arrangement, because they all thought that the walls of the White City would never collapse, so at the moment the walls of the White City collapsed, Gray The fog penetrated into the city of Yam from the loopholes in the direction of the city wall.

Although there are still psychic suppressors in the city of Yam, suppressing some psychic monsters in the gray mist, this situation does not seem to last long, because the gray fog seems to have a strong effect on high-tech items such as psychic suppressors Corrosiveness, no matter how it is prevented, it will eventually decay and be damaged like the psionic suppressor in the shelter.

"You really did it." At this moment, the voice of the Eyeless Nurse came from behind Leo. Leo turned his head and saw the Eyeless Nurse, the female leader and Alice Bell who had been missing for a while Monte stood together, watching him.

"Did you know in advance that there would be the current situation?" Leo asked with a slightly gloomy face when he heard the words.

"have no idea."


The Eyeless Sister and Alice Belmont gave the same answer, but they gave two completely different answers.

"The reason why I said I don't know is because I really didn't know in advance whether you would be able to destroy the city wall." The eyeless mother immediately explained: "Alice said I knew because we did know that you would come here, and you would come here." Do something that affects Yam Island."

"You knew I was coming back here in advance?" Leo was stunned, realizing the meaning of the words of the eyeless mother, and said: "You knew who I was from the beginning, and knew something about my future, right?"

Eyeless Nanny and Alice were silent for a while, then nodded at the same time, and admitted, "Yes."

Leo thought for a while and asked again: "I heard it from the victim, or William Dodd."

"Yes." Alice didn't answer, but the eyeless mother nodded and admitted.

Leo asked again: "Who is William Dodd? What is his relationship with me?"

In fact, when he heard the name William Dodd, Leo felt very strange, because the surname Dodd is not a common surname in the Kingdom of England, and the number is not very large. One also has Dodd as a surname, and is the same as himself The appearance is similar, no matter how you hear it, it makes people feel that this person has some kind of connection with me.

And now the other party knows so much about his future, even what happened on Yam Island, so there is only one possibility, this William Dodd is very close to him, so close that he can talk about everything the point.

"He is your descendant." Eyeless Sister replied.

"My offspring?" Leo was stunned, not knowing what to say for a while.

Reproducing offspring is the instinct of any creature, but as a biochemical human consciousness, Leo, he rarely or even never thinks that it will be possible to reproduce offspring, because his thinking consciousness is still the thinking consciousness of a biochemical human being, and biochemical humans do not exist reproductive function.

Now someone suddenly told Leo that he had a descendant. Such a thing really made him feel a little bit at a loss, and he didn't know what expression to make.

"Who do I have offspring with?" Leo asked after a brief moment of confusion, unable to bear curiosity.

"I don't know." Alice and the Eyeless Sister said at the same time.

"I don't know?" Leo was stunned, but he didn't expect to get such an answer.

The eyeless mother explained: "My lord is an orphan, but because of some reasons, he finally found out about his life experience and knew that he was related to you by blood. As for your other half, my lord doesn't know anything about it. After all, you are not a famous person in the world. If you want to know about your deeds, you can only find them in other people's biographies."

Hearing that the titles in the words of the eyeless mother had become honorifics, Leo felt a little inexplicably weird. After thinking about it for a while, Leo asked again: "What will I do next?"

The Eyeless Nanny didn't hide anything, and said, "You will..." But before she finished speaking, she heard a loud noise coming from a distance, followed Dang Leo and the others to look there, I saw the Giant's Gate at the junction of the Black City and the White City slowly opened, and then a dark red mist gushed out of the Giant's Gate like an avalanche, covering the entire White City and the gray fog of the White City Merging together, Baicheng was also shrouded in a layer of dark red mist.

"This is?" When the mist surged, Leo was about to cast witchcraft to defend against the blood mist, but he found that the Eyeless Mama and the others hadn't made any defenses, so they didn't cast spells to block the blood mist. And when the blood mist fell on him, he immediately felt the movement of the giant's blood, obviously these blood mist should come from the Guha giant.

"It's really been opened!" This time it was the female leader who spoke, and she squeezed the spear in her hand a little bit, turned her head to look at Wumu Momo, and said, "Momo, I'm going down to prepare one time."

"Yeah." Eyeless Nanny nodded, then hesitated a little, and said, "I'll go down with you."

After finishing speaking, before Leo could ask other questions, he and the female leader turned around and walked towards the tower.

On the other side, Alice Belmont walked up to the giant corpse that had been turned into a mass of ashes, groped in the ashes on the ground, picked up an object that looked like a bone, and walked back.

"What is this?" Leo looked at the bone with some doubts and asked.

"Every Guha giant has a special bone. This bone is not only the source of the Guha giant's strength, but also the weakness of the Guha giant, and it is also the status symbol of the Guha giant." Throwing his bone to Leo, he said, "It's better for you to carry this bone. After entering the Black City, you who are not familiar with the environment should be able to solve a lot of troubles with this bone."

"Didn't you all enter the Black City with me?" Leo, who took the bone, looked at this strange bone carefully, and couldn't help asking because of Alice's words.

"The moment we enter the Black City, we will be sent to different places, and there is no possibility of meeting each other in a short time." Alice shook her head to explain, and reminded emphatically: "There is one thing you must know, don't Look at the current black city with the eyes of ordinary things. The real black city is completely different from what we see now, and there are no real living people in the black city. As long as you see something that can move, you will kill it directly. , don't hesitate."

Leo looked at Alice and said, "Do you think I will go to the Black City with you in this situation? Or do you know that in the future, I will do something in the Black City?"

Alice smiled and asked, "Aren't you going?"

Leo didn't answer, and there was no need to answer. The matter had already reached this point, and Heicheng had to go there.

However, he still had some doubts and wanted to ask Alice, so he said, "Why did you ask me to carry that statue?"

"In fact, you have already guessed it in your heart, so why ask again?" Alice looked at Leo calmly, and after seeing that Leo did not respond, she sighed and said, "Move that statue to make the inside and outside of Baicheng The worlds converged."

"Do you know what that statue does?" Leo asked again.

Alice responded again: "Of course I know, I still placed the statue there, but William chose the location."

"Is the idol also provided by William?" A very famous time paradox immediately appeared in Leo's mind. If the statue in my mind originated from William, then William probably inherited his statue, then the two statues of Gaia are likely to be one, so what is the origin of the two statues? .

When doubts surfaced in his mind, Alice pulled him out of the doubts and said, "Of course not, this statue was found in the remains of the Creator Lightman back then. It should be the God of Creation." statue of God."

After getting this answer, the paradox in Leo's mind quickly dissipated, and then he asked very formally: "What are we going into the black city for?"

Alice said very directly: "It's very simple, kill people, destroy them, and just find the passage to the lava pool. The passage that allows you and me to leave here is in the ruins of the Creation Lightman near the lava pool."

When Leo heard this, he was a little puzzled, because things like killing and destroying seemed to have nothing to do with finding a passage.

Alice seemed to be aware of what Leo was thinking, so she said in relief: "Don't think too much, I can't explain it well now, and when you enter the black city, you will know..."

While speaking, there was an explosion sound from the area where the Yam people lived, and at the same time, the surrounding power to restrain the psionic energy disappeared. Obviously, the psionic suppressor had been damaged by the corrosion of the blood mist, and lost Without the influence of the psychic suppressor, Leo and Alice can use many forbidden methods.

However, the damage of the psionic suppressor is not entirely a good thing for Leo and Alice, because just like they are freed from the influence of the psionic suppressor, other psionic energy suppressed by the psionic suppressor The owners were also released, and among these people, the Yam people were the first to bear the brunt.

Almost all Yam people who have perfectly integrated parasites can be regarded as psykers, but because of the limitations of the psychic suppressor, they are unable to display any psychic power at all. Although the psionic energy is suppressed, this does not mean that there is no increase in the psionic energy. In fact, as their integration with the parasite becomes deeper and deeper, the psionic energy they possess will also increase day by day. After such a long time The psionic energy of these people has accumulated to a very large level.

When the suppression effect of the spiritual energy suppressor on the spiritual energy disappears, the suppressed spiritual energy will also be released instantly. Such powerful spiritual energy will only be released without guidance, and it will only cause loss of control in the end.

Under the stimulation of this powerful force, the side effect of the parasite mutation that had been eradicated reappeared, and it caused the bodies of the Yam people to mutate at an extremely fast speed.

Although Leo's sight couldn't see through the blood fog to see what was going on inside the city of Yam, he could clearly see through his spiritual vision that the fluctuations of spiritual energy over the city of Yam had become so strong that it was like a rainbow, constantly radiating to the surroundings. Several of the psychic energies were even stronger than his own, and judging from the trend of psychic energy fluctuations, these Yam people with extremely strong psychic energy were approaching here.

Leo immediately told Alice about the situation. After hearing this, Alice's expression became serious, and she said, "It should be the leaders of the White Cult. They are very mysterious. I don't know how strong they are. , I just know that they should all have entered the Black City."

With that said, she led Leo off the platform, quickly descended the tower, and came to the female leader and the eyeless nun who were packing at the bottom of the tower.

After hearing Alice's news about the approach of the leader of the White Cult, the Eyeless Mother also showed a serious expression, and said: "They may not be coming for us, after all, if you want to go to the Black City, you must pass by us." .However, if they pass by here, they will definitely find us, and they will definitely conflict with us. Now we'd better not conflict with the people of the Baijiao group, and we can use them."

As she spoke, she quickly expressed her thoughts, and after getting everyone's approval, she quickly set off for the Giant's Gate at the entrance of the Black City.

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