The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 340 The Son of the Storm

After finding something wrong with the digging tool, Leo picked up a wooden manuscript from the ground and checked it in his hand.

"What's the matter? It's no different from an ordinary wooden pick?" After testing a few times, Leo confirmed that this wooden tool is made of ordinary wood, and it is very soft, let alone used to open mountains and break rocks. Even if it is used to dig ordinary dirt, it will probably be broken in two.

It's just that Leo didn't give up because of this, but thought that in the environment of the psychic suppressor, if this wooden pick really had power, it might be suppressed or even wiped out by the psychic suppressor, becoming Back to plain wood.

Thinking of this, Leo, who just decided to get down to business first, picked up a few tools that appeared to be in good condition, dropped them from the cliff facing the peninsula on the other side, and began to walk out of the range of the psychic suppressor.

There is almost no need to feel the state of his own psychic energy. Leo can already be sure that he is almost out of the scope of the psychic suppressor based on the increasing number of psychic creatures found on the spiritual net.

When his mental net was completely unreservedly released, covering half of the island, he stopped and looked down at the several excavating tools in his hand.

"Mother of Plants?" Although the appearance of the tool has not changed, Leo can clearly feel that there is a vital spiritual energy in the tool that is beginning to condense and slowly spread to various parts. He is very familiar with this psionic energy, which is clearly the psionic energy fluctuation of the mother of plants.

Leo didn't think that he might be mistaken for such obvious spiritual energy fluctuations. When the leaves of the mother of plants were placed on him for so long, he had already recorded the spiritual energy fluctuations and programmed them into the In the database, with a little comparison, it can be clearly found that the two are the same kind of psionic power.

Judging from the information obtained from Web Weaver's memory, the Mother of Plants is far more powerful than Leo expected, and even the Lord of the Sky, who still shows miracles from time to time, is quite inferior to her.

As one of the oldest gods in the Velen world, the Mother of Plants has always been the most powerful existence among the ancient gods, but because she does not need faith, does not need believers, etc., her church is always in the absence In addition, his church is mainly located in the endless wasteland in the south of the Mozambique continent, so the civilized world of Velen does not know much about the mother of plants, and even most religious scholars list the mother of plants as the Behind the original totem god.

But in fact, in the memory of the Web Weaver, the status of the Mother of Plants is comparable to that of the Black Forest, and she is also one of the few ancient gods who can still retain complete power in this world at the end of the Age of Gods.

It is also because of the memory of the web weaver that Leo realized how ignorant he was when he gave the leaves of the mother of plants to Stamped Hoof, because the leaves of the mother of plants are equivalent to one of the leaves of the mother of plants. Avatars, if they can be cultivated carefully, are very likely to cultivate a subtree of the mother of plants.

At that time, the area covered by the mother and child tree of plants will become an emerald wonderland. As for the benefits of the emerald wonderland, the web weaver did not mention it in the memory, but the exaggerated adjectives for the emerald wonderland are not ugly from memory The preciousness of the Emerald Wonderland.

It is precisely because he is very familiar with the spiritual energy fluctuations of the Mother of Plants that Leo can be sure that the several wooden digging tools in his hand should be made of the branches of the Mother of Plants.

However, Leo thought that there are still many similar mines on the top of those hills, and there are also many abandoned excavation tools around. This situation makes him feel a little incredible.

For those who believe in the Mother of Plants, anything that falls from the Mother of Plants, even if it is just a leaf, is a treasure that can be called a sacred object, and for wizards, the branches and leaves of the Mother of Plants are extremely precious, or Whether it is made into a magical object for wizards, or used as a catalyst for potions, to enhance the efficacy of medicines, etc., in short, anyone who gets the branches and leaves of the mother of plants will collect them and use them carefully.

But now, the fallen branches of these mothers of plants have been made into digging tools that people discard casually. If this abnormal situation is true, it can only be described as crazy.

In Leo's view, either the people in Heicheng don't know the value of the leaves of the Mother of Plants, and they can use and discard them at will, or there are many branches and leaves from the Mother of Plants that can be used in Heicheng. It's not a pity to throw it away casually.

Although on the surface, the first inference seems reasonable and can explain why the diggers in Black City discarded the branches and leaves of the mother of plants at will, but when you think about it carefully, you feel something is wrong, because these tools are the tools they used to dig the giants. The only tool for blood, even if it is broken, take it back to repair it, rebuild it, and it can be used again. You shouldn't throw all these tools away.

As for the second speculation, it feels more unreliable than the first one, but it is not impossible to think about it carefully, because if these tools are made of the branches and leaves of the mother and child trees of plants, then the spirituality contained in them The ability to fluctuate is likely to be inherited, and even if the branches and leaves of the sub-tree are still precious, compared with the branches and leaves of the mother of the plant, it is obvious that the difference between the two is not a star and a half.

Since I can get a leaf of the mother of plants, it is not impossible to have branches, leaves and even seeds of the mother of plants on Yam Island. As long as the items on the mother of plants are cultivated and alive, it is equivalent to having a It is not incomprehensible to use these materials to make tools to dig out the extremely important blood of giants.

Just as Leo was thinking about the origin of the digging tools made from the branches and leaves of the mother of plants in his hands, a faint light burst out suddenly from the tools in his hand, and then the spiritual energy fluctuations condensed in them quickly dissipated, and the surface of the tools began to glow. There was a decaying change, and soon the few tools that had just been intact turned into a few pieces of rotten wood.

And the spiritual energy escaping from the tool didn't disappear, but instead merged into the surrounding jungle and injected into the surrounding plants.

At this time, Leo clearly felt some changes in the nearby plants after absorbing the dissipated psionic energy through the spiritual network, such as an extra wave of psionic energy, but this change was not strong, obviously These plants are just one more psionic seed, and there is still a long way to go before they can completely transform into psionic creatures.

Now Leo didn't have time to think about why the spiritual energy in the tool would escape, and after throwing away the tool in his hand that had completely turned into rotten wood, he rushed towards the seaside cliff locked by the spiritual net.

The reason why he left so quickly was mainly because the psychic energy of the Mother of Plants was no less than an eye-catching searchlight for the psychic creatures in this jungle after the psychic energy of the mother of plants dissipated just now. Attracted by this wave of psychic energy, Leo's mental network immediately discovered a large number of psychic creatures rushing here.

Leo has no idea of ​​contacting the spiritual creatures here, even though those spiritual creatures are very weak in his opinion, but this island is too weird, there are too many supernatural things, no one can know what happened just a moment ago. Will a very weak psionic creature burst out with supernatural power in the next moment, so causing less trouble is the best countermeasure.

With the cooperation of the spirit net and shadow witchcraft, Leo easily avoided all the psychic creatures that he might encounter on the road ahead, and spent about an hour to walk through this jungle to come On the coast, next to the coastal cliff mentioned by Leon Belmont.

When he was on the top of the mountain just now, Leo saw that the half of the island that was not covered by the psionic suppressor had greatly changed the landform of the island that he had detected with the spiritual net before, but in this great change, there were still some The location remains unchanged.

For example, the ship cemetery where he landed at the beginning, or the settlement covered by jungle, etc., and Leo's current destination, the seaside cliff, is also among the places that have not been changed.

This cliff is very abrupt in the coastal landform of the entire island. The entire edge of the island is surrounded by beaches, but a huge wall-like cliff suddenly pops up here, and the initial surface of the cliff should be unbelievably flat, as if it had been captured. It was cut by a huge sharp blade, but with the erosion of sea water and other natural factors, the originally flat cliff surface has been covered with various caves.

These caves vary in size, the large ones can allow several people to walk side by side, and the small ones can only accommodate some birds to nest.

On this cliff, there are no other creatures, only a group of birds that look like seagulls nest and multiply on the cliff, as if they have regarded the cliff as their palace.

Although they were just some weak-looking seabirds, Leo did not dare to underestimate these birds at all, because this kind of bird was recorded in the books on species in the medical school he had read, and it was the same as most of the birds on the island. Animals and plants are all extinct creatures in Velen, so the birds are also extinct birds.

When this kind of bird first appeared, it was regarded as a sacred object of the sea and the mascot of sailors. Because they often come with sea storms and thunder and lightning, they are also called sons of storms or thunderbirds.

However, because of their handsome appearance flying in the storm, they became the decorations that nobles and rich people flocked to. There was a time when merchant ships that traveled to and from various places were not carrying various commodities, but a Specimen of ptarmigan with special treatment.

In the end, all the sacred birds, which were regarded as the symbol of the man of the sea, were hunted down, and the last recorded Thunderbird died in the Sigmar Kingdom Expo.

Don't think that this kind of bird is weak just because it has been hunted down by humans in the world of Velen. In fact, every thunderbird that is hunted down needs dozens or even hundreds of times the human life to fill.

Because the thunderbird itself is extremely powerful, it can easily catch an adult and fly into the air, and both its claws and beak are extremely hard, it is not difficult to scratch the armor and peck open the weapon, and more importantly, the thunderbird Birds live in groups. Once a ptarmigan is attacked, all ptarmigans in the group will come out to help, and they will never stop until the attacker is completely killed.

Humans also took advantage of this characteristic of ptarmigans, using a large number of slaves as bait to lure ptarmigan groups to leave their nests, and then sent people into the ptarmigan nests to steal chicks, and then made specimens after the chicks were raised.

Therefore, ptarmigans will be extinct, not because of direct hunting, but because their descendants are extinct and adult ptarmigans die of old age.

Now, the Thunderbird flock that Leo has to face is an unprecedented large flock. The largest flock of Thunderbirds recorded in the world of Velen is only more than 2,000, but the flock of Thunderbirds on this coastal cliff is only A rough calculation counts that there are as many as tens of thousands of people flying over the sea, and this does not include the number of male ptarmigans and young birds in the caves and nests on the cliffs. .

If it's just the quantity, it's fine, with such a huge quantity accumulation, there will naturally be a qualitative change. When Leo reached the coast near the cliff, he found that there were at least four different animals on top of his head. The Thunderbird hovered around, and he also had the feeling of being watched.

These four ptarmigans are completely different from the other ptarmigans around. Their feathers are silver-blue, and they are much smaller than the other ptarmigans, only about half the size. However, the pressure these four Thunderbirds brought to Leo far exceeded the sum of tens of thousands of other Thunderbirds around.

He tried to check the situation of the four Thunderbirds through the Spirit Net, but the moment the Spirit Net approached, he was scattered by the special interference energy of the Thunder Bird, and the small amount of information returned was enough for Leo to find the Thunder Bird Some power details. For example, these four thunderbirds do contain the power of lightning just like their names, and the power to interfere with the spiritual network is derived from this power of lightning.

In addition, these four thunderbirds are all equivalent to the strength of a fourth-level psyker, and even one of the thunderbirds with black tail feathers may be close to a fifth-level psyker. Psionics dispels the psychic web, rather than dispelling it through disturbances created by lightning forces.

With such a powerful psychic creature plus tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of subordinates, let alone a fifth-level psychic like Leo, even a sixth-level psychic can only shy away from this situation. After all, as far as the levels of psykers are concerned, the five, six, and seven levels are just changes in spiritual energy, and only when they reach the eighth level will there be a change, and the strength of the two levels will have a world-like difference.

"Damn it, no wonder he had such an expression at that time." At this time, Leo thought of the strange look that Leon Belmont would show when he saw him disapproving after proposing the first thing to be done. Thinking about it now, it was obvious that Leon Belmont should have known about the Thunderbirds in advance, and knowing this character was not as easy as he thought.

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