The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 334 Alice's Notes

From some details in the notes, it can be seen that Alice should have some status in Yam City at that time, or that the Yam people are using Alice to master the use of those cosmic civilization items, so Alice can touch almost all of the Yam people. The so-called artifacts enshrined by people also include psionic suppressors.

It is precisely because of her special status and role that she can walk freely in Yam City, and she can even enter some places that are considered taboo.

It's just strange that although she traveled all over the city of Yam, she couldn't leave a map related to the city of Yam. Any geographical details related to the city of Yam or even the island of Yam could not be identified. She recorded it on paper, even if she could clearly remember the location of every street in the city.

In this regard, Leo also tried it, and found that just as Alice wrote, he could indeed remember the geographical location and topography, but he could not write down these materials carefully. Whenever he picked up a pen to write At that time, all memories of topography and landforms will become very blurred.

Because he was used to seeing all kinds of strange things, even if there was such a thing that interfered with his memory, he was not too surprised anymore, as if in his heart he thought that no matter how weird things happened on this island, it was nothing.

In Alice's notes, there are not many contents related to the human history of Yam Island and Yam City, but it is obvious that Alice also brought her scientific way of thinking into the records of these materials, so her recorded There is not much content, but it is very important. Almost every piece of relevant content can let Leo have a better understanding of Yam Island.

There is no record of when humans appeared in Yam City, when humans controlled Yam City, etc., but the records about the history of Yam City clearly record one point, that is, Yam City was built by giants, and The location is the top of the northern mountains.

And the location where Alice saw these records was not a certain library, nor a certain book, but the original text of the huge stone on the altar of the crater on the top of the mountain.

According to Alice's records, the original text of the giant stone is in the shape of a cube, without any words on the surface, but as long as you touch the original text, you can get some knowledge fragments in your mind. Among these knowledge fragments are the deeds of the giant Guha, and more are Some incomprehensible symbols and characters.

Alice recorded these incomprehensible symbols and words in her notes, and Leo couldn't help smiling when he saw these symbols and words, because he found that these symbols and words were ship coordinate data at all Figure, so he guessed that the original text of the so-called boulder should be the voyage data collector of a spaceship, because the voyage record collectors of spaceships, especially the subspace record collectors, are very large and also cube-shaped.

It's just that the voyage record collector has been encrypted and does not have the ability to transmit information. As described in Alice's book, a random person can get a part of the knowledge by touching it. This kind of thing is in Leo's memory Never happened.

But things that have never happened, Leo doesn't think they will never happen, especially in places like Yam Island, where many inexplicable things may happen, just like Alice can use witchcraft and steam machinery theory It is already incredible to drive the precision instruments of the spacecraft to work.

The power that controls the city of Yam or half of Yam Island is called the religious order. The religious group believes in two mysterious existences. The members of the religious group are also divided into two groups. A group of giants who believe in eternity are called The Black Church lived in the Black City on the mountain, and another group of people believed in the Light of All Things. These people were called the White Church and lived in the White City below the mountain.

The main reason for the split of beliefs is also related to the original text of the huge stone in the crater, because every person who became a priest saw a shocking scene when he touched the original text of the huge stone. According to the religious order, it was heaven and earth. Open up the scene.

Alice didn't see those scenes, but she knew those scenes from other priests and recorded them.

According to Alice's description, that kind of scene is not so much opening up the world as it is a war. One side of the war is a giant, while the other side is a light man flying down from the sky city, because they don't know The name of these light blades gave the light man the name of the light of all things.

The two went through a great battle, which ended with the defeat of the giants. The impact of the war spread to the whole world. Mountains became islands, deep valleys became oceans, and all environments changed fundamentally during the war.

After reading this text, Leo immediately thought of the Weiya people, because the Weiya people have a nickname in the universe called Light Target.

Because the Weiya people believe in the light of origin, no matter whether it is a fighter plane or a battle armor, they all make it shine, fearing that others will not see it.

Although this kind of attire looks very mighty and sacred in normal times, on the battlefield, these decorations are larger than the actual light, which is equivalent to a standard signal. The enemy only needs to equip the light guide device, and it can be like a fixed target. Hit those Weyards.

The Via people are well aware of the drawbacks of their outfits, but they have never thought about changing them. They prefer to put the transformation plan on strengthening the armor defense, so this also makes the Via people's armor strength and various defensive weapons in the universe. Absolutely ranked among the top three.

As for the city in the sky described in the text, it can be regarded as a space battleship, like the space battleship of the Via people, which is not only their weapon, but also their home, so the battleship is much larger than the general space battleship, and even some Comparable to a planet.

Judging from the above content, it should be a supplement to the book of the giant Guha. The giant Guha came to the world of Velen, settled down, and then started a war with the Via people who came here. The result of the war was that the giant Guha perished, the Weiya people won.

Although in this text, the geographical environment of the world of Velen was changed during the war, Leo felt that it should have been changed after the war, because the change of the geographical environment of this world is very similar to a kind of geography prohibited by the supreme council of the universe. Taboo device, space environment transformation device.

As the name suggests, the space environment transformation device is used to transform planets. This device is made by a cosmic race named Kua Kua. This cosmic race is aggressive. Once it captures a planet, it will transform that planet into a A planet suitable for them to live in, and such a transformation will inevitably destroy all species on this planet.

After more than 300 discussions, the Supreme Council of the universe finally defined this race as a race that threatens civilization, wiped out its entire race from the known civilizational galaxies in the universe, and defined the space environment modification device made by this race as prohibiting any Once the taboo machine used by the race is found to be used, it will face the most severe punishment from the Supreme Council of the universe.

Because the Supreme Council only erased the existence of the Kuwak race in the known civilized galaxies, but there are still many Kuwak races in some wild galaxies on the fringes, and these survivors have to create some space environments in order to survive Transformation devices are sold in the black market in the universe, and the price of such devices has always remained high. Every time they appear, they are bought by mysterious forces at an absolute price that no one else can give.

The Supreme Council of the universe has also tracked down this mysterious cosmic force because of this taboo machine, but in the end it was all in vain, and because there has never been a planetary transformation event since then, this matter will be over. .

Now, from Alice's records, Leo can faintly feel that the mysterious force who bought so many transformation devices back then may be the Via people. Think about it in the entire universe, apart from the Via people who specialize in business, which race in the universe can afford such a high absolute price? What's more, Weiya himself is one of the members of the Supreme Council, and he is qualified to observe almost all the decisions made by the Supreme Council. In this case, how can the Supreme Council investigate the taboo machine with great fanfare?

Of course, this does not rule out that the Supreme Council itself already knew that this matter was related to the Weiya people, and deliberately made this attitude to make the Weiya people restrain themselves, and hinted not to use those machines.

Leo has been to the planet transformed by the Quaqua tribe, and he has also seen the original appearance of the transformed planet. I have to say that the effect of this space environment transformation device is really amazing, not only changing the terrain, Even the original basic energy index of the planet has changed.

According to the records in the Guha Giant Book, when the Guha Giant first came here, the place was extremely desolate and the environment was harsh. If the Guha Giant itself was not strong enough, it would be difficult to survive in such a harsh environment. Now The environment here is a whole other world.

The more important point is that the Book of Guha clearly records that there is no sacred existence in this desolate world, and the transformed world has become a spiritual world, with naturally occurring Omega-level advanced creatures constantly appearing. This made Leo think of the Weiya people's fanatical belief in the light of origin, thinking that the Weiya people artificially created a spiritual world through space environment modification devices, in order to allow the light of origin to reappear in the universe.

"Humans?" Leo suddenly thought that the human beings in the Vinylon world might not be naturally produced in the Vinylon world, and even all the creatures in the Vinylon world were not naturally produced, but were created by the Via people. If you look at it this way, the Vinylon world may be A testing ground for the Via people.

Through Alice's notes, Leo thought of various things and made shocking guesses. Although these guesses seem absurd, but when you think about it carefully, they are intertwined, making it impossible to distinguish between true and false.

Leo calmed down quickly after he made a guess about the Weiya people, and temporarily put the things about the Weiya people into the memory database built by his brain, and looked back when he had a chance to see if there was anything he hadn't discovered. other clues.

Bringing my thoughts back to the city of Yam, nearly one-third of the content about the city of Yam in Alice's notes is a research report on parasites called holy worms.

In her research report, this parasite is a special creature that grows in obsidian, and the origin of obsidian is deep in the bottom of the volcano. In the lava lake.

This kind of obsidian is like a fruit. After harvesting this time, it will grow back after a while and can be harvested again.

Judging from the diary in the research report, Alice stayed by the lava lake where obsidian was produced for a whole year, in order to record the growth cycle of obsidian and the formation rules and reasons of the parasites inside obsidian.

According to her records, obsidian will form automatically almost every month, and the blood moon of each month is the last day of obsidian formation, but not every piece of obsidian can produce a parasite.

Alice guessed that this parasite should be a strange creature living in lava. During the formation of obsidian, it entered the interior of obsidian, merged with obsidian, and finally became a holy insect.

She is not just thinking wildly, guessing casually, because in her records, she has completely recorded the process of a worm-like object connecting the lava flow from the bottom of the obsidian into the obsidian before the obsidian was formed, and then gradually mutating into a holy insect. .

It's a pity that when she recorded these things, she didn't know whether it was because of the bad environment, which had a bad impact on her body and mind, or because of some other unknown reasons that affected her emotions. All in all, this part of the information was recorded very confusingly , sometimes incoherent, and it took Leo a lot of energy to interpret this part of the content.

In this part, Alice carefully described the initial protozoan form of the obsidian parasite.

Although there is no more intuitive image, from the description of some characteristics, Leo thought of a test product.

Because the Supreme Council has seen the power of the Zerg, although it finally solved the Zerg, in order to avoid the emergence of new Zerg, several advanced civilizations in the universe with the most advanced biotechnology were entrusted by the Supreme Council to study the physiological structure and spirituality of the Zerg. can root.

After years of research, each of those cosmic civilizations has achieved certain results, and after synthesizing their respective research results, they have created a final result that they named evolution.

It was just unexpected that after the Supreme Council obtained the research materials, it immediately blocked all the research institutes that designed the evolution project, and all the people involved were put under house arrest, and they never reappeared until they died.

The reason why Leo knew this was because there was a piece of incomplete research data on the evolution project in the black market in the universe, and Leo's combat team was near the black market at that time, so he got the federal order to snatch this data, and in During the snatching process, he accidentally read some contents of this document, among which was the image of the man-made creature called Evolution.

I was delayed by the client before I went home, the update is late, please forgive me.

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