The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 139 Marriage Customs and Transformation

However, what Leo couldn't understand was that the people in Ten Towns didn't have the slightest aversion to this method of intermarriage. On the contrary, they admired it very much. Even some nobles tried to imitate it. In a civilization with an industrial system and general knowledge It is extremely rare in society.

Even among the miraculous alien races in the Earth Federation universe, only a small number of alien races have this kind of close relative marriage due to physical defects, and they themselves do not agree with this practice.

Inbreeding is not only a backwardness in the civilization system, but also a big problem in biological reproduction. Almost everyone in the Earth Federation knows that inbreeding will cause a high probability of deformed children in the offspring. With the current dream world It is not difficult to prove this at the medical level.

It doesn't even need to use any medical level, just from the aristocratic descendants of inbreeding, the endless deformed and imbecile children are enough to prove the error of inbreeding.

However, the residents and nobles of Ten Towns and Silvermoon City turned a blind eye to this, because all the offspring of the Alcott family after intermarriage did not have a single imbecile or deformity, on the contrary, each of them had a beautiful appearance and extraordinary personality. Wisdom, so they all think that this is the result of intermarriage, and the reason why they have such adverse reactions is only because their methods are wrong.

The most peculiar thing is that a wise wizard should have stopped such absurd thoughts and behaviors, but in fact, the wizard played a role in fueling the intermarriage of the Alcott family.

Although the wizards of the Wizarding Association did not expressly support the Alcott family's inheritance custom of inbreeding marriage, they secretly suppressed the children of the Alcott family who were not intermarried when the Alcott family chose the ruler of Ten Towns , At the same time, it is clear to create momentum for the children of the Alcott family who are intermarried by close relatives, and the closer the blood of the two parties in the intermarriage, the greater their support.

Among the diaries acquired by Leo, there are several from the marginalized family members of the Alcott family, and none of their parents were inbreeding within the Alcott family. They have mentioned more than once that the power structure within the Alcott family is also based on the degree of blood intimacy between the two parties in the marriage between close relatives to determine the level of status. They don't know why there is such a ranking system. They just know that anyone who wants to resist this system, no matter how high their status is, even the ruler of a lake town, will eventually disappear inexplicably.

When Leo carefully analyzed the blood inheritance of the Alcott family, the first thought in his mind was blood. Obviously, the purpose of the Alcott family's inbreeding model is to maintain the family blood as they have made public, and the wizard will value this for this blood, which also makes Leo feel Alcott I wonder why the bloodline of the family is so strange.

However, although Leo was curious, he didn't intend to really contact the people of the Alcott family. He could see that the people of the Alcott family might not know the details of his bloodline, and they knew all these mysteries. In the hands of the chief wizard of the Wizarding Association, so finding these mysteries directly from the Wizarding Association is the easiest and most direct way.

Because of this, even when selling those healing potions, Leo never took the initiative to contact those rich and powerful members of the Alcott family, and the relationship between the two was almost zero. But now the Alcott family, and the leader of the Alcott family in Seventh Lake Town, personally posted a post inviting him to the banquet, which really surprised him.

However, in addition to the accident, he thought about it for a while, and vaguely guessed in his heart what the purpose of the invitation from Andre XIII was. I am afraid that the healing potion belongs to the leader of the Alcott family who is known for reclusiveness. main purpose.

A few days ago, when selling healing potions, Leo felt that healing potions were still rare in this mysterious world. Masters, but those who can make wizard potions are still very rare.

At that time, he felt that the ten bottles of wizard potion that he had sold would definitely cause some trouble, and now the invitation from Andre XIII just confirmed his guess.

If it was more than an hour ago, Leo might have ignored this invitation, but went directly to the docking point of the airship in the city, and left here by airship, but now he has changed his mind because of the appearance of animal skins, and decided to stay here again. Stay with it for a while and see if you can find anything more useful.

Leo, who had already decided to accept the invitation, thought about what to wear for the party, and finally decided to change into his original leather jacket.

After entering the town, Leo felt that he was a little too cautious. He found that although the style of his suit of clothes was very different among ordinary people in the city, it looked so ordinary among the nobles who liked to dress up strangely, even some body mutants called ancestral transformations. The clothes he was wearing were also much weirder and more exaggerated than his leather jacket, so it was completely superfluous for him to change into a suit of clothes specifically to avoid holes in his clothes.

However, even so, Leo will still do it the next time he encounters the same situation. After all, in the countless missions he performed in the Earth Federation era, there are countless idiots who died due to some small mistakes. become one of them.

Soon Leo took out his original clothes, shoes and hats from the backpack and put them on again. After hesitating for a moment, he also took out the king and queen and equipped them again.

Just as he was overly cautious about the style of his clothes and shoes, he was also overly cautious about firearms.

According to his observations in the past few days, he found that almost all the merchants who traveled to and from the ten towns were wearing various weapons, most of them were mainly blades and crossbows, but some of them were also wearing firearms. It's just that most of the firearms on their bodies are not revolvers like kings and queens, but multi-barrel bursting shotguns.

The ammunition of these shotguns is not gunpowder, but a mixed powder like gunpowder, and he cannot feel any psionic wavelengths from these powders, which shows that these ammunition are completely different from the special bullets on his body.

Although wearing the king and queen will still be a little eye-catching, this is also in line with the speculation of those who are interested in his identity, making them more sure that they have a relationship with an unknown high-level wizard association in Silvermoon City, because in their opinion, only wizards Only senior mechanics under the control of the association can produce such exquisite firearms, and this misunderstanding can also help Leo not have to explain too much about his disguised identity.

After tidying up his attire, Leo put on his backpack, put a few relatively important books into the backpack, and left the other books in the room. Then he walked out of the room and came to the top of the building. Staggered suspension bridges, walking towards the garden of the third district marked on the invitation card.

Among the ten towns on Crescent Lake, Leo didn't know how safe the other lake towns were, but he was sure that the security of the seventh lake town he was in was not very good. In a few days, I heard more than once that foreign businessmen who rented houses in the 33rd District were burglarized and robbed.

Although the patrol guards in District 33 sent people to investigate and collect evidence every time, and caught the person who stole the items, the stolen items could not be recovered. Leo didn't want to be like those foreign merchants. After attending a banquet, he came back to find that his backpack with important items had been stolen, so it was his best choice to take the backpack with him.

Each area in Hushang Town is divided according to the vine floating platform where it is located. Some vine floating platforms have a larger area, so the urban area will be larger and there will be more houses.

However, there are still some rules to follow. The largest vine floating platforms in the town are classified as industrial areas, followed by commercial areas. The area of ​​semi-commercial and semi-residential areas such as District 33 has an area of ​​floating platforms. It is only slightly larger than some pure residential areas, and the houses in residential areas are not very large, but they are very dense and tall.

The area where the nobles live in the city is an exception. Although this area is divided into ten areas from one to ten, it is actually a whole vine floating platform. In terms of area alone, this vine floating platform is the entire area. The largest vine floating platform in Hushang Town can only be compared in the area of ​​forty or fifty ordinary residential areas put together.

A high wall was specially built on the edge of the entire floating platform and other floating platforms, separating the urban areas from one to ten from the other urban areas of Hushang Town. On the high wall, the nobles arranged at least a hundred people in the city. of the garrison. These garrisons are all composed of former city guards with completely ancestral bodies, and their strength is enough to crush all the soldiers of the ten guards in the city.

The bodies of these garrison soldiers are almost all three meters high, and their bodies vary greatly. Some have grown a large number of octopus-like tentacles, some have disproportionately huge bodies, and more are simply completely animalized, turning into monsters. Spiders, lizards, giant birds and more. These mutants with extraordinary strength are paired with weapons specially made for them, making their overall combat power so powerful that even Leo needs to be taken seriously.

In the past few days, these so-called ancestral physical changes in Hushang Town have always been one of the focuses of Leo's attention. He even went to the guard city to capture several Guard, to study the reasons for the alienation of their bodies.

He found that this alienation was not due to the genetic mutation caused by the influence of the surrounding environment, but more like man-made, because he found many traces of wizard transformation in these mutated people.

In the wizard notes of the wilderness wizard, Leo read the content of the wizard transformation technique. Although he will not use this transformation technique for himself, he attaches great importance to the technology of heterogeneous gene fusion in it, so he spares time from time to time to study the transformation cases recorded in the notes, and through the sub-brain system. Learning this transformation technique in any practical situation, so his understanding of wizard transformation technique is not much worse than those wizards who specialize in this technique.

After checking the ancestral body of these people through the spiritual network, Leo easily found the traces of the transformation technique after casting the spell, and also found that the transformation technique on these people was very different from the transformation technique of the wilderness wizard. It is different, or this transformation technique is more in line with the heterogeneous gene fusion technology in Leo's mind.

The transformation technique of the wilderness wizard is a very superficial method of limb or organ transplantation. Perhaps microscopic cells such as genes are involved, but there are definitely not many places involved. Simply speaking, the transformation technique of the wilderness wizard is to transplant a relatively powerful organ or related cells of a certain creature into a human body, and then use witchcraft to erase the rejection reaction after the transplantation, so that the transformed person can obtain the vitality contained in the transplanted organ. Power, eventually reaching the point of changing or strengthening the human body.

This transformation technique can be called an instant transformation technique, because as long as the transformation is completed, the transformation effect will appear, but the human body will also have some unpredictable accidents because there is no time to adapt.

Now Leo has discovered a microscopic transformation technique that directly targets the genetic level in this mutant in the dream world. This kind of modification is to directly insert the genes of other species into human genes, turning them into a new humanoid gene.

After using this transformation technique, the body of the transformed person will not mutate immediately, and his genetic cells are still dominated by human genes. Only after certain unforeseen mutation conditions and opportunities are triggered, the body of the transformed person will slowly change. This slow mutation process should be enough for the mutant to adapt to the body change.

In addition, this genetic modification will spread to the blood genes of their offspring as the remodelers multiply, so Leo guesses that it is very likely that all the people in this dream world are heterogeneous genetic remodelers, but some people are Implicit, some overt.

If it's just this, it's not enough to make Leo marvel at this real genetic modification. What really makes him feel that this modification is incredible is that when two different modified genes come into contact, the genetic cells There will be adverse reactions such as rejection or collapse, but it will automatically fuse and evolve into another new heterogeneous gene.

In Leo's view, the transformation technique imposed by wizards on people in the dream world is the most perfect genetic transformation technique, and it is also the transformation technique he most wants to learn. It's a pity that after comparing these genetically modified cells, he found that the genetically modified cells in these people were very mature, or mature enough, at least through dozens of generations of fusion evolution, that is to say, the original Transformation is already hundreds or even thousands of years ago.

According to Leo's knowledge from the diary of a veteran guarding the castle in a foggy area, hundreds of years ago, there was a turmoil in the Wizarding Association of Silvermoon City. During the turmoil, many things in the Wizarding Association seemed to be lost, so is this transformation still possible? Existence is also an unknown.

Therefore, he can only try his luck to see if he can find out the specific method of performing this transformation technique before leaving here.

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