The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

296. The execution of Princess Taiping, the rule of Kaiyuan (please order the full version)

This matter, to be honest, is not too dangerous.

Even if he disobeyed, Tang Ruizong and Li Dan would not make things too difficult for him. The political struggle in the Tang Dynasty was bloody, but when it came to these trivial matters, he was extremely tolerant. You can't just put him in jail as soon as he is the top scorer in a new subject.

But... don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. It is true that Tang Ruizong Li Dan was weak, but that was when facing Princess Taiping and Li Longji. Although he, the ninth-grade schoolmaster, had many scruples, who knew whether he would Be stupid.

"Father said that he wants to recruit you as the Prince Consort..."

"The poems you wrote for me in Youxian Temple have been spread throughout Chang'an, and everyone knows... You and I have a secret affection. Therefore, although it is a bit reluctant to recruit you as the Prince Consort, it is reasonable... "

Princess Jinxian turned red and said embarrassedly.

After she finished speaking, she carefully took a look at Bai Gui's expression, and saw that there was no surprise or anger in him, and felt a little at ease. After all, marrying a princess of the royal family is an honor for most people, but for a top scholar like Bai Gui, it is really not an honor.

Who doesn't love a handsome man with Pan An's appearance and Song Yu's talent? !

At present, Bai Gui's poetry and calligraphy are the best in Chang'an. It is difficult for ordinary people to compare with him in both civil and military circles. He is also a true immortal in Taoism. It can be said that such a husband is difficult to find throughout the ages. It is normal for her to be in love with him.

"The saint thinks so, then... what does the princess mean?"

"You are only nineteen, and your parents died early. If you get married, and your eldest brother is your father, you need to take care of your elder brother..."

Bai Gui saw the charming Golden Fairy Princess, dressed in a girl's crown, her plain face was flushed, and the affection in her eyes was like dripping water, which made people couldn't help but feel swayed.

But he calmed down and thought about the disadvantages of becoming the Prince Consort.

He said politely.

Parents to enrich people. When a wealthy family makes a marriage arrangement, it is never that simple. Both parents must be consulted in advance. As his parents died early, he needs to consult his eldest brother Bai Huang to see what his opinion is.

There are very few people from aristocratic families willing to marry royal princesses, and his brother Bai Huang would probably not agree either.

"Brother Bai Dao is more talented than Chang'an..."

"There's nothing to criticize about Jinxian, as long as Brother Bai Dao doesn't dislike it."

Princess Jinxian hesitated for a while and then boldly confided.

"But you and I have been given the gift, and we are cultivators. What we expect is nothing more than the word immortality..."

"According to what my master said, the poor Taoist is expected to become an immortal in this life, but what about you, princess? If you stay with the poor Taoist forever, when the princess is old and old, even if the poor Taoist treats you as before, won't the princess be wary of the eyes of others?"

"Twenty years, thirty years, fifty years, a hundred years later... the princess will be nothing more than a pile of bones!"

"Is it necessary for a poor man to look at the tomb in vain and become lovesick to the point of illness?!"

"Please forgive me for not being able to do this!"

Bai Gui took a deep breath and scolded Princess Jinxian.

After he finished cursing, he stood up and flicked his sleeves, leaving only his back facing Princess Jinxian, and then silently looked out the window.

The cold moon is like a hook, and the night wind is silent.

He could not refuse this marriage directly. Once he refused, Tang Ruizong and Li Dan might accuse him, so he had to step forward. But if the eldest brother Bai Huang comes forward, he probably won't get any favors.

Therefore, the best way is to let Princess Jinxian "repent" and go to Li Dan to intercede.

Be prepared with both hands and grasp with both hands.


"Brother Bai Dao is expected to become an immortal in this life!"

"I am now three years older than Brother Bai Dao. Even if I have the skills to keep my appearance and my youth will last forever, what will happen when I am fifty or sixty years old? Brother Bai Dao is still so young, and I have become an old woman..."

Princess Jinxian's pink face suddenly turned pale, and she felt cold sweat break out from behind her.

Now even if Bai Gui is recruited as the consort, he can only keep happiness for a few decades. When she is old and has no appearance, can the consort still treat her as before? Thinking about it makes me feel suspenseful.

And Bai Gui is not an ordinary person. It is estimated that his appearance will not change much after a few decades.

She is a royal princess, said to be a noble person from Tianhuang, but compared to the true immortals, she is undoubtedly inferior.

"Brother Bai Dao, what he said makes sense..."

"Last year, my father wanted to recruit a consort for my sister Yuzhen and me, but we were pushed back by the fact that we had practiced Taoism since childhood. Therefore, my father ignored the advice of the ministers and spent money and money to help me and Yuzhen. My sister built the Golden Immortal Temple and the Yuzhen Temple, and received many rewards to make up for her debt to the two of me."

"It would be unsightly if I suddenly regretted my decision now."

"Tomorrow, I will enter the palace and report back to my father. I will concentrate on cultivating Taoism in this life and not care about worldly affairs. This can be regarded as fulfilling my promise."

Princess Jinxian calmed down and said.

What she said was true.

Originally, according to her status as a princess, she and Princess Yuzhen should have settled on a husband a long time ago, so it's not like they still don't have a consort and a marriage contract.

The age of marriage for women in the Tang Dynasty was generally around fifteen or sixteen.

In the first year of Zhenguan, Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, issued an edict stipulating that men over 20 and women over 15 must get married. Just because of various reasons, the marriage was delayed because of Taoism as a way to protect oneself. Later, after Tang Ruizong ascended the throne, he was ready to marry her, but she refused, so she decided to continue practicing Taoism.

This delay has ended now.

It’s really hard to go back on your promise.

Of course, if Bai Gui agreed at the beginning, he would go back on his promise. The ministers would not be ignorant enough to advise the emperor to let the princess not get married.

I would rather demolish ten temples than ruin one marriage.

Encouraging marriage and remarriage has always been the purpose of the feudal dynasty, and this cannot be violated.

Princess Jinxian also understands who her father Li Dan is, and it is difficult for her to convince him alone. Therefore, he persuaded the prince Li Longji to go to the palace to meet the saint and explain the matter, saying that he was determined to practice Taoism in this life and refused to get married.

Although the prince Li Longji feels sorry for his sister, twisting the melon is not sweet. If Princess Jinxian is willing, Bai Gui's melon will be twisted. But the key is that now Princess Jinxian doesn't want it, and his brother can't really do it. He forced his sister to get married.

So once again and again, this matter became silent and no one mentioned it again.

Bai Gui is also the same as before. When he has to go to the Secretary's Office to check in, he goes to the Secretary's Office to check in. The rest of the time is to go to Haotian Temple to do his homework as a Taoist priest, learn the rituals of offering sacrifices, fasting rituals, etc., and learn to be a Louguan Taoist priest. Required knowledge.

He will not underestimate the ritual of offering sacrifices. Its existence must be reasonable. If there is a world without magic and lawlessness, the ritual of offering sacrifices and fasting rituals will probably be of little use. But now that there is Taoism, these rituals of offering sacrifices and fasting rituals must be of great use.

In addition to going to Haotian Temple and the Secretariat, he will also spend three days in January to teach Liu Jinyuan the responsibilities of a gentleman.

Time flies like this, and in a blink of an eye it is the second year of Xiantian, which is also the first year of Kaiyuan.

About a year and a half passed.

In the third year of Emperor Ruizong of the Tang Dynasty, Li Dan, who was in Jingyun, that is, in the first year of Xiantian, due to the appearance of a comet, he moved to the crown prince Li Longji and established himself as the Supreme Emperor.

Baoningfang, Haotian Temple.

Back courtyard.

"Taking advantage of the righteousness of heaven and earth to control the debate among the six qi."

"The six qi refer to yin and yang, dim light, wind and rain, Bianzetongjie means change, and the righteousness of heaven and earth refers to the rules of the universe. For more than a year, I have been specializing in the change of wind and rain, and the change of wind and rain is also the best place to start. One of the two spirits..."

"Being able to rise under the pretense of wind and rain, and not fall for thirty breaths..."

As Bai Gui spoke, a few drops of rootless water spilled from his sleeves.

This rootless water is rainwater that falls from the sky and does not touch the ground. It contains the inspiration of wind and rain and is most suitable for casting spells.

Rootless water is also commonly used in Taoist Dharma altars, and this water is considered to be the best water.

In an instant, he rose up in the wind. There seemed to be invisible steps on the soles of his feet. He stepped up and walked for more than thirty steps. His Taoist robes made a rustling sound. When he was almost thirty breaths away, he slowly descended from the air.

"Junior brother, it seems that you have mastered the three yin, three yang and six qi."

"If you can stay in the air for thirty breaths today, you can stay in the air for a long time tomorrow."

A young Taoist priest approached from the verandah and saw Bai Gui falling from the sky. He chuckled and said.

This person is Zhou Wenxuan, Hou Shaowei's eldest disciple, and Bai Gui's senior brother.

"Senior brother is so complimentary."

Bai Gui turned his head and gave a bow.

That day Hou Shaowei asked him to choose three volumes of Taoism. The reason why he chose "Guishan Ce" was not only because the Taoism "Ziyun Miaozhi" was not suitable for him, but also because he was worried that his senior brother Zhou Wenxuan's practice was also "Purple Cloud Wonderful Edict". If he chooses the same thing, discord will inevitably arise, and the result is exactly what he imagined. Zhou Wenxuan has been taken under the watch by Hou Shaowei since he was a child, and he practices "Purple Cloud Wonderful Edict".

The two of them had different choices of Taoism, so there was no core conflict, so they got along happily.

"The six qi are the soul of the five elements, and the five elements are the soul of the six qi."

"In Su Wen, Gui Jiqu said that cold, heat, dryness, dampness, wind and fire are the yin and yang of the sky, and the three yin and three yang are supported by them. Wood, fire, earth, metal, water and fire are the yin and yang of the earth, and they grow and store in response. The sky is born with yin. Yin grows, the earth uses Yang to kill Yin and hides..."

"The method of controlling the six qi that Master taught you is by no means only the method of controlling the air."

Zhou Wenxuan lightly pointed at the dead wood on the side. In an instant, the dead wood came into spring, and the old branches sprouted branches, which was magical.

But after he took back the Taoism, the dead tree died again.

"I watched the purple stars shine brightly last night. The stars have shifted. I think the saint may have made some moves recently."

"Junior brother, you are now a member of Zhongshushe. This is a confidential matter. You cannot escape it. You need to make plans early..."

He said slowly.

"Junior brother, please save it."

Bai Gui nodded.

Zhou Wenxuan was right. In a few days, it would be time for Li Longji to attack Princess Taiping, his political enemy. It is recorded in the history books that this coup was called Xiantian Zhengbian because it took place during the Xiantian period.

After Princess Taiping was executed, the real prosperity of the Kaiyuan Dynasty would come, and the period when Li Longji worked hard to govern.

And because he was good friends with Li Longji and couldn't tell the truth to Princess Jinxian, Jian was in the heart of the emperor and was promoted quickly, from the ninth-rank school secretary to the sixth-rank secretary, and then to the fifth-rank middle school. Shushe people.

Zhongshu Sheren also did secretarial work, and were in charge of the drafting of imperial edicts, seals, books and orders, etc.

Li Longji trusted his "sister-in-law" more than others. After all, he and Princess Jinxian and Princess Yuzhen were from the same mother. Once Princess Taiping gained power, there would be no good fruits in his lineage.

Although promotion is rapid, it is within common sense.

Secretary Lang is from the sixth rank, and is the boss of Secretary Provincial Secretary Lang. If the Secretary Lang is promoted, he will be promoted to Secretary Lang. The official positions of Secretary Lang and Zhongshu Sheren of Zhongshu Province are similar, one is in the sixth rank and the other is in the fifth rank. However, the former is generally not responsible for machine maintenance, while the latter is the emperor's confidant.

"As long as you know."

Zhou Wenxuan nodded. He was quite satisfied with this junior brother. He didn't fight or grab, had a calm mind, and had a lot of power in the court. It was natural for him to be friends with such a person. He thought for a while and said: "You have always had your own opinions. Yes, as a senior brother, it’s hard to say much, but you need to remember that the law does not respect people, and when things change, if you can’t do it, don’t do it.”

"But it's not that we can't kill the powerful, but the luck of the powerful is accompanied by purple energy. If we kill them rashly, we will inevitably destroy our own moral conduct..."

He warned patiently.

The powerful are all rich and powerful. When disasters turn into disasters, killing a powerful person will definitely result in much higher losses than killing an ordinary person.

If you want to become an immortal, you must accumulate virtue.

Unless he is a heinous person, there will definitely be consequences for killing him.

"Junior brother, I am from Zhongshushe, and I am not a fighting general. It is not my turn to kill people."

Bai Gui laughed dumbly and shook his head.

In July of the second year of Xiantian.

Princess Taiping plotted a change, and used the Yulin Army from the north and the Nanya Army from the south to seize power. After being reminded by Bai Gui and other confidants, Li Longji, together with Guo Yuanzhen, Wang Maozhong, Gao Lishi and others, took the initiative and falsely reported that the Supreme Emperor had summoned Prime Minister Dou Huaizhen and others, and led the 500 Yulin army to kill them.

Princess Taiping saw that all her party members had been killed, so she fled to Nanshan Buddhist Temple.

The Supreme Emperor Li Dan came forward to plead for mercy, but was rejected by Li Longji. He gave Princess Taiping Bai Ling and Jiu wine and ordered her to die.

Chang'an Imperial Palace, Zichen Hall.

"Meihe, most of the Taiping gang members have been executed. Shi Chongxuan is a disciple of Princess Taiping and is now Jinxian's master. I can't decide on this matter. You and Jinxian... have a close relationship. Go and persuade her."

Li Longji sat on the throne, hesitated for a moment, and said.

He still cares more about the relationship between brother and sister and doesn't want to cause too much trouble.

However, Shi Chongxuan had a very close relationship with Princess Taiping. He was a famous retainer of Princess Taiping. He relied on Princess Taiping's power to become Hongluqing. Now that Princess Taiping was executed, Shi Chongxuan must also be executed.

"Your Majesty, I am from Zhongshushe, not a lobbyist. Please don't make things difficult for me."

Bai Gui flatly refused.

He is not afraid of Li Longji.

Li Longji wants to be a good emperor, and now is when Li Longji's foothold is not stable. He has contributed a lot in this positive change and is regarded as a major contributor to the Li Longji Group. Even if he refuses this small thing, Li Longji will not Will care too much.

If he cared too much, he would not be Emperor Tang Ming.

As an official, as long as you don't make mistakes in important matters.

The reason why he was willing to serve as an official in the court was because he wanted to show off his skills in the Kaiyuan rule, so as to achieve more Taoist achievements.

It is easier for the rich and powerful to accumulate good deeds.

If Li Longji is really so narrow-minded, the worst he can do is give up his official position and return to Zongshenguan to continue practicing Taoism. Anyway, becoming an immortal sooner or later is not a big deal to him.


"Forget it, you draft an edict for me and I will speak personally, so I won't ruin your relationship with Jinxian."

"No! No! I am a good person and will do it to the end. I will find someone else from Zhongshushe to draw up the decree."

Li Longji was furious, but after thinking about it, Bai Gui was right. He would not act in his own way if he was not in his position, so he had no choice but to reply.

Deep down in his heart, he regarded Bai Gui as one of the future virtuous ministers.

Compared with persuading Shi Chongxuan, Bai Gui's "uprightness" impressed him more.

Bai Gui drafted the edict.

In the evening, when he returned to Jinxian Temple.

"The historian was captured by the saint's troops in Taiqing Temple and taken to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment."

"I should have thought of this a long time ago. Sooner or later, Princess Taiping and the Saint will fight against each other. Fortunately, the Saint won and Princess Taiping failed this time..."

In the Jinxian Temple, Princess Jinxian looked a little haggard. When she saw Bai Gui coming in, she said.

Shi Chongxuan is the master of Taiqing Temple in Beijing.

"Taoist Master Shi relied on Princess Taiping to gain power. Now that Princess Taiping is gone, the purple energy in his luck has exhausted, and the Taoism is blocked, so it is difficult to escape. Otherwise, with Taoist Master Shi's Taoism, he might be able to escape and ascend to heaven."

"Princess, you should take this as a warning."

Bai Gui sighed and said.

Although Shi Chongxuan didn't have a close relationship with him, seeing Shi Chongxuan like this made him feel sad. This is why he categorically refused to listen to Li Longji's wishes and persuade Princess Jinxian. Not only was he worried about his relationship with Princess Jinxian, but it was also related to this matter.

Shi Chongxuan's Taoism was actually similar to his. When he reached the stage of raising a holy fetus, which was similar to the state of raising a fetus for ordinary pregnant women, he began to raise the mysterious fetus condensed by Huang Ting, which is what the Dan Sutra said: "warm nurturing pearls, long nurturing "Holy Fetus", when you reach this state, although you have supernatural powers and can perform Taoist magic, you cannot achieve the ultimate calamity with swords and weapons.

At this stage of cultivation, he is also very fragile. If Princess Taiping loses power, he will be like a duckweed without roots. The purple energy will dissipate and he will no longer be able to support Xuan Fei.

Only when you reach the latter stage, that is, when the elixir is complete and the golden elixir is condensed, can you be considered to have a foundation.

"When the three families meet and have a baby, they know that Taiyi contains the true Qi, and the fetus will be full in ten months and enter the Holy Foundation." - "Wuzhen Chapter"

"Brother Bai Dao is right."

"Although Jinxian is a royal princess, if she loses her power, she may not be as good as a commoner... The right way is to cultivate Taoism and cultivate oneself."

Princess Jinxian came back to her senses and nodded.

"It's good if you understand this."

Bai Gui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Princess Jinxian was fine.

But this was within his expectation. Princess Jinxian said that she worshiped Shi Chongxuan as her disciple, but she didn't necessarily have a deep relationship. The conferment was only in the past two or three years. In the past, Princess Jinxian was imprisoned in a deep palace. How can I get in touch with Princess Taiping's customers.

It's sad, after all, we have been together for some time.

But it's really not that sad to the point where it can't be added.

Otherwise, Li Longji would not have been so decisive when dealing with Shi Chongxuan.

"Thank you, Brother Dao, for your advice on this matter."

Princess Jinxian thanked her.

After being able to experience this and see clearly the glory and wealth in the world, she felt that she had become more diligent in cultivating her character.

"You and I are Taoist couples, we are meant to support each other."

Bai Gui held a whisk in his hand and shook his head.

The two entered the inner courtyard, shielded the left and right, and asked.

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