The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

238. The ancestor’s tablet has been moved (please order the full version)

Open the banquet.

Four cold dishes and four hot dishes are served first.

There are meat and vegetables, all of which are country dishes adapted to local conditions.

"Eat, eat, eat..."

"You're welcome, eat as soon as possible."

The elders sitting at the table spoke, and a dozen tables lined up from the entrance of the ancestral hall to the entrance of the archway. There were old and young, young and strong boys, and children who were just studying, and then they moved their chopsticks.

When sitting at a table, the elders take the first bite. This is the rule!

After finishing eight dishes, the waiter who was the butler removed the dishes and brought out a coarse porcelain bowl filled with vinegar and soy sauce.

(Deacons, the service personnel who handle the banquet in Guanzhong area, are collectively called deacons.)

"Zhou Li·Tian Guan·Da Zai": "The ninth term refers to idle people who have no permanent position and are transferred to serve as deacons." Zheng Xuan notes: "Idle people are those who have no career and are transferred to serve as deacons, just like today's servants."

"Lejia dumplings, home noodles."

"Ms. Bai, you just came home. It's not that we are unreasonable and didn't serve you good noodles. It's just that it's your first time to have a meal. The main thing you eat is noodles."

Bai Jiaxuan was sitting in the main seat. He cupped his hands and said to Bai Gui, who was sitting in the second seat.

The main seat Bai Jiaxuan gave way again, but Bai Gui refused to sit down and sat on the second seat.

"I know that, this is the rule."

"Eating noodles is good for a long time. We people from Qin Province, if we eat dinner but not noodles, the taste will be a little bit inferior."

Bai Gui nodded and smiled.

As the saying goes: leave home for dumplings and return home for noodles.

The reason why Lijia dumplings are made is that the dumplings are shaped like ingots and are homophoned as Jiaozi. Jiaozi is a banknote in the Song Dynasty. It also means going out to make friends, which means "gaining money and profit" outside, and returning home to meet people. It is in the shape of a long strip and represents longevity.

Bai Jiaxuan's words mean that when we hold a running banquet in Bailu Village, we should eat noodles first during the first banquet, and then eat good noodles at the second banquet and third banquet.


From the earthen stove set up outside the ancestral hall, the sound of spicy noodles could be heard.

The aroma of spicy oil also came in.

Bowls of oily noodles were brought in by the deacons on wooden cases.

After finishing the meal, we dispersed.

Under the guidance of the patriarch Bai Jiaxuan, Bai Gui knelt in the ancestral hall, kowtowed three times respectfully towards the Bai family's ancestral tablets.

After receiving the wind and washing away the dust, you can worship your ancestors.

Finished kneeling.

Bai Gui looked up and was stunned for a moment. He found that the ancestral tablet of his branch had been moved to a position next to the main ancestral branch, which was the patriarch of Bai Jiaxuan's ancestors. The two tablets were very close to each other.

"The patriarch is interested..."

"I donated three hundred silver dollars as family property to renovate the ancestral hall."

Bai Gui stood up and felt satisfied when he saw this scene.

People fight for a breath, and Buddha receives a stick of incense.

For a clan, the order of the memorial tablets of the ancestors must not be careless. Now that his family can accompany the sacrifice next to the main clan, it will increase their face after being told.

Since the Zhou Dynasty established the eldest son inheritance system for large and small clans.

Generally speaking, the farther away the blood line is from the main clan, the farther the ancestor's tablet is from the main sacrificial position. The blood relationship between Bai Gui's ancestors and the clan leader is not far or close, and because of the decline of his family, the ancestor's tablet was originally in a corner. Around the corner.

Now moved to the middle, near the bulk.

This means that his family's status in Bailu Village is now second only to the clan leader.

It sounds unreasonable!

Bai Gui's status is much higher than that of everyone in Bailu Village. Now many people in Bailu Village rely on Bai Gui's connections to survive. As far as the gourd chicken business is concerned, had it not been for the good relationship between Bai Gui and Wu Huaixian and others, and without the deliberate support of the Wu family, the gourd chicken business would not have developed to the extent it did now. It might have been possible to make money, but the process would have had a lot of twists and turns.

But...this is a big rule outside!

In Bailu Village, there are still small rules.

If Bai Gui is unkind, he can use the big rules from outside to completely overwhelm and ignore the small rules of Bailu Village! valley

However...there are still some consequences for ignoring these small rules.

There's no need to do this!

To put it simply, no matter how big a person you are outside or how much money you make, you have to worship your ancestors when you go home.

Now Bailu Village and the Bai Clan Chief are quite sensible. Since the Patriarch's sect cannot touch and cannot understand it, it is still feasible to make Bai Gui's small sect become a large sect second only to the Patriarch's line...

Once you have your status, you don't have to worry about some things at all. Smart people will take care of them.

"I accepted the money on behalf of the clan."

"Renovating the ancestral hall is a major event that will be remembered by future generations. I would like to thank Xianggong Bai on behalf of my clan members..."

Bai Jiaxuan nodded and accepted it without any objection.

This kind of money for the repair of clan ancestral halls cannot be refused, unless the donor has a questionable reputation and is afraid of bringing shame to the ancestors, so he will not accept it.

"I can rest assured that Chief Bai will do things."

Bai Gui replied.

The last patriarch of Bailu Village was Bai Jiaxuan's father, Bai Bingde. However, Bai Jiaxuan's generation was in decline. The Bai family's property also shrunk severely because Bai Jiaxuan married a woman with seven wives, and his reputation fell to the bottom due to selling ancestral property and growing tobacco soil...

Bai Jiaxuan, the clan leader, has been questioned.

But then Bai Jiaxuan did two things. One was to build an ancestral hall for his ancestors, and the other was to hire a gentleman to open a school in Bailu Village. After completing these two things, Bai Jiaxuan was able to secure his position as the clan leader.

Three hundred silver dollars were donated to the village for the cost of repairing the ancestral hall. This was a great achievement and was enough to establish prestige in the village.

Bai Gui is not short of three hundred silver dollars. If he can use this to gain another reputation for benevolence and righteousness, he doesn't mind doing it.

Besides, there are also memorial tablets for ancestors of his lineage in the ancestral hall.

It's not a waste of money.

Walk out of the door of the ancestral hall.

Bai Gui and Bai Youde return home.

When worshiping ancestor tablets, you should not worship them casually on ordinary days, so as not to disturb the peace of your ancestors. Bai Gui's return to his hometown was a special case, so the patriarch Bai Jiaxuan accompanied him to worship his ancestors, but Bai Youde had to wait at the door.

Of course, Bai Youde can also come in and worship together, but it's just not in line with the rules.

"Let's go, your Aunt Wang is still waiting for you in the house."

Bai Youde said.

He has a dull temperament and is not good at talking. In front of other people, he has the confidence of his son to talk freely, but in front of his son, he often gets stage fright. This is not because he is unfilial, but because of his personality, he can't lose face.

Go inside.

"Aunt Wang, this is the silk material Xiuzhu bought for you and Bao'er. What do you think of it?"

"Also, these are the best rouge and gouache from Jiangnan. This... this is a high-end French perfume. Try it. It's all Xiuzhu's dedication."

Bai Gui opened the gifts from Bai Xiuzhu one by one.

Passed it to Aunt Wang and Liu Baoer.

"France's high-end perfume, this small bottle costs two silver dollars..."

Mrs. Bai Wang took a look at the gift and saw the price tag on the gift. Her hands couldn't help but tremble.

too expensive!

No rouge and gouache she had ever seen in her life was so expensive.

"This is just a small gift."

When Bai Gui saw this, he smiled and didn't mind very much.

If you remove the price tag when giving a gift, the gift is almost like a free gift. However, Bai Xiuzhu was not experienced in the world and obviously could not have imagined this. This was just something she bought casually. It wasn't cheap, but it wasn't to the point where she needed to pay attention to the price.

And he won't deliberately tear off the price tag.

Let nature take its course.

"I didn't expect Sister Xiuzhu to be so generous..."

Liu Baoer forced a smile. Although she believed that it was impossible for her to be with Bai Gui, as Bai Gui's "ex-fiancée", she would inevitably compare herself with the latecomer. This comparison made her feel cold.

"Forget it, brother just thinks of me as his sister, why do I think so much."

She thought to herself, regained her composure, and began to examine her future relationship with Bai Gui.

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