The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

218. I’m not called Mr. Paopao for nothing (please order in full)

"Being beautiful and young makes you famous. It is better to be modest."

Lin Shu nodded, feeling very satisfied.

He valued Bai Gui not only because Bai Gui wrote the two masterpieces "The Qin Empire" and "Guns, Germs, Steel", but also because of what Bai Gui had done recently, going to teach in a girls' school, but he had scruples about it. The difference between men and women is consistent with his thoughts. The more he looks at it, the more he feels that Bai Gui is his old friend.

You must know that before the Restoration, he wrote books such as "Prosperity of Women's Studies".

But he is a traditional literati at heart. He not only admires women's studies, but also follows tradition, and Bai Gui's actions are exactly in line with his ideas...

Bai Gui was so humble at this moment, and he was even more satisfied.

Everyone likes a humble junior rather than an arrogant junior.

"Bai Meihe is fine with everything, but she is too cautious..."

Gu Tangsheng shook his head, "This has earned me the nickname Mr. Running. If you tell me about it, you will be laughed at."

When Bai Gui heard this, he didn't take it seriously either.

Everyone in the industry knows that Gu Tangsheng doesn't have a good mouth, but he has a good heart. And generally speaking, people are more tolerant of people who are venomous.

As the three of them talked, they inevitably talked about Confucianism.

"I think there should be New Confucianism now. In the pre-Qin period, Confucianism was divided into eight schools, such as Xunzi's Confucianism, which was called New Confucianism by people at the time..., and then there was Dong Xue. Dong Zhongshu combined the six arts with the art of Confucius, and the monarchy Divine instruction, the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Constant Rules, Confucianism unified hundreds of schools of thought, and then in the Han Dynasty, there was also the theology of prophecy..."

"The foundation and outline of Taoism in the Song and Ming Dynasties had been established by Han Yu and Li Ao in the Tang Dynasty. Later, there were Lianxi, Kangjie, and Hengqu schools. However, the definite establishment of Taoism in the Song and Ming Dynasties should be attributed to the Cheng brothers. …”

"Traditional Confucianism has an inner sage and an outer king. I think the 'outer kings' are Mr. De and Mr. Sai. New Confucianism, that is, the school of "inner sage" created the "new outer king" of Mr. De and Mr. Sai..."

"The specific method can be through "conscience self-entrapment", so that..."

(Kang Jie refers to Shao Yong. Shao Yong was a Neo-Confucian scholar in the Northern Song Dynasty and his posthumous name was Kang Jie.)

Bai Gui said.

After the abdication of Xunqing, the ideological world is now in chaos, especially Confucianism, which is somewhat confused and it is unclear where to go. Regarding current knowledge, except for the Confucian classics mentioned in the Chinese language, the rest are all Western learning. This is certainly a desperate move by a weak country to strengthen itself...

But if Confucianism is completely abolished like this, it would be inappropriate. Regardless of Neo-Confucianism, Mr. Yangming’s philosophy of mind has also been abandoned. China will lack too much of its humanistic core in the future...

What he was referring to at this time was a future Neo-Confucian trend of thought.

The first generation of pioneers were Mr. Liang Shuming and others.

It's just that what he proposed was more advanced than Liang Shuming and others, because everyone was in the exploratory stage, and his theoretical basis came from later generations.

In addition, there is no need to worry about Bai Gui taking the lead. A trend of thought is followed by countless people. There is no one person who can be arbitrary forever. Just like Neo-Confucianism, it has been pioneered from generation to generation. There is no situation where one person can write a book and hundreds of schools of thought are speechless. .

"What Meihe said makes sense."

Lin Shu nodded.

"That's why I plan to study abroad. I want to find a way to learn knowledge abroad."

Bai Gui sighed, "In the Qin State in the pre-Qin period, Lao Qianlong implemented the New Deal during the reign of Duke Xian of Qin and led the country for a long time with great achievements. However, after Shang Yang came to Qin, Lao Qianlong became an enemy blocking the way for reform..."

"If it doesn't change for a while, it will be the old law. We need to remember it."

he said.

Lin Shu and others also nodded.

Aren’t the Westernizers the pioneers of reform? But they were not as good as the reformers, they were conservatives, and now the reformers are the old ones... Gu

"Meihe is right. Yan Laoqi used to be Zhang Xiangshuai's staff and translated Tianyan theory. Now he is also scolded..."

Several people shook their heads and laughed.

"In this case, those two don't have to persuade me in the future."

"I also want to tell everyone that I, Bai Meihe, will be studying abroad in a few days, so please don't bother me again..."

Bai Gui said.

Lin Shu and Gu Tangsheng in front of me are both domestic celebrities.

With their words, his subsequent days will be much cleaner.

These two people seem to be in the opposition, and their official positions are not as high as those of Bai Xiongqi, but in fact, they are very famous and have many friends, and celebrities in society are all related, and they play a stronger role in some things than Bai Xiongqi. Quite a few.

"Okay, let's wait for Meihe to write a "Book of Shang Jun" by you."

Lin Shu rubbed his hands and smiled.

A hundred generations have criticized Qin's tyranny, and all generations have followed Qin's laws. The "Book of Shang Jun" is the book that determines the laws of Qin. This sentence was a curse word among Confucians in the old days, because Shang Junshu was not very good in the eyes of Confucians, but this sentence follows the New Confucianism mentioned by Bai Gui. New Confucianism is not only Confucianism, but also draws on hundreds of Chinese scholars. Different schools of thought have different theories, so this sentence is actually a compliment.

"Since Mr. Weilu said so, I will resign."

Bai Gui breathed a sigh of relief and resigned.

Some invitations can be declined, and some cannot. For example, if you refuse some invitations sent by officials, it will prove that you are a pure person and are not burdened by worldly dignitaries. Most people care about their official reputation and will not mind it too much. However, if they are invited by the opposition and famous wise men, if they don't go, it will be a big mistake. If you are not arrogant, you will be considered aloof...

Lin Shu is not an official, so if Bai Gui has no excuses, it is inevitable to come.

Seeing Bai Gui resigning, Lin Shu could only sigh softly and asked Bai Gui to go out.

After Bai Gui walks away.

He smiled and said: "I originally thought that Bai Mei and Mr. Running were fake, but now it seems that they are indeed true."

After coming out of Linzhai.

As soon as Bai Gui returned to Bai Mansion, a servant sent by Bai Mansion sent an invitation to a dinner party at Jin Mansion.

"While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone."

"The Jin Mansion has a small banquet in three days and a large banquet in seven days. I don't know how much money it will cost."

He held the gilded invitation and shook his head.

It's just this invitation, lined with silk and written with gold powder. An invitation probably costs one or two silver dollars. Of course, this is a gold invitation card used by the Jin Mansion to invite distinguished guests. If it is an ordinary guest, the invitation card used is much more ordinary.

"Old Li, prepare your horses, I want to go out."

Bai Gui said.

Although he recited these two lines of Du Gongbu's poem, it does not mean that he is really so noble. Didn't Du Gongbu once write this poem: "In the morning, you will be stuck in the wealthy family, in the evening, you will be surrounded by fat horse dust, with broken cups and cold food, and there will be sorrow and sadness everywhere."

Soon after, Lao Li brought the white horse over.

"You have taken good care of me during this period. One silver dollar plus your monthly salary will be used as money to hire a groom. There is also your grandson, who is not young now. I will write a letter and you can take him to primary school."

Bai Gui looked at the well-raised tall white horse with a hint of admiration in his eyes and said casually.

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