The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

163. High-end writers (please order in full)

After a while.

Most of the professors present signed this manuscript and approved it.

"Thank you Mr. Shiraishi for your support..."

When Professor Shiraishi handed the manuscript to Bai Gui again, he bowed deeply to express his gratitude.

This is the benefit of having an academic professor as a teacher.

Of course, this also requires one's own strength to achieve it. Without strength, everything is just talk.

"Well..., it's okay. I'll ask a few people to sign their recommendations for you tomorrow."

Professor Shiraishi smiled kindly.

Without Bai Gui's sincere gratitude, even if he was optimistic about Bai Gui's manuscript and its future, he would probably only be superficial, not serious or serious, and how could he care so much about it.

There is reward only if you pay.

If you think you have it all to yourself, you may not get anything.

"Bai Jun, what masterpiece did you write?"

At this time, Mitsuko Yamada couldn't help but come forward. Just now, Bai Gui asked Professor Shiraishi for advice. She was embarrassed to come forward, but now at the end, she is also curious about what Bai Gui wrote.

When Bai Gui handed over the manuscript, she looked at it and frowned.

It's too obscure.

In the Qin Empire, those who have studied the history of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods will not have dyslexia. However, except for this group of professors who took Bai Gui’s essay-like thing that was compiled from research data seriously, other people still have very dyslexic problems. High.

"Mr. Bai, you must be tired from writing the manuscript. I will treat you to dinner later."

Yamada Mitsuko said "attentively".

She took a few glances at the manuscript and found it boring, so she handed it to Bai Gui.


Bai Gui touched the seventeen-day yen in his arms. Minister Wu gave him another allowance. He couldn't live on empty wages all day long and had to do some practical things.

As for Yamada Mitsuko feeling bored after reading this manuscript, that’s okay.

He wrote this novel, firstly, to tell the confused Chinese people how to take the road; secondly, he used this novel to establish his literary status and reach the pinnacle of writing.

Writers also have chains of contempt.

Liu Wendian of Southwest Associated University once said: "What kind of professor is Shen Congwen? If he can be a professor, wouldn't I be a great professor?"

He once said: "Chen Yinke is the real professor. He should get four hundred yuan, I should get forty yuan, Zhu Ziqing should get four yuan, and as for Shen Congwen, we shouldn't even give him forty cents!" If he is a professor, then who am I?”

Therefore, there are 10 Liu Wendian and 100 Zhu Ziqing between Chen Yinke at the top and Shen Congwen at the bottom.

And what does Chen Yinke do?

He is a historian, classical literature researcher, etc. He has written books such as "A Brief Essay on the Origin of Institutions in the Sui and Tang Dynasties", "A Essay on the Political History of the Tang Dynasty" and so on.

History cannot avoid Chen Yinke.

He also invented the name Guanlong Group.

So the literati, at the top, despise writing about romance, love, love, etc. The higher ones write satirical novels, such as Brother Xun, and the higher ones write historical works, elaborating on historical evolution and so on. The problem……

Although Bai Gui also likes to watch "Border Town", he feels that if he can be a high-end literati, he should be a high-end literati.

It feels good to be at the top of the contempt chain.

After the first draft is finalized.

Bai Gui has no free time to do other things. Apart from practicing martial arts every day, the rest of his time is to write the second volume of the Qin Empire and the remaining content of "Guns, Germs, and Steel".

During this period, the second volume of Da Qin Empire was also on the verge of completion.

Asahisha got the news.

"Mr. Bai, the second volume of the Great Qin Empire is about to be completed. I hope that Asahisha can publish the second volume again. As for the royalties for the first issue, it will be the same as last time. The first issue will be larger, four thousand copies. I don't know what Mr. Bai means. ?"valley

He is still a member of the Asahi Club from the last time.

"this price……"

Bai Gui frowned slightly.

His net worth is different now from when he published the first volume of Great Qin Empire. Logically speaking, Asahisha should increase his royalties, even by one percentage point.

Not mentioning a single point like this is too blunt!

"When Mr. Bai published the first single volume, because Mr. Bai had a good reputation, sales were good, and he was well received by readers, the company increased the royalties to Mr. Bai to 13%, an increase of two percentage points... "

"Now Mr. Bai has offended Senior Xia Mian..."

"The company is worried about the release of Mr. Bai's second volume. The price... is not low!"

The Asahi Club member smiled and then said.

"Sorry, I still need to think about it."

Bai Gui frowned.

This is how three people become a tiger!

He and Natsume Soseki didn't have a deep conflict, they just didn't talk to each other. However, as time went on, the two of them were still not good, but the readers of Asahisha and the two of them couldn't help but spread rumors...

This can also be seen in some celebrity fans in later generations.

The two celebrities were talking and laughing, and their relationship was not very cold, but fans insisted that they had a grudge.

There is no wind without waves. A fly cannot bite a seamless egg, and a slap cannot make a sound.

Anyway, there are many reasons.

"I also agree with Mr. Bai's consideration."

The Asahi Club member nodded.

It's impossible to talk about success in the first attempt when talking about royalties. Literary people all have a certain degree of arrogance. It's normal for them to be unable to accept such a blow for a while...

When the time comes, you will naturally choose to agree!

No one would struggle with money, let alone such a huge amount of money from royalties.

Although there is so-called competition among peers, they generally do not get too involved in this matter. The royalty points given by Asahisha are already quite a lot, and other publishers may not be able to provide these. Besides, the first volume has already been published. Published by Asahisha, if the second volume is chosen by another publisher, it will inevitably lose popularity...

After comprehensive consideration, he felt that Bai Gui would definitely choose their Asahi Society again.

After the Asahi Club members leave.

Bai Gui took a deep breath and continued writing the manuscript.

Although Natsume Soseki didn't say to suppress him, it is normal for him to flatter others and suppress others. Human society has always been like this. Maybe if they do this, they may not be happy with Natsume Soseki, but there are always people who are happy to do it...

Thinking reversely, perhaps in the eyes of some people, this... is called sensible!

More than two days.

Bai Gui found Mitsuko Yamada and planned to ask her to recommend a publishing house, "I am now, um, you know... people in the industry say that Natsume Soseki and I are at loggerheads. It is very important to find the next publishing house. This book is my correct name." !”

He took out the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel", slapped it on the table, and said.

In this book, he made a lot of deletions and made some predictions about the future path of the Qing Dynasty, but his words were much more toned down. He only started from the perspective of geography, humanities, etc., and did not touch on the system at all.

As a scholar, he was very clear about avoiding these methods.

"This book?"

Yamada Mitsuko was surprised.

Although she couldn't read this book, she also knew that it was a good book, otherwise there would not be so many professors recommending it.

"Yes, its sales may not be as good as "I Am Cat", but it stands at the top of the contempt chain!"

Bai Guidao.

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