Regarding the emergency fund, Bai Gui had already had certain ideas. At that time, several foreign students studying abroad were having difficulty in life and were so hungry that they had no choice but to take leave to work part-time. He found out about it when he asked for leave from the student department. Google search reading

But he didn't say much. It's not embarrassing to work part-time, but it's a bit embarrassing to ask someone to borrow money. It's easy to say it once or twice, but he borrows it every time. Even a saint will be impatient sometimes, and people who borrow money also feel uncomfortable.

Therefore, Bai Gui can only do his best to help students studying in Japan find some part-time jobs.

For example, most of the translation and editing jobs in newspapers are clerical jobs, which pay a lot of money, are easy, and can also train people. It is too humiliating and frustrating to let these top students wash dishes and other tasks.

Now the time has come.

Although the best-selling issue of the Daqin Empire novel has a lot to do with the quality of his novels and the secret help of Mitsuko Yamada, the publicity that the international students went to various colleges and universities only played a role in promoting..., but everyone worked together Labor and publicity together also have their contribution.

With this reason, it is logical to take the lead in providing emergency funds.

Although Bai Gui accounts for a large portion of this emergency fund, the help of all classmates is indispensable. In this way, it is the joint efforts of everyone, and there will not be too many worries and embarrassments during the emergency...

Otherwise, there are still many people who are unwilling to bend their backs for five buckets of rice.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the students present were moved.

"Brother Meihe is awesome!"

"The name of the bailout fund is also appropriate. It is for emergency, emergency relief, and relief of temporary embarrassment..."

Some people clapped and laughed, saying they were honored.

Two thousand yen is not a small amount of money.

"Wrong, it should be Cai!"

Another person interrupted and said with a smile.

Cheers, cheers!

In the novel "The Qin Empire", the word color is quoted very frequently, and it has reached the point where everyone knows it. There are few Japanese students present who have not read this book.




The crowd clapped rhythmically, just like the ancients beating the fou and singing!

The incident soon reached the embassy's ears.

Minister Wu came over specially to commend him, and he also donated a stack of banknotes into the emergency fund. "The country is in a difficult situation, and the embassy can only live by gritting its teeth and suffering you students. The total amount is more than 400 yen, which is Although our donation is not much, it is still considered as the kindness of us elders..."

After he finished donating, he sighed, took off his glasses and wiped them with silk cloth.

"What did the minister say..."

"We are all students studying in Japan. The rich contribute money and the powerful contribute. Only by working together can we not be bullied by others!"

Bai Gui consoled him.

When he first came to Japan, he was scolded by Minister Wu for cutting his braids and was slightly dissatisfied with him. However, as time went by, he discovered that Minister Wu was also a good man.

If something happens to students studying in Japan, the embassy will do its best to help.

These four hundred days' yen may not seem like much, but the people at the embassy squeezed out their own wallets to make up the money.

Some students who really can't make ends meet can go to the embassy to ask for some money.

"Mihe, I'm very happy that you think so."

Minister Wu nodded slowly, looking at Bai Gui with a slightly satisfied look in his eyes.

Not everyone can have the courage to donate two thousand yen.

"The minister is welcome."

"This is what I should do."

Bai Gui replied.

"Being neither arrogant nor impetuous, and treating money like dirt, Bai Gui is indeed a gentleman of ancient times!"

Minister Wu smiled.

His words speak volumes.

In one metaphor, Bai Gui refers to the Prime Minister of the Wei State during the Warring States Period. He is also Bai Xue's father in the Qin Empire. He is regarded as the ancestor of Shang in the history books and is also a nominal merchant. In the second metaphor, Bai Gui is also called "Bai Gui", which means beautiful jade, and is white jade. The ritual vessel made is a noble vessel; the three metaphors are that Bai Gui is now doing this feat...

"The minister is so complimentary."

Bai Gui raised his eyebrows, not expecting Minister Wu to give him such a high compliment. If he hadn't added the ancient gentleman, he still wouldn't have understood it, but with the addition of the ancient gentleman, how could he not understand the charm of it as a person who was familiar with poetry and books.

"The Analects of Confucius says: 'Nan Rong San restored Bai Gui, and Confucius married her with his brother's son'."

"You are able to do such a righteous deed, which shows that you are magnanimous and an upright husband. Although I am not a holy master, I still know a little about your pursuit of Xiongqi's brother and sister Bai Xiuzhu..."

Minister Wu quoted scriptures and said.

The embassy has an official channel for sending letters back to the country. Therefore, if international students send letters back to their home countries, generally international students will choose to send them at the embassy. Firstly, it is guaranteed, secondly, it is cheaper, and there is basically no charge. Thirdly, it is faster.

Therefore, Bai Gui's letter to Bai Xiuzhu could not be hidden from him as a minister.

However, there were so many students studying abroad that Minister Wu could not understand them all. The main reason is that he and Bai Xiongqi are both studying in Germany, and they are old friends. Bai Xiongqi and Bai Xiuzhu will naturally be more concerned about things.

At the same time, Bai Gui is also a celebrity, so his words and deeds must be monitored, and he must know these things clearly every time he comes and goes.

It's just that he didn't intend to take care of it.

It is normal for men to marry and women to marry.

But Bai Gui's behavior at this moment was somewhat infected by him. He was also willing to help someone with such a good character.

"Nan Rong San Fu Bai Gui..."

Bai Gui suddenly felt a little dazed in his mind. This was what Xu Xiucai said when he was accompanying him when he was explaining the scriptures to Zhou Yuan when he first entered Bailu Village Academy. What happened in the past is still vivid in his mind. Now that he thinks about it again, he can't help but wonder. Touched and moved.

The so-called Nan Rong Sanfu Bai Gui refers to the fact that Nan Rong repeatedly recited the song "Bai Gui", so Confucius decided to marry his brother's daughter to him.

At this time, Minister Wu mentioned this and compared it with Bai Gui three times, which was very appropriate for the occasion.

Minister Wu smiled when he heard this, "Brother Xiongqi and I have a good relationship. Why can't today's people do what the ancients did? You, Bai Gui, must be beautiful to match!"

Bai Gui is a beautiful jade, and Xiuzhu is a treasure.

"Thank you very much, Minister Wu."

"If this can be accomplished, I...will definitely reward you heavily."

Bai Gui nodded and did not refuse.

This is the kindness of an elder, plus he really pursues Bai Xiuzhu. If Mr. Wu can help him achieve a good thing, it will be a good thing.

Generally, people who are close to her like to be matchmakers.

Can be happy.

He also became famous in vain, and ordinary people would not begrudge kindness and help.

For example, Nan Rong was the brother of Meng Yizi and a son of a noble family. Otherwise, even if ordinary people recited Bai Gui's song repeatedly, Confucius would not make the decision to marry his brother's daughter to him...

They all complement each other!

"You, Bai Meihe, are a well-known writer in Japan. I'll wait and see what rewards you mentioned!"

"Don't be disappointed in me then!"

Minister Wu chuckled lightly.

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