After walking out of the master bedroom, Chiyoko also prepared breakfast. Google search reading

Wait for them to be seated.

After Rongji saw Xunzi changing her bun, a trace of joy flashed in his eyes. He loved his sister more. It was difficult to find a good husband as a geisha, so when he saw Bai Gui coming , and he made up his mind.

Whether it succeeds or fails, he won't suffer much. Besides, with this gentleman's character and generosity, it is obvious that he will not be disappointed.

For a poor person, only his body is worth pawning, and nothing else.

Besides, Xunzi also likes this gentleman very much...

"Sir, the reception is not good, please be more lenient."

Seeing Bai Gui take his seat, Rongji immediately expressed his apology. It seems that what happened yesterday was a program and process specially created to entertain him.

"It's okay, I also like Xunzi a bit."

Bai Gui shook his head. It has happened. This kind of thing is difficult to avoid, especially for those who know a thing or two. Who wouldn't yearn for women, but sometimes they can hold it back and sometimes they can't.

It was delivered to the door and he still didn't move. That...impossible!

This is different from the time at Amami Chaya.

Eiji and Chiyoko immediately looked happy. Although it is a bit unpleasant to sell a girl for glory, but... the money that these big men freely reveal from their fingers is something they have hardly accumulated through hard work. Who wouldn't be tempted? !

In addition, his sister is also willing.

The breakfast food is also very simple, without the beef, it is still the same as yesterday.

After eating for a while,

Seeing that Bai Gui had not spoken yet, Eiji and Chiyoko were a little uneasy.

How to deal with the remaining tail?

"I'm a foreign student!"

Bai Gui put down his bamboo chopsticks and muttered.

Rongji and Chiyoko nodded. Although they didn't know much about writing, they had seen the content in the newspaper. Although the Qing Dynasty had suffered many defeats against Japan, what did it have to do with ordinary people?

The prosperity of the British Empire could not be enjoyed by the overworked female and child workers in London's textile mills.

When a young master from the Qing Dynasty arrives in Japan, he is still a young master!

"Although it is not difficult to marry a geisha according to the customs of Japan, in the Qing Dynasty, a geisha cannot be a wife. I hope you can understand this truth, and at the same time..."

Bai Gui told the cold and cruel truth word by word.

It was impossible for him to marry Xunzi. A concubine house was okay, but a wife house was impossible. It was not possible at all according to the customs of the Qing Dynasty.

The beauty is pretty good, not bad.'s a bit hard to accept, but this is high climbing!

This word is a bit harsh, but it is the reality.

It is not difficult for Japanese people to marry geishas and girls. Some of the reformers who helped Meiji married girls everywhere. Of course, they were not low-end girls, but "husbands" and "courtesans"...

He can also avoid certain troubles by telling him in advance.

If you are really hesitant and hesitant, it is not good for anyone.

Rongji and Chiyoko nodded, feeling a little disappointed, but not that disappointed. This kind of thing was impossible to achieve.

Xunzi lowered his head and said nothing, as he had expected this.

After finishing the bad words, Bai Gui nodded lightly when he saw that Rong Ji and others did not show any dissatisfaction. Afterwards, he also had some guesses about Rong Ji's actions, and Xunzi told her sincerely, so he just treated Rong Ji. A little bit of caution.

Of course, he can understand what Rong Ji did.

But you must be on guard against others!

Now it seems that Rong Ji is also a sensible person. As for money, he is not short of that. You can spend money, but it's best not to cause trouble for him. This is also a warning.

After saying bad things, it’s time to say good things.

A big stick, a sweet date.

"As for Xunzi, I will take her to Tokyo to study. It is impossible for her to be a geisha anymore..."

"This is also the way of women in the Qing Dynasty..."

Bai Gui pondered for a while and said to Rong Ji.

Rongji is the one who calls the shots in the family.


"Is it possible for Xunzi to study?"

Rong Ji looked happy.

The tuition of a geisha school is more expensive than that of a junior high school, and it is within the range he can afford. If he grits his teeth and persists, it will be easier to make a living after completing the course. Besides, Xunzi also has a certain foundation, so the semester will not be too long. long……

Elementary schools are subsidized.

During the Meiji Restoration, primary school education was promoted and an eight-year compulsory education system was implemented. In 1900, primary school was divided into two stages: ordinary primary school and higher primary school, each lasting four years.

However, Japan has limited finances and cannot implement eight-year compulsory education. It is changed to six years.

Therefore, Xunzi only went to school for six years before being forced to make a living.

The tuition for ordinary middle school and senior high school is fine for one year, or two years, but the total of the two is five years for ordinary middle school and two years for senior high school, a total of seven years. Even if he sells it, he can't afford it!

Being able to study is much better than being a geisha.

Whether it is a private school or a middle school, the money spent is only a lot more than just giving some money randomly!

"Yes, I will pay for her schooling."

Bai Gui nodded.

He originally wanted to say that writing a manuscript by himself would be enough for Xunzi's tuition fees from middle school to university. After all, the tuition fee at Tokyo University was only fifty yen at this time, and one of his manuscripts was only a lot more than that.

But these words were too Versailles, and he couldn't say them out.

"And you..., do some small business, I'll lend you the money."

Bai Gui said.

He is not stingy with a little money, but he is afraid that if his son is a wolf, he will go wild if he succeeds. If Rongji's family is really indolent, this loan is really a loan.

Thank you very much to the Rongji family.

If there was a possibility of doing business, they would not try to make a living by being geishas. Being treated coldly by others is a trivial matter. The important thing is that I feel quite incompetent...

Doing business not only requires capital, but also a certain amount of connections.

This sentence may seem unbelievable, but it is true that starting a small business is too difficult. Subordinate officials have to wait for things to happen, and they can get by if they have a lot of capital. But if they don't have enough capital, they will lose money if they invest in one line.

After Bai Gui finished breakfast, he planned to go to Fukui Prefecture without stopping for a moment.

He only had five days off, and the time spent traveling back and forth meant that he didn't have much real free time. And it is not easy to ask for leave all the time. Even if his grades are excellent, this may become an excuse to criticize whether he will graduate successfully.

Of course, there is another point: he doesn't really want to sleep with Rongji's family. Leaving aside the sleep, the food... was inevitably a bit poor. He practiced martial arts and had to supplement enough nutrition every day, and he also ate more than ordinary people.

Ordinary people practicing martial arts suffer internal injuries, which is a disease of poverty!

The poor learn literature, the rich learn martial arts!

"Then I'll go to the geisha school to say goodbye..."

On the way, Xunzi said.

"That little maid, you have met. Her name is Chiyo. She is an orphan. She is very pitiful. Her sister also abandoned her..."

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