The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

117. The death of the Prime Minister (Third update, please order first)

I'm afraid everyone present knows what Su Xun said, but there are very few people who know it and combine knowledge with action.

"Meihe doesn't have to be modest. We've all read about your courage in the newspaper..."

"It also gave us a lot of face."

Bai Xiongqi said.

Everyone also chuckled upon hearing this, and the tense atmosphere relaxed in vain.

At this time, most of the people in the embassy are young adults, mostly in their twenties and thirties, and there are also some in their fifties and sixties. They are all elders no matter what, and they have no interests entangled with Bai Gui. They can support them as much as they can.

As for doing it secretly, that's another story...

Everyone in the officialdom is smiling!

Besides, their minds are not so narrow-minded, and they are all happy to see their younger generations become talented.

"Xiuzhu, please also meet Bai Meihe..."

Bai Xiongqi turned around and said to the girl in a pink and white dress behind him.

The reason why Bai Xiuzhu returned to China with him this time was because she had reached a certain marriageable age.

The parents of the Bai family would not accept Bai Xiuzhu marrying his sister to a Kenyan, so they planned to let him, the elder brother, look for a husband.

Choosing a husband does not necessarily depend on family background, but also on success.

At this moment, Bai Gui is considered to be the leader among the students studying in Japan. After returning to China, my job position will not be low. Even if he is not in office, he will still be rich and powerful in the opposition with his ability to write novels by hand.

Moreover, he has also read Bai Gui's novels and some news about Japanese literary giants supporting him.

I know this man is a smart man and knows his interests.

Won't do anything unwise.

Let’s talk about it first, and if it doesn’t work, let’s talk about it later. Anyway, marriage is the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker.

If the parents are not around, the eldest brother is the father.

"Xiuzhu..., I have met Mr. Bai."

Bai Xiuzhu's face turned red. She also knew what Bai Xiongqi was thinking. She immediately calmed down and stepped forward to extend her hand.

The bare hands wear long-sleeved gloves made of lace.

Western-style handshake.

Bai Gui paused and stepped forward to hold his hand.

"I guess your peers have a lot to talk about, so it's not convenient for me to be here."

"Please also ask Meihe to entertain my roommate for a while."

Bai Xiong had something on his mind and nodded to Bai Xiuzhu. He didn't allow her to refuse. He walked to the other side and started talking and laughing with others.

"Sister Xiuzhu, please!"

Bai Gui was a little surprised and understood a little bit of the meaning.

The two of them sat on the sofa just now.

Bai Xiuzhu was a little shy at first, but as we talked, she gradually became more familiar with him.

Brother Xun who was waiting was stunned for a moment when he saw this. He felt uncomfortable all over, as if he was a little superfluous. Many insights suddenly arose in his heart, so he wrote in his future novels: The tragedy between people. Huan is different, I just think they are noisy.

Time passed slowly and it was almost dawn.

A plainclothes man walked in from outside the embassy, ​​covering his face, whispered to Minister Wu for a while, and then left quickly.

"The Prime Minister of Japan was assassinated!"

"Assassinated by Koreans!"

Minister Wu turned around, looked at the people who had stayed up all night waiting, and said slowly.

In the ballroom, everyone was shocked when they heard the words, with different expressions.

The Prime Minister of Japan, known as the Bismarck of the Far East, had dominated the Far East for so many years. From the adopted son of a samurai family in the Choshu Domain to the Prime Minister of a country, the iron-blooded prime minister who helped Japan transform from a colony to a powerful nation, ended like this? Dead?

And he was assassinated to death!

Many people couldn't believe it.

But I have to believe that the gunshots last night were probably searching for Korean assassins.

"Quick! Prepare the telegram. I want to send it to Shanghai and pass it to Ambassador Hu..."

"This is bound to have a great impact on the forces in the Far East!"

"Re-examining the relationship between the Qing, Goryeo, and Japan..."

Minister Wu's expression changed slightly, he notified the clerk's office, and hurriedly walked into the general office. This matter was of great importance and there was no room for any carelessness on his part.

This matter is probably no longer a secret to people in Tokyo. After all, there must be a reason for the gunfire last night.

But for the Qing Dynasty..., the news lags behind, so that's not necessarily the case.

After a while.

"You can go!"

Another clerk with gold-rimmed glasses came in and said.

The celebrities who had been waiting in the ballroom for a long time also breathed a sigh of relief. First, a few people walked out. Seeing that there was nothing serious, more and more people walked out.

Soon, the dance hall was sparsely populated.

"Let's go! It's our turn to go."

Bai Xiongqi walked up to Bai Gui and took away Bai Xiuzhu, who was in a lively conversation and still had more to say. He glanced at Bai Gui, with a slight smile on his tense face, "Meihe, my roommate and I will stay in Japan for a while. I'll talk to you in detail later."

He moved vigorously and resolutely, and as soon as Bai Gui finished his speech, he immediately left the ballroom with Bai Xiuzhu.

Not a moment's pause.

"It's time for me to leave too."

Bai Gui also stood up. Brother Xun had already said goodbye to him just now. He also left the address of the newspaper office. It was easy to find. It was in Wenjing District.

Bunkyo Ward is a gathering place for major universities, colleges and junior schools in Tokyo, and newspapers are also opened there because the target group is international students and students from various schools.

At this time, only intellectuals could read newspapers, and only a few civilians could read and afford newspapers.

Walk out of the ballroom.

Outside the embassy, ​​rickshaws were constantly seen running back and forth, as well as some panicked civilians. There are also newsboys on the corner of the street selling newspapers that came out in the morning, all from the three major news agencies.

There was an endless stream of people buying newspapers.

These newspapers have official information, and it is estimated that the news of the assassination of Bismarck in the Far East was printed last night.

This is also easy to understand. When the first person was assassinated, these things cannot be hidden.

"Get a copy of this issue of the Asahi Shimbun, Dumai Shimbun, and Mainichi Shimbun!"

Bai Gui took out a five-cent coin from his pocket and handed it to the newsboy.

Newsboys may not necessarily sell all types of newspapers, but they must have newspapers from the three major newspapers.

Sure enough, the first thing I saw was that the news of the assassination of Bismarck in the Far East was published in the newspapers and dominated the headlines.

He read the newspaper while waiting for the carriage.

After a while, I finally got a carriage, got on it, and rushed directly to Hachioji City.

One high, staying in the students' dormitory.

"If the Prime Minister dies, Japan will definitely hold a state funeral. You and I are students studying in Japan now. If we are still staying in school, we will inevitably be forced to participate in the state funeral ceremony. I am the deputy minister. I can apply for leave from the student department and the school. Generally, I will not refuse. , this is in line with the process..."

"I just came from the embassy, ​​I guess the school doesn't know yet..."

Bai Gui said to the more than eighty students studying abroad under his jurisdiction.

"Ask for leave!"

"Hurry up and ask for leave! I don't want to attend Japan's state funeral."

Although Bismarck of the Far East was a great figure to Japan, his hero is my enemy!

No one would agree to participate in the Japanese state funeral.

So it’s only right to ask for leave as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary conflicts. If you don’t choose to ask for leave, but insist on fighting Japan on this day, you are overestimating your own capabilities and there is no need!

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