Bai Gui did not act rashly, but first became familiar with the affairs of the newspaper office. Google search reading

Although the Democratic Progressive Newspaper was founded not long ago, it already has a complete structure. This is not difficult to understand. When he was in the provincial capital of Qin Province, Liu Xueyu had already founded "Guangtong Daily" with Yan Peitang, the principal of Yage Girls' School, and published magazines such as "Half Crying and Half Smiling Lou Poetry". It can be said that Have a basic understanding of the structure of the newspaper office.

Therefore, it seems that the Democratic Progressive Paper has only a dozen employees, but although it is small, it has all the internal organs.

In addition to President Liu, there is a news department that specializes in news, a commentary department that specializes in commentary, an editorial department that is responsible for content creation and collection, a printing department that is responsible for printing, and a publicity department that is responsible for promoting the newspaper...

But most of the time, one person holds multiple hats.

For example, as the editor-in-chief, he is not only responsible for content collection, but also responsible for the commentary department’s comments on news, etc.

As for the power department, it was originally in charge of a person named Editor-in-Chief Nagano, a Japanese who had always been on good terms with Elder Liu. Now that he is the editor-in-chief, it stands to reason that he can also manage the newspaper.

Bang bang bang!

After thinking about it, Bai Gui knocked on the door of Editor-in-Chief Nagano's office.

"Please come in!"

"Miwa has met Editor-in-Chief Nagano and hopes to take good care of him."

Editor-in-chief Nagano was stunned for a moment when he saw Bai Gui coming in, but when he saw the nameplate on Bai Gui's chest, a kind smile appeared on his face and he nodded slightly.

"Since you are a talented person recommended by the president, you must be outstanding."

"You will soon stand out in the newspaper office, you don't need to take care of me..."

This sentence was very modest, and it didn't look like he was being hypocritical in line with Editor Nagano's demeanor. Bai Gui didn't take it seriously and knelt down at the short long table, sitting opposite Editor Nagano.

"I have little moral character and little talent. I just came to the newspaper office and thought I could add some meager strength to the newspaper office..."

"This is a manuscript I wrote recently. I would like to ask Brother Nagano to appreciate it."

After Bai Gui talked for a few words, he got straight to the point and handed the manuscript to the editor-in-chief Nagano.

This batch of manuscripts has more than 30,000 words.

From Pang Juan's Six Kingdoms Plan for Qin, he wrote about Wei Yang's entry into Qin. It is the most exciting climax of "The Qin Empire: Black Fission". It tells the story of Pang Juanhui and the soldiers of the Six Kingdoms, preparing to attack Qin. However, Qin experienced the defeat of Hexi, Qin Xiangong died of illness, and his second son Ying Quliang, also known as Qin Xiaogong After succeeding to the throne, he promulgated the "Order to Recruit Talents", and Wei Yang, a disciple of Gong Yangcuo, the Prime Minister of Wei, was forced to join the Qin Dynasty...

"Okay, Brother Meihe is a scholar, so he must have extraordinary knowledge, and the manuscript he writes will be refreshing."

Editor-in-Chief Nagano complimented a few words, took a sip of tea, took the manuscript, and read it carefully.

He looked at the manuscript, a little casually at first, but when he saw the description of the Six Kingdoms, General Pang Juan was determined to win, he couldn't help but continue reading seriously.

Japan has no historical records during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, so it basically learned from China's Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. Xu Fu, sent by the First Emperor of Qin, is also considered by many Japanese people to be their Emperor Jimmu, because the "Historical Records" records that Xu Fu arrived at the land of "Pingyuan Guangze" and established himself as king. The swords, mirrors and jade enshrined by the royal family were all between the Qin and Han Dynasties. …

Before the Meiji Restoration, the founding anniversary of Japan was the birthday of Taibo Wu.

For example, before the Meiji period, Matsushita Mibayashi, a Japanese scholar, said in the book "Biography of Different Names of Japan": "At the time of Wu, his king surnamed Ji fled to Japan, which was the beginning of the founding of Japan."

Therefore, the history of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods is also described in Japanese history books. Therefore, Editor-in-Chief Nagano is no stranger to Pang Juan, the person who originated the allusion of "surrounding Wei and rescuing Zhao".

"Do you think the Five Elements of Virtue written in Bai Jun's book come from the Yin Yang family?"

When the editor-in-chief Nagano saw the manuscript of the novel, he couldn't help but use the honorific title "Kun" to Bai Gui.

"The Yin Yang family originated from Zou Yan, a native of Qi..."

Bai Gui frowned slightly and told the editor Nagano the whole story. In China, the Yin Yang family has become somewhat lonely and has integrated into Taoism. However, in Japan, legends about the Yin Yang family are common. Ampei Qingming, the great Yin Yang master, is even more well-known. The five-pointed Platycodon seal he created is also widely circulated in Japan. Found almost everywhere.

"I also admire Mr. Bai's knowledge very much."

Editor-in-Chief Nagano didn't take it seriously, nodded with a smile, and took this manuscript more seriously. At the same time, during the conversation, he also suddenly realized that Bai Gui was a ruler of the Spring and Autumn Period and a person from Chang'an. No wonder he could write this masterpiece.

"I will ask the proofreading editor to proofread it and print a thousand copies first to see how the sales turn out."

"According to the newspaper's regulations, this novel has 30,000 words. The writing materials are the highest on the market and can be charged as much as two yen per thousand words. After all, this is a full-length novel..."

"If it sells well, the newspaper and publishing house will contact you later, and the stamp tax can be as high as 30%."

Editor-in-Chief Nagano said calmly.

Bai Gui is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper and has a certain amount of power. Naturally, the price goes to the highest bidder, who is the president's descendant anyway. Besides, he had read the manuscript for its quality, and it was worth the price.

Moisturizing materials is an elegant name for manuscript remuneration.

Stamp tax is written by the author and the publisher when publishing a book, and the stamp tax is used to settle the fee. Stamp tax is equivalent to stamp duty. The author stamps his private seal on each book, and the publisher settles the royalties based on the tax rate percentage of the number of copies multiplied by the book price.

Pen materials are paid in one lump sum, similar to wages. The subsequent stamp duty is equivalent to a bonus.

"This price is not low. After all, Ozaki Momiji's novel only costs 30 yen."

When Bai Gui didn't answer, Editor Nagano couldn't help but say.

At this time, the most famous person in the Meiji literary world was Ozaki Momiji, and one of his short stories was written for 30 days. Natsume Soseki, who is now quite famous, serializes magazines in the Asahi Shimbun, and his annual salary is only 3,000 yen a year.

"The price is very high, thank you Editor-in-Chief Nagano for your appreciation..."

Bai Gui smiled.

He took a manuscript of more than 30,000 words, and it cost 1,000 words for two days, so it was sixty yen. Although it's not as good as the 20 or 30 yen a short story writer can make for a few thousand words, it's still a lot.

Long novels are definitely priced lower than short stories.

This is also due to the fact that he is the editor-in-chief and has a certain status in the newspaper. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to offer such a high salary in an unfamiliar newspaper.

"But Mr. Bai also needs to maintain the quality of the manuscript. If sales don't go well, I'm afraid this manuscript..."

Editor-in-chief Nagano couldn't help but say something again.

Although he liked the manuscript very much, no one could guarantee that the novel would be a big seller before it was tested by the market. So what he meant was that if the sales were not good, the price of the retouching pen would not be so high.


Bai Gui nodded. The current monthly income of ordinary people in Japan is about three or four days.

At this time, the female writer Higuchi Kazuyo came from a family of a small official in Tokyo. Her father died early and she has a mother and a sister. Women cannot apply for jobs and can only make a living by writing novels for newspapers and magazines, with an income of only six days a month. Yen, this is barely enough to support the family's livelihood. In the diary of "One Leaf", she can be seen running around borrowing money and pawning money.

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