The most reckless man in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 172 Killing! Linqing Chaoguan!

Green-skinned gangster.

In fact, they are the street gangsters of later generations.

The gangsters are usually very brave and fierce, and they are just fighting for a breath.

The most they can do is to maim someone, and then start discussing compensation issues. I have never seen someone take their life.

But today, they really saw it, and they were extremely ruthless and showed no mercy at all.

The bearded man was a leader of the Black Tiger Gang, and he was actually split in half by the burly man in the group. Such a bloody and brutal scene of terror scared all the gangsters of the Black Tiger Gang to the point of peeing. .

Qian Zhenggui's face suddenly turned pale.

"Everything was done by me, Song Chou, and it has nothing to do with my family! Why are you Tang Hao?!"

"I will definitely carry out this matter of suppressing the Japanese to the end. If possible, I will even go on a long voyage to destroy that small country, so you don't actually have to..."

The latter didn't talk nonsense, strode forward, and punched him hard, and then the reckless man Chang Kuohai screamed in pain.

"Ma Lun, the magistrate of Linqing, is from Songjiang Prefecture in Nanzhili. He was born in the top three Jinshi. He took this position because of his family support. The evidence of corruption and bribery is conclusive."

However, Chang Kuohai immediately executed him, dragging the terrified Ma Lun out by his hair, and then chopped off his head with a knife in front of thousands of people!

Immediately, Zuo Yidao came back and brought back a group of officials.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Mu came to the second person, using the same method, but this time, the blood-stained sword was on his neck.

"I hope the Marquis will do his best to suppress the Japanese!"

"Drag him out and kill him!"

One of the representatives of Suzhou merchants in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

"How much money have you embezzled?"

"Who are you a lobbyist for?"

What are you doing?

Why are you still relying on me?

"Brother, let's..."

"Song Chou, the Black Tiger Gang maims children for profit. Do you know this or not?"

"The entire Weng family will fight for the Marquis without any second thoughts!"

"My dear, Weng Xiong, and my clan brother Weng Shen, I hope to have a good relationship with the Marquis!"

Linqing Inspection Department inspector Song Chou was escorted in by Tang Mu and others, and immediately fell to his knees on the ground.

"To be honest, you guys are really brave!"

Tang Mu didn't talk nonsense and asked a few more concerning questions.

"Inspector Song Chou of the Linqing Inspection Department, hereditary position, the real master behind the Black Tiger Gang."

Fifty people versus fifty people, the result was an all-round crushing. The fifty people from the Black Tiger Gang were either killed by the other party, or had their arms and legs severed. Not one of them escaped from the restaurant intact.

The specific time is the fourth year of Xuande. Because traders refused to use the depreciating Ming Dynasty banknotes, the government allowed merchants to use Ming Dynasty banknotes to pay taxes on commercial goods in commercial transportation centers to unblock the Ming Dynasty banknotes and take the opportunity to increase taxes. At these locations, A customs customs was established to collect taxes on commercial goods, hence the name "Cao Guan".

Zuo Yidao perked up after hearing this, then took the order and left.

"Are you Ma Lun?"

Ma Lun was in a panic now. In fact, when he learned that the official ship on which Marquis Zhongshan was riding docked in Linqing, he was extremely panicked.

"First, where do these children come from?"

"These children, whether they are boys or girls, their hands and feet were amputated by your Song family, and they were disfigured and begged by your Song family. Based on these alone, I can kill your whole family!"

Hearing this, the green-skinned gangster was stunned, and he actually forgot to answer.

Tang Mu laughed twice when he saw this, and then immediately dragged the body out.

"I, Tang Hao, ask myself how you dare to set up a trap and wait for me here in Linqing despite your reputation as a murderer? Aren't you afraid that I will kill all of you Weng family in a rage?"

During the Jiajing period, Japanese pirates invaded Dongshan. After Weng Shen took out a large amount of goods and sold them, he recruited and trained local warriors, and finally repelled the Japanese pirates and saved Dongshan. Because of this, the people were grateful to him, and the court commended him and built a temple for him. residential.

"Master Hou, have mercy on me, have mercy on me!"


The green-skinned gangster endured the pain and frantically began to beg for mercy.

"Live! I want to live! Spare your life, hero! Spare your life!"

Tang Mu took the order and left, preparing to mobilize troops to destroy the family!

Song Chou collapsed on the ground with a face full of despair, staring at Tang Hao!

Among them, the Linqing Banknote Pass has the most prominent position. It not only collects ship tax but also vehicle tax, and covers all river and land transportation. Moreover, the official tax of the Linqing Banknote Pass accounts for 25% of the total national tax revenue. It has long been ranked among the major banknotes on the canal. head!

"You got rid of the Black Tiger Gang today. As soon as you leave Linqing, it won't be long before the "White Tiger Gang" and "Qinglong Gang" will appear. Anyway, they are just changing the soup without changing the medicine. In the end, Qing is still back to how he was before!”

Isn’t killing these miscellaneous fish a bit overkill?

"It's always been like this, is it right? I, Tang Hao, don't care what happened in the past, and I, Tang Hao, can't control what happens in the future, but I, Tang Hao, must take care of what happens now!"

"Even if Linqing is restored to its original state in the future, and the "White Tiger Gang" and "Qinglong Gang" appear again, then as long as I, Tang Hao, don't die, I can do it again and kill again!"

The shopkeeper complained with a blushing face: "As long as there is canal transportation, there will be canal gangs. In order to survive, these trackers and boatmen can only huddle together to keep warm!"

This is the Dongting Business Gang!

Tang Hao confirmed the identity of the person in front of him and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

The Inspection Department is similar to a certain police station in later generations. Guards and institutes are regular military agencies set up by the central government, and there are also Inspection Departments in local governments.

Liangxu, courtesy name, was born in Dongshan, Suzhou.

Before Tang Hao finished speaking, Weng Xiong was so excited that his face turned red.

Tang Hao didn't agree with the shopkeeper's words, but he still picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

"No, what do you want to do?"

After hearing this, Tang Hao suddenly became serious.

The restaurant owner finally stood up bravely, because after today's incident, he couldn't continue to open the restaurant!

So the shopkeeper sat down opposite Tang Hao very unhappy, picked up the wine bottle and drank it all in one gulp, as if to embolden himself.

In other words, this is an armed force that Zhizhou can mobilize, and it does not belong to the management of the guard system.

When Tang Mu saw this, he chopped it down with a knife and sent the beast to hell to atone for his sins.

"You are really forced to do this. If you don't do this, the adults in Chaoguan will not let you go, Mr. Hou..."

"No!" Weng Xiong explained hurriedly: "I, Mr. Weng, do not do it for money, I only want to support Lord Marquis in suppressing Japanese pirates, pacifying Japanese pirates, annihilating sea bandits, and bringing peace to the people along the coast!"

As soon as these words came out, the shopkeeper was startled. He took a deep look at Tang Hao and asked a meaningful question.

The censor of Chaoguan is the number one figure in Chaoguan.

The status of Linqing Chaoguan can be said to be the top priority. Linqing is now the first of the eight major Chaoguan in the Ming Dynasty. In addition to Jiujiang Chaoguan, there are seven other Chaoguan located along the canal. From north to south, they are Beijing's Chaoguan. Chongwenmen, Hexiwu in Tianjin, Linqing, Yangzhou, Hushu in Suzhou, and Beixin in Hangzhou.

Tang Mu stepped forward, stepped on a green-skinned gangster who was screaming after his hand was severed, and said with a sinister smile: "Do you want to die or live?"

Hearing this, Ma Lun was stunned and hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

"We can't all look to the future, but to the present."

Tang Mu shouted coldly, and fifty green-skinned gangsters died instantly.

"Including the entire Song family in Linqing, no chickens or dogs will be left behind!"

"We have decided to destroy the Japanese country!"

"Look, Lord Marquis, this is the specific situation of Linqing's officialdom that I, Mr. Weng, have secretly collected."

In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, with the completion of the dredging and comprehensive management of the Huitong River, the Grand Canal connected from north to south, and the canal became an important water transportation artery at that time. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal passed through the city from Linqing, running from south to north. There were many water and merchant ships going there, and the later Ming government decided to set up a card here to collect taxes.

When the Inspection Department was first established, each department was equipped with "hundred archers" to defend against pirates. However, as the peace prevailed, one-third of the archers in various places were cut off. As a result, they lacked people to defend themselves and gradually became useless.

This time, Tang Hao smiled a little happily.

"I disagree with your statement."

"How can the prefect be behind our Black Tiger Gang? The gang leader is the younger brother of one of the inspection master's concubines. The Black Tiger Gang is a tool for the inspection master to make money. And in order to ensure the income of the Black Tiger Gang, the inspection master will also regularly I sent money to Mr. Zhizhou, so..."

Of course Ma Lun knew about it. After all, the amount of filial piety money that the Black Tiger Gang should give him every year has never been less!

There are only three of them on this three-thirds of an acre of land in Linqing.

Chang Kuohai was puzzled, why could Mr. Hou see white pulp with one punch, but he could never do it?

As Song Chou's body was dragged out of the restaurant door by Chang Kuohai, the next person to enter the restaurant was Qian Zhenggui, the censor of Linqing Chaoguan.

After hearing this, the restaurant owner's expression became solemn, and he no longer looked drunk as before.

It seems that he is not the only one who wants the destruction of Japan!

"Does Mr. Zhang know you are so shameless?"

"Okay, second question!"

"I think you should also understand my temper and temperament. I definitely can't collude with officials and businessmen, so you'd better save your worries!"

After saying these words, Weng Xiong stood up and left, continuing to hide behind the counter and acting like an ordinary businessman.

He has a good way of making money, his family is wealthy, he is engaged in business, he is loyal and willing to help others.

The imperial court set up banknote customs to collect shipping taxes. Linqing and Hangzhou customs also collected goods taxes, which were supervised by the censors and the heads of the household department. Ship tax is levied on ships carrying commercial goods.

Tang Hao looked at Song Chou expressionlessly, and then asked the question he was most concerned about.

"What qualifications do you have to decide our life or death? I want to go to Beijing to complain, and I want to beat the Dengwen drum!"

"As far as we know, the people the Marquis killed were all corrupt officials who deserved to die!"

"They are all fleeing from various places to come to Qing Dynasty. Their parents cannot support their children, so they will choose to sell them at the dock, a place where people come and go, especially girls!"

"We don't need to buy, we just need to keep an eye on where these people are staying, and then go snatch the children at night. The boys will be left behind to beg as bait, while the girls will be sent to the brothel madams. After they have screened them, the rest will be unwanted. Yes, it will...make them uglier!"

Tang Hao felt a little annoyed and gave Chang Kuohai a look.

"Well...this one will look good, I'm very satisfied, you can die!"

As for Song Chou, he was extremely dead, his skull was cracked, how could he still scream?

However, the inspection master of the Linqing Inspection Department has become the backstage of the Black Tiger Gang. This is interesting!

At this moment, Tang Mu walked in with someone escorted by him. This person was none other than Ma Lun, the governor of Linqing!

There are emblems everywhere in the Dongting Palace!

One day and one place equally share the autumn colors of the south of the Yangtze River!

"Now that I have killed all these beasts and cleaned up the Linqing officialdom, Linqing will be restored to its original state in the future. At least during this period, no more children will suffer like this, and the people can live a better life, right? ?”

The Inspection and Inspection Department specializes in arresting and interrogating people. It is a government agency under the jurisdiction of local prefectures and counties and is not affiliated with the Wei.

Then he met Tang Hao's fierce gaze, because the little girl was looking around with her big eyes, seemingly not afraid of such bloody scenes.

There is no way, no one will be afraid of the murderous god of Zhongshan Hou Tang Hao!

If there really is one, it must be a dead person!

Weng Xiong looked at Tang Hao with ardent eyes, without any sign of awe, but as if he had seen some rare treasure.

Song Scandal was startled, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes. Just when he was about to answer, Tang Hao had already got the answer.

"Hero, spare your life!"

"What you said is uglier is to let them have their hands and feet cut off, and to have scars on their faces, right?"

Qian Zhenggui showed his posture very well and spoke respectfully, looking completely resigned to his orders.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Mu slashed his sword again and chopped off the man's head.

"The lower official has eyes but doesn't recognize Mount Tai. He doesn't even know that the Marquis is coming!"

As soon as these words came out, Song Chou immediately panicked and argued crazily: "Why? Why do you dare to do this?"

Tang Hao ordered coldly.

Tang Hao looked at him coldly and only asked one sentence.

"Master Marquis, it really makes no sense for you to do this!"

The green-skinned gangster couldn't hear the murderous intent in his words, and he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Hero, spare your life! None of this has anything to do with us. We are just asking for food. It's all the orders given by the hall masters and gang leaders!"

I am a royal guard, or a forbidden soldier of the fourth guard!

Qian Zhenggui was so frightened that his scalp went weak. As soon as his knees became weak, he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Tang Hao to apologize.

"Not much. Chao Guan collects 24 million taels of banknotes every year and earns 120,000 taels of silver. Xiaguan has only made 20,000 taels of silver in the past two years..."

Seeing this scene, Tang Hao was quite confused.

Upon hearing this, Qian Zhenggui immediately patted his chest and replied.

Tang Mu pulled out his sword and sneered: "You can only answer once. If the answer doesn't satisfy me, then I will make you "uglier"!"

Chaoguan Chaoguan, as the name suggests, the original legal collection of Chaoguan was the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes. The Ming court hoped to use the status of Chaoguan trade center to force merchants to use Baobao, and convert these papers printed by the court without any reserves. It was re-introduced, but this crazy dream that violated basic financial laws was destined to be shattered. Starting from the first year of Chenghua, the Ming Dynasty finally stopped pretending that treasure banknotes were really valuable, and banknotes began to accept both money and banknotes. Beginning in the 16th year of Chenghua, even silver, which was explicitly prohibited by Emperor Hongwu, was included in the scope of collection. Silver traveled across the country along the canal.

"Master Hou, have mercy on me, have mercy on me!"

Tang Hao was frightened by his look and almost punched him.

Malun, the governor of Linqing, Song Chou, the inspector of the Linqing Inspection Department, and Qian Zhenggui, the censor of Chaoguan of Linqing!

So Ma Lun thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Marquis Tang, please forgive me, I will let you know about this matter..."

Among the merchants in Jiangsu, the "Dongting Merchant Gang" was the most powerful. People from the two mountains were good at cultivating goods. They went from all directions to work as merchants and merchants. Therefore, there was a slogan in the world called "Zhuan Tian Dongting".

As soon as these words came out, Tang Hao's eyes narrowed slightly and he looked at the shopkeeper in front of him thoughtfully.

"You can't just do it just because it makes no sense. If everyone is like this, then the Ming Dynasty will not be far away from being destroyed. What do you think?"

The green-skinned gangster finally regained his senses, and after hesitating for a moment, he used a slightly euphemistic wording.

Even though he ordered Song Chou's Black Tiger Gang to be more honest, he still provoked this murderous god in the end!

So when Ma Lun received the news, he rushed over immediately and ordered someone to notify the people behind him.

When Ma Lun heard this, he frowned immediately. He wanted to deny it, but everyone was not a fool, so denying it would be useless.

"Master Hou made a strong statement."

Tang Hao: "???"


"Who is the person behind your Black Tiger Gang? The prefect of Lingqing? Or the prefect of Dongchang Prefecture?"

However, what happened next plunged them into despair.

"I, Mr. Weng, have never done anything to harm the people, but I often do some benevolent deeds such as opening a tent to give porridge and helping the people. If the Marquis doesn't believe it, you can order someone to investigate!"

Tang Hao asked softly: "Do you know about the Black Tiger Gang?"

In his memory, Weng's reputation was indeed very good, and he could be called a conscientious businessman who destroyed families and helped people in trouble.

"Master Hou is righteous!"

"Master Marquis, everyone from the Chaoguan and Inspection Departments are here!"

"I wonder what the Marquis of Zhongshan thinks of the merchants?"

Weng Xiong didn't waste any time. He directly showed his trump card and handed something to Tang Hao.

If President Zhang Fuhua finds out about these things he has done, he will die an ugly death.

"Well, thank you for your hard work. If you try again, all the Linqing Inspection Department, including the Black Tiger Gang, will kill everyone. Do you understand?"

Tang Hao didn't ask much when he saw this, he just asked briefly.

"You shaving off your hair and beard, you foreign barbarian!"

He is a shameless scholar!

He doesn't even care about face, he will do whatever it takes to survive!

After Chenghua, banknotes were reduced to cash registers, which was also a helpless solution.

After hearing this, Tang Mu's eyes turned cold, and he could hardly contain the murderous intention in his heart.

"Kill his whole family!"

"Leave no one behind!"


"Xiaoguan knew he was greedy and plundered a lot of money, but he did not charge a penny more in taxes from the local people. Every money he made was collected from passing merchants, without harming the people in the slightest. , Lord Marquis, please take a closer look!"

After hearing this, Tang Hao gave him a thumbs up.


What a fucking talent!

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