The most reckless man in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 141 A gust of wind blew! It touched the hearts of the gentry!

One hundred million taels of silver!

In other words, it should be called "ten million" taels of silver!

What is this concept?

The fiscal revenue of Ming Dynasty for the whole year is only about 20 million taels of silver!

Now tell me, there is a huge silver mine hidden in Japan, a silver mine containing hundreds of millions of taels of silver!

How can this be?

Ashikaga Yoshiki smiled and said: "These are the exact words my father Ashikaga Yoshisai learned from one of Ouchi Yoshiki's confidants after he bribed him!"

At least the Iwami Silver Mine now belongs to the Western Overlord Ouchi Clan!

"I ask your Majesty to uphold justice for me!"

Why did the civil servants and gentry just choose to forbear and give in when they opposed Tang Hao's attack on the nobility before?

Because a mere marquis is not worth fearing the civil servants and gentry!

But no one expected that Tang Hao was ruthless and lawless. Soon after, he successfully set up a trap to kill Hui Anbo, Zhang Wei and others, and became the powerful figure in charge of the Beijing army alone!

The only reasonable explanation is that his master has planted spies in the Great Sun Empire a long time ago, and he has had ambitions for the Great Sun a long time ago!

Once this idea grows, it spreads like a weed, making Ashikaga Yoshivi's fear of Tang Hao even worse, and it goes deep into his bones!

This is another expense!

The emperors of the Lao Zhu family were really lavish in spending money. None of them knew that firewood, rice, oil and salt were expensive!

At this point, the Japanese country's request for help finally came to an end.

"I fled to the Ouchi clan with the tenth shogun Ashikaga Yoshisai. I accidentally learned about this. Later, Ashikaga Yoshisai discovered the ambitions of Ouchi Yoshiki, the contemporary head of the Ouchi clan, and tried to manipulate him into becoming a puppet to counterattack the Kyoto shogunate and support him. Ashikaga Yoshisai is the puppet general."

As everyone knows, sending one or two thousand people there is Tang Hao's real purpose!

On the surface, Ashikaga Yoshiki appears calm and relaxed, but deep down he is secretly surprised.

"Your Majesty, what Master Tianguan said is absolutely true."

Tang Hao then started his performance.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

This deal is very good for Ashikaga Yoshimi!

Moreover, this is also in line with the will of Zhongshan Hou Tang Hao!

So Ashikaga Yoshimi has no choice!

"Your Majesty, I don't care about anything else for now, but I, Ming, am qualified and obligated to take care of Ashikaga Yoshitai."

Only when a sufficient price is offered will the emperors and generals of the Ming Dynasty be moved and agree to send troops!

"According to this confidant, there is a mountain of silver hidden under the Iwami Silver Mine. Let alone the Ouchi clan, even if the entire country devoted all its efforts, it would not be able to mine it all even if it took a hundred years to mine!"

It is true that the giant silver mine with hundreds of millions of silver hidden is really exciting!

But the problem is that once this hole is opened, Zhongshan Hou Tang Hao will really be unable to suppress it!

No, what does this mean?

But then, Tang Hao spoke.

It doesn't matter what happens to other bullshit, but this Ishimi Silver Mine matter must be investigated!

Preside over hammer justice!

Zhu Houzhao laughed and cursed in his heart, and then nodded pretendingly.

This sentence carries so much weight that it’s hard for most people to refute it.

And it's not just a bunch of white money, but a fucking giant mountain of silver!

"It's true!" Ashikaga Yoshiki started his performance without blushing or heartbeat.

That's great. Now that something is happening in your vassal state, should Ming Dynasty, as the sovereign state of China, take care of it?

Immediately afterwards, Ashikaga Yoshimi dropped another bombshell, like a super bomb, which shocked all the courtiers present and became dizzy.

After all, the Japanese country is still not in chaos. Ashikaga Yoshisai and Ouchi Yoshiki are still waiting for opportunities, and the powerful shogunate official Hosokawa Masamoto is not dead yet. Both sides still adhere to a certain degree of reason. The Japanese country is not in chaos yet!

Therefore, we must send people to Japan!

"That's why my father, Ashikaga Yoshisai, forced me to be the official envoy of this trade exploration. He came to the Ming Dynasty to ask for help from His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, to send troops to quell the civil strife in Japan, and to restore peace to the people of Japan. In order to thank the Ming Dynasty for this Send out troops, and I will donate the silver mine to the Ming Dynasty for free, and recruit young people to mine it for the Ming Dynasty!"

So, it's actually all worth it.

Every time Ashikaga Yoshivi said a word, his heart was bleeding.

Therefore, now is not the best time for Tang Hao to send troops, and it is impossible for him to personally lead troops to Japan now.

What if it were true?


I heard!

What's the fuss about?

Liu Jian nodded with a headache.

Then Tang Hao spoke again and suggested: "However, it is one thing for the Japanese country to ask for help. It is another matter for the Japanese deputy envoy Ouchi Hongzhen to assassinate me!"

And in this way, Zhongshan Hou Tang Hao will not have the opportunity to use this opportunity to mobilize troops, and he will not be given the opportunity to make contributions. This is more important than anything else!

Looking at these two old foxes who have matured, Tang Hao felt funny.

"Lord Yuanfu, do you understand?"

"Ashikaga Shoji, how are you sure that this stone has a silver mine and is so rich in silver?"

Why don't you send envoys to mediate? Even if you send one or two thousand soldiers to protect the safety of the Angel of Heaven, that will be enough, right?

You can't mobilize an army of 30,000 to 50,000 people in one go and defeat them in the past, right?

It's just mediation, not war!

Master Yuanfu then raised the dilemma: there are not enough warships, not enough money and food, so the number of people must be limited!

In this way, even if the Ming Dynasty really agreed to Ashikaga Yoshimi's request, at most it would only send one or two thousand people to control the situation and negotiate with the powerful officials and shogunate members of the Japanese country.

He did know about the Iwami Silver Mine, and it did come from an insider of the Ouchi clan.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the ministers lit up.

"In the past, His Majesty Emperor Yongle consecrated Ashikaga Yoshimitsu as the leader of the Japanese country. Since then, every generation of shoguns in the Japanese country will be canonized by our Ming Dynasty. But now the orthodox shoguns have been driven away, and the powerful ministers support puppets to hold the power of the shogunate. The two sides are even at war because of this. Facing each other has caused the people of Japan to live in dire straits and live in dire straits!”

As for whether people will be obedient?

Then who knows!

Anyway, the request of the Japanese envoy was fulfilled, and the Ming Dynasty did not lose its majesty as the "Celestial Kingdom".

"However, we need to make it clear that what Ashikaga Masashi requested this time is nothing more than the Ming Dynasty sending angels to mediate Japan's internal affairs and bring order to chaos. Therefore, it is not to send troops to Japan, let alone an expedition to Japan!"

Hearing Ma Wensheng's words, the little emperor's face suddenly darkened.

But the problem is, how did his master, Tang Hao, the Marquis of Zhongshan, know?

The family legacy left by our ancestors!

"Furthermore, if you want to go to the Japanese country, you must use the naval fleet. Da Sima's memorial clearly states that our Ming navy has been in disrepair for a long time, and the total number of warships is only more than 300. , and some should be left to patrol the sea lanes to defend against Japanese pirates!”

But the ministers still found it unbelievable after hearing this, and even Liu Jian, the chief minister of the cabinet, couldn't help but ask a few more questions.

And not only the Iwami Silver Mine, but also the entire Japanese situation, Tang Hao knew everything about it, which was extremely terrifying!

Although he was very reluctant, he still had to answer.

"I, Ming, can take advantage of this matter to test the Ouchi clan for news about the Ishimi Silver Mine!"

"In fact, in the second year of Yanqing, which is also the second year of Yuanzhi, when the great name of Zhou Fangguo, Ouchi Hiroyuki, visited Ishigami, there was a record of silver mining when he paid homage to Beidou Miaojian Bodhisattva. The overlord has been mining in secret, but the news has been well hidden by the Ouchi clan. Outsiders have never known about it, and even the shogunate has not known about it! "

The Japanese country has sent envoys to ask for help, and they have also offered such a high price. It is really hard not to be tempted!

Regardless of whether the Shijian Silver Mine really contains so much silver, it can at least guarantee the existence of such a silver mine. Even if the Japanese country came to Japan, they would not dare to fool the Ming Dynasty with the silver mine, otherwise they would not be able to hand over the silver mine. The Ming Dynasty I won’t let them go!

You must know that this is not the late to late Ming Dynasty. There has not yet been a large amount of silver flowing into China. Therefore, the purchasing power of silver is still amazing at this moment. Many people have never seen silver spent in their entire lives. In normal transactions, they use copper coins to break silver. Lord!

The angel Ma Wensheng mentioned was not an angel with wings, but the honorific title given to the envoys of the Ming Dynasty by the vassal states.

Use other people's wealth as a gift to the Ming Dynasty, and then exchange it for the Ming Dynasty to send troops to support yourself in the position of shogun!

"As the suzerain of the Japanese country, as the sovereign state of the heaven, the people of the Japanese country are also the subjects of His Majesty, the king and father. Therefore, the Ming Dynasty has the right and the obligation to send troops to help, bring order to the chaos, save the people of the Japanese country from the fire and water, and furthermore, it is beneficial and righteous. As the emperor of heaven, I cannot ignore the envoy's repeated pleas, otherwise it will affect the majesty and status of our Ming Dynasty among the vassal countries!"

After all, who doesn't love silver? This is the wealth of their Japanese empire, but now they have to give it to Mingren!

Liu Jian's words were even more outrageous. He directly refused the imperial court to send an army on the grounds that "there are not enough warships"!

Master Tianguan defined this matter as the Ming Dynasty's intervention, rather than sending troops for an expedition.

As soon as these words came out, the whole court was in an uproar, and the whole place was boiling instantly!

"And there are several copper mines and gold mines in this silver mountain, but most of them are silver mines, so they are called Iwami Silver Mines by Mingmen!"

Who doesn’t like free money?

What the Ming Dynasty needed to pay was to send a military force to mediate the situation in Japan!

This deal, no matter how you look at it, seems to be a guaranteed profit!

But the court officials present were all Jiuqing, big and small, and the highest officials of the various temple supervisors were all smart and old foxes!

How could they not see that this was most likely the conspiracy of Tang Hao, the Marquis of Zhongshan?

Under these conditions, it is conceivable that the number of hundreds of millions of taels of silver has a great impact on everyone present, and it is even enough to make people crazy!

Absolutely impossible!

However, he had to say this and do this!

Because this is the will of Zhongshan Hou Tang Hao!

After all, the Ming Dynasty is the "Celestial Kingdom", so the envoys of the Ming Dynasty are naturally "envoys of the Kingdom of Heaven", or "angels" for short!

And Ma Wensheng's words are actually to characterize this matter!

It's just going to mediate, not sending troops for expedition, so naturally there are certain restrictions on the size of the personnel.

The little emperor immediately made a decision and said loudly: "It must be repaired, and we can't just abandon it, otherwise I won't be able to see the ancestors of my old Zhu family when I go down!"

For a moment, you could hear a pin drop in the hall, and there was a silence.

He was about to say something, but Liu Jian, the chief minister of the cabinet, spoke immediately.

"Therefore, the number of people going to the Japanese mission this time must be limited, otherwise there will not be enough warships, and the treasury is empty. If there are too many people, there will not be enough money and food!"

Therefore, the ministers looked at each other and did not speak.

Tianguan Ma Wensheng and the old chief assistant Liu Jian also exchanged opinions with their eyes, and finally the two reached an agreement.

Ma Wensheng came out and said: "Your Majesty, as the Marquis of Zhongshan said, our Ming Dynasty is a kingdom in heaven, and now there are vassal countries asking for help, so naturally we cannot ignore it, otherwise it will damage the majesty of our Ming Dynasty!"

Han Wen, the Minister of Household Affairs, took a deep breath, then looked at Ashikaga Yoshimi, and asked tentatively: "Ashikaga Masashi, do you dare to ask this... is it true?"

"Master Yuanfu of the Ming Dynasty, one hundred million taels of silver is just an overview!"

Now, if Tang Hao is given another chance to go on an expedition, what will he do with this opportunity?

No one can guarantee it, let alone guarantee it!

No matter what, it is just a slap in the face, and it has damaged the majesty and face of the Great Tomorrow Kingdom!

Tang Hao's move silenced the ministers again. In fact, this was where the ministers really struggled.

Don’t you like to talk about “the Kingdom of Heaven”?

The guarantee is a silver mine!

What's more, it's a giant silver mine containing hundreds of millions of silver!

Seeing his performance, Liu Jian and Ma Wensheng were stunned.

Tang Hao opened his mouth with a smile, without any sign of anger.

However, when Tang Hao said "the family fortune left by our ancestors", the little emperor immediately spoke loudly, and the ministers really had no way to refute this.

Otherwise, if the Ming Dynasty did not send troops, what could Ashikaga Yoshimi use to entrust the control of the Ouchi clan, what could he use to kill Ashikaga Yoshisai, and what could he use to counterattack Kyoto and become the shogun?

"On the other hand, Master Yuanfu also mentioned that the navy has been decaying for a long time and the warships are in a state of decay. In this case, I suggest that the imperial court allocate funds to repair those warships. After all, they are the property left to us by our ancestors. They are also of great use in resisting Japanese pirates' invasion and plundering. , we can’t just let them rot there, right?”

You don't even care about the family assets left by your ancestors. You are a pure prodigal!

So no one dares to speak out and object at this time!

"Don't worry, my dear, I will instruct the Ming Dynasty envoy on this matter. After going to the Japanese country, he must question Ouchi Yixing and ask him what he wants to do. He must give corresponding compensation!"

"Your Majesty, what Lord Tianguan and Lord Yuanfu said is absolutely true. I have no objection!"

After Tang Hao promised to send the Japanese mission back to Huitong Pavilion, today's court meeting also ended.

The end result seems to be that everyone is happy!

But as the ministers dispersed, a shocking news spread throughout the Ming capital in an instant!

There are silver mines in the rocks of Japan, and there are hundreds of millions of silver hidden there!

Suddenly an invisible wind blew up, which actually disturbed the sensitive heart of the gentleman!

Within one day, the legendary place "Ishimi Silver Mine" became the focus of the entire capital!

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