The most reckless man in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 139 Just settle for the next best thing! Tang Hao’s true purpose!

The treasury is empty and there is no way to go on an expedition!

This is the cruelest reality and a powerful reason for civil servants and gentry to oppose the war.

What, you want to fight?


But how can you fight without money and food?

National affairs include money and food.

But now in the Ming Dynasty, all money and food are basically in the hands of civil servants and gentry.

This is also the reason why they can control the government.

If you don't want to learn from the good ones, why don't you just learn some bad habits from your father?

There is also another mercenary from the past, the Uliangha Tribunal, who works both ways between the Tatar Wala and the Ming Dynasty, and does some backstabbing from time to time.

"Compared with the scabies-causing Japanese pirates along the coast, the northern pirates were the most serious concern of the country. After all, the Wala once captured the emperor alive, invaded the Great Wall, and even besieged the capital!"

Liu Jian was scolded with a face filled with astonishment, and then turned to look at Tang Hao, his eyes as cold as cold.

The civil servants and gentry would naturally object to this move of money from the state treasury to their own inner treasury, and they objected and refused again and again!

Tang Hao was looking at everything in front of him with a smile, noticed Zhu Houzhao's gaze, and then nodded to him.

It seems that he is explaining the reason for the corruption of the navy, but in fact, Master Yuanfu is telling the little emperor not to scream here!

Navy corruption?

Japanese pirates are indeed a disease caused by scabies, because the Ming Dynasty has been building a coastal preparedness system for Japanese pirates since the Hongwu period, so they were just plundered and harassed.

"Sergeants from coastal guard stations across the country are fleeing in large numbers. The shortage of Tongshan Water Village is 60%, and the shortage of Fujian Fenghuomen Water Village is 70%!"

Looking at these shocking facts and data, the little emperor was almost driven crazy.

Why is the navy corrupt?

Because of your great-grandfather, the great emperor of tomorrow who was captured alive by Wala!

Hearing Liu Jian's words, Tang Hao also touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

At that time, Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang drove out the Tartars and restored China, which was an unstoppable process. In the end, most of the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties were conquered, and they had to abandon the Central Plains and flee to the grasslands.

Anyway, no matter how awesome those vicious Japanese pirates are, there is no way they will fight their way to the mainland and into the capital!

Liu Jian's words were resounding.

The former overlords of the grasslands were beaten so hard that they fled as soon as they heard the neighing of the horses of the Ming cavalry. The so-called Beiyuan Dynasty was also reduced from the orthodoxy of the previous dynasty to the Caotai team, and no longer had any influence on the orthodox status of the Ming Dynasty. No longer a threat.

After all, Emperor Hongzhi worked hard all his life, but in the end the army and the people were impoverished, and the people of the world were destitute and all their wealth was exhausted!

Arutai and others from Togusi Timur's old tribe broke with Oara and established Guilichi, a descendant of Hedan, the concubine of Ogedai, as the Great Khan, forming the Tatar tribe. Finally Arutai killed Guilichi and took charge alone. Tartar.

Especially in the 21st year of Hongwu, the founding generals such as Yongchang Hou Lanyu, Dingyuan Hou Wangbi, Yan'an Hou Tang Shengzong, Wuding Hou Guo Ying and other founding generals led an army of 150,000 out of the fortress, pursued them to Yuerhai, and annihilated the small court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty in one fell swoop. The royal court has existed in name only since then.

The little emperor was stunned when he heard this, and then looked at Tang Hao subconsciously.

For another example, in order to eliminate maritime threats from Southeast Asia, Zheng He's fleet once launched a fierce battle with them in the Strait of Malacca.

Having said this, Xu Jin took out a memorial from his arms.

Without the suppression of the orthodox Khanate, the huge Mongol Empire also began to fall apart. After being defeated by Lan Yu, the last great Khan of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, Tuogu Si Timur, was hanged by his general Yesudier during his escape. After usurping the throne, the title of the Beiyuan Kingdom was abolished. Mongolia fell into a long-term division after that. Within the tribe, powerful ministers were in power and wars continued.

From the beginning, the only foreign enemies of the Ming Dynasty were northern barbarians and Japanese pirates!

After the Keren Proclamation, the Ming Dynasty began to shrink its coastal defense lines. The ocean-going fleet was recalled, the construction of large ships stopped, and island bases were abandoned. The retreat policy severely damaged the navy, and the coastal defense lines were pushed back to the coast from the open sea and even the outer ocean.

In fact, whether it was Beilu or Wala, before Renxuan, it was still within control.

Xu Jin spoke impassionedly, fully demonstrating his true duty as a great Sima, to plead for the soldiers and the people!

"Second, the fleet has been reduced, the ships are damaged, and no one is repairing them!"

And those extremely vicious Northern barbarians were the ones who once reached the capital and nearly destroyed the Ming Dynasty!

This is what the court ministers think!

The people along the coast are suffering!

Tang Hao wants the court to devote more resources to the Navy!

Immediately afterwards, Xu Jin, the Minister of War, also expressed his position and only raised one question.

But the problem is that the Great Mongol Empire is a huge empire that dominates the Eurasian continent. It is not just a small area like the Central Plains. It includes the Yuan Dynasty and the four major khanates, which are all the territory of the Great Mongol Empire, and even those Mongol Western Expeditions. Descendants of the military.

Liu Jin walked down the platform, took Xu Jin's report, and then handed it to the little emperor respectfully.

But why don't you try to be the current little emperor of Zhengde?

If he dared to say this, it would be strange for the civil servants and gentry not to fall out with the genius, and Liu Jian, the chief minister of the cabinet, would scold him for being a little emperor.

Furthermore, it is a fact that the treasury is empty!

"First, the coastal guards are empty and the naval morale is low."

Liu Jian forced himself to endure the anger in his heart, stepped forward to pick up Xu Jin's memorial, and then knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty, after Xuande, our Ming Dynasty began to shrink its coastal defense lines, the ocean-going fleet was recalled, the construction of large ships stopped, and the island bases were abandoned. This is also an unavoidable choice!"

And this is the effect Tang Hao wants!

Naturally, there is no money or food in the treasury, so this war cannot be fought!

The old chief assistant Liu Jian hit the nail on the head and directly launched a big move, killing the little emperor's idea of ​​sending troops.

I have seen people cheating on my father, but I have never seen people cheating on my great-grandson!

"Your Majesty, if the imperial court resumes the payment of grain, the military expenditures of the nine sides will also decrease accordingly."

"Please increase the navy's military expenditure, including the salary of coastal sergeants, the cost of building and maintaining ships, etc.!"

“Even the two-thousand-material treasure ship used by Zheng He on his voyages to the Western Seas was slowly rotting away in the harbor. Now there is only a shelf left!”

During the Hongwu and Yongle years, the Ming Navy maintained high combat effectiveness and proactively went out to sea to eliminate Japanese pirates. In response to the maritime threats from Japanese pirates, the Ming Dynasty sent thousands of warships to patrol the north and south seas every year, the so-called Spring Patrol and Summer patrol.

Tang Hao revealed his true purpose under the explanations of the officials.

More than half of Ming Dynasty's annual fiscal revenue will be used to support the military expenditure of Jiubian Military Town. However, Ming Dynasty is too lazy to take a second look at these coastal guards and naval officers, or there is no need to look at them.

This damned Marquis of Zhongshan, he even had his sights set on the navy!

Kill three birds with one stone?

You are not afraid of bursting your appetite!

However, they returned to the grasslands and lived a hard life. Naturally, the Mongols were not convinced, so they continued to retain the name and system of the Yuan Dynasty, hoping to reorganize their forces to counterattack the Central Plains and live a good life again. However, they were defeated by the Ming army, which was in full swing. , had to retreat northward to Helin one after another, known as "Northern Yuan" in history.

The Yuan Dynasty that dominated the Central Plains was destroyed, but the Great Mongol Empire still existed. Pressing the gourd lifted the ladle, and the barbarian troubles on the Mobei grasslands were still difficult to eradicate.

The little emperor was so angry that he even threw the report off the platform and fell at the feet of Liu Jian, the chief minister of the cabinet.

Mahamu, the son of Taiwei Haohai Dayu of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, established himself on the mountaintop and became the great lord of Wala. Then his son gave birth to a very awesome grandson, the Grand Master Wala who captured Zhu Qizhen, the God of War of the Ming Dynasty, first!

These are the two main forces of the Northern Barbarians of the Ming Dynasty, the Tatars and the Oaras!

He suddenly turned to look at Liu Jian, the chief minister of the cabinet, and asked sternly: "Yuanfu, what do you want to do? Do you have to destroy the foundation of your ancestors?"

Xu Jin sighed and said in a deep voice: "Since the orthodoxy, the Ming Navy has been declining day by day, and it no longer has the combat power of the past."

That is to say, Emperor Hongzhi's imperial prestige was so great that he was known as a sage and sage, so the civil servants and gentry had to obey orders, otherwise it would be disrespectful.

In addition, the Ming Dynasty Navy often dispatched fleets to attack enemy-occupied islands and destroy Japanese pirate bases. The culmination of this offensive strategy was that during the battle to pursue Japanese pirates, naval officers reached the coast of Korea and the Ryukyu Islands.

But it's different now. Now we are in the Wenhua Palace, but we are at the court meeting!

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar!

After all, back then, troops besieged the city of Beijing. If Yu Qian had not come out to turn the tide, the Ming Dynasty in the history books might have been divided into "Northern Ming" and "Southern Ming", sharing the stage with the weak Song Dynasty.

For example, when Emperor Hongzhi was in power, because he was obsessed with Zhaijiao, the expenses of the internal treasury increased sharply. He began to continuously order the Ministry of Accounts to incorporate the money from the Taicang into the internal treasury.

The navy was corrupted because of insufficient military expenditures. Insufficient military expenditures were due to the decline of national power. The decline of national power was due to the changes in the civil forts. The transformation of the civil forts was due to...great-grandfather Zhu Qizhen!

After such a set of logic, Zhu Houzhao felt like crying.

"While the number of soldiers has dropped sharply, their morale has been low and their combat effectiveness has been severely reduced. The soldiers have no food and clothing and are undisciplined. The officers do not know how to fight but only know how to exploit the soldiers. The officers and soldiers regard each other as enemies. It can be said that "a useless general rules an uncontrolled army" "How to send troops in such a situation?"

Simply put, resources poured in.

Zhu Houzhao was curious at first about what kind of information this was, but after he read it, he became furious instantly.

The warehouse is the national treasury, and the inner treasury is Emperor Hongzhi's own money bag.

Sixty or seventy percent? !

There is absolutely nothing the country can do about this!

The only thing to blame is that Wala beat Daming so painfully back then!

Liu Jian's two simple sentences silenced the little emperor.

Later, in order to eliminate the remnants of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang organized eight large-scale northern expeditions during the Hongwu period, known in history as the "Taizu Eight Northern Expeditions". The battles lasted intermittently for more than 20 years, completely destroying the Northern Yuan Dynasty and its remnants. The power was crippled and crippled.

What is this concept?

It's like a health center with a full staff of 5,000 people, but now only a little over 1,500 people are left!

With 60% to 70% of the soldiers fleeing, the guard station was naturally useless and could not resist the invasion of Japanese pirates. Naturally, Japanese pirates became increasingly rampant!

"Your Majesty, if we want to go on an expedition against Japan, we must use naval forces!"

After the last orthodox Great Khan of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, Togu Si Timur, was hanged, various Mongolian tribes began to fight against each other endlessly. In the end, two huge tribes emerged, which were also the main forces that had troubled the Ming Dynasty for hundreds of years. One was called the Tatars. , one is called Wala.

"But is the Ming Navy today still the Ming Navy of the past?"

In short, annihilating enemies at sea is the core of coastal defense strategy, and it is also an effective coastal defense system.

After all, they used to be from the Northern Yuan Dynasty, the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty that was driven out of the Central Plains by the Ming Dynasty!

The so-called "Northern Barbarians" are actually the Mongols of the Northern Yuan Dynasty who retreated to Mobei.

"This is all the wealth that Lord Yongle gave me during the Ming Dynasty, and it has been completely destroyed by you like this. What on earth do you want to do?"

The northern pirates are a serious problem, and the southern Japanese are suffering from scabies, so the corresponding response measures are naturally different.

By the end of Hongwu, the Beiyuan Kingdom was no longer in use. It became Mongolia again and was downgraded to a border threat to the Ming Dynasty. Even the Mongolian Uliangha tribe in the Daning area was surrendered by the Ming Dynasty and became a mercenary and part-time mercenary of the Ming Dynasty. Professional fighter.

"The military system of the guards in various places is hereditary. Generals are hereditary and soldiers are hereditary. Soldiers at the bottom are paid very little, only one stone lumi per month. They are also exploited by the upper-level officers. Life is very difficult. In addition, as a Most of the military camps where military salaries came from were usurped and turned into private property by guards officers, who even enslaved lower-level sergeants to farm for these generals. Food and wages were poor, conscription was serious, soldiers fled in large numbers, and the shortage of coastal guards reached an astonishing 60-70% !”

First, the fleet patrols the sea, alerts, reconnaissance and looks for opportunities to annihilate the enemy. When it is discovered that Japanese pirates have penetrated into the inland sea, the alarm communication system is used to concentrate the navy and the outer island defenders to coordinate the annihilation. If the Japanese pirates land, the navy and the coastal guard station The garrison coordinated its annihilation.

"This is the information compiled by Wei Chen in recent days. Your Majesty, please take a look!"

"What a bastard!"

"Because the number of desertions of Coast Guard sergeants has dropped sharply, it has also led to a sharp drop in naval personnel. The direct consequence of this is that ships are left unattended for repairs. The imperial court has repeatedly cut corresponding expenditures and refused to allocate funds for maintenance and repairs. , so that those warships and treasure ships can be left to rot in the harbor, with no one caring about them! "

Immediately afterwards, a peerless scumbag emperor appeared in the Ming Dynasty, ruining the elite divisions of the Ming Dynasty in one fell swoop. Barbarians from all directions saw that the former giant dragon was showing signs of fatigue. Then these evil wolves naturally began to attack the Ming Dynasty. Bare fangs!

But surrounded by a pack of wolves, Ming Dynasty's real inner enemy, and the one who was really hurt, had to be Beilu.

Seeing this situation, Zhu Houzhao reacted immediately.

But the real thorn in his side is this northern prisoner.

"The number of ships in various naval fleets has also decreased sharply. Zhejiang Navy originally had 700 warships, but now it does not even have 300 complete ships; Shandong Dengzhou Guard once had 100 warships. There are only three damn ships left now!”

The reason why he didn't reveal anything to the little emperor was because he had to wait for this moment!

Even if Zhu Houzhao knew about it in advance, he could only be incompetent and furious, losing his temper in front of Tang Hao, which would be of no use.

The only thing that can really drive the development of Ming Dynasty and make Ming Dynasty change is to lift the maritime ban and allow overseas trade!

This is the only possibility for the Ming Dynasty and ZTE at the moment!

So before that, the Navy must be revitalized, so that the once unrivaled number one Navy in the world can once again glow with new vitality!

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