The most reckless man in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 131 Small things become magnified! Marquis Tang will mobilize his troops again!

The long knife slit the neck.

Blood spurted out in an instant.

Ouchi Hongzhen struggled wildly, but his head was held tightly by Tang Hao and he couldn't struggle at all.

He could only stretch out his hands to cover the wound on his neck, hoping that this could save his life.

Li Shiqun was doused by the gushing blood, and he was so frightened that he backed away crazily with fear on his face.


And he still kills people in the street!

The person who was killed was the deputy envoy of the Japanese mission!

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

How dare he disrespect himself and kill himself casually?

Isn’t the Ming Dynasty a land of etiquette?

Wenchen ranked first-rank crane, second-rank golden pheasant, third-rank peacock, fourth-rank wild goose, fifth-rank white pheasant, sixth-rank egret, seventh-rank egret, eighth-rank oriole, and ninth-rank quail.

After all, the security of the capital was originally the responsibility of the Wucheng Bingma Division. However, due to too many bandits and frequent thefts, four other departments were added during the Xuande period to cooperate with the Wucheng Bingma Division to be responsible for the security of the capital, forming five An integrated pattern.

But when Guo Degang took a look inside the restaurant, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Looking at the frightened chief registrar of Honglu Temple who was speechless, Tang Hao's face was filled with contempt.

With the development of the Ming Dynasty, the official system has been relatively stable and the functions have been divided in more detail. The "Nine Ministers" are divided into "Da Jiuqing" and "Xiao Jiuqing".

My dear mother, are you too cruel?

However, Liu Kai slapped him in the face and angrily shouted: "What have you done? Don't you have any idea?"

Isn't that a big deal?

The Five-City Military and Horse Division is not one organization, but a collective name for five institutions. The capital is divided into five cities: east, west, south, north, and middle. Each city has a Military and Horse Division, and each division has a sixth-rank commander. There were one person, four seventh-grade deputy commanders, and one miscellaneous official. The security of the capital began to be jointly managed by the five cities' military and horse divisions.

Therefore, Tang Hao did not kill Li Shiqun, but sat beside him leisurely, waiting quietly for people from the Ministry of Rites and Honglu Temple to come.

This is an important witness and cannot be let go in vain.

Metropolitan Procuratorate!

Upon hearing these three words, Li Shiqun immediately collapsed to the ground.

At the feet of the Emperor, the most virtuous place, even if you are the King of Heaven, you cannot kill people in the street!

After he learned the news, he immediately realized that this was Tang Hao, the Marquis of Zhongshan, who was deliberately causing trouble. He caught the Japanese deputy envoy and insulted the people of the Ming Dynasty, and wanted to burn the Honglu Temple and the Ministry of Rites!

Moreover, there happened to be a fool like Li Shiqun who didn't know right from wrong, which became the best excuse for him, Tang Hao, to attack Honglu Temple and even the Ministry of Rites!

After hearing such words, Guo Degang immediately felt relieved.

After all, Tang Hao was a ruthless man who dared to beat up the imperial uncle at the gate of the palace. He also directly broke the hands and feet of the Zhang brothers and killed the two uncles without any punishment afterwards. Duan is a ferocious madman!

For the sake of his own life, how could Li Shiqun care about dignity and face?

When Tang Hao saw this, his face was filled with contempt.

"I want to personally ask the Japanese envoy who gave him the courage to assassinate the first-rank marquis of the Ming Dynasty and the first-rank governor of the five prefectures!"

Civil servants use birds as patterns, while military officers' court uniforms use animals as patterns. Bird patterns are an important symbol representing the rank of civil servants.

Because of this, the old Guo family is still doing well, with a large number of descendants serving in the Forbidden Army's Beijing camp, and are deeply trusted by successive Ming emperors, such as the previous Guo Xun, and the current Guo Degang.

Hearing Tang Hao's words, Zhang Sheng frowned immediately.

Da Jiuqing, that is, the six ministers, general political envoys, capital censors, and Dali Temple ministers.

After all, in this capital, there are many powerful people and dandies everywhere. Such fights would break out from time to time, and Guo Degang was very annoyed.

Guo Degang has long been annoyed. Only a fool would be willing to do this hard work if he didn't think there was some money to be made.

In the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, there are many such servile and servile dogs who bully the weak and fear the strong.

"I have requested an order to hand you over to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for review, so you can take care of yourself!"

As soon as he saw Tang Hao face to face, Guo Degang immediately ordered his officers and soldiers to surround everyone present, including the onlookers who had watched the excitement earlier, the restaurant owner and a group of diners, as well as the blind father-in-law and his granddaughter.

"Sir, this Marquis of Zhongshan..." Li Shiqun said hurriedly, wanting to stir up trouble and keep his official position.

"A servile person like you has really brought disgrace to the country!"

He is indeed a madman!

Li Shiqun looked at Tang Hao with horror on his face, feeling the fear from his heart for the first time.

"You can't kill me!"

I am the deputy envoy of this Japanese mission!

I am a distinguished guest of Ming Dynasty!

Self-defense and counterattack!

Upon seeing this, Tang Hao threw away the beast's body. Then he noticed that his hands were stained with blood. He suddenly had a look of disgust on his face. He simply came to squat in front of Li Shiqun, and under the latter's horrified comment, he used his body to The official uniform embroidered with birds wiped his hands.

Guo Degang was lying down and sleeping in the government office. Suddenly he heard that someone had killed someone on the border of Nancheng. He immediately rushed over with his men.

The Dongguanting New Army is divided into six battalions for training, and now only the Zhanpei Battalion is still training to stay at the garrison.

For example, the Li Shiqun in front of him had an oriole embroidered on his official uniform, but unfortunately it was now stained with blood.

"Tang Mu, go back to the Dongguanting camp, mobilize the troops from the battalion, and surround the Huitong Hall for me!"

"Can't kill!"

As a result, he never expected that the "culprit" of the murder was really "the King of Heaven"!

Naturally, he knew Tang Hao, the Marquis of Zhongshan. The sign of "shaving hair and removing beard" shouldn't be too obvious!

"Oh, yes, Honglu Temple is affiliated to the Ministry of Rites. So Master Zhang Sheng, the Minister of Rites, do you want to give me an explanation?"

But if you have a tougher attitude, he will not dare to do anything to you.

Li Shiqun struggled and knelt on the ground, frantically kowtowed to Tang Hao and begged for mercy.

Why do such butchers appear?

If you are respectful to him, he will show off his authority to you, and he will take advantage of you!

It's not enough for you to bow down, he also wants you to kneel on the ground, kneel in front of him.

Xiao Jiuqing refers to the ministers of Taichang Temple, Taipu Temple, Guanglu Temple, Zhan Shi, Hanlin Bachelor, Honglu Temple, Imperial Academy Jijiu, Yuanma Temple, and Shangbao Secretary.

As soon as Li Shiqun saw his official arriving, he immediately seemed to have found his backbone. He struggled to get up from the ground and stood next to Liu Kai.

"Marquis Zhongshan, have you gone too far in this matter?"

Ouchi Hirozada is not dead yet, his body is still twitching, and he still has some consciousness, just like a chicken whose neck has been wiped, it has not died completely in a short period of time.

In addition, his cousin Guo Xun was serving under the Marquis of Zhongshan and highly respected Tang Hao, so Guo Degang didn't know this great master.

"The Marquis is wise, that's a humble cousin!" Guo Degang's face was full of smiles.

Because of Guo Xun, the relationship between the two instantly became much closer.

Upon hearing these four familiar words, Liu Kai and Zhang Sheng were immediately speechless.

In the Ming Dynasty, which had strict etiquette and laws, there was a clear difference between official clothing and civil and military clothing according to their rank.

Your "self-defense and counterattack" is to kill people!

Looking at this posture, it seems that it is not simple!

"Guo Degang, the commander of the Nancheng Army and Horses Division, has met Tang Hou!"

"Since you won't give me an explanation, I will have to ask for it myself!"

"These Japanese untouchables first insulted my people, the Ming Dynasty, and then attacked me. They even dared to attack me in public. I was just forced to fight back in self-defense. Can this be blamed on me? "

"Got the order!"

How dare he, the Marquis of Zhongshan, do this in front of everyone?


It's naturally not worth it to cause all these troubles to the little emperor just because of his quick success.

After all, this is the capital of the Ming Dynasty!

The responsibilities of the Military and Horse Division of the Five Cities are very complex, which is equivalent to combining the police, traffic police, fire protection, urban management, industry and commerce, health and other departments of later generations. They must protect against wind and fire, detect traitors and thieves, inspect city gates, etc. He also had to manage the key documents for entry and exit, and was in charge of the city department, which checked the buckets and scales in the market every three days, checked the names of dentists and other intermediary personnel, determined prices to prevent merchants from hoarding, and even inspected the hygiene of streets and alleys. At that time, There is no sewer, trenches are dug in the spring to clear them, etc...

I didn’t take you to play like this!

It's a pity that Li Shiqun is clearly not such an official!

While the two were chatting, the key person soon arrived at the scene.

Tang Mu grinned when he heard this, then turned and left immediately.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, and that was how dare this Akito do this?

Tang Hao shrugged indifferently and said with a smile: "What's wrong? If you have the ability, try it!"

Guo Degang originally thought that some playboy was so brave and fierce that he accidentally killed someone. He was still worried about what to do!

Not only was the one at the door still twitching, but there were nearly ten people lying strewn about inside the restaurant, either with limbs or arms broken, or wailing incessantly.

Tang Hao touched his chin and thought for a moment, then stood up and walked to Zhang Sheng.

"Do you want me to take the blame and resign in order to fulfill Marquis Tang's wishes?"

In the last years of Hongwu, Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was afraid of killing heroes. Guo Yingneng turned his back on the success of the Ming Dynasty and retreated bravely. He survived the terrifying Hongwu years and the turbulent Jianwen years, and finally died of illness at home in the first year of Yongle. He was also a legendary figure with great wisdom.

In fact, he had already heard of the notorious reputation of the Marquis of Zhongshan.

"Besides, I was seriously frightened just now. It should be you, Honglu Temple, who should give me an explanation, right?"

The first ones to arrive at the scene were not officials from Honglu Temple and the Ministry of Rites, but officers and soldiers from the Five Cities Military and Horse Division.

Liu Kai "cleaned up the house" first, and then looked at Tang Hao.

He understood that he was doomed, and almost all officials who fell into the hands of the Metropolitan Procuratorate would not end well, unless he himself was truly as clean as water and kept himself clean!

The five-city military commander, the royal guards, the patrol camp, the fire armor and the patrol censor.

The scene of the incident belonged to Nancheng, and the person who came was Guo Degang, the commander of the Nancheng Army and Horses Division, and a descendant of Wuding Marquis Guo Ying.

"Explain? What explanation does Mr. Liu want?"

Zhang Sheng did not say these four words: "No imperial edict to mobilize troops". After all, some things cannot be put on the table.

"Guo Degang?" Tang Hao smiled upon hearing this, "Who are you, Guo Xun?"

Liu Kai, the minister of Honglu Temple, and Zhang Sheng, the minister of rites, came hand in hand, but neither of them looked very good-looking.

The generals are lions in the first and second ranks, tigers and leopards in the third and fourth ranks, bear bears in the fifth ranks, Biao in the sixth and seventh ranks, rhinoceros in the eighth rank, and seahorses in the ninth rank.

"If it weren't for this layer of skin on your body, I would have chopped off your head with a knife!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Hao patted Guo Degang on the shoulder, then turned and left.

This is also the reason why people angrily denounce corrupt officials as "dressed beasts."

Of course, these are just the basic conditions for being the Minister of Honglu Temple. You must have a good image and speak loudly. After all, the Minister of Honglu Temple is mainly responsible for receiving foreign guests and communicating with foreign envoys. It represents the face of the Ming Dynasty. If you find a How could foreign envoys laugh at the Ming Dynasty when they saw a short, ugly man become the Minister of Honglu Temple?

Tang Hao also found Liu Kai quite interesting, but he still had a cold face and no polite words in his words.

Ouchi Hirozada's eyes gradually turned dark until he was completely plunged into darkness, and died on the spot.

This was the truth, and it was also the main reason why Tang Hao didn't kill this guy.

When Zhang Sheng heard this, he immediately scolded: "Tang Hou, the Beijing army is not your private army, how dare you..."

"Master Hou, have mercy on me! Have mercy on me!"

Liu Kai has a burly physique and a resonant voice, which makes people feel good at first glance.

"No matter what Ouchi Hongzhen said, he was also the deputy envoy of Japan. Marquis Tang killed him in public, and we, Honglu Temple, can't explain it!"

The last self-defense counterattack destroyed the Zhang brothers!

This time he counterattacked in self-defense and directly killed the Japanese deputy envoy!

"Ahem, Lord Marquis, this matter may...become a big deal!"

Then Guo Degang walked forward quickly and bowed to Tang Hao.

Oh, small things are magnified. This familiar operation is now used by Tang Hao on himself. It is really angry and unpleasant!

Zhang Sheng shook his sleeves and asked in a neither humble nor overbearing tone: "Tang Hou, what do you want to explain?"

The Minister of Honglu Temple, the fourth rank, is mainly responsible for receiving foreign guests, and is also responsible for teaching the etiquette of foreign guests attending court. He is simply understood as the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

"I...I am the imperial official!"

"I found out the whole story on the way here!"

"Don't...don't kill me..."

After all, these pricks are still guilty, so how can they be qualified to go home for the New Year? They can do it honestly.

After all, a mere official of the eighth grade, who is the chief registrar of Honglu Temple, has no real power at all, and is just relying on the skin on his body to dominate and prosper.

"Okay, Uncle Zong is tough enough!"

Tang Hao also narrowed his eyes and stared at the Minister of Rites.

After all, Li Shiqun was an official of the imperial court, and to kill this guy in the street in full view of the public would be a slap in the face of the Ming Dynasty, which would shake the imperial court's status and majesty in the hearts of the people.

Tang Hao shrugged nonchalantly and said comfortingly: "It's okay, I know it well. You will be responsible for watching the show and maintaining law and order later. You don't need to interfere with other things!"

The eldest uncle, Zhang Sheng, was famous for his courage and daring, and he was an out-and-out official.

The reason why he dared to kill people was to make this matter bigger!

Making small things bigger is a common method used by civil servants and gentry!

And he, Tang Hao, can also use it now!

As time passed by, more and more people gathered around to watch.

"Gangzi, wash the floor and seize all these corpses and witnesses!"

"I will go to see the Holy Spirit immediately to ask for the decree, and ask the Japanese envoy who gave his dog courage!"

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