The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang

Chapter 641 Cooperation with Murdoch (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

Chu Huan originally wanted to have a good chat with Qiao Yuehan about Hehe International-Wheelock tomorrow.

Now that Joe and John have smoothed out Hehe International-Wheelock, it is time to study the future development direction of this group company.

However, when Chu Huan returned to his villa at night, he received an unexpected call, which directly disrupted Chu Huan's plan.

In the end, Chu Huan decided to have a good meeting with the owner who made the call tomorrow.

"Notify the other people in the company, and discuss the affairs of their respective companies at this time."

Chu Huan preached to Wu Shuhan.

Xu Yi stayed in the hotel, this matter can only be done by Wu Shuhan.

This time, the Jiaku Global Conference is not only for Chu Huan to hold a separate meeting with the Jiaku executives in various regions, but also to give them a chance to communicate with each other.

Take the Wolfsmoke game as an example, after Chu Huan finishes their meeting, the entire global Wolfsmoke will hold a meeting under the auspices of Bao Tianming.

Discuss their respective development, resource allocation and other matters.

Gu Chengxi asked Chu Huan curiously from the side: "Brother Huan, are you really planning to marry Amao to that Sumitomo Ryoko from the Sumitomo family?"

Chu Huan sat on the sofa and asked with a smile, "You already know?"

Gu Chengxi nodded and said: "When I asked Black and White News to report on Sister Yunshang's global fashion show, I met Sister Yunshang once, and Sister Yunshang told me!"

Chu Huan nodded slightly and said, "I do have such an idea. There is such a custom in Japan. Marriage will be more conducive to the development of the company in Japan!"

Gu Chengxi looked at Wu Shuhan again and asked, "Shuhan, is that Sumitomo Ryoko good-looking?"

Wu Shuhan nodded seriously: "It looks like a beauty embryo, and it will definitely be very beautiful when it grows up!"

Gu Chengxi said with a smile: "I never thought that Amao would have a fiancée at such a young age!"

Chu Huan asked Gu Chengxi, "Does grandma know about this?"

What Chu Huan cared most about the whole matter was the attitude of Mrs. Wu. If Mrs. Wu disagreed, she would have to spend some energy persuading her.

Gu Chengxi shook his head and said: "I don't know yet, Sister Yunshang said that you will tell grandma about this matter after you return to Xiangjiang, and don't let us tell grandma!"

Chu Huan nodded in satisfaction.

Then Chu Huan chatted with Gu Chengxi about Xiangjiang for a while. After all, Chu Huan had left Xiangjiang for more than half a month, and he also wanted to see if there was anything happening in Xiangjiang.

After Gu Chengxi learned that everything in Xiangjiang was as usual, Chu Huan took Gu Chengxi and Wu Shuhan to rest in satisfaction!

On the second day, Chu Huan waited in his manor for today's visiting guest, the 47-year-old news corporation president Rupert Murdoch!

"My friend, thank you very much for your generosity before!"

Chu Huan opened his hands and hugged Murdoch with a smile on his face.

It is not the first time that Chu Huan and Murdoch have met. In fact, Chu Huan met Murdoch once in North America last year. There are still many business contacts.

For example, when "Fantasy Comics" first appeared in Australia, the distribution network actually used the sales network of Murdoch's "The Australian" to spread out the early "Fantasy Comics" sales network.

Of course, Murdoch has also made a lot of money in Australia by publishing "Fantasy Comics", and both parties have their own needs.

The generous attack that Chu Huan was talking about at this time did not refer to this matter, but the previous battle between Chu Huan and Mitsui Takacho.

In that battle, Chu Huan found the Australian iron ore company and Ma Jizu's relationship in Australia, which caused a lot of trouble for Mitsui \u0026 Co., Ltd.

But in the middle, there was also Murdoch's help, so Chu Huan stopped meeting Qiao Yuehan today and chose to meet Murdoch.

Speaking of it, Murdoch is also a strange man. Murdoch was born in Australia, joined the U.S. Army as an adult, and went to England after the war. He studied at Worcester College in Oxford University. In the autumn of 1952, Murdoch's father died of illness. At the age of 21, Murdoch returned to Australia alone and began to take on the heavy responsibility of the family business.

While the Murdoch family made their fortunes on farms, Murdoch's father, Gene Murdoch, was a successful newspaperman.

Kean Murdoch started out as a correspondent and reporter, and later owned two major newspapers in Adelaide, Australia - "The News" and "The Mail on Sunday".

After Murdoch inherited his father's estate, he started his own business in the remote Australian outback.

After several years of operation, Murdoch bought the Perth Sunday Weekly in 1956, followed by the Sydney Daily Mirror and the Sydney Daily four years later.

In 1964, Murdoch founded the national newspaper "The Australian".

In 1969, Murdoch went out of Australia and landed in England.

That year, he successfully acquired "World News Weekly" and "The Sun".

These are two trash newspapers that have declined, but after Murdoch took over the management, with sensational headlines, all kinds of celebrity privacy and all kinds of anecdotes, they miraculously became popular, and the number of readers increased to 4 million in a short time , has become the pinnacle idol and imitation object of street tabloids all over the world.

In 1973, Murdoch crossed the Atlantic again. In this year, he acquired the "San Anthony News" and "Star" in North America.

In February 1976, he successively acquired the "New York Post" and New York Magazine Company, which owns weekly magazines such as "New York", "Village Voice" and "New West".

After entering the 1980s, Murdoch successively bought The Times, a symbol of decency and dignity in England, and 20th Century Fox in North America.

In the 1990s, he entered the Asian market again and bought the Xiangjiang Xiangjiang Satellite TV Network, which is also known as Phoenix Satellite TV. During this period, he met Deng Wendi

This is a global media giant.

At this time, Murdoch had already decided on North America. He laughed and hugged Chu Huan: "My friend, it's just a small matter. There is no need to say anything about this kind of thing between you and me!"

Hearing what Murdoch said, not only did Chu Huan not feel any joy, but he raised his vigilance. People who can make a name in the history of world business and reach the top of the pyramid in the media industry will never be so generous, especially in the process of talking to myself.

He led Murdoch to the courtyard on the east side of the manor, and after the two sat down, Chu Huan said straight to the point: "Mr. Murdoch, let me tell you the purpose of your visit this time, I think you are definitely not here specially. Tell me about the old days!"

Murdoch laughed, and said: "Chu Director, you are still so direct, but since you have already said it, then I will cut to the chase, I know that you are very good friends with Miss Kelly from Vertex Pictures, I think you are aware of the current Disney situation, and I came here this time to hope to know what Miss Kelly thinks about the current Disney!"

Murdoch's current News Corporation has made a name for itself globally, but compared to North America, Murdoch has always been inferior. Although many North American newspapers have been acquired by Murdoch, this is not the case. Murdoch cannot be satisfied.

At this time, he has keenly realized that the TV network will become a very important means of communication in the future, and Disney has an inconspicuous TV network, coupled with Disney's own status in Hollywood, which makes Murdo Ke has a very strong interest in entering Hollywood.

If he can acquire a large Hollywood production company, then his media network in Europe and the United States will be considered perfect.

Chu Huan did not expect that Murdoch came here this time for Disney, which provided Chu Huan with some different ideas.

Before this, what Chu Huan had been thinking was whether he had tricked Disney or fought hard against the Jews in Hollywood, but now that Murdoch has arrived, Chu Huan has a different idea.

"Murdoch, I think you know about Disney's situation in Hollywood right now?"

Murdoch nodded and said with a smile: "Of course I know, isn't it just the Jews in Hollywood who are deliberately obstructing Vertex Pictures' control of Disney!"

Chu Huan nodded slightly and said, "Since you know about this, you still want to buy Disney?"

Murdoch laughed and said, "Director Chu, you forgot that I am a devout Christian, and my great-great-grandmother is also a Jew, so I have one-eighth of Jewish blood in me!"

This can prove why Murdoch can easily acquire Twentieth Century Fox in another time and space.

Herein lies the problem!

"This can indeed help Murdoch solve Disney's problems, but Disney is not cheap, can you buy it?"

Disney's market value has not changed at all, and remains at around US$1.24 billion. It is now wholly owned by Vertex Pictures. If Murdoch wants to acquire it, US$1.24 billion is definitely not enough, but if he wants to reach the original level of Vertex Pictures It is certainly impossible for the industry to acquire the funds spent by Disney.

But in any case, if Murdoch wants to buy Disney, he must need about 1.3 billion US dollars.

Although the market value of Murdoch's News Corporation now exceeds this number, it is impossible for News Corporation to spend so much cash!

Murdoch smiled and said to Chu Huan: "This is the second reason why I came to visit President Chu today. I want to borrow a sum of money from Alder Commercial Bank to acquire Vertex Pictures' shares in Disney. !"

Sitting there, Chu Huan did not answer Murdoch's question immediately, but was seriously thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

It is true that selling Disney to News Corporation can not only solve Disney's problems, but also avoid too many losses for Vertex Pictures.

But if this is the case, the original acquisition of Disney is still a failed acquisition.

What if not?

"Murdoch, I do have an idea that can achieve a win-win situation for your News Corporation, my North America library, and Vertex Pictures!"

After pondering for a long time, Chu Huan preached to Murdoch.

Murdoch took a deep look at Chu Huan. This is a very smart person, otherwise he would not have led his News Corporation in Adelaide, Australia step by step to become one of the largest media groups in the world.

So after Chu Huan said it, Murdoch immediately guessed what Chu Huan meant.

"What President Chu means is that he wants to use a certain amount of funds to buy shares in News Corporation, and then use the funds to acquire Vertex Pictures' shares in Disney?"

Chu Huan nodded slightly: "That's right, the two of us can cooperate to acquire Disney together, but not with the funds of Alder Commercial Bank, but with the funds of North America's top bank, HBO will invest in News Corporation, and News Corporation will also You don’t need to buy out all of Vertex’s shares in Disney, you just need a controlling stake.”

Murdoch is seriously thinking about Chu Huan's problem, and he has no objection to cooperating with Chu Huan.

He is different from Chu Huan. Chu Huan has no shortage of cash in his hands by relying on his foresight to rebirth. However, Murdoch and the others are different. No matter how smart they are, they still need to follow the laws of business. That is on his way of expansion. More is to use the funds from financing to develop their own group.

This shows that as long as the partner has the resources and sufficient funds in this area, he can choose to cooperate with the other party.

But the only requirement is that you must guarantee your right to speak in News Corporation.

No entrepreneur would be willing to hand over the world he worked so hard to build.

Of course, there are some ruthless people among these people, such as Dadongzi of later generations: If one day I lose the right to speak in JD, then I will sell JD's shares and stop playing with those people.

Later, what Dadongzi did also had a trend in this regard.

"North America is trying to build HBO into a pay TV station that combines movies, TV series, and sports. If Murdoch can buy Disney's shares from Vertex Pictures, then HBO will have more If we put more resources into the movies produced by Disney, it will definitely be a win-win situation for both of us!"

Murdoch naturally knew this truth, and pondered: "What if we, News Corp., want to take a stake in HBO?"

Sure enough, he is not a good person to deal with. As soon as I proposed to buy a stake in News Corporation, Murdoch wanted to buy a stake in HBO.

But for Murdoch's proposal, Chu Huan did not hold HBO as tight as Xiangjiang and Japan's industries, but held an open attitude: "As long as Murdoch can come up with cash or News Corp. The shares come out, and there is no problem on my side."

Business in North America is different from Xiangjiang and Japan.

In Xiangjiang, Chu Huan can fully control his company to his heart's content, because in Xiangjiang, no one can pose a threat to himself.

In Japan, Chu Huan needs to use a share of the Japanese branch of Alder Commercial Bank to win over Japanese super families such as the Mitsui family and the Sumitomo family, and at the same time adopt the traditional Japanese marriage policy to consolidate his business in Japan.

Now in North America, more attention is paid to the vertical and horizontal alliance between businesses, so as long as Chu Huan wants to expand his business in North America, he must pay some shares of certain companies.

Especially in the media industry.

Although it is impossible to make the other party a major shareholder no matter whether it is News Corporation or Murdoch's shareholding in HBO, such cooperation can allow oneself to have a certain influence in the other company.

News Corporation is going public, but HBO has absolutely no need for it.

This is doomed, in the future, Chu Huan's influence in News Corporation will definitely exceed Murdoch's influence in HBO.

Murdoch said: "Director Chu, I think we should invite Ms. Kelly from Vertex Pictures to discuss this matter together!"

Since it is a tripartite cooperation, from Murdoch's point of view, there is still one missing Kelly from Vertex Pictures. Now Disney's shares are in the hands of Vertex Pictures, and the relationship between Chu Huan and Vertex Pictures is more of a cooperation relationship and the unclear relationship between Chu Huan and Kelly.

In Murdoch's view, although Chu Huan's guarantee has some weight, it is still not as good as the parties' views on this matter.

"It's natural!" Chu Huan looked at Wu Shuhan who was sitting next to him, and said to him directly: "Go to contact Miss Kelly from Vertex Pictures and ask if she has time. If so, please come Come to our side!"

Wu Shuhan understood what Chu Huan meant, got up and said, "I'll contact Miss Kelly now!"

In fact, Wu Shuhan didn't call Kelly, but went to Vertex Pictures to find Kelly in person. She sat here listening to the discussion between Chu Huan and Murk, and she actually understood Chu Huan's interest in selling Disney. He wanted to tell Kelly about Chu Huan's attitude in advance, so that when Kelly came here, she wouldn't be ignorant.

After Wu Shuhan left here, Murk smiled and said to Chu Huan: "Mr. Chu, the outside world has always been speculating about the relationship between Miss Kelly and you. Now I see that Mr. Chu can easily invite Miss Kelly. Coming to you, it seems that the relationship between the two of you is indeed not simple!"

Chu Huan waved his hands and said with a smile: "This is just random speculation from the outside world. To be honest, Miss Kelly and I did have some stories back then, but that's all what happened when we first met. Miss Kelly has a very good cooperative relationship now, and with our previous relationship, it will naturally become a little closer!"

Murdoch nodded. As for what Chu Huan said, Murdoch didn't completely believe it in his heart.

Of course, he will not doubt the relationship between Chu Huan and Kelly too much anymore, but in Murdoch's view, there must be more cooperation between Chu Huan and Kelly in business. It's just that they haven't announced it now, and everyone doesn't know the details.

Even if Murdoch has a big brain, it is impossible to guess that the Vertex Pictures that Kelly is in charge of is actually Chu Huan's own business.

At most, Kaili received a lot of financial support from Chu Huan during her development.

"I got the news that Director Chu is holding a global meeting of Jiaku in Los Angeles recently. I think after this meeting, Director Chu's Jiaku will definitely have more development directions?"

Chu Huan said modestly: "Jiaku is different from other companies in the world. The establishment time is too short. Although everything seems to be developing well, it still needs more precipitation. Nothing, in the future, how to build up your own business is the kingly way!"

Murdoch nodded slightly. This is almost an inevitable process in the development process of a large consortium. Blind expansion is not necessarily a benefit. If the foundation is not stable, the higher the building is, the more likely problems will occur.

"At your age, Mr. Chu, it's really rare to be able to maintain such a clear mind. Now I know why Mr. Chu was able to create such a huge business empire in just a few years!"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Murdoch, why do I feel that you are praising yourself, News Corporation is in your hands, and now it has a strong influence in Europe and North America, and you have come here step by step! "

Murdoch laughed and said, "Mr. Chu is really a good friend of my Murdoch!"

The two touted each other for a while, and then brought the topic to the possibility of tripartite cooperation.

Although Kelly hasn't come here yet, the chips of the three parties have basically been put on the table, Disney in the hands of Vertex Pictures, HBO in the hands of Chu Huan, and News Corporation in the hands of Murdoch!

Of course, the least important one is HBO in Chu Huan's hands, but Chu Huan has other bargaining chips, which is cash, and cash is a very important factor in the three-party transaction.

If Murdoch wants to obtain a controlling stake in Disney without losing his controlling stake in News Corporation, he must need a large part of cash to fill the stock price difference between the two parties.

And if Chu Huan wants to take a stake in News Corporation and at the same time guarantee his right to speak in HBO, he also needs to use cash to make up for the gap in market value between the two parties!

Murdoch has more in mind than Disney's controlling stake, meanwhile.

"Mr. Chu, I know that you still have 40% of the investment in "Star Wars". If Miss Kelly can really sell Disney's shares in the future, then I want to buy a part of "Star Wars" from you, Mr. Chu. The investment share of Star Wars comes over!"

The movie "Star Wars" has really made people all over the United States and Europe see the power of this movie, and now the production of the next "Star Wars" has been put on the agenda, if it is not because of Vertex has problems with those Jews in Hollywood right now, so a sequel to this movie is already in production.

Since Murdoch has always been coveting Hollywood film studios, he naturally studied the things inside.

He didn't want to give up the sure money-making project of "Star Wars"!

Chu Huan did not agree to Murdoch at the first time, nor did he oppose Murdoch at the first time. In fact, through this Disney incident, Chu Huan also understood that here, it is fundamental to completely control a project. If it is impossible, then find a way to make this project generate more benefits for yourself.

Now that I have just said that in the North American commercial market, there are more rules for joint development and common development, so Chu Huan is thinking that if he agrees to Murdoch's request, then he can work with Murdoch. What kind of benefits are obtained.

After thinking about it, Chu Huan proposed: "Since Murdoch is so optimistic about the "Star Wars" project, you must have done more research on the benefits derived from this movie, right?"

Murdoch nodded. He came here today with full sincerity. Naturally, it is impossible to pretend to be confused about this kind of thing.

"According to our calculations, as long as the sequel of this movie can continue to be successful, the profits derived from the "Star Wars" project will be absolutely terrifying!"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Since this is the case, then the next thing will be easy!"

Murdoch also understood that Chu Huan would definitely not sell part of the rights and interests of "Star Wars" to himself for nothing, so he asked, "If you have any ideas, Director Chu, just mention it!"

Chu Huan said: "If Vertex Pictures really decides to sell Disney to News Corporation, then I hope that News Corporation can continue to maintain the cooperation between Disney and Youth Toys R Us!"

As I said before, Toys R Us of Youth is no longer just selling the peripherals of fantasy comics. With the acquisition of Disney by Vertex Pictures, Toys R Us of Youth has already obtained the global sales of Disney peripherals. Exclusive agency right now.

Now that Chu Huan wants to sell Disney to News Corporation, after News Corporation gets Disney, there is no guarantee that the other party will not tamper with this matter.

Although Vertex Pictures and HBO were shareholders of News Corporation at that time, it was still very difficult for News Corporation to influence Murdoch's decision.

Instead of having a headache at that time, it is better to solve this possible matter now.

Murdoch didn't think too much about Chu Huan's proposal. Chu Huan needed Disney's peripherals to bring benefits to Toys R Us, but at the same time, Murdoch couldn't do without the channel of Toys R Us.

Nowadays, Youth Toys R Us is recognized as the number one distributor of toys in the toy industry in the world. No matter what kind of toy it is, as long as you want to have a good sales, you cannot do without Youth Toys R Us.

This is the same as the products of later generations, as long as they want to increase their influence, they cannot do without e-commerce!

In fact, before this, Murdoch really thought about this matter, but at that time, Murdoch thought that if he could really buy Disney, then Disney's peripherals would not only go to Youth Toys R Us Marketing channels, and will also cooperate with more toy distributors.

This can prevent Disney's peripherals from being monopolized by Youth Toys R Us, but now that Chu Huan has proposed that some of the rights and interests of "Star Wars" can be exchanged, he can also choose to agree.

"It seems that now we only need to wait for Miss Kelly to arrive to know whether we can reach a cooperative relationship!"

Chu Huan smiled and said, "That's right!"

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