The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang

Chapter 267 100 million yuan project and million records (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

"The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable, this is not good, this is not good!"

Looking at the man and woman who had been beaten so badly, Chen Qizong sat on the sofa, silently chanting the divine sentence of lowering blood pressure in his heart.

"Drag these two people out!"

Chen Qizong waved his hand and asked the person he called to drag the couple out, and he himself would definitely not live in this room again. After the person looking for the hotel changed the room, Chen Qizong fell asleep with his pillow in his arms.

He is not in the mood to find another woman tonight!

The reason why he didn't leave was that he was going to discuss his plan with Zhang Chengzhong and Michael Keswick tomorrow.

This is no longer dealing with Chu Huan, but for the three of them to get more support from the forces behind them.

No words all night!

The next day, Chen Qizong met Michael Keswick and Zhang Chengzhong at the restaurant on the peninsula.

Zhang Chengzhong showed a smile that men can understand, and asked Chen Qizong: "How about the bitch you were looking for last night? It looks very exciting. I thought you wouldn't be able to get up today!"

Hearing Zhang Chengzhong say this, Chen Qizong was embarrassed for a while, but he couldn't tell the other party that he could make people cuckold even by finding a Miss Wu, right?

It can only be a vague sermon: "It's okay, it's okay!"

Fortunately, Zhang Chengzhong didn't dwell on this matter for too long.

After the three of them had breakfast, seeing that the other two were about to go back to find their respective mothers, Chen Qizong immediately said: "You two, I have something I want to discuss with you, how about we go to the upstairs room to discuss it?"

Zhang Chengzhong and Michael Keswick looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes, but they still agreed to Chen Qizong's invitation.

It's just that when they saw that Chen Qizong had changed rooms, they couldn't understand.

Zhang Chengzhong and Michael Keswick sat on the sofa, while Chen Qizong took out a bottle of whiskey from the wine cabinet and poured a glass for each of them in person.

Michael Keswick saw that Chen Qizong was so solemn, and asked Chen Qizong curiously: "Ronnie, what's the matter, I don't know you so much!"

Zhang Chengzhong also showed a puzzled expression.

Chen Qizong looked at Zhang Chengzhong with a smile and asked, "Kevin, do you still remember what you said in the nightclub last night?"

Zhang Chengzhong thought for a while and asked, "You said you want to continue the treat?"

Chen Qizong's face darkened, and he said, "No, I'm talking about your previous suggestion to Hang Lung Real Estate!"

Only then did Zhang Chengzhong show a dazed expression, but then he asked puzzledly: "But didn't Michael say that before? This matter is not up to us to decide!"

At this time, Chen Qizong said proudly: "Although the matter is not up to us, we can definitely tell the people behind me about this matter!"

Speaking of this, Chen Qizong deliberately paused for a moment, and then continued to speak: "To tell you the truth, after we came to the hotel last night, the more I thought about it, the more feasible it became, so I deliberately returned home and told My father said this and it was approved by my father."

Since the tripartite cooperation was to be completed, there was no need for Chen Qizong to tell Michael Keswick and Zhang Chengzhong all the plans he conceived yesterday without telling them.

"Kevin, although overseas trust banks are slowly getting out of the predicament relying on the Southeast Asian market, your future development direction is always Xiangjiang. If you can reach a cooperation with Hang Lung Properties this time, then your bank will definitely be able to be in Xiangjiang. Its status will definitely rise to a higher level, and I also know that overseas trusts have been coveting the British market.

As long as the time comes, once the cooperation between you and me is formed, we, Hang Lung Properties, will immediately announce the formation of a strategic partnership with Overseas Trust, and the stock price of Overseas Trust will definitely rise by then. "

Chen Qizong is going to persuade Zhang Chengzhong first.

But after Zhang Chengzhong finished listening, he still said: "I can't make the decision on this matter, I need to go back and discuss it with my father!"

Chen Qizong was not disappointed by this, and said with a smile: "This is what it should be."

Then Chen Qizong turned to Michael Keswick and said: "Michael, I have studied it carefully. The Golden Gate Building is not that important to Landmark, although in this stock market crash, Jardine's loss is not It is very big, but Jardine has always wanted to connect your properties in Central, such as Chater Road and Queen's Road, which will definitely require a lot of cash. If the Golden Gate Building can be sold, it will definitely ease the cash situation of Landmark , and at the same time, this can also boost Hongkong Land’s share price!”

"It kills two birds with one stone, I think Mr. Henry will definitely look at you differently!"

It has to be said that Chen Qizong still has some ability. The two conditions he proposed made Zhang Chengzhong and Michael Keswick a little bit excited.

The two also looked at each other, and Michael Keswick confirmed to Chen Qizong: "This matter is definitely your father's idea, not your own?"

Chen Qizong said earnestly: "Do you think I can make such a big deal?"

Indeed not, Michael Keswick thought for a while, and said, "Kevin and I have the same meaning. This matter is too big for us to decide. I also need to go back and ask for instructions!"

Such a result has already made Chen Qizong very satisfied. The first step is to let the people who can decide this matter know about it.

"Well, let's discuss the details again and try to facilitate this transaction. By then, in Xiangjiang, not everyone will know Chu Huan, but not us!"

This sentence made the eyes of Michael Keswick and Zhang Chengzhong brighten, and they said: "Not bad!"

So the three of them got together and began to discuss the details of this matter.

Try to be able to tell all the details when they report this matter to the people behind them.

Just as Chen Qizong and the three of them were discussing their plans, a small incident happened in Xiangjiang's entertainment circle.

A record company named 'Yuyu' was established!

In fact, in Hong Kong, the establishment of a record company will not cause any sensation, but Yuyu Records is different. As soon as this record company was established, it announced that it has reached a cooperation with Li TV, and will hold a Hong Kong Rookie Singing Contest!

At the same time, it was announced that the winner of the Rookie Singing Contest will not only receive a reward of 50,000 Hong Kong dollars, but also a record made by Youyu Records.

In addition, the second place will receive a reward of 30,000 Hong Kong dollars, as well as a tailor-made record.

The prize for the third place has become 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, but there is also a record reward!

As soon as this news came out, it caused a sensation in Xiangjiang's entertainment circle.

At this time, it is not too easy to set up a record company. It is almost enough to have 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, but now it has reached 80,000 Hong Kong dollars just for the rewards for the first, second and third places. Promotion, and cooperation with Li's TV.

The total sum of these things has reached millions of Hong Kong dollars.

A young man with slightly hip-hop clothes and long hair walked into a Yunhai convenience store. The waiter noticed the young man at first sight, not because of his slightly westernized attire, but because of the classic mustache, in the Xiangjiang, at his age, it's rare for a young man with such a character beard!

But in a few decades, this young man's moustache will become one of his trademarks!

There are two mustaches in the Xiangjiang entertainment circle, one is the best soundtrack among Xiangjiang actors, the best director among the soundtracks, the best stunt director among the directors, the best screenwriter among the stunt directors, and the best producer among the screenwriters. The most successful actor in the production of the film - Chen Xunqi!

The other mustache is Lin Zixiang who is currently in the Yunhai Convenience Store and is known as an iron lung in the Xiangjiang music scene!

Lin Zixiang's parents divorced in the early years, and his mother went to North America, while his father took the two brothers with him. Later, Lin Zixiang went to England to study. He was deeply influenced by the Beatles and formed a band when he was in school.

But now he doesn't play anymore, and now he is on vacation to return to Xiangjiang to visit relatives.

Seeing such a novelty convenience store in front of his house, he went in, but just after he entered, he noticed the poster of "Xiangjiang Rookie Singing Contest" next to the cashier!

Especially the slogan in the poster: Do you want the world to hear your singing?

Lin Zixiang felt that the music cells in his body began to beat again.

Out of curiosity, I asked the clerk at the convenience store.

"Excuse me, what are the conditions for signing up for this rookie singing contest?"

The waiter said with a smile on his face: "Just know how to sing!"

Lin Zixiang immediately laughed and said, "Isn't that a coincidence, I can sing!"

Waiter: "Sir, do you want to sign up? If you want, we have a registration form for the Rookie Singing Contest. You can fill it out here, and then we will mail it to the TV station for you. When the competition starts, there will be The staff called you to invite you to participate in the qualifying competition!"

Lin Zixiang was stunned for a moment, "Does your convenience store still have this kind of service?"

The waiter said with a smile: "The purpose of our Yunhai Convenience Store is to help our customers enjoy life better!"

Lin Zixiang sighed: "I finally understand why there are so many Yunhai convenience stores in Xiangjiang!"

The waiter smiled proudly and said, "Sir, do you want to sign up?"

Lin Zixiang thought about it, and said, "Okay, give me an application form!"


The waiter took out a registration form, and at the same time thoughtfully handed over a ballpoint pen, pointing to the place where the convenience store eats by the window and said with a smile: "Where can I fill out the registration form!"


Inside a bar.

There are two types of bars in Xiangjiang, one is the kind of bar where short mules gather to fight for the wind, jealous and aggressive, and the other is the quiet bar with a little style, most of these bars have bands or singers singing.

Similar to Lihua Palace.

At this time in this bar, a young man is adjusting the guitar in his hand.

At this time, the bar has not yet officially opened, and all the bar staff and some resident personnel are in the bar.

A young guy ran in with a promotional poster of the Xiangjiang Rookie Singing Contest, and preached to the young man who was cleaning his guitar with an excited face.

"Look, Johnny, Li's TV and Yuyu Records have jointly organized a singing contest. If you sing so well, you should sign up. If you win the grand prize, you will be able to release a record!"

Johnny took the poster of the singing contest from the other party's hand with a curious but not surprised expression.

"Look, it's said above that the first prize not only helps you release the record, but also a reward of 50,000 yuan. Where can you find such a good thing!" The young man will still be very excited.

Johnny smiled bitterly: "There are so many talents who can sing in Xiangjiang, how do you know that I will definitely win the grand prize?"

The young man said earnestly: "I knew it. Anyway, I have listened to so many people singing, and I have never seen anyone who sings better than you!"

Johnny was a little moved by the other party's words. Singing in bars is singing, and singing in singing contests is also singing, and as his friend said, if he wins the prize, will he really be able to release a record?

As a singer, who doesn't want to release records?

"How to sign up?" Johnny asked.

The young man hurriedly said: "Isn't that what it said? You can go to the TV station to register directly, or you can go to Yunhai Convenience Store to fill out the registration form, and they will mail it for us. In addition, there is also a registration form on "Zhenbao", but Need to mail it yourself!"

Johnny said: "I remember there is a Yunhai convenience store near our bar, right?"

"That's right!"

In an architectural design company, a young man was sitting in his seat with various drawing tools beside him. However, the young man's mind was not on these guys who were eating by himself, but was looking at the hands in his hands seriously. "True Daily".

In the entertainment section of "Zhenbao", there is also news about the Xiangjiang Rookie Singing Contest.

The young man was a little moved by the report above. He is not a music major, but a top student in the Department of Architecture of the University of Hong Kong. However, he usually likes to sing. Been on a TV show.

But the response was always mediocre. After graduating from university, he did not sign with EMI Records, but chose to work in the current construction company.

But I always feel that facing these drawings is not as energetic as facing the staves!

"Do you want to participate?"

The young man read the content in the newspaper and fell into inner self-entanglement. He naturally wanted to participate, but his previous failed and short career as a singer made him a little uneasy.

But in the end, he still couldn't hold back the call in his heart, cut out the registration form on "True News", filled in his own information, then took an envelope from the drawer, wrote the address of Holly's TV, and put it in in.

"Peter, I'll go out for a while. If the boss asks, just say that I went to the scene to see the terrain!"

After talking to my colleagues, I got up and left!

"Brother Huan, look, this is a singer signed by Youyu Records according to your order!"

In the villa in Repulse Bay, Chen Haichao came here with a list.

Chu Huan took it from Chen Haichao's hand, and asked with a smile, "I read the content in "True News" before, and the promotion of the Rookie Singer Contest is pretty good!"

Youyu Records Company was naturally established by Chen Haichao. At the beginning, he suggested to Chu Huan to start a record company, and Chu Huan had no objection. After several months of planning, Youyu Records has now been established, and has obtained an agreement with Li TV. Cooperate to hold this rookie singing contest.

In addition, the two discussed at the beginning and thought that it was not suitable for Chen Haichao to stand at the front desk and announce that he was the behind-the-scenes boss of Youyu Records.

Chen Haichao said modestly: "I would like to thank Ms. Gu and Xiao Zhao for their help in this matter. If it weren't for their help, the influence of the Rookie Singing Contest would not have spread so quickly!"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "There is nothing to be grateful for. You spent money to advertise on "True News", and Xiao Zhao also wants to better enhance the influence of Yunhai Convenience Store."

What Yunhai Chain has to do is to infiltrate its influence into the most ordinary life of Xiangjiang citizens in the shortest possible time.

So doing publicity for the Rookie Singing Contest is also such a strategy!

After finishing speaking, Chu Huan carefully read the list Chen Haichao handed to him. There were actually two names on it, one was Wenna Five Tigers, and the other was Ye Liyi!

Needless to say, Wen Na, the principal Tan Yonglin, the pseudo-rich Zhong Zhentao, the four-eyed priest Chen You, and so on--Peng Jianxin, Ye Zhiqiang!

In fact, in the early days, Winner was not called Winner, but the Losers Band. At that time, the members did not have the pseudo-rich Zhong Zhentao, but there were Xiangjiang's golden supporting actor Chen Baixiang, and Chen Baixiang's younger brother Chen Baishen!

But now Chen Boxiang should go to Africa to sell raincoats, and Chen Boshen also quit the Losers band with his brother.

Later, Liang Baitao, the manager of the Losers band, found Zhong Zhentao, and another member from Singapore to form Winner, but the Singaporean member has returned to Singapore because his visa expired.

Therefore, the Winner Five Tigers are completely settled.

These five people had already signed Polydox Records before, which is the predecessor of Xiangjiang Legend Records PolyGram. Polydor Records was originally a German record company. Because it merged with Philips Records in the Netherlands, it changed its name to PolyGram. record.

Since Chen Haichao wants to set up his own record company, it is definitely not enough to have newcomers, so under Chu Huan's guidance, Chen Haichao immediately waved the check and signed the Winner Five Tigers at Polygram.

At this time, the Winner Five Tigers are already preparing their first single album "Sunshine lover".

During this period, Hong Kong's popular music was mainly English songs and Mandarin songs, while Cantonese songs were considered unpopular.

But now Xu Guanjie is gradually changing everyone's stereotyped impression.

"How about the five of them, are they dissatisfied?" Chu Huan asked.

After all, Youyu Records is a newly established record company, while Polygram was merged by two international record companies, Polydor and Philips!

Chen Haichao said with a smile: "No, I'm very happy. In addition, they were not very happy in Polygram before, because the merger of the two record companies, Polygram and Philips, caused Polygram Hongkong to have no time to deal with Hong Kong. things, and Winner's predecessor, the Losers, did not get the company's attention at all.

Otherwise, the two brothers Chen Boxiang and Chen Boshen would not have left.

They have signed with Polygram for three years, but the company only arranged for them to perform live in the first two years, so they have long been dissatisfied with Polygram. I got the guarantee from the company, so I am very happy to prepare a new record for them immediately! "

Chu Huan nodded, and then set his sights on another person named Ye Liyi.

Speaking of this name, everyone may feel unfamiliar, but let’s talk about Xiangjiang’s classic Cantonese song "Sheng Beach"!

Everyone will be familiar with it, and Ye Liyi is the original singer of this song.

Ye Liyi was born in Malaysia. It is said that she has been a top student since she was a child. After graduation, she first went to HSBC as a bank clerk, and then joined Cathay Pacific as a part-time auxiliary police officer.

In 1969, TVB also held a singing contest, Ye Liyi was the champion of this singing contest, but after winning the championship, Ye Liyi did not join any record company, but sang commercial songs.

If there is no Yuyu Records, Ye Liyi will join EMI Records next year!

But now, it has been preempted by Youyu Records.

Apart from these two, Chu Huan doesn't know much about Xiangjiang singers in the 1970s. Xu Guanjie, Luo Wen, Xu Xiaofeng, and Zhen Ni are all pillars of various record companies, and it is impossible for Youyu Records to snatch them. come over.

So now I can only use Wenna first, and Ye Liyi is holding on. After a few years, it will be the golden start of the Xiangjiang music scene!

"Do those record companies suspect that you are the boss behind Youyu Records?" Chu Huan asked with a smile.

Chen Haichao said proudly: "Of course it's gone. I hired a professional manager to stand in front of me. In order to avoid being suspected by those record companies, I didn't even advertise this rookie singer contest on Brothers Video!"

Chu Huan nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Singers alone are not enough. Although songwriters are not as famous as the singers standing in the front stage, their importance is far greater than those singers. This must not be forgotten."

Chen Haichao felt a little helpless, and said: "These songwriters are either a gangster after they become famous, or they have already signed contracts with those record companies. The manager I am looking for has hired them many times but has not been successful. !"

Chu Huan said: "Now that Youyu Records has just been established, you can't use the routines of other record companies, otherwise you will never catch up with them.

If it doesn't work, just increase their commission, if it's really not possible to promise them a share of their record, I don't believe those people won't be tempted! "

At this time in Xiangjiang, the songwriters only had a fixed remuneration, how much a song was paid, but they never had any awareness of copyright. Basically, after getting the money, the song no longer belonged to them, but to the record company.

The rest is that no matter how many copies this record sells, it has nothing to do with them.

Hearing that Chu Huan wanted to give a sales share, Chen Haichao immediately shook his head: "That's no good, if that's the case, our loss will be huge, at worst, I'll just give them more rewards!"

Chu Huan shook his head indifferently. He really didn't care much about the record company, and he didn't intend to participate in the management of the details. Providing Chen Haichao with a few lists was already the greatest help.

Hearing what Chen Haichao said now, he didn't take it to heart.

"By the way, I heard that you dated a female singer. When will you bring it out for us to meet?"

Since he didn't take the matter of the record company too seriously, Chu Huan also changed the subject at this time.

Chen Haichao is now the boss of Brothers Audiovisual on the surface, and he is close to the water. Many singers hope to get the support of Brothers Audiovisual, and put their records in the most conspicuous position. Naturally, they are also attentive to Chen Haichao.

Chu Huan had heard from Bao Tianming that Chen Haichao dated a female singer.

Chen Haichao smiled nonchalantly and said, "Let's forget it, she still thinks that the brother's video is mine. If she finds out about our relationship, it will be easy to cause trouble."

Chu Huan understands that Chen Haichao is not worried that the other party knows that he is not the real boss of Brother Audio, but that she knows that she is the real boss of Brother Audio, which is not good for her plan!

But it can also be seen that Chen Haichao didn't really regard the other party as his girlfriend!

It's just a game for adults!

The two chatted for a while, and Chen Haichao saw that there was nothing else to do, so he got up and left.

Chu Huan was alone, wearing shorts and bare upper body, sitting by the pool basking in the afternoon sun.

In the evening, Cao Yunshang came back and saw Chu Huan sitting lazily by the pool, so he immediately returned to the room, changed into a swimsuit and sat beside Chu Huan.

Lin Feng and the others were patrolling the periphery of the villa at this time, only Gu Sha and Jia Yu were guarding by the swimming pool.

"What makes you so happy?"

Seeing the smile on Cao Yunshang's face, Chu Huan asked aloud.

"Today, the stock prices of Sun Hung Kai, New World, and Hopewell Properties have risen again, so I am naturally happy." After finishing speaking, Cao Yunshang said with some regret: "It's a pity that the current increase can no longer be compared with that at the beginning. , only a few percent!"

Chu Huan smiled, and said: "Be content, the most important thing now is that if something happens in the future, their stock price will not be greatly affected!"

Why the stock market crash in 1973 lasted so long, in fact, apart from the fake stocks of Hopewell Properties and the overzealous Hong Kong stock market in the early stage, another reason is the upcoming oil crisis this year!

Changes in the stock market have always been unpredictable, and any change in the international situation may cause changes in the stock market.

The upcoming oil crisis is another blow to Hong Kong's stock market, and some listed companies that are just about to turn around have been hit hard again.

This has also caused the Hong Kong stock market to not only be in a downturn this year, but will still be down next year. Only when it was 75 years ago did it begin to show its bullish posture again!

Cao Yunshang only knew that Chu Huan was going to borrow oil to make another windfall, but he didn't know the specifics of the oil crisis!

"Then should I sell the stocks of these companies in my hand in advance?"

Facing Cao Yunshang's question, Chu Huan smiled and said, "It's up to you to make your own decision!"

Cao Yunshang thought for a while, but still smiled: "Forget it, it's good now!"

Also, the next chapter is at eight in the morning~

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