The Most Powerful System

Chapter 52 2 pieces of black technology in the bag

"However, you can not give me the source code of Jarvis, but you can always give me a subroutine code of Jarvis?"

Having said that, Qi Yu poured half a glass of red wine for Tony, "After all, Jarvis has so many subroutines, I saved your girlfriend, Pepper, it doesn't count if you give me one of the subroutines. Do you suffer? If you say that Pepper is not as important as Jarvis, I will believe it, but if you say that Pepper is not even a part of Jarvis, then it would be a bit too fake, right?"

Tony didn't give an immediate answer to what Qi Yu said. He raised his teacup and tasted the wine. In the process of drinking, he was thinking quickly in his mind.

Immediately, he put down the teacup with a small glass of red wine left, and gave his own reply: "Actually, there are only a few subroutines in the Jarvis general program, not as many as you think. Please tell me. , which subroutine do you want?"

As soon as Tony said that, Qi Yu knew that there was something to be said for the "Jarvis security procedure".

"Jarvis' security program," Qi Yu pointed out the subprogram he wanted without hesitation, and then explained, "It is used to upgrade the security level of my manor and ensure the safety of my manor to the greatest extent possible."

What Qi Yu wanted was a security system rather than a weapon system. This requirement was not excessive and did not embarrass Tony, who was determined to maintain peace in the United States. And the reasons are more legitimate, in order to protect their own homes. Furthermore, Qi Yu rescued Little Pepper from Obadiah that night. If Tony refused again, it would obviously be a bit awkward.

After Tony drank the last sip of red wine in the teacup, he left the wooden chair and stood up. He stretched out his hand to Qi Yu, who was facing him, with a typical smile on his face when a business negotiation was successful.

Seeing Tony stand up, Qi Yu also stood up dignifiedly and shook hands with Tony to reach an agreement, "Deal!"

After the two sides shook hands happily, Tony subconsciously thought that this question about the charging standard was over. However, what Qi Yu said next made Tony a little stunned.

"Well, the question of the fee for saving Little Pepper is over. Next, it's time to talk about the fee for saving you from the Iron Overlord."

Qi Yu was like an old fox, with a sinister and cunning face on his face, oh no, it should be a smile of wisdom. He stretched out his arm and asked Tony on the opposite side to sit down and have a good talk.

The reason why Qi Yu didn't kill Tie Bawang directly from the beginning that night was also to deliberately create opportunities. Later, when Tie Bawang and Iron Man fought fiercely, and Iron Man was mortally threatened, he would take action. In such a situation where his life was on the line, Qi Yu's action meant that he saved Iron Man's life and made Iron Man owe him a life-saving grace.

Obviously, in the negotiation on the charging issue just now, Tony thought that Qi Yu was putting together two lives to save him and Pepper, and the compensation for the two lives was a Jarvis security procedure.

But now, Qi Yu euphemistically said that the two lives were not counted together, but separately.

In short, Qi Yu rescued Pepper from Tieba's Gatling machine gun, and the reward was a Jarvis security procedure; and saving Iron Man from Tieba's violent tearing, symbolized another. fee.

Tony has only one thought in his mind now - Lao Tzu is overshadowed!

"Rescue Pepper, the reward you asked for is Jarvis' security system, then..." Speaking of which, Tony's expression became a little dignified, "Save me, shouldn't the reward you plan to ask for is Jarvis? Is it his weapon system?"

Since the Afghan attack, I have witnessed the indigenous warlords use the weapons of Stark Industries to massacre old and weak villagers and deter young and middle-aged male laborers from doing coolies.

Coercing women and girls into prostitution and other ugly acts, Tony had the decision to close the Stark Industrial Weapons Department in his heart.

Therefore, if Qi Yu asked for Jarvis' super artificial intelligence weapon system, Tony would definitely not agree.

Fortunately, Qi Yu did not intend to ask Tony for Jarvis' weapon system. Because, Qi Yu's fist is the strongest weapon in the world!

"Can you give me the small Ark reactor you developed, that is, the little thing on your chest?" Qi Yu was not sure whether Tony would agree or not, and pointed to the dark golden chandelier in the study. "I think, if the chandelier is not powered by the city's public system, but is powered by the kind of small Ark reactor in your chest, a piece of Ark reactor, theoretically, it should be able to continue the energy supply for that chandelier for at least 10,000 years. ?"

Then Qi Yu opened his arms wide, representing all the infrastructure and electrical equipment in the entire manor that needs power supply, "As for the expansion to the entire manor, it is estimated that one Ark reactor can supply energy for decades."

Tony knows that there is an old saying in China that eats others' soft mouths and takes others' hands short, not to mention that he still owes others a life-saving debt of gratitude.

Think about it carefully, although the small Ark reactor is a first-class black technology, and other countries on earth have not yet appeared, but Tony is very clear that since his identity as Iron Man was exposed in the public eye, and after the hype of the American media, the whole The world basically realized the power of steel armor.

The black technology product of steel armor is especially suitable for the national military field. Therefore, it is estimated that there should be some restless countries in the world that have included "body wearable armor combat" as an important military project in their country.

I believe that it can be as short as a few years or as a long as decades. With the vigorous research and development of resources poured into by various countries, the Ark reactor technology will also appear in the military systems of many major countries.

"Although your reason sounds a bit ridiculous, but forget it, I'll give you a reactor, so that we don't owe each other, so don't try to think of my black technology in the future." Zai Qi Under the soft and hard bubbles of jade, Tony finally compromised.

The crying child has milk to eat, and the witty Qi Yu successfully obtained another epoch-making black technology creation from Tony.

The Jarvis security system and the small Ark reactor will be of great use to Qi Yu in the future!

PS. The plot of "Iron Man 1" ended flatly in the chat between the two men, and the next chapter officially entered the new plot of "Iron Man 2"! Two chapters in a row at 1:30 in the morning, the diligent author Jun expresses his plea for the votes of the readers ←_←

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