The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 156 Fighting for humanity?

The girl's eyes gradually became more alert, revealing an unbelievable look.

The moment Ai Liang held her palm, her body began to stiffen and her eyes kept trembling.

In the next second, she seemed to break through some kind of restraint and pounced on Ai Liang.

"Ai Liang! It's really Ai Liang!"

The girl's hands went around Ai Liang's back, and her delicate body pressed tightly against Ai Liang's chest.

She put her face against Ai Liang's collarbone and said in a crying and aggrieved tone: "I miss you so much..."


At this point, how could Ai Liang not see that it was Yang Xingyue who was in charge of her body now.

Yang Xingyue raised her head with a look of surprise: "I knew you would definitely recognize Ai Liang!"

"So you and Qihua share a body now?"

"Well, all actions and words are the result of our joint control. The person talking to you now also has part of Huahua's spirit."

Ai Liang heard this and tried to use his mental power to connect spiritually with the bodies of the two sisters.

However, even the huge mental power only under Thousand Faces Man could not shake her mental defense.

This did not surprise Ai Liang.

After all, Yue Yangyan spent a huge amount of money to train apostles for more than ten years. It would be really ridiculous if he couldn't even defend his own mental power.

"That's right...Ai Liang, why are you here?"

Yang Xingyue still had a girlish tone in the first half of the sentence, but from the second half of the sentence it changed to a calm and sad tone.

"Is it Qihua now..."

Yue Qihua didn't answer, but her fingertips were slightly bent to scratch out wrinkles in Ai Liang's clothes.

"Did my father ask you to come here?"

She lowered her head again, not daring to look into Ai Liang's eyes: "Is this so that we won't have any regrets?"

It seems that Yue Yangyan has told the two sisters about the strange things in advance.

Ai Liang knew without thinking that Yue Yangyan was just trying to persuade them to accept their identities for the sake of the continuation of mankind.

Fighting for the future of mankind sounds like an extremely glorious thing, but it is difficult to do.

When we, as mortals, do not have to pay any price, we can naturally fulfill our duties and be a good person. It seems to be a very simple thing to stick to our bottom line and moral character.

However, everyone will encounter a test sooner or later in their life, maybe it is the moment when you see a bakery on the street after being penniless and hungry for three whole days, or maybe it is the few seconds when a car is about to hit a pedestrian in front of you.

For two teenage children who have not yet entered society, they are bound to be overwhelmed when they are suddenly given the responsibility of saving the world. They simply do not have the courage to make major choices.

In the face of a heavy mission, all we can do is go with the flow.

Ai Liang broke free from Yue Qihua's arms and pushed her away. He pressed her shoulders regardless of her resistance and said, "It has nothing to do with him. It's me who came to find you."

Yue Qihua's eyes widened and she looked at Ai Liang for the first time since she woke up: "Do you know everything about us?"

"Yeah." Ai Liang nodded.

Yue Qihua's eyes were complicated: "Why do you know..."

Ai Liang thought for a while and said directly: "Because I am also an apostle."

Yue Qihua and Yang Xingyue did not dare to face Ai Liang because of their inhuman identities, but Ai Liang's words completely shattered this barrier.

Yue Qihua's eyes burst out with dazzling light, but as if she remembered something, the highlight in her eyes dimmed instantly. She said with the slightest relief: "Forget me and Xingyue, this is good for both of us. .

"Is it because of the DX plan?" Ai Liang asked.

Yue Qihua did not answer, or she did not dare to answer.

At this point, it no longer matters how much inside information Ai Liang knows and why he appears here.

Although Yue Qihua knows nothing about Ai Liang's other side, it doesn't stop her from not wanting Ai Liang to be involved in danger.

in the struggle.

Ai Liang was silent for a long time, and finally apologized softly: "I'm sorry, I noticed it too late. If I could have paid more attention and noticed your abnormality earlier..."

"It has nothing to do with you, this is our mission."

Yue Qihua raised her hand and put it on Ai Liang's lips, shaking her head and saying, "We are experimental subjects created to fight against the apostles. We are very satisfied to live a carefree life as human beings for more than ten years."

"At least I can rely on my own strength to protect this world that I have lived in for a long time, and protect... some people."

Yue Qihua looked at Ai Liang and silently swallowed the words "protect you" back into her stomach.

mission? To protect humanity against the apostles?

Ai Liang did not notice the change in Yue Qihua's expression, but recalled everything she had experienced back then.

His eyes gradually became hollow and he said with a solemn tone: "Fight for humanity...Humanity is not worth your sacrifice!"

Different from the usual indifference, the indifference and ruthlessness revealed in Ai Liang's words made the two sisters feel an unprecedented chill.

Yue Qihua looked at Ai Liang blankly. This was the first time she had seen Ai Liang's violent mood swings.

"Ai Liang, are you from the Apostles..."

Yue Qihua's words had a hint of vibrato.

It would be okay if we were just fighting against the Apostles, but the other party was an evil existence that attempted to destroy and enslave all mankind.

The two sisters won't have any psychological burden when they start the attack, but if Ai Liang is also from there...

For a moment, Yue Qihua and Yang Xingyue were confused.

Fortunately, Ai Liang quickly denied the worst situation: "I am an apostle, but I have not joined the apostle association."


Just as Yue Qihua was about to speak, she was interrupted by Ai Liang: "But I will not stand on the side of humans to help the countermeasures bureau."

Yue Qihua had no intention of involving Ai Liang in the first place, but Ai Liang's attitude of not caring about human life and death still made her couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

Ai Liang looked directly into Yue Qihua's eyes: "Someone once asked me what thing in the world is closest to the definition of devil. "

Yue Qihua began to think, but Ai Liang continued without waiting for her answer: "Competing with each other, killing each other, trampling on each other, despising others, laughing at others, killing others... Human beings are the creatures closest to the definition of devil."

Yue Qihua opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to refute Ai Liang.

"Although I hate that guy, there is no denying that he is telling the truth."

Ai Liang let go of Yue Qihua's body and sat upright: "I am the hermit, the one who caused the massacre in Naihua City."

"Due to some accidents, I spread my mental power throughout the city and read the memories and thoughts of tens of millions of people. At that time, I saw the darkness hidden under the bright appearance of this city."

"Violence and killing occur in every dark corner, and deception and betrayal occur all the time."

"Some people are kind, but that doesn't mean they are truly noble. It just means they have never entered a desperate situation to truly understand their own hearts."

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