The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 141 Cause of the accident

Yang Xingguo's star suddenly sank to the bottom.

He had just read the information on the Balrog Puppet.

If the information is not deliberately exaggerated, then this nine-meter-high monster not only has no vital points and the ability to infinitely regenerate, it can also condense tens of thousands of particle flows, split the small body, and control the flame-winged angel mentioned by Bell.

No matter which ability is used, it can easily kill oneself.

Yang Xingguo took a look at the combat power on his side.

There was nothing except a second-level researcher and some picked-up equipment.

Even he himself had just obtained the black beads not long ago, and it was difficult to deal with a skeleton soldier.

How to fight this kind of battle?

He finally found the laboratory where his daughter was, but now someone told him that a world-destroying monster was guarding the door of the laboratory.

There is nothing more despairing than this.

Yang Xingguo's face was gloomy, and the air pressure around him was extremely low.

Even Bell, a big guy, subconsciously distanced himself from him.

"...Is there a topographic map of the experimental area?"

Yang Xingguo asked Bell.

Bell frowned and looked at Yang Xingguo with a very embarrassed expression: "You are not trying to lure the Balrog to other places, and then enter the laboratory and wave dx1105, right?

With all due respect... With our speed, if we encounter a Balrog, he will burn us to ashes with just a single glance, and there will be no time to escape. "

Yang Xingguo didn't pay attention to Bell's fear and forcibly ordered: "Immediately execute the orders and don't talk so much nonsense, otherwise I won't mind throwing you to those skeletons."

Bell couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the image of himself being thrown in front of the Flame-Winged Angel by Yang Xingguo.

After the experimental accident, he had witnessed his colleagues being literally torn apart by the skeletons.

This group of monsters, composed of the separated products of heat death, is far more destructive than other monsters.

Considering that the combat department of the Countermeasures Bureau was a group of crazy people who put their mission first, Bell decisively chose to give in.

"There is no way to deal with the Balrog."

Bell explained hesitantly: "Actually, there was a strange thing in the shape of a necklace that was sent together with the sedimentation separation from the heat death core.

I heard that this is insurance specially prepared for experiments. It can greatly reduce the damage of the created Balrog and imprison the Balrog to a certain extent. "

Yang Xingguo felt happy, but then he asked in surprise: "Then why did it cause an experimental accident?"

Bell's heart skipped a beat, like a student who was called into the office by his teacher after making a mistake.

After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and said directly: "Because when the experiment had an accident, Director Als did not wear the strange object, and did not even take it out of the transport box."

Is this another tragedy caused by not conducting experiments according to the experimental requirements...

"What's the reason?" Yang Xingguo asked expressionlessly.

"Director Als's erosion level is already close to the warning line. If we continue to use this powerful strange substance that can suppress the precipitation of separation in the heat death core, it is likely to cause irreparable damage to the spirit.

Except for Director Als, no one else in the laboratory has the authority to use strange objects. Director Als was worried about his corrosiveness, so he took it upon himself not to wear the strange objects...

Judging from the experimental data transmitted by the headquarters, as long as the experimental steps are followed completely, there is no possibility of losing control, which is why Director Als is so confident. "

After listening to Bell's explanation, Yang Xingguo, even though he didn't understand the strange experiment, finally understood the cause of the accident.

"Where is Als now?" Yang Xingguo asked.

Bell's mouth couldn't help but twitch: "When the Balrog lost control, Director Als was the closest to the Balrog..."

Bell put it more euphemistically: Als is everywhere and has become one with the air.

"Except for Als, is there no one else in the base who has the authority to use strange objects?"

The more Yang Xingguo thought about it, the more confused he became. There were special items to suppress the Fire Demon puppets, but no one thought of using them.

"...our place

You may not understand the rules of the branch. Generally, only people in the experimental area can hold the authority of the experimental area.

Moreover, every experiment in the experimental area is confidential. Even the ministers of other departments do not know any of the experiments we conduct without actively informing them. "

Just when Bell explained the reason to Yang Xingguo, Yang Xingguo's enhanced ears captured the movement in the distance.

The scattered and gentle footsteps were extremely obvious in the deserted experimental area.

Yang Xingguo raised his hand and covered Bell's mouth, signaling him to silence.

Steady footsteps moved from far to near, slowly moving in the direction of the two of them.

Yang Xingguo held his breath and concentrated, trying to judge how many monsters there were by the sound of footsteps.

Everyone steps at a different speed and rhythm.

As long as you find the rhythm of the other party's steps, and then divide them based on the footsteps that sound within a period of time, you can roughly calculate how many people are coming from the other party.

But as he listened, Yang Xingguo was confused.

Such a chaotic pace requires at least two people to walk out.

But based on the number of steps and the time interval between them, it seemed like there was only one person.

"Maybe it's an aberration."

Bell, an insider, explained in a low voice: "The Balrog broke out of control and penetrated several warehouses, one of which was used to store the test objects in the experiment of strange objects corroding antibodies.

Their bodies are deformed under the strange influence, which may be a bit strange. "

At this time, footsteps had arrived in the corridor at the entrance of the laboratory.

Yang Xingguo didn't want to hear the other party give him basic science knowledge. He only cared about one question: "Are these aberrations easy to deal with?"

This question made Bell dumbfounded: "You don't know about aberrations?"

"I only recently joined the organization."

Yang Xingguo realized that he might have made a common-sense mistake here, and explained to himself: "This is my first time on a mission."

"Oh, no wonder."

Bell suddenly realized.

With the authority, he did not doubt Yang Xingguo's identity.

"Those aberrations, apart from being a bit unappetizing in appearance, have basically no fighting power. As long as they can overcome their mental obstacles, even ordinary people with weapons can solve them."

As Bell was talking, the aberration had appeared at the door.

Yang Xingguo looked over and almost vomited.

As a criminal police officer, he often dealt with murders, and he had seen many corpses chopped into pieces and packed in boxes.

But the aberrant body in front of him is no longer as simple as blood.

Two heads, three legs, four arms, and eight mouths.

The head on the neck turned into a mouthpart similar to that of a lamprey, and the barb-shaped teeth continued to move as the mouthparts opened and closed.

The second face located on the chest is densely covered with compound eyes of different sizes, which are currently moving around.

The palms at the end of two of the four arms turned into two wash dishes like toilet pegs, which were firmly attached to the wall when they entered the room.

The other two arms growing on the flanks were sharp claws and awls turned into bones.

It may be a bit unbelievable to say that the only thing that looks like a human in the aberration in front of you is its three legs.

Yang Xingguo couldn't help but turned his head and glanced at Bell, who put on his protective clothing again without changing his expression, picked up a shield and syringe and rushed forward.

His brave posture is completely different from before.

Chapter 141 The Cause of the Accident

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