The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 280 Directed Teleportation

A scientific research base of the Countermeasures Bureau.

Yue Yangyan left the office and came to the testing ground on the lowest level.

Wearing a white coat, he slowly walked to a circular device similar to a platform.

At this time, two men in armor stopped Yue Yangyan: "Doctor, you'd better wait for us to confirm that there is no danger before coming down. After all, our opponents this time are..."

"If even me is really affected, then no one in this base can leave alive."

Yue Yangyan ignored the guards' obstruction and went straight to the directional transmission device.

The two armor users looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Having said that, no one wants the pillar of the countermeasures bureau to be the first to face danger.

However, Yue Yangyan would not change his mind because of their worries.

Yue Yangyan raised his arm and glanced at the microcomputer on his wrist: "Calculating the time, it should be almost..."

Buzz buzz...

The teleporter suddenly activated and glowed faintly blue.

The activation of the device was like a signal. Except for Yue Yangyan, all scientific researchers evacuated the test site immediately and returned to the upper command room.

All that are left in the testing ground are fusion warriors and some weird armor users with special abilities.

As the blue light became more dazzling, a piercing scream began to emit from inside the circular device, which was definitely not something humans could emit.

And the scream stopped abruptly when the blue light reached its peak.

Yue Yangyan was not affected by the blue light at all, and stared at the transmission device without blinking.

After the blue light dissipated, a black spherical object could be seen floating slowly on the stage.

Yue Yangyan walked to the transmission device and operated on the console.


A sound similar to a pneumatic valve on a bus sounded, and the invisible barrier on the directional transmission device was touched.

Yue Yangyan raised his hand slightly, and the black spherical object floated into his hand as if it was conscious.

Except for Yue Yangyan himself, everyone stared at the black ball in his hand as if facing a formidable enemy.

Because this black ball is nothing else, it is a strange armor called heat death that can evaporate a continent.

No matter how strong the base's defense facilities are, they can't withstand this level of weirdness.

Once this thing goes wild, forget about this base.

Whether the city where the base is located can still remain on the map is a matter of debate.

Nuclear weapons only bulldoze an area, while heat death directly creates a sinkhole with a radius of hundreds or even thousands of kilometers!

Except for the same level of combat power, no one, including the apostles, could survive the heat death rampage.

"Don't be so nervous. Its energy has been exhausted and it won't pose any threat."

Yue Yangyan put the heat death armor core in his hands and weighed it, as if what he was holding was not some destructive weapon, but an apple casually taken from the fruit bowl.

Although this was said, everyone present did not relax their vigilance.

This is the same as an ordinary person lying next to a wild tiger.

No matter how full the tiger is, he will still be afraid when he should be afraid.

Yue Yangyan was too lazy to say anything, so he stuffed the core into a suitcase and continued to wait for the next batch of transmissions.

Not long after, the directional transmission device lit up with blue light again, and an even shriller scream came from inside the device than before.

It's as if this thing is not a steel mechanical creation, but some kind of living thing.

After a short and rapid scream, three figures appeared on the directional transmission device.

It was Xia Qiyuan, Zhou Tian, ​​and the unconscious Jin Pingan.

But this time Yue Yangyan did not open the barrier immediately, but carefully checked the status of the three people.

Yue Yangyan said in a calm tone: "Zhuan Ling and Zhou Tian, ​​please come down first and leave Jin Pingan behind."

Zhou Tian glanced at Jin Pingan in her hand in confusion.

She didn't understand why Yue Yangyan deliberately kept this guy.

However, as long as it is Yue Yangyan's order, no matter how outrageous it is, the people in the Countermeasures Bureau will obey it unconditionally.

Zhou Tian didn't think much, and decisively threw the person on the transmission device, and jumped off alone.

Xia Qiyuan walked to Yue Yangyan and asked, "Is there something wrong with this kid?"

Yue Yangyan didn't sell it, and simply explained: "His memory and consciousness were modified twice, and it is certain that one of them was done by the Thousand Faces Man."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present showed a more serious look than when the Heat Death Armor was teleported before.

Some armor users even took half a step back subconsciously. When they came to their senses, their first reaction was to leave their last words.

The shadow of a famous tree. If we were to rank the Countermeasures Bureau's fear list, the man with a thousand faces would be at the top of the list.

Although the heat death armor is terrifying, it is still controllable.

But those who were driven crazy by the Thousand-Faced Man's mental bomb would go to sea.

Xia Qiyuan did not question Yue Yangyan's judgment.

In terms of weirdness, Yue Yangyan is a professional.

After Xia Qiyuan, a top combat power, returned as a spirit, Yue Yangyan waved away all security personnel, including the group of people observing in the command room, and turned off all surveillance videos.

The mental pollution of the Thousand-Faced Man is all-round pollution from vision, hearing, mental perception, and even touch.

Even outside the contamination range of the mental bomb, as long as you have no contamination resistance, you will go crazy watching a video.

This pollution personality is comparable to those indescribable mythical creatures.

Hearing the psychic bomb, every combat member in the entire countermeasures bureau was terrified.

Xia Qiyuan walked to Yue Yangyan: "Has the Thousand Faces Man planted a spiritual bomb in his head?"

"No, I just sensed the aura of Thousand Faces Man, but it's always better to be on the safe side."

After everyone evacuated, Yue Yangyan personally dragged Jin Pingan from the directional transmission device: "Anyway, in the end Jin Pingan was either taken away by the disciples or by us.

The spiritual bomb has no lethality on the apostles, and the Thousand-Faced Man can deactivate it at any time. If you install one in his mind, the apostles will not suffer any loss. "

Hearing what Yue Yangyan said, Xia Qiyuan used his mental ability and raised his hand to completely seal the test site.

"As long as I'm here, there's no need to go to great lengths to remove everyone, right?"

Xia Qiyuan folded his arms and said, "Fusion warriors will not be affected by mental bombs. What do you want to say to me when you push everyone away?"

"Haha, so smart."

Yue Yangyan pointed at the unconscious Jin Pingan and said, "Jin Pingan's abilities are somewhat similar to Gao Bin. I want you to take him."

"That's all you want to say?" Xia Qiyuan asked.

Yue Yangyan paused slightly: "I promised Han Wenshan to help him keep Jin Ping'an's backtracking ability a secret, so..."


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