The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 261 The Real Janus

Ai Liang's explanation left Fang Donghai speechless.

It was indeed his own fault for believing the words of the Thousand-Faced Man, and no one else could blame him.

"That it really me?"

Jin Pingan opened the safety of the pistol with a certain determination on his face.

If Jin Pingan was told at this time that he was indeed Janus, this stubborn person would definitely shoot himself immediately.

You look so stupid and you still want to be the mastermind?

Ai Liang cursed unceremoniously: "Are you an idiot?"

Ai Liang pointed at Fang Donghai, who was restrained and unable to move: "This guy was deceived all over the place. Others sold him and he even helped others count their money. Do you believe his lies?"

Fang Donghai was about to retort, but when he thought about it, Ai Liang was absolutely right.

I was completely listening to the Thousand Faces Man's orders unilaterally.

Since the Thousand-Faced Man has been deceiving himself, how true are his words?

Fang Donghai carefully recalled all the conversations he had with Thousand Faces Man.

As he thought about it, Fang Donghai became increasingly chilled.

The Thousand-Faced Man never admitted that Jin Pingan was Janus.

There’s no such thing as cheating, because everything was made up by my own mind.

The Man with a Thousand Faces just didn't deny it.

This guy keeps playing word games with himself!

Can a dagger kill Jin Pingan?

Of course! How can an ordinary person survive if he stabs himself?

Killing Janus will ensure that Fang Xinlei's legs return to normal?

Of course I can guarantee that I won’t be able to kill him anyway!

After thinking about everything, Fang Donghai began to fall into despair.

Everything he did was in vain, and those people didn't care about his and Fang Xinlei's life or death at all.

Fang Donghai looked at Jin Pingan beside him.

He found that the only thing he could do now was to ask Jin Pingan to take care of Fang Xinlei.

Otherwise, how would a girl with inconvenient legs and feet, an awkward personality, and the loss of her parents live?

"The hermit is right, I am just a fool who was fooled around."

Fang Donghai looked at Jin Pingan with pleading eyes: "I killed Cheng Lejia, and my life is at your disposal, but I beg you to take care of me..."

'I am coming. ’

A sudden voice sounded in Ai Liang's mind.

This is Xia Qiyuan using the engraving to convey news to him.

"Who told you that Cheng Lejia is dead?"

Ai Liang stopped talking nonsense to delay time. He directly interrupted Fang Donghai's behavior of asking for help: "He is still alive and well."

This time both of them were stunned.

Every time Ai Liang opens his mouth, he will reveal important information.

This makes their emotions go up and down like a roller coaster.

Jin Ping'an, who had not yet had time to come out of his sadness, almost fainted with a mixture of sadness and joy when he heard that Cheng Lejia was still alive.

He immediately grabbed Ai Liang's arm and asked loudly: "Le Jia is still alive?! Where is he?!"

Ai Liang brushed away Jin Pingan's palm and distanced himself from him: "He is right here."

"Right here? What...means...meaning..."

Jin Pingan seemed to realize something as he spoke, and his voice gradually decreased until he lost his voice.

Fang Donghai's expression was equally astonished.

Gu Nao

He was sure and certain that he had broken Cheng Lejia's neck, but why did the hermit say that Cheng Lejia was still alive?


Ai Liang looked at Jin Pingan, and he was ready to look at Jin Pingan's abdomen: "It's time to come out after watching the excitement for so long. Do you still want me to invite you?"

Jin Pingan saw Ai Liang looking at him, so he said, "What are you talking about... ugh!"

Before he finished speaking, the severe pain in his abdomen forced Jin Ping'an to kneel to the ground.

He felt something gathering from his limbs toward his abdomen.

"It's really boring. Can't you just wait for them to talk?"

An extremely familiar voice to Jin Pingan came from his abdomen.



Black liquid spurted out from Jin Ping'an's abdomen and gradually transformed into a dagger.

Fang Donghai's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. This dagger was the same one that pierced Jin Ping'an's abdomen before!

But now the dagger seemed to have spirituality, and it circled around Jin Ping'an in a humane manner.

The dagger came to the open space aside, and in the astonished expressions of the two people, it melted back into "liquid" and continued to expand, and finally turned into a person they were very familiar with.

Ai Liang took a half step back with a hint of disgust, keeping his distance from Janus.

Transform yourself into a mini dagger and burrow into someone else's body.

Ai Liang felt uncomfortable just thinking about this kind of thing.

After his body was stable, Cheng Lejia pretended to be in a casual outfit, and greeted the two of them with a smile: "Hey, it's been a long time... It's not too long, it seems like it's less than two days?"

Jin Pingan covered his abdomen. The moment he saw Cheng Lejia, he felt a biting chill that seemed to freeze the blood all over his body.

Face the fear of the unknown and the despairing scenario.

Under the double blow, Jin Pingan hoped that Fang Donghai's conjecture was true.

Because in that case, he only needs to commit suicide to solve all the problems without having to face the cruel truth that follows.

"Dr. Fang, don't mention it for now... Ping An, you don't seem very happy to see me?"

Cheng Lejia, or Janus, smiled and walked in the direction of Jin Pingan.

As soon as he took a step, a sharp voice made him stop.

"Stop! What on earth are you?!" Jin Pingan pointed his gun at Cheng Lejia.


Cheng Lejia crossed his arms and frowned, saying, "You were so crazy when my fake body died, and you were heartbroken when you woke up this morning.

Now you see me alive and ask me what I am. This kind of talk is really sad, my dear friend."

Jin Pingan's finger was on the trigger: "Who are you?!"

Cheng Lejia put one hand on his chest and bowed slightly: "As you can see, I am Jin Pingan's best friend, the heir of Shengjia Group, and the master of Song Jie and Hu Yingshao."

"In addition, I have an insignificant little identity."

Cheng Lejia narrowed his eyes, solidified the surrounding space with his ability, and sat on it: "Janus, the space ability apostle codenamed 'Disciple' in the Apostle Society."

Jin Pingan didn't understand what Cheng Lejia was saying at all.

He never thought that Cheng Lejia was also a person with special abilities.

Jin Pingan looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure sitting on the space door from a distance.

The muzzle pointing at the other party trembled slightly.

Cheng Lejia sighed and shook his head: "Don't point a gun at me. Although this thing is just a toy, I will be very sad if you point a gun at me."


Before Jin Pingan finished speaking, Cheng Lejia clapped his hands: "Oh, by the way, I don't think I have explained what happened the night before yesterday."

Cheng Lejia jumped down and stomped on the ground with his feet. A "human" figure slowly emerged from the concrete floor.


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