The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 246 Countermeasure Bureau

If nothing else, from the fact that the Countermeasures Bureau has used Gao Bin as a super-sensory tool for so many years, we can roughly tell what kind of organization this is.

They are simply a group of people who are dedicated wholeheartedly to dealing with weird and crazy people.

"Forget it about joining the Countermeasures Bureau. My desire for the truth is not that great yet."

Ai Liang politely declined Xia Qiyuan's invitation.

Faced with the unabashed atmosphere of resistance emanating from Ai Liang's surroundings, Xia Qiyuan thought for a few seconds and immediately understood the crux of the matter.

"Isn't it because you read Gao Bin's memories that you reject the Countermeasures Bureau?"

Ai Liang glanced at him: "Yes and no."

Gee, you are too petty.

Xia Qiyuan said something to Ai Liang deep in his heart.

Then he said seriously: "Gao Bin has a special reason, so he is treated specially. We still cherish talents with weird and adaptable physiques."

"An uncontrolled mental ability person running around in the Asian League is too harmful and must be included in the monitoring scope." Ai Liang translated Xia Qiyuan's words at the same time.

Xia Qiyuan raised his eyebrows vigorously: "How could that be? You were our ally when we dealt with the disciples. How could we attack our ally?"

Xia Qiyuan's words are very spiritual.

It seems that he is explaining to Ai Liang that the countermeasures bureau has no malicious intent, but in fact it is hinting to Ai Liang that after the disciples are dealt with, the countermeasures bureau will target him.

Otherwise, there would be no need to add the qualifier “when dealing with the disciples.”

"Thank you for reminding me." Ai Liang looked at Xia Qiyuan with a strange look: "It seems that the inside of your countermeasures bureau is not monolithic."

Xia Qiyuan said loudly: "How is it possible! We are all on a united front against the weird. We will exchange opinions with each other candidly and calmly, so as to jointly formulate a series of action plans, and ultimately guide multiple feasible research goals and research plans. , and based on this progress, various research results are obtained. When different voices appear within the group, we will carefully provide supplements and suggestions to its policies to achieve common ground while reserving differences, and find more ways to enable both parties to work together, and all parties will make appropriate decisions. Concession allows the plan to be implemented and ultimately a solution that satisfies everyone.”

Ai Liang is no longer the newbie who didn't understand anything when he first debuted.

Faced with Xia Qiyuan's words, he quickly extracted the key points: "It seems that there are indeed different voices within you."

Xia Qiyuan looked at the night sky with his eyes: "I have never said this."

The killings in the villa are coming to an end.

Mask jumped out of the window on the second floor and escaped into the darkness.

Ai Liang straightened up from the branch: "Stretch out your hand."

Xia Qiyuan stretched out his gloved right hand very cooperatively.

Ai Liang didn't waste any time and made an engraving on the gloves on the spot: "When you need to contact me, just activate the engraving. The engraving will be automatically destroyed after three uses. Use it again after you have thought about it."

Ai Liang's engraving is not a bunch of fancy patterns like the Thousand-Faced Man, his engraving only has a simple circle.

Xia Qiyuan looked at the dark red circle in his hand with interest: "So it seems like that guy Mus has run away?"

"Yes." Ai Liang did not hide the news about Muskerun.

And in front of Xia Qiyuan, he couldn't hide it from each other.

"This guy is still as cowardly as ever. Calculating the time, he should leave Qianhua City by now?"

Gu Chao

Xia Qiyuan sighed, and then explained with a smile: "Don't look at me like that, I met this guy before you. According to his personality, he must be using a fake identity to book air tickets or train tickets to various places every day. .

However, I can filter out people who frequently buy tickets but do not pick up tickets, and lock in his fake identity. After all, no matter how cowardly he is, he cannot prepare thousands of fake identities.

You only need to identify the people who have recently collected tickets from among his hundreds of fake identities, and you should be able to find out where he is going. "

Xia Qiyuan used a joking tone and said words that could make Mu Si's hair stand on end.

"You are as difficult as ever." Ai Liang commented on this.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

Xia Qiyuan narrowed his eyes and said cheerfully: "Don't worry, for your sake, I won't do anything to him."

"Even if you want to do something to him, you may not be able to find him. With the engraved Mus, you have many more ways to hide yourself than before."

Ai Liang jumped off the branch and came to the ground: "Let me ask, when do you plan to officially launch the operation?"

"Within this month." Xia Qiyuan replied: "The Countermeasures Bureau is currently deploying the space blockade device. Once the devices are installed, the official launch of the operation will be held."

"I see."

Ai Liang finally looked back at the mask, and then disappeared into the night.

Xia Qiyuan looked at the direction where Ai Liang disappeared, raised his right hand and looked at the engraving on the glove: "He can even make the engraving of the Thousand-Faced Man... It seems that his ability is stronger than what you expected, doctor."

A voice sounded from the communication channel of Xia Qiyuan's armor.

"The production of the engraving itself is not difficult. It is essentially no different from those artificial weird objects we create. What is difficult is maintaining the spiritual connection attached to the engraving."

Xia Qiyuan sensed the spiritual link inside the engraving that belonged to Ai Liang.

Just the remaining mental power is stronger than the director of the Countermeasures Bureau: "To be able to do this...could the Hermit be a Thousand-Faced Man in disguise?"

Yue Yangyan paused and said: "... Don't worry, the hermit is not a man with a thousand faces, I can be sure of this."

Xia Qiyuan asked: "Don't you know the hermit before?"

"Can you please stop being tricked when talking to your own people? Just ask whatever you want to ask."

Yue Yangyan said aggrievedly: "I don't know the Hermit, but don't forget that I know the Thousand-Faced Man."

Yue Yangyan's innocent tone made Xia Qiyuan feel chills.

"Okay! Okay! Can you speak normally!"

In Xia Qiyuan's eyes, including himself, when it comes to intrigues, no one in the entire Asian League can outsmart the actual person in charge of the countermeasures bureau.

Hidden beneath his cheerful smile is a cold, ruthless monster who treats everything without any personal feelings.

Yue Yangyan immediately changed his tone: "Okay, before starting the siege plan, remember to prepare an extra storage container.

Although the Hermit will definitely not use his true body to participate in our plan, it would be nice to capture a spiritual puppet, just to see if we can reverse the Thousand-Faced Man's puppet technology. "

Xia Qiyuan held his forehead with one hand and felt a headache: "You have to force someone to win over us and force us to be on the opposite side?"

Yue Yangyan ordered unceremoniously: "I have my plan, you just need to execute it according to my plan."


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