The Monster I Was Redeemed

Chapter 182 The Eve of the Joint Entrance Examination

Ai Liang cut off the link after a few simple instructions.

With how afraid of death Mus was, he reminded him that this job was enough.

Even if he doesn't explain the specific situation, he will combine all the factors that can be taken into consideration, imagine every outcome, and then find countermeasures based on the worst one.

He is professional when it comes to saving lives.

Go to work or go to school.

Day after day, the days always pass quickly.

The end of October has arrived in the blink of an eye.

In a few days, it will be the day of the National College Entrance Examination.

The students in the key class were discussing this enthusiastically.

They were not discussing study issues, but how the teacher planned to arrange a three-day and two-night trip to Nevada City after passing the joint entrance examination.

After all, they are a group of teenagers, so it is normal for them to be excited about group travel.

"Ahem, be quiet."

Yu Xin knocked on the table to interrupt the excited crowd.

At the same time, he glanced at Cheng Lejia.

The students in key classes only know that the joint entrance examination will be held around the beginning of November, but it is already the end of November, and there is still no news from the school.

The students in the key classes were very disappointed and complained about the joint entrance examination and travel mentioned by Yu Xin at the beginning of the school year.

But just last night, news came from the boys' dormitory.

The day after tomorrow, that is, the weekend, they will take the school bus to stay at a hotel in Nevada City, and the multi-school joint examination will officially begin next Tuesday.

The information was heard from a certain "big detective" in the school, that is, Jin Big Mouth Zi Ping'an, from the monitor. It is absolutely accurate and reliable.

The whole class group immediately exploded.

Most of the night, the whole class had a heated discussion in Class 2 without a teacher, and then joined forces to go to Class 1 to bombard them with information, going crazy @with the teacher.

The final result was that everyone was silenced, and Cheng Lejia, the squad leader, was verbally criticized by Yu Xin.

Jin Pingan was lying on the dormitory bed, apologizing to his good friend with an awkward smile.

However, the discussion in Group 2 was still very heated.

"The school originally planned to inform you about the joint entrance examination tomorrow. Now that you know everything, I'll tell you in advance."

When the class calmed down, Yu Xin began to explain the precautions for the joint entrance examination.

"You don't have to study at night tomorrow night. You can go back to your dormitory and prepare a change of clothes for the week. Our school bus will leave on time at eight o'clock on Sunday morning and is expected to arrive at the hotel booked by the school at noon.

The two days this weekend and next Monday are equivalent to letting you adapt to the climate and environment of Neihua City in advance to see if there will be any acclimatization.

Everyone should try to stay in the room and review independently. If there is anything that needs to be discussed, just discuss it in the group. It is forbidden to go out and change rooms. "

“The joint entrance examination only tests six main subjects. The examination is divided into three days, starting from next Tuesday morning and continuing until next Thursday. The examination content covers all the knowledge in the textbooks of the first year of high school.

This joint entrance examination is jointly held by our Qianhua Experimental Middle School and Neihua Experimental Middle School. We don’t expect you to get good results, but you must at least pass in terms of face. "

After finishing the exam-related content, the students in the class still looked at Yu Xin expectantly.

It's like being an animal in a zoo and seeing the keeper at mealtime.

Yu Xin knew what everyone in the class was thinking, and he had no intention of showing off: "The school has booked a hotel suite for you for a whole week.

After the exam on Thursday, teachers and tour guides will take you on a three-day and two-night sightseeing trip in Neihua City. You will pack your things and take the school bus back to school on the weekend afternoon. "

"oh oh!!!"

"Hahaha! Great!"

"After holding it in for so long, I finally have a chance to have some fun!"

I don't know who took the lead in the class and screamed strangely, and the whole class instantly fell into a sea of ​​cheers.

For those who pass the class ahead of schedule, it is like the key class of 996 screw-driving work in an electronics factory.

The excitement of a three-day and two-night trip to a different place far exceeds the monthly scholarship of 1,000 yuan.

After all, I am in school all day long, and I don’t even have time to have a good meal outside the school or go shopping to buy clothes.

The only half-day holiday on the weekend was held back by trivial matters such as laundry and cleaning.

In addition to their daily expenses, they can only buy some gadgets online. If they have money, they can only wait until winter and summer vacations before they have a chance to spend it.

What's more, there is no scholarship in the first month. The scholarship is only officially distributed from the second month after enrollment.

It is estimated that the school wanted to save some money by taking the test.

Humph, his heart can be killed.

Fortunately, the October scholarships will be credited to the bank cards of key class students in early November.

It happened to provide activity funds for this trip, so that some students who did not have a lot of money could only enjoy the scenery and have no money to spend.

Seeing that the discussion was getting more and more intense, Yu Xin couldn't help but knock on the table: "Okay, I want to discuss this matter. Let's go back to the dormitory after school to discuss it. For now, we should focus on class.

The reason why I plan to inform you again tomorrow is because I am worried that you will be impatient and unable to learn. "

Someone in the class didn't know who answered: "It's hard to have a break to breathe, how can you not be excited!"

Yu Xin showed his signature sly smile: "Don't worry, there will be a tourism event every year."

Saying this at this time is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire and stimulating students' emotions.

The people in the class cheered even more.

However, everything is afraid of twists and turns, and anything before the word ‘but’ can basically be treated as bullshit.

"But there's one thing you have to remember."

As expected, Yu Xin changed his tone and continued in an indifferent tone: "It's true that travel happens every year, but if you fail the joint entrance examination this time and the average score gap is too big...

There will definitely be no extra trips. As for whether there will be any travel activities during my sophomore and senior years of high school, I’m not sure. "

Yu Xin spread his hands.

His two words were like pouring a pot of alcohol on the fire and then pouring half a bucket of liquid nitrogen.

Everyone's excitement was immediately dampened by the cold words.

And except for a few students in the class, almost everyone turned their attention to Jin Pingan, who was in the bottom row.

The latter was dozing off due to lack of sleep in the past few days.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, his wild intuition awakened him from his sleep.

"Why are you all looking at me?"

Jin Pingan muttered in a low voice, feeling extremely guilty.

Logically speaking, this is not the first time that I have fallen asleep in class, and the teacher usually doesn't care. Why are you looking at me today?

Jin Pingan was very puzzled.

Damn it!

The students around him all looked at Jin Ping'an with hateful eyes.

There is a sleeping Arhat in the class. Can he still get an average score?

Yu Xin originally just said a few words of praise, but the student's eyes reminded him that there was also a talented (disabled) boy in the class who was difficult to save.


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