Start with the video call connected.

Yue Qihua has been pretending to be calm and not letting herself show any expression.

She wanted to maintain this attitude until she hung up the phone.

But Yang Xingyue's words "Huahua and I knitted it ourselves" directly broke Yue Qihua's defense.

After all, teenage girls are not the kind of strong women who appear to be the same as they are in society.

Yue Qihua is very cheerful on weekdays.

But in private, the layer of window paper between her and Ai Liang was just a touch off.

Yue Qihua had already shown her tender side on the day Ai Liang left Neihua.

Therefore, it is difficult to maintain the previous image in front of the sweetheart.

More importantly!

Yue Qihua often said in the past that she could not understand the meaning of knitting a scarf by hand and giving it to her sweetheart.

‘If you have the time, wouldn’t it be the same to just buy one? ’

Yue Qihua said.

And now...

Looking at the scarf and gloves that Ai Liang knitted on his hands in the video, he recalled what he had said before.

Yue Qihua wished she could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

She has never been as embarrassed as she is now in more than ten years.

Since buying wool, Yue Qihua has fantasized about traveling through time and space and going back to the past more than once, covering her mouth.

Turning the camera to the other side can certainly hide your gaffe.

But at most it can be concealed for a while, and sooner or later the phone will have to be turned back.

Yue Qihua took a deep breath and turned the phone back.

To cover up her embarrassment, she began to change the subject.

"Xiaoxiao and Ma Yu went on a date, so we may not be able to contact them today. The keyboard and mouse were given by Ma Yu, and the facial cleanser was given by Xiaoxiao..."

"I thought the keyboard and mouse were given by you."

To be honest, I heard that Yue Qihua also participated in the knitting of scarves and gloves.

Ai Liang was really surprised.

He originally thought that the keyboard and mouse were given by Yue Qihua, so Fang Xiaoxiao and Ma Yu pooled their money together to buy a facial cleanser set.

The more surprised Ai Liang was, the more embarrassed Yue Qihua was.

"...Can't I give you something else?"

Yue Qihua broke the jar and said: "Don't you think I am an Internet addicted girl?"

However, as soon as the words came out of her mouth, Yue Qihua regretted them.

She felt that her tone was a little too excited.

It is said that the IQ of girls in love will drop significantly.

Facts have proved...that is absolutely correct.

Yue Qihua always thinks over what she says in her mind.

Never before have I blurted out my words without thinking like this.

"Pretty much. At least you don't have any idol baggage."

Ai Liang nodded and confirmed her statement.

This made Yue Qihua even more frustrated.

"Ai Liang, don't say that to Huahua. In order to knit gloves, Huahua takes time to learn knitting skills every day."

Yang Xingyue unceremoniously revealed Yue Qihua's shortcomings: "In the first month of school, she has been watching videos on textile-related techniques during class breaks.

On weekends, she rarely even played games. Whenever she had free time, she would practice with knitting needles. However, when she first started knitting, her knitting was terrible. "


Yue Qihua yelled in shame and anger, and raised her hand to cover Yang Xingyue's mouth.

Gu Ke has already said almost everything that should be said, and it doesn't make any difference whether he covers it up or not.

Ai Liang put down his scarf and smiled: "Thank you, I like it very much."

Ai Liang's extremely calm mood infected Yue Qihua on the other side of the video.

She said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I originally wanted to celebrate your birthday in person, but my grandpa is always worried that Xingyue and I will have an accident and won't let us go far away."

Ai Liang comforted him: "It doesn't matter, I don't really like birthdays either."

Ai Liang's birthday has been very deserted since childhood.

It's not that the family doesn't take his birthday seriously.

When Ai Liang was very young, Feng Chengfu held a birthday party for him.

It's just that Ai Liang hates social banquets where people come and go.

There will be no second time.

Ai Liang has such a precocious personality that he never complains even if no one celebrates his birthday with him.

Ai Zhe and Feng Yue saw that their children were so mature and sensible, and they were busy with work, so over time they neglected the birthday celebration.

In addition, Ai Zhe and Feng Yue have been in conflict for more than ten years, and it is even more impossible for them to take time to celebrate Ai Liang's birthday together.

Usually, they prepare birthday gifts in advance and ask the nanny to deliver them.

For example, this year, except for the New Year, the only time Ai Liang saw the two of them together was the day he left Neihua.

"Just because you don't like it now doesn't mean you won't like it in the future."

Yang Xingyue suddenly interrupted: "I will make you like celebrating birthdays in the future!"

Yang Xingyue was talking about celebrating her birthday, but both Ai Liang and Yue Qihua heard another meaning in her words.

Yue Qihua's first reaction was to escape.

Although Yang Xingyue has been using it, the two of them dated Ai Liang to brainwash Yue Qihua.

But Yue Qihua also has her own values, and it is impossible for her to accept Yang Xingyue's ideas in just a few months.

But there must be no room left to reject Yang Xingyue's idea of ​​the three of them dating together.

She was undecided again.

Because once he rejects this proposal, his relationship with Yang Xingyue will inevitably change.

So Yue Qihua had to take advantage of this to maintain the relationship between the three of them.

This kind of ambivalence has caused Yue Qihua to always be hesitant.

In addition to being shy, this is another main reason why she has been avoiding Ai Liang.

"Let's talk about the future later."

Ai Liang, on the other hand, showed little interest in Yang Xingyue's words.

However, he always had a paralyzed expression on his face, and there was no difference in his expression from before.

Seeing that Ai Liang was avoiding the matter, Yang Xingyue quickly changed the subject: "By the way, Ai Liang, has your teacher told you about the joint entrance examination?"

Ai Liang shook his head: "We have a holiday right after the final exam on Friday. I heard from others that the head teacher taught it in the night self-study, but I didn't go to class."

"I heard from our head teacher that the exam venue for this joint entrance exam for key classes has been decided, and it's our school."

Yang Xingyue was very excited: "The joint entrance examination is at the beginning of next month. I heard that you will come at the end of this month. Is it true?"


Ai Liang doesn't care much about exam issues.

He had seen others discussing it in the class group before, but he was not sure whether it was at this time.

Yang Xingyue clapped her hands happily: "Great! We will have a day off before the joint entrance examination. Let's go out and play together then!"

Yue Qihua held her forehead and sighed: "Xingyue, Ai Liang and the others are acting as a group, and the teacher may not let him out yet."

"But Ai Liang is a local." Yang Xingyue said aggrievedly.

"It doesn't matter that you're not a local at all. Have you forgotten? Ai Liang's class has very strict management."

Yue Qihua warned Yang Xingyue with a serious expression: "Don't embarrass Ai Liang."

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